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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 47 Armed Dragon

“I’ll cover two more cards. The round is over.” You Yong drew two cards from his hand and covered them in the magic trap area.

“It’s my turn again, draw a card!” Principal Ichize drew a card from the deck, then sneered and said to You Yong:

“You can destroy my ‘Armed Dragon LV3’ without being able to attack in the first round. I’ll admit it for now.”

“But if you think this can stop my armed dragon combo, you are a little too naive.”

Principal Ichize then waved his hand and shouted sternly:

“During my preparation phase, activate the trap card, Cry of the Living Dead!”

“This card can Special Summon 1 monster in your Graveyard in attack position. When this card leaves the field, that monster is destroyed. When that monster is destroyed, this card is destroyed.”

“Based on the effect of this card, I will special summon the ‘Armed Dragon LV3’ in the graveyard that was destroyed by the Thunder Giant last turn!”

A cover card on Principal Ichize’s field was flipped over, and it turned out to be “Cry of the Living Dead”. This trap card began to emit a strange light after it was opened.

Later, under the influence of the trap’s effectiveness, the “Armed Dragon LV3” sleeping in the cemetery was awakened, fluttering its mini wings and reappearing on the field in attack mode.

[Armed Dragon LV3, attack power: 1200]

After seeing the defeated “Armed Dragon LV3” reappear on his field, Principal Ichize continued:

“The effect of Armed Dragon LV3 is to send this card on the field to the graveyard during your preparation phase. You can special summon 1 “Armed Dragon LV5″ from your hand or deck.”

“Now I send the ‘Armed Dragon LV3’ on the field to the graveyard, and special summon the more advanced form of the Armed Dragon from the deck – the Armed Dragon LV5!”

As Principal Ichize finished speaking, the “Armed Dragon LV3” on the field burst out with orange light.

After the light dissipated, the juvenile form of “Armed Dragon LV3” had disappeared, replaced by what Principal Ichize said was the more advanced form of the Armed Dragon – “Armed Dragon LV5”

Compared with the juvenile “Armed Dragon LV3”, the more advanced “Armed Dragon LV5” is undoubtedly larger.

The original yellow skin of “Armed Dragon LV3” has also changed to a more mature red, and many steel-like barbs have grown on its body. Coupled with the roar when it appears, the whole dragon looks more imposing.

[Armed Dragon LV5, attack power: 2400]

“Armed Dragon LV5…” You Yong was not too surprised when he saw that the other party had successfully summoned the Armed Dragon LV5. After all, Principal Ichize’s duelist level was not low at all.

You Yong just felt that the Thunder Giant he created by merging three-for-one losing cards would probably be unsustainable.

As expected, Principal Ichize, who had summoned “Armed Dragon LV5”, pushed up his glasses and continued:

“The armed dragon that has been upgraded to a stronger form has a more powerful ability. It can send 1 monster from the hand to the graveyard and destroy a monster on the opponent’s field that has a lower attack power than the monster I sent to the graveyard.”

“Huh?” Asano Yuna was a little confused at this time, and immediately said:

“Wouldn’t it be better to summon a monster with higher attack power directly? Why throw it away to destroy someone else’s monster with low attack power? Isn’t this effect useless?”

After hearing Asano Yuna’s words, Principal Ichize’s face darkened instantly, as if someone had stabbed him in a sore spot.

On the other side of the duel stage, Yu Yong also agreed with Asano Yuna’s words.

As Asano Yuna said, in this era where sacrifices are not needed, monsters with higher attack power can be directly summoned to defeat the opponent’s monster with low attack power.

This will not only cause combat damage, but also leave a big monster on your field. Why throw it away to destroy the monster with low attack power on the opponent’s field?

That is to say, it is somewhat useful when the monster on the opponent’s field has the resistance of “not being destroyed by battle”, but this kind of monster is still rare in the DM era.

In short, You Yong feels that the effect of “Armed Dragon LV5” is indeed quite good under the current rules. Unlike his Thunder Giant, there is no rule about what cards to throw.

But if you just think about it in your mind, why would you say it in battle? Doesn’t that remind the other party? Thinking about it, You Yong glanced at Asano Yuna in confusion.

However, Asano Yuna’s words did not change what Principal Ichinase was going to do next. After secretly sighing that the little girl really couldn’t speak, Principal Ichinase continued his operation with a dark face:

“Activate the effect of ‘Armed Dragon LV5’, discard the ‘Armed Dragon LV7’ with an attack power of 2800 in my hand, and destroy the ‘Elemental Hero Thunder Giant’ with an attack power of 2400 on your field!”

Seeing that the opponent still chose to activate the effect to destroy Yu Yong’s monster and did not summon the monster as he wanted, Asano Yuna felt a little disappointed.

And Yu Yong understood why Principal Ichize did this, because the “Armed Dragon LV7” card cannot be normally summoned, and can only be specially summoned through the upgrade of “Armed Dragon LV5”.

At this time, the “Armed Dragon LV5” on the field temporarily gained more power after sacrificing his more advanced form.

After roaring angrily, the steel barbs all over his body suddenly shot out, blasting away at the Thunder Giant.

The hero who controlled the thunder was helpless in the face of such a bombardment. After holding on for a while, he soon fell down amid the explosion.

“Well done, Ichinase.” Principal Samejima, who is Principal Ichinase’s teammate, praised him upon seeing this.

He felt that the armed dragon that his friend was so proud of had been “disparaged” by someone, and now he might need some encouragement, although he also felt that the little girl opposite was right…

Seeing that Yu Yong’s fusion monster was destroyed by the opponent, Asano Yuna glanced at Yu Yong with some worry, and Yu Yong’s face…

Completely expressionless.

In a duel, monsters will inevitably be defeated by the opponent. You Yong thinks this is normal, but it does make You Yong a little bit distressed that the Thunder Giant summoned by three-for-one was killed with one card.

Seeing that You Yong had no expression and looked very calm, Asano Yuuna felt a little relieved.

After using the effect of “Armed Dragon LV5” to destroy the Thunder Giant on the Yuyong field, Principal Ichize observed the monsters on the opponent’s field.

The little girl’s field is covered by an unknown monster, but the handsome boy’s field is covered by a blazing Flame Man with a defense of 1800, which will definitely not be able to withstand the attack of “Armed Dragon LV5”.

As a result, Principal Ichize quickly made up his mind, waved his hand, and directly entered the battle stage:

“It’s about time, ‘Armed Dragon LV5’ attacks the elemental hero, Flame Man, with a death collision!”

[Armed Dragon LV5, attack power: 2400]

[Elemental Hero: Flame Man, Defense: 1800]

After receiving the attack command, “Armed Dragon LV5” roared and dragged its huge body towards the Flame Man on the opposite side.

The Flame Man, with his small arms and short legs, would definitely not be able to withstand such an impact. If he was hit, he would be shattered to pieces.

At this moment, Asano Yuna turned over a cover card in his magic trap area and shouted:

“Activate Trap Card, Holy Shield-Reflector Power!!!”


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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