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Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel — Chapter 89 Attack and Defense for the Disabled

“Okay, let’s attack in one go.” Jonouchi clenched his fists and announced the start of the battle phase:

“First, my ace, the red-eyed black dragon, the offensive elemental hero, the Sawtooth Wilderness!”

“Come on, true red-eyed black dragon, black flame bullet!”

[True red-eyed black dragon, attack power: 3000]

[Elemental Hero·Jagged Wilderness, Attack Power: 2600]

The true red-eyed black dragon opened its mouth, and a dark red high-temperature fireball began to brew in it, and it was about to take shape.

“Jounouchi, the moment you declare your attack, I’m going to activate this card.”

You Yong pressed a button on the duel plate, waved his arm forward, and shouted softly:

“Trap Card, Wall of Partition!”

“This can only be activated when the opponent’s monster declares an attack. The attack power of all attack position monsters on the opponent’s field is reduced by the number of monsters on the opponent’s field x 800.”

“There are currently two monsters on your field in the castle. According to the effect of this card, the attack power of all attack position monsters on your field is reduced by 1600!”

“Nani, the attack power has dropped by 1600!?” Jonouchi was shocked.

“Sure enough, You Yongjun also has a back-up plan to induce the opponent to attack, and then use traps to counterattack…” Xiao Biao muttered to himself.

The ground seemed to be cracked, and lights of various colors emerged.

The “Red-Eyed Black Dragon” and “Earth Star Swordsman” who were in attack position on the field inside the city were each hit by a ray of light, and their originally strong momentum suddenly began to wane.

[True red-eyed black dragon, attack power: 3000→1400]

[Earth Star Swordsman, attack power: 3000→1400]

And due to the decline in attack power, the black flame bullets condensed by the true red-eyed black dragon also began to shrink as if the energy supply was insufficient…

Jagged Wilderness, who was chosen as the target of the red-eyed black dragon’s attack, seemed to feel the black dragon’s weakness. He clenched his heavy sword with both hands, preparing to block the attack and then strike back.

Just when everyone thought that the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon would be counterattacked by the Sawtooth Wilderness, Jonouchi quickly drew a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk and said:

“Activate quick-attack magic, the devil’s dice!”

“Roll a dice, and then divide the attack power of all monsters on your opponent’s field by that number!” (animation effect)

A magic card with the “Quick Attack” symbol appeared on the field, and a little devil wearing a black magic hat appeared on the field holding a red dice that was almost life-size.

Then the little devil smiled “hehe” and threw the red dice in his hands with force.

The dice rolled on the ground for a few times and then stopped, and the upward number was still “6” as You Yong expected.

“Haha, I seem to have really good luck today.” Jonouchi rubbed his head and smiled.

“How could this happen? Two ‘6’ points were cast twice in a row.” Yuna felt a little unbelievable.

Even though she always believed that You Yong would win, she was inevitably a little worried at this time.

Under the influence of magic, both “Jagged Wilderness” and “Magic Warrior Destroyer” on the chanting field felt that the power in their bodies was gradually draining away.

[Elemental Hero·Jagged Wilderness, attack power: 2600→433]

[Magic Warrior·Destroyer, attack power: 1600→267]

What a rare attack power value, You Yong thought to himself.

Speaking of which, the animated version of “Devil’s Dice” is really good.

As long as you are extremely black-faced and roll a “1”, even if you roll a “2”, it is equivalent to sending a shrink to each of the opponent’s monsters.

Moreover, the animated version of this “Devil’s Dice” is also a noble quick-attack magic card.

Unlike the one that was transformed into a real card in the previous life, not only was its effect severely damaged, but it was also changed into a trap card.

On the field, Jagged Wilderness, who had taken a “Devil’s Dice”, had become weak. He could not even lift the heavy sword in his hand, and it fell to the ground. Combined with his burly figure, it looked like he was… It gives people a feeling of being strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

At this time, the red-eyed black dragon also sprayed the condensed black flame bullets towards the Sawtooth Wilderness.

Jagged Wilderness tried to block it with his sword, but he couldn’t lift the heavy sword with all his strength. In the end, he used his body to carry a black flame bomb, which exploded directly.

In this contest between disabled monsters, the red-eyed black dragon won.

【You Yong, LP:4000→3023】

You Yong’s health value also changed to a strange value.

Jonouchi waved his hand and continued shouting:

“Next is the attack of the “Earth Star Swordsman”.”

“Attack the Magical Warrior Destroyer!”

[Earth Star Swordsman, attack power: 1400]

[Magic Warrior Destroyer, attack power: 267]

Even though the Earth Star Swordsman has been weakened, its attack power is still higher than the original 500 points.

Therefore, the Earth Star Swordsman excitedly raised his sword and slashed at the “Magic Warrior Destroyer”, cutting the weak Magic Warrior in half with his shield and his body.

【You Yong, LP:3023→1900】

You Yong: “…”

Coincidence? His life value seemed to have returned to a normal value.

“Cover one more card and my turn is over.” Jonouchi said as he inserted a card from his hand into the duel disk.

“My turn, draw a card!”

After You Yong drew a card, he smiled in the city and said:

“At this time, the effect of “Angel’s Dice” has also ended, and the attack power of Jonouchi’s Earth Star Swordsman will drop to 0.”

“Huh? Shouldn’t it be 500? Hasn’t the effect of your “Wall of Parting” ended yet, Yuyong?” Jonouchi said with a puzzled look on his face.

“That’s right, the attack power of monsters whose attack power is reduced by the wall of separation is permanently reduced and will not be restored.” You Yong smiled.

[Earth Star Swordsman, attack power: 1400→0]

“Now we’re in trouble.” Jonouchi bit out.

“Activate the magic card, Angel’s Charity.” You Yong said, “Draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards from your hand.”

Quickly draw three new hand cards from the deck, and then select two more hand cards and send them to the graveyard.

After finishing the cards in his hand, You Yong glanced at the cover card in the backcourt of the city, then took out a card from his hand and inserted it into the duel disk:

“Activate the magic card and the dead will come back to life!”

“The “Elemental Hero Wilderness” who was sent to the graveyard as a fusion material for Jagged Wilderness before being resurrected!”

The cross symbol lit up on the field, and Wilderness returned to You Yong’s field under the resurrection power of “Resurrection of the Dead”.

[Elemental Hero Wilderness, Attack Power: 1500]

“Huh? I remember Yuyong, there should be a more powerful guy in your cemetery, right? Why did you resurrect this monster?” Jonouchi asked doubtfully.

I understand, Yuyong wants to use the Wilderness’s effect of not being affected by traps to guard against possible traps, Yuna thought to herself.

In a duel, her holy elf was changed into an attack position by You Yong using a “light gun”. Then You Yong used this monster to forcefully break through the “reflector power” she was ambushing to complete the kill.

Just as Yuna was thinking about it, You Yong did not order the Wilderness to attack, but instead played a new card.

“Activate the magic card, Dark Fusion!”


Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh Card Duel

Status: Completed Author:


When you travel to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, what deck should you play? You Yong said, don’t worry about the deck, just add three strong desires and three days of pressure to suppress the shock first. Nani? Jijiang's Blue Eyes White Dragon was torn apart by the president? You Yong said, let me avenge him... Well, well, he is not the president's opponent yet, and he cannot punish the president's domestic violence. Forget it, the game will go anyway. So You Yong, who chose to be a transparent person, picked up the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that was torn in half by Du Chang. Then, the next day, Jijiang, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was pleasantly surprised to see that the Blue Eyes White Dragon card that had been torn in half appeared intact in his hand. You Yong, on the other hand, looked at the other system-rewarded Blue Eyes White Dragon card in the card library.


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