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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 004

Inside the Duel Academy.

“Welcome to Duel Academy!”

On the large electronic screen, a bald head of Cheng Liang appeared on the screen. That was the principal of this duel academy, known as “Principal Samejima”.

At this moment, he is doing what every college principal has to do when facing new students – encouraging these new students!

‘Besides me, are there thirty freshmen enrolled this year…’

Looking at the five rows on the right, with a total of six people in each row, freshmen who have changed into the uniforms of the corresponding dormitory colors, You Ye, a special individual, thought in his heart.

‘This jellyfish-headed boy who also likes heroes seems to be a problem child that is different from ordinary students! ’

The other twenty-nine people were listening carefully to Principal Samejima’s freshman orientation speech, but the boy with the two-color jellyfish head fell asleep standing there!

Although he didn’t really like hearing such speeches, at least he still had to show respect on the surface.

‘The student number is No. 110, and it is also a hero deck… Let’s check it out later. ’

Withdrawing his gaze, You Ye turned his attention to the big screen again, looking at the principal’s speech. It seemed that he would be dismissed after another minute or two.


In the principal’s office.

“Dong dong dong!”

“Please come in.”

Principal Samejima, who was browsing the freshman information in his office, looked up when he heard the knock on the door and let the people outside the door come in on their own.

“Uncle Samejima, how have you been lately?”

The sound of the door opening sounded, followed by a somewhat familiar greeting.

Looking up again, I saw a young man with burgundy hair covered by a red hat walking in from the door.

“Oh, it’s You Ye! Why did you come to my uncle’s place to play?”

Seeing that it was Yu Ye, Principal Samejima immediately put down the information document in his hand and called Yu Ye to come to him with a smile.

“How is your father lately?”

“Yes. He has always been very nice, but he seemed to have something to do recently, so he took a trip to Egypt.”

After replying to Principal Samejima, You Ye directly picked up the freshman information, pointed at it and asked Principal Samejima:

“Uncle Samejima, is this document the information for this year’s new students?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong?”


You Ye pondered, flipping through the documents quickly with the fingers of his right hand. Soon, he found the target of his trip.

“Well, Uncle Samejima, can you help me check this person? I want more specific information about him.”

“Checking people?”

Looking in the direction of You Ye’s finger, he saw in the bust picture on the paper, a boy with a hair style that resembled a jellyfish, with an earthy color spreading outward from the center of his head, and a brown circle on the outermost edge.

“Yushiro Judai…oh~, I understand!”

Looking at the description of Judai’s information, and then thinking of the deck used by the young man in front of him, Principal Samejima immediately understood why Yu Ye asked him to help find Judai’s information.

Heroes will attract each other!

……Dividing line……

“Yushidai Judai…”

After coming out of the principal’s office, I strolled down the road of the college, holding my hands behind my head and recalling the brief information introduction I just saw.

“Whether it’s the name or the series of cards used, they are very similar to the ‘boy he cares about very much’ that his father once mentioned…”

The reason why You Ye cares about Judai is not only because he is also a user of the “Hero” deck, but also because his father once mentioned to him that in this city, there is someone he cares about very much, and even focuses on, with him Sakaki A boy of the same age as You Ye.

“There must be something extremely special about the guy who can make my father care so much, right?”

Just when You Ye was wondering if there was anything special about this young man named Judai, a burst of conversation suddenly came to his ears, and the voice among them seemed to be the voice of the young man he cared about now.

“Anigi (big brother)! Why are you running!”

“I always feel like there’s someone dueling around here!”

“???Hey~, wait for me!”

Looking around, I saw Judai wearing the Osiris red dormitory uniform, and a young man with fluffy blue hair who looked like a primary school student, running towards the newly built duel venue not far away.

‘…It’s really interesting! ’

Listening to the conversation between the two people walking away, You Ye laughed and shook his head. Putting aside everything else, just the smell of a duel was enough to make people interested in him.


“As a student of Osiris Red, if you rashly enter the newly built duel venue without warning from others, I’m afraid you will cause a lot of trouble… Forget it, I’ll just follow you and have a look.”

Having decided, You Ye raised his feet and chased after the two people who had disappeared. With his special identity, he could help them avoid unnecessary trouble.

……Dividing line……

“My name is ‘Yushiro Judai’, please give me some advice! Well, who is that guy?”

After introducing himself, Judai turned back and looked up at the top of the audience seat. The boy who was also wearing an Obelisk blue school uniform and had a hairstyle that showed he was good at playing cards said.

“You guy, you don’t know ‘Mr. Wan Zhangmu’?!”

The boy wearing glasses looked at Judai with a surprised expression. After receiving the “I really don’t know” expression from the other party, the boy with glasses sighed and said:

“Although Mr. Wan Zhangmu is in the same grade as you, he is better than you in terms of strength and performance. He is the No. 1 among the elites who have been promoted from the middle school!”

“That’s right! Moreover, Mr. Wan Zhangmu will become the king of duels in the future!”

The other boy, who seemed to be a boy with a mediocre face, said it more flatteringly than the boy with glasses.


After listening to the compliments of the two younger brothers, he looked at the boy named “Wan Zhangmu” who was more than ten or twenty meters away from him. You Ye was hiding in the corner and watching, and slowly put a few question marks on his forehead. Come.

Regardless of whether it was the one who was instructed by Wan Zhang Mu, I, You Ye, just want to say——

What a loud tone!

“The King of Duel… means ‘first’, right?”

After receiving responses from others, Judai crossed his arms across his chest, raised his chest and raised his head with a proud look on his face, and said with his eyes closed:

“I am the number one in the academy, so the so-called ‘King of Duels’ is naturally me, right?”

Xiang u0026 two younger brothers:? ? ?

What the hell kind of logic is this…

At the same time, You Ye, who also heard Judai’s speech clearly, nodded slightly and thought in his heart:

‘Well~, as expected of a user of the same hero deck, you just have to have such courage! I discovered something special that daddy should pay attention to. ’

One is the No. 1 freshman in the Obelisk Blue dormitory who is completely unknown, and the other is the tenth generation who is also a user of the hero deck in the lowest-level Osiris Red dormitory. However, You Ye’s evaluation can be obtained. Diametrically opposed!


This guy You Ye is a double standard!


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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