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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 036 The Magic Clan vs. the Heroes of Justice!

“My turn, draw a card!”

“The magic card ‘Angel’s Alms’ allows me to draw three cards from the deck and then choose two cards from my hand to discard.”

After a wave of rate draws and tomb stacking, Kagurazaka flipped over the only cover card in his backcourt.

“Equip the magic ‘Curse Wand’ to the defenders on the field.”

It’s not a trap card, but an equipment magic used to trick the wind! Moreover, this is a racial equipment card suitable for “Magician” monsters. Kagurazaka is really willing to give it up.

Seeing that the dagger in the defender’s right hand was replaced by a magic staff in the shape of a skull relief with a red prism gem on top, Kagurazaka explained the effect:

“A monster equipped with a cursed wand can increase its attack power by 100 points per star depending on its own level.”

The defender’s level is four stars, so the amount of improvement is 400 points.

(Magic Knight·Defender, attack power: 1600→2000)

“Then the monster ‘Skilled Blue Mage’ that was discarded into the graveyard by Tianshi’s effect is removed, thereby placing a magic counter on the defender. In this way, he can once again resist the magician monster. Only destroyed!”

The magician wearing a blue robe and holding a double-pointed spiral gun disappeared in Kagurazaka. Then he saw the huge shield in the defender’s hand, and the red gems on it bloomed again. The radiance came out, reflecting the engraving of the magic circle within it.

“Enter the battle! Defender, attack the hero named Xuanyan!”

After turning the defender from defense to attack, Kagurazaka ordered it to launch an attack on Yu Ye’s black rock.

Red magic bullets shot out from the cursed wand in the defender’s hand. In response, Xuanyan crouched down and hugged himself into a ball, shrinking into a spherical rock, and then successfully blocked the defender’s magic attack. And it also bounced back part of the battle damage.

(Kagurazaka: 4000LP → 3200LP)

“What’s going on? Not only was it not destroyed, but it also caused me 800 points of combat damage!?”

After looking at Xuanyan, who was standing up again intact, and then at his own health that had been inexplicably deducted by 800 points, Kagurazaka looked confused.

“Xuanyan’s effect, when this card is in battle, I can select a ‘hero’ monster on our field other than him as a target to activate, and increase half of that hero’s attack power to Xuanyan’s own defense. superior.”

“Right now, I only have Xuanyan and Earthman on the field, so half of Earthman’s power is 1100 points, which is added to Xuanyan’s 1700 defense and becomes 2800 defense, so it will cause you 800 points of counterattack. hurt!”

As soon as You Ye finished speaking, he saw Xuan Yan change his squatting posture in front of him, stand up straight and look at Kagurazaka in an attack posture.

“Oh, by the way, after this effect is applied, Xuanyan will switch from defense position to attack position when the battle damage is calculated.”

“With an attack power of 700, any monster can be defeated! It’s a pity that you only have one defender on the field, otherwise the previous 800 damage would be returned to me.”

Kagurazaka: “…”

It’s just bullying because I don’t know your monster effect! If I had known this earlier, I should have summoned a monster before the battle!

“Set a monster, then another card, and the turn ends.”

Watching Kagurazaka end her turn, Yu Ye drew a card from the deck, then just glanced at it and inserted it into the magic trap slot of the duel plate to activate.

“Use the black rock as the target and activate the quick-attack magic ‘Mask Transformation’!”

A dazzling light bloomed from Xuan Yan’s belt. When everyone except You Ye raised their hands to block their sight, the golden light of evolution enveloped Xuan Yan’s entire body.

When the light gradually dimmed and receded, everyone turned their attention to You Ye’s monster again, and what they were waiting for was a brand new hero——

The upper body that originally looked like a sphere became like the upper body of a human muscular man. The bulging parts on the shoulders seemed to be shoulder armor. The chest was originally covered by a thick breastplate, but now a polygonal organ like a power furnace appeared in the center. In addition, the whole person looks much thinner than before evolution, but still looks strong.

(Masked Hero Rock, 6 stars, attack power: 1600, defense power: 2600)

“Masked Hero Rock, he is Xuanyan’s advanced form. He can only be specially summoned from the extra deck by using the effect of the quick-attack magic ‘Mask Change’.”

After talking about the changes in his heroes, You Ye pointed his finger at the defenders on the opposite side and gave instructions to his two monsters:

“Earth Man! Attack the defenders of Kagurazaka!”

The effect of the defender has been seen before. Now as the ruby ​​on the shield turns dull again, Kagurazaka’s health points have also dropped from 3200 points to 3000 points.

“The effect of Rock! Once per turn, when a monster with a ‘Hero’ in the name on our field inflicts damage to the opponent through battle, you can select a ‘Hero’ with a level of four or lower from your hand or graveyard. Monster Special Summon.”

You Ye said as he put a card into the monster area of ​​the duel disk. A ball of sky-blue water flew out from the duel disk, turned into a water ribbon and surrounded You Ye, and then fell to the ground with a “pop” sound. , the water flow disappeared, and was replaced by a warrior wearing a tight-fitting black leather jacket and a blue armor full of water vapor energy.

(Elemental Hero Liquid Man, 4 stars, attack power: 1400, defense power: 1300)

“Wow! Another new ‘Elemental Hero’ monster!”

“It’s not clear what his abilities are, but there is one thing that is definitely better than the Bubble Man of Yucheng Judai!”

“The figure and appearance are much more eye-catching than the tenth generation Bubble Man.”


With the appearance of Liquid Man, this beach has been discussed for the third time. As Judai, who also uses the “Hero” deck, his water hero “Bubble Man” was naturally brought out for comparison. .

Let’s not talk about abilities for the moment. In terms of appearance, Liquid Man is much more eye-catching than the big fat Paper Bubble Man. Judai could only smile awkwardly with his fingers, brain and cheeks saying “ha, ha, ha”.

“Liquid Man! Attack that covering monster!”

Liquid Man’s attack power was 1,400. Without knowing what monster the opponent was setting, You Ye launched an attack rashly.

“Although the amount is not much, you should try to fight back!”

Kagurazaka said with a smile, the 800 battles ahead caused damage, now it’s time for you to have a try with Fuyu Ye! Although it’s not much, it’s still a bit of revenge.

“Oh~, it turns out to be the ‘Devilized Li Zhen’ with a defense power of 1500 points!”

It is a doll with a wooden texture and the shape of a circus clown. No wonder Kagurazaka said before, “Although the quantity is small, you can try to take damage in battle.” After all, Rizhen’s defense power is 1500 points, and Liquid Man’s The attack power is exactly 1400 points which is 100 points lower than his.

However, will things turn out as Kagurazaka imagined?

the answer is–

“Another effect of the Rock is activated! Once per round, during the battle phase of both players, the Rock’s own attack power and defense power can be reduced by 500 points each, and then this reduced power can be added to our field. A face-up warrior-type monster is strengthened.”

(Masked Hero Rock, attack power: 1600→1100, defense power: 2600→2100)

The one currently fighting is Liquid Man, so naturally he is the one who needs to be strengthened.

(Elemental Hero·Liquid Man, attack power: 1400→1900, defense power: 1300→1800)

I saw a brown laser shot from the power furnace on Panshi’s chest, and the moment it hit Liquid Man’s back, it strengthened him. Liquid Man, who received the help of Panshi, did not return without success according to Kagurazaka’s script, but Successfully destroyed Li Zhen and sent this funny clown doll to the graveyard!


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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