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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 033 The No. 1 Duel Coser World

As You Ye completely told what happened in the early morning, everyone understood why Wan Zhangmu had not been seen until now.

In the middle of the night, when Misawa was not in his dormitory, he committed theft. Not only that, he also ran to the college’s pier lighthouse and threw the stolen decks into the sea! When I first heard it, I felt really angry and angry.

However, everyone’s anger dissipated a lot after they learned that You Ye had taught the other party a lesson through the duel, and that Wan Zhangmu, who had lost the duel, had packed up his things and left the academy.

As for the thoughts of the person involved, Misawa? He didn’t forgive him, but he didn’t get too angry because of it. In fact, his character was usually a bit too good-natured.

After saying this, the topic returned to the “Duel in Changing Dormitories”. Because of Wan Zhangmu’s incident, Professor Kuronos decided to let Misawa, the top student in the Sun God Yellow Dormitory, not have to duel, but directly replace Wan Zhangmu’s promotion. Obelisk Blue Boys Dormitory.

If such a good thing were to happen to someone like Marufuji Xiang, he would definitely agree with it, but if it happened to Misawa, he would shake his head and reject it.

When everyone wondered why Misawa would refuse such a good opportunity, Misawa turned his attention to Judai.

“Obelisk Blue, I will enter! However, before that, I have to defeat Judai! Only if I defeat him will I join Obelisk Blue!”

On the day they entered school, Misawa met Judai. It was at that time that Misawa knew that Judai was the number one among the freshmen this year! (Although it is self-proclaimed by the tenth generation)

Therefore, the latest goal that Misawa has set for himself is to first defeat Judai, the No. 1 freshman in the academy, and then successfully pass the dormitory promotion test and enter Obelisk Blue.

Everyone agreed with this, after all, it was in line with Misawa’s style of doing things.

Seeing that Misawa was determined to do this, Chronos had no choice but to give up the promotion to the dormitory this time, but still arranged for Misawa to be given the title of “Obelisk Blue-Best Candidate”.

……Dividing line……

Today is a week and a half later.

“By the way, Xiang, why are you dueling with someone in a canteen?”

After squeezing through the crowd and arriving at the edge of the duel venue, Judai looked at Xiang who was dueling with a boy wearing a sun-god yellow dormitory uniform and asked doubtfully.

“Look at the poster over there.”

You Ye, who was chatting with Aunt Duomei, saw Judai coming here and heard the other party’s question, and immediately reminded him to look at the poster on the wall.

“This character…oh!”

He has three-color starfish-shaped hair with reddish black and golden bangs, a bolt of lightning-shaped bangs on his forehead, a pair of slightly lighter purple eyes, and a dark blue suit-style outfit.

Isn’t this his idol, Mr. Muto Yugi, who is known as the “King of Duels”?

“Uncle Yugi… Well, Mr.’s deck will be on display in this duel academy tomorrow. Right now, Xiang is dueling with the boy from the Sun God Yellow Dormitory named ‘Kagurazaka’ for the sake of getting it into the hands of Aunt Tami. The last ticket.”

Speaking of this, Domeisan, who was behind, raised his fat right hand very cooperatively. The first three fingers of his palm were holding a small ticket, which was the ticket needed to visit the exhibition tomorrow.

“Oh~, that’s it.”

Judai nodded in understanding, then turned to look at Xiang, and said with a joking expression:

“Speaking of Xiang, don’t force yourself. After all, the other party is a student in the Sun God Huang dormitory.”

After that sanctioned team duel, Xiang’s attitude towards learning has become more serious than before, especially recently. With the help of their group of friends, it can be said that he has made up for the knowledge he did not learn in the past!

His strength has improved, but it is still somewhat difficult to defeat Sun God Huang’s students.

“As a big brother, it doesn’t matter if you don’t cheer for me, but now you actually think I can’t win?!”

Xiang puffed up his cheeks and said angrily, and then saw him sighing in relief, his eyes making a funny expression and laughing:

“I forgot to mention, brother, this ticket is not only the last one, but I am also helping you get it for the duel, so… are you sure you want me to lose the duel?”

Ten generations:? !

“I’m sorry, Xiang! Please win the duel!”

As soon as he heard that Xiang’s purpose for the duel was for him, Judai immediately bent at a 90° angle and begged Xiang to win the duel with a “please!” expression on his face.

I absolutely cannot miss the deck exhibition of Mr. Yugi Muto, the idol dueling king!

“That’s pretty much it.”

It was rare to see his eldest brother defeated once, and his younger brother Xiang, who was satisfied, returned to the duel battlefield and continued the duel with Kagurazaka.

“Using two ‘evil god derivatives’ as sacrifices, the superior summons – the ancient mechanical giant Nuo Nie!”

The scene reappears on the first day of school! Seeing Kagurazaka’s somewhat familiar posture, and listening to the other party’s equally familiar tone, accent, and catchphrase at the end of sentences, Judai looked at You Ye with wide eyes, and asked with a look of verification:

“Is this guy learning from Professor Kuronos?”

“Yes, this student named ‘Kagurazaka’ is imitating that guy from Chronos in the deck he is using, the words he is saying, and the gestures he is making!”

You Ye was also very curious about Kagurazaka, so he went to search for information about the opponent’s duels in the academy, and found that they basically lost more than they won.

There are all kinds of losers, but when they win, the opponent’s strength is just a little higher than that of Marufuji Sho.

“This guy is amazing! With his extraordinary memory, he has studied, analyzed and learned from several famous and powerful duel predecessors in the duel world! He even learned from Marufuji Ryo and Manjome in our academy.”

If it weren’t for the special relationship between the above people and himself, when he saw Kagurazaka for the first time, You Ye might have thought that this guy was simply himself – the first in the Coser world, the kind that deserves the name!

“Go, ancient mechanical giant! Giant mechanical iron fist!”

Under the command of Kagurazaka, the mechanical giant swung its huge iron fist as big as an adult at the only monster on the field of Sho – the anthropomorphic mechanical monster “Jetman” of the red jet fighter.

“The effect of Jetman! When this card is selected as the target of the opponent’s monster, I can activate a Trap Card from my hand!”

“With this, I use the Trap Card ‘Magic Cylinder’ to negate the attack of the Mechanical Giant and return its damage to you at the same attack value as its attack power!”

“Wrong behavior, invalid!”

When Xiang was about to use the power of the “Magic Cylinder” to rebound the attack of the Mechanical Giant and win the duel by relying on the card effect, You Ye interrupted the duel.

“The Battle Stage Backfield Blocking Effect of the Mechanical Giant not only means that the opponent cannot activate the Magic and Trap Cards covered on the field, but also this behavior of activating Magic and Trap Cards from the hand through the effects of other cards is not allowed!”

The Battle Stage Backfield Blocking Effect of the “Ancient Machinery” series is extremely terrifying!

Even if the opponent activates a Trap Card in the Battle Stage, You Ye, who has “Red Restart” in his hand, cannot activate the “Red Restart” in his hand in response to the activation of the opponent’s Trap Card!

Therefore, the result of this duel will be that the mechanical giant will defeat the jet robot and inflict 1,200 points of penetrating damage, clearing out Sho’s health points which are only in the three digits.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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