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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 019 Drop out of school? Start a team duel copy

“What I mean is-“

With that said, You Ye waved his hand and activated the Gai card in the same column as the Reflector Power, the key card that destroyed the important Combo of Titan!

“I’ll pay you, madam… again! Break! Soldier!”


The power of the mirror was shattered, and the direct attacks from the four monsters on You Ye’s side submerged the Titan in darkness!

……Dividing line……

“You actually fainted?”

After the duel ended, You Ye put away the duel disk, removed the dark atmosphere around him, and took a few steps forward to reach Titan, who was lying face up on the ground.

There was no reaction until I reached the other party. I stretched out my foot and kicked the other party’s thigh, but the same thing happened. I squatted down and opened the other party’s eyelids to see, what a guy! Passed out immediately!

“The so-called Dark Duelist, that’s it? It’s really funny.”

After clapping his hands, You Ye stood up and looked around again. After seeing no other changes during their duel, he turned around and walked in the direction he came from.

Walking out of the basement, he came to the first floor of the abandoned dormitory, returned to the corridor with murals of thousand-year artifacts, took out his Sakaki Yuye’s special edition personal student ID card, turned on the camera function and took photos of all these murals.

After taking all the photos, You Ye looked at them one by one. When he saw that nothing was missing, he walked out of the abandoned dormitory with his student ID card.

‘Let’s send it to my father’s company and Uncle Yugi sometime, and see if we can find anything. Maybe we can also find clues about the disappearance of Asuka’s brother Fubuki. ’

After making the decision, You Ye speeded up and walked towards his personal dormitory. Even though the speed of this duel was almost the same as the one against Judai, he was still a little tired after the whole match, not to mention that it was already daylight. It’s dark, it’s time to sleep and rest.

……Dividing line……


“It is said that Yujo Judai and Marufuji Sho will be expelled from school? What is going on? Uncle Samejima, please explain!”

The door to the office of the Academic Affairs Department opened, and no one arrived before they arrived. Angry roars were transmitted directly from outside the door, making Judai and Xiang, the parties involved, and several people on the big screen on the wall feel a tinnitus. .


Just when she was about to wonder why the owner of the voice was so rude, the female censor immediately shut her mouth when she saw the casual attire, especially the eye-catching red baseball cap on her head.

As for the identity of the other party, she can be demoted immediately with just one sentence! If it’s serious, you’ll be fired directly!

“Ahem, uh… You Ye.”

Principal Samejima coughed and said:

“The reason Judai and Xiang became like this is because they entered the ‘forbidden abandoned dormitory’ in the academy, and there are photos to prove it, so we are currently investigating them.”

As soon as Principal Samejima said “photos as evidence”, Professor Kuronos’s screen immediately started to snicker. After noticing that You Ye was casting a veiled glance at him, he immediately changed his mind. His face was paralyzed and motionless, as if the whole scene was still.

‘Tsk! Chronos…it’s this guy again! ’

Judai and others were still photographed when they entered the abandoned dormitory. Needless to say, it must be Professor Kuronos who has always wanted them to drop out of school!

“So, why did you two enter that abandoned dormitory?”

You Ye looked at the two people next to him and asked for the specific reason. He had a special status, so there was nothing wrong with him entering it. Not to mention that he was looking for clues about Chuixue’s disappearance and whether there was anything special about that dormitory. entered.

“Uh… well…”

Hearing this, the two Judai looked at each other, scratched the back of their heads and hesitated for a while before saying:

“Mainly because we were playing Ghost Story Solitaire that night, and then we heard the story of the ‘Abandoned Dormitory’ from others, and we entered it at night out of curiosity.”

“If I had known that it was a forbidden place in the college and the result would be like this, I would have stayed in the dormitory and slept that night.”

You Ye: “…”

Really, what’s not fun about Ghost Story Solitaire? Moreover, he went to the abandoned dormitory in person at night, and the evidence was photographed by the guy from Chronos who wanted to drop you out of school! Really, I don’t know what to say.

“Drop out of school or something, I think it’s a bit too serious.”

As soon as You Ye opened his mouth, Chronos’ paralyzed expression could no longer be maintained and immediately turned into an anxious one. If it weren’t for the fact that there were so many people present, he would probably directly reject You Ye’s words.

“Isn’t this a duel academy? Since Judai and the two of them made a mistake, let’s use dueling to define the punishment. What do you think?”

Although he has a special status, it belongs to him alone. You Ye still understands how to deal with people, so he proposed a method for everyone to take a step back.

In Duel Academy, if you make a mistake, let the duel speak for itself. If you lose, you will be punished according to the original punishment. If you win, you will be exempted or the punishment will be reduced depending on the situation. Of course, if you make a principled mistake It would have to be treated differently, or even directly expelled from the academy.

“I agree with this proposal from Classmate You Ye!”

Who would have thought that when the proposal came out, Chronos, a guy who wanted to expel Judai, a poor student, was the first to agree!

However, just when You Ye was a little surprised by Chronos’s approval, what the other party said next directly caused You Ye’s attitude towards him to change again:

“Yushiro Judai and Marufuji Sho made mistakes together. If we want to have a duel, why not use the ‘two-person team duel’ rule? As for the opponent for the team battle, I, Kuronos, the highest actual person in charge of the duel academy, will find it.” And publish it, what do you think?”

You Ye: “…”

This guy has really not changed! But looking for duelists suitable for team duels…well, who would Chronos look for?

……Dividing line……

In Principal Samejima’s office.

“Eh? Asuka? Why are you here?”

After coming out of the Academic Affairs Department, You Ye went straight to Uncle Samejima’s office. As soon as he entered, he saw Asuka, who was tall and had long yellow hair, standing in front of Uncle Samejima’s desk.

“Oh, there is also Judai’s other roommate ‘Maeda Hayato’.”

When he came to Asuka, You Ye discovered the koala-like figure.

“That night, I also entered the abandoned dormitory with Judai and Xiang, so I should be included in the punishment!”

Hearing this, You Ye’s eyebrows under the brim of his hat couldn’t help but raise. Those people from the prosecution department didn’t come to find you, but now you have come to surrender to Uncle Samejima? Well, there is still some loyalty.

“Actually, I was there that night.”

Asuka took out a photo. The person on it was none other than her brother “Tenjoin Fubuki” who had been missing for a year. In the lower right corner of the photo, there was a string of Arabic numerals plus an English sentence – 10JION.

“This is what Judai and the others brought out to me when they entered the abandoned dormitory. So, no matter whether it is of no use or not, I want to beg for mercy for Judai and Xiang!”

The most Asuka did was put a rose that her brother liked at the door of the dormitory every few nights, but Judai and others broke into the dormitory and brought out photos for her. This moved Asuka to Samejima a few minutes ago. The principal’s office interceded on behalf of both men.

“I see.”

You Ye nodded in understanding, then turned to look at his uncle.

“Uncle Samejima, is there still room for negotiation on this matter?”


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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