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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 076 The strongest man guarding the tomb – a god-like man!

“Uncle Tomb Guard, you must have remembered, right? I used the ‘Forbidden’ series of quick-attack magic of the Holy Cloth before the battle started.”

Hearing this, the uncle guarding the tomb looked unhappy, and nodded reluctantly. The effect of his tribesmen’s soldiers was targeted, but the quick-attack magic of Holy Clothes had set a layer of inadequacy for the new star master in advance. The target’s resistance shield.

Therefore, in this wave of battle between the two monsters, the first wave of confrontation after the duel began, it can be said that he, the chief guard of the tomb, was completely one-sided and crushed!

“Also, I want to mention that the magic card ‘H-Fiery Heart’ gives the New Star Lord the defensive penetration ability for one round, so in this battle, you will have to take 600 points of differential damage. !”

(Gravekeeper: 4000LP → 3400LP)

“At the same time, Nova Master’s own effect is activated! When he destroys the opponent’s monster in battle, he can let me, the master, draw a card from the deck.”

In the third draw of this round, You Ye’s hand was filled with the cost required to activate the Counter “Tomb Guard” core card.

“Cover two cards and the round ends.”

Only the magic cards obtained by the Nova Master effect are left in your hand, which are the magic costs necessary to activate the Counter card.

“My turn, draw a card!”

The tombkeeper uncle who drew the card did not rush up to flip over the field magic card in front of him that had been placed in the field area in advance by the effect of the Perpetual Trap Temple. Instead, he picked out one of the four starting cards in his hand. A card with a green border is activated:

“Magic card ‘Night Photography’! Destroy the cover card next to your left foot on the field, young man!”

The night photo magic card cannot be activated in a chain if the object selected by its effect is blocked. However, if the side selected by it has other blocked cards on the field, it can be activated in a chain. However, in this way, If you come——

For example, if the selected side’s other cover card is “Double Tornado”, then the cover card selected by Night Photography can be destroyed together with other magic and trap cards on the opponent’s field, thus forcing Night Photography to use it. Photographed to fight back.

In this case, it’s impossible to say who wins and who loses. We can only see how important the opponent’s magic trap cards other than Night Photo are to the opponent’s players when they are selected by “Double Tornado”.

Talking about the duel, looking at the cover card selected by Ye She, You Ye did not activate his other cover card, but allowed the selected card to be destroyed by Ye She.

“Oh~, it’s actually a counterattack trap, the ‘Demon-Sealing Seal’?! Then my luck is pretty good!”

At the moment of destruction, he could clearly see what the destroyed cover was. The gravekeeper was very glad that he used the “Night Photo” that already existed in his hand to eliminate the backcourt before activating the field magic.

And this exclusion… oh boy! I call him good guy! I actually selected the most devastating card in my “Tomb Keeper” series!

Once the field magic he activated is invalidated by the “Devil’s Seal”, he will no longer be able to activate the same field magic in this duel! As a result, the remaining cards with the same name in the deck will become a useless card occupying the deck space!

“Then, I use the magic card ‘Premature Burial’ to resurrect the destroyed ‘Grave Guard’ in the cemetery while paying 800 health points!”

(Gravekeeper: 3400LP → 2600LP)

Fan Bing was resurrected, but it was still not enough for the new star master whose strength had returned to the original 2600 points. Therefore, the tomb guard uncle planned to use him as a sacrifice to summon more powerful tomb guard clan members.

“Sacrifice the resurrected ‘Tomb Guard’ as a sacrifice and summon it from the superior!”

Fan Bing, who had just been resurrected, was immediately liberated as a sacrifice summoned by his superiors, but his liberation was worth it! Because in this way, Uncle Tomb Keeper, the patriarch of the “Tomb Keeper” clan, can call out the strongest being in their “Tomb Keeper” clan!

“The most powerful and supreme person of the tomb guard clan, the only being with the greatest power who can judge even the patron saint of the Pharaoh!”

As the tombkeeper sang, the sky in this elven world suddenly changed with lightning and thunder.

In the dark clouds, three rotating whirlpools emerged. Then, these whirlpools slowly changed from the gray and black colors of the dark clouds to the bright primary colors of red, yellow and blue.


Amidst the dull sound, three beams of light were projected from the whirlpool of the sea of ​​clouds, intertwined and landed on the void surface at the top of the pyramid.

“Summoned by superiors—the judge guarding the tomb!”

Under the phantom light of the three primary colors, the supreme leader of the “Tomb Guard” clan, holding the scepter of the God of Trial, appeared sitting on a stone throne representing supreme power.

(The judge guarding the tomb, 10 stars, attack power: 2000, defense power: 1500)

‘Hi~! Has this uncle mastered the strongest monster in the Tomb Guard series so early? ! ’

Looking at the extremely oppressive supreme man surrounded by Mihara’s brilliance, a drop of sweat could not help but appear on You Ye’s forehead. The reason why the opponent can be called the “Judge” is because of his powerful power, even if it is a duel monster. The “Three Illusion Gods” who exist at the top of the world have come, and they have to be treated a little less favorably.

However, although he was a little surprised in his heart, You Ye showed an ignorant sarcasm on the surface:

“It appeared so gorgeous and domineering, and even the word “God” appeared in the chanting words, but the data on paper is just like this? How dare it call itself the strongest monster?! You, the Gravekeepers, are just like this!”

They can recognize that they are the “Gravekeepers” tribe, and they may have some connection with the Supreme Pharaoh. There is no reason for such a duelist to speak with all the sarcasm, but the Gravekeeper uncle really didn’t think much about it, and directly refuted loudly:

“How can you, a child, blaspheme the Supreme of the Gravekeepers?!”

At this moment, the Gravekeeper uncle looked like a devout believer, and would not tolerate outsiders to do anything unfavorable to his “God”!

“As the only person who has the right to judge the Gods, and even an existence with power close to God, the strong card of the God Judge is more than just on the surface!”

As soon as the voice fell, the God Judge casually pointed in the direction of You Ye, and with a loud “bang”, the new star master, the fusion hero, seemed to be under tremendous pressure, and his knees trembled and slowly knelt down!

As the Lord of Fire and a high-level monster summoned by fusion, the self-esteem of the New Star Lord made him resist! And in his fierce struggle, he actually slowed down his kneeling speed little by little! Seeing this, the Shinsengumi on the stone throne showed an “interesting” flash in his eyes. The strong willpower of this fusion hero was really beyond his expectations! However, the struggle… ended here. “Boom–” With more power, the New Star Lord staggered, and his right leg and calf were completely attached to the empty ground. The thigh muscles and calf muscles were also completely attached, but the left leg was bent at nearly 90 degrees, making the thigh and the empty ground barely parallel, because his hands were supported on the empty ground.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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