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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 70 Departure

After disposing of the package, You Yong returned to the rental house.

Alas, if I had known about these things, I would have gone back to the rental house to get some things before going to Jijiang’s shop.

It made me make one more trip, which was bad.

The next day, You Yong got up at six o’clock as usual and continued his trip to the Duel Hall, completely forgetting about the Duel Kingdom.

Anyway, everything that needs to be done has been done, and the next step is to develop well and prepare for the arrival of Duel City.

The rules of Duel City are much more complete, and there are many things that can be fixed.

School of play.

Everyone gathered around Xiao Biao’s seat.

“Hey, do you want to go by boat?” Xingzi asked.

“In other words, the finals will be held on a certain island?” Jonouchi said.

“Yes.” Xiaobiao replied, “One week later at 21:30. Departure from Tongshiye Pier.”

[You Yong: Huh? Did it actually take that long? (error)】

“An invitation to the kingdom?” Honda murmured as he looked at a card.

“Damn it, you can’t board the ship without an invitation?” Jonouchi said unhappily, “We really can’t help at all.”

“That’s right.” Kyoko agreed.

“It would be great if we could go too.” Honda said casually picking up two cards.

Looking at the card in his hand, Honda seemed to see something extraordinary, so he asked Xiaobiao:

“Hey, Yugi, this ‘Glory of the King’s Right Hand’ card has a huge bounty written on it!”

“Bounty!?” Jonouchi immediately became energetic.

“That is to say, the winner can get generous bonuses.” Xiao Biao explained.

“Let me see.” Jonouchi snatched the “Glory of the King’s Right Hand” card from Honda’s hand.

“It’s true.” Jonouchi said with light in his eyes.

“Inside the city…” Xiao Biao noticed something strange inside the city.

“A huge… bounty?” Jonouchi was still immersed in it.

“Jounouchi, what’s wrong with you?” Xiaobiao said as he looked at Jonouchi who came to the rooftop alone.

“Look, the sunset dyes the entire sky red.” Jonouchi looked at the setting sun and said, “Yugi, your chicken sauce taught me the soul of dueling, I am very grateful.”

“Chengouchi…” Xiaobiao looked at Jonouchi without knowing why.

“You can’t lose the game!” Jonouchi suddenly said excitedly, “We must bring the chicken sauce back!”

“Yeah.” Yugi nodded.

Then the two began to talk about the beginning of their friendship. During the meeting, there was a wave of memories that seemed to be parting…

Finally, Jonouchi sighed and said:

“It’s a pity that I can’t go with Yugiyou…”

“Eh? What are you talking about Jonouchi?” Xiaobiao said in confusion.

“Ah, by the way, I haven’t had time to tell you Jonouchi about this yet.” Xiaobiao said apologetically, slapping his forehead.

“What’s going on?” Jonouchi asked in confusion.

“That’s it.” Xiaobiao explained, “You Yongjun asked me to give you something for the Duel Kingdom competition yesterday, Jonouchi.”

“The box is too big so I’ll leave it at home. If Jounouchi is free later, you can pick it up with me.”

“You Yong gave it to me?” Jonouchi still didn’t understand, “Then what is You Yong going to do?”

Xiao Biao replied:

“You Yongjun said that he would not participate in the Duel Kingdom competition, so the star gloves were given to Jonouchi.”

“This…” Jonouchi hesitated.

Jonouchi wanted to refuse, but he thought of his sister who needed a lot of money for surgery to treat her eye disease, and was wavering for a while.

Xiao Biao thought for a while and added:

“You Yongjun said that because he eliminated Jonouchi in the city preliminaries of the national competition, he felt a little sorry.”

“So these things are considered as an apology to you Jonouchi.”

“You Yongjun also said that you must accept the offer within the city.”

Of course, Xiaobiao added the last sentence because he was worried that Jonouchi would be embarrassed to accept it.

You Yong just wanted to give these things to Jonoui, but he didn’t force it.

I beg the city to accept it.

After all, in You Yong’s view, he is only responsible for delivering, whether to accept or not is a matter for Jonouchi to consider.

“Youyong guy…” Jonouchi was suddenly moved, “Why did you ask you to hand over the game? Then I can’t thank him in person.”

“Perhaps You Yongjun is worried that if you do it in person, Cheng Nai, you will be embarrassed to accept it.” Xiaobiao said with a smile.

Of course, this is just what Xiao Biao thinks.

In fact, You Yong just found a nearby small watch to transfer it.

After all, he doesn’t know when there will be a “chicken sauce shop” in the city, so he can’t stay there every day, right?

It’s even more impossible to go to school or to a home in the city to drop off. Firstly, you don’t know the location, and secondly, even if you know, you won’t be too lazy to go because it’s too far away.

No matter how hard it comes, handing over a small form is not more convenient.

So that night, Jonouchi and Xiaobiao went back to the “Turtle Game Store” to pick up a series of competition supplies that You Yong gave him.

Time flies, and a week has passed.

Tongshiye Pier.

Compared to the animation where Jonouchi was blocked from boarding the ship, this time Oyo and Jonouchi boarded the giant ship docked on the shore without any hindrance.

Jonouchi also exchanged cards with other duelists on the ship.

Finally Jonouchi showed these cards to Yugi.

“Dragon flames, chained boomerang, baby dragon and ‘shield in left hand, sword in right hand’.” Yugi looked at the cards that Jonouchi exchanged.

Then he looked up at Jonouchi and smiled:

“As long as you put these cards in, the combat power should be greater than before.”

“Really? Okay, so the winner is mine.” After hearing Xiaobiao’s words, Jonouchi was immediately full of confidence.

“I don’t think it will be that easy.” Xiaobiao said with a smile, and then took out a “Time Magician” from the gold box on the table and handed it to Jonouchi, “I’ll give you this card. I think you can use it if necessary. Help you.”

“Huh? Really? Then I’ll accept it without ceremony.” Jonouchi smiled and took the card.

“Hey, Yugi.” A green-haired insect moth walked out of the hatch behind the watch.

“Hey, Yu Mo?” Xiao Biao wondered why Yu Mo also came here.

“The night breeze feels so good.” Yu Mo pretended to be sophisticated and blew the sea breeze for a while in front of the fence.

Then, he turned to look at Xiao Biao and said with a smile:

“By the way, have you got a good card?”

“No, I want to decide the outcome with the card I originally selected.” Xiao Biao replied with a harmless look.

“I think so.” Feather Moth said with vacant eyes, “In your deck, put the card that defeats Kaiba, Exodia, right?”

“As expected of you, I did let him go.” Xiao Biao said with a smile.

“Can you let me see it? That dream card.” Yu Mo asked with a smile, and Xiao Jiujiu started to feel nervous.

“Since you have seen through it, I don’t need to hide anything.” Xiao Biao was about to take out “Exodia” to show Yu Mo.

But he suddenly remembered You Yong’s previous warning.

But just now I quickly agreed to it.

Seeing Xiao Biao stop his movements, Yu Mo asked with a smile:

“What’s wrong, Yugi? Could it be that you regretted it and didn’t even want to show it to me?”

“Ah?” Xiao Biao quickly denied, “It’s nothing.”

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Biao still took out the five parts of “Exodia”, but did not give them to Yu Mo.

Instead, he held it in his hand and showed it to Feather Moth.

“Look, Yu Mo.” Xiao Biao said with a smile.

“Game, can you show it to me for a closer look? I want to take a good look at the legendary ‘Exodia’.” Feather Moth stretched out his hand.

“This…” Xiao Biao hesitated again, but still refused in a low voice:

“Sorry, I promised a friend not to lend ‘Exodia’ to others.”

“Oh? Is that so?” Insect Feather Moth pushed up her glasses and was not angry. Instead, she accepted Xiao Biao’s words:

“Okay, Yugi, just hold it and I’ll get a closer look.”

“Well, thank you for your understanding, Yu Mo.” Xiao Biao smiled gratefully, wondering if You Yongjun might be too sensitive. In fact, there are not many such bad people.

There’s no way you’ll be touched by me as soon as you come up, right?


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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