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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 096 New savior of the world!

“Ahem, it’s not that we are ineffective, or that our power has become weaker, it’s just because the new God of Oliha Gang is different from the previous generation. Although the three of us brothers can It does some damage, but it can’t be targeted like before.”

The Golden Knight said with a slightly embarrassed expression. Long before You Ye was called over by the elf world, the three brothers who were the first to discover the new God Oliha Gang were the first to take action against the new God Oli Hagang. attacked.

In order to prevent what happened ten thousand years ago and what happened ten years ago from happening again, the three brothers came up and used their strongest attacks, and the result was——

Humans suffer scraping injuries caused by mosquito bites to the extent of red envelopes on their skin!

The three shocked brothers immediately decided to fuse the brothers! As the eldest brother, “Timaeus” absorbs the power of the two younger brothers, “Critias” and “Hermo”, thus merging the brothers into a trinity and becoming the legendary ultimate warrior——

Join the dragon Timaeus!

This time, the combined efforts of the three brothers finally caused harm to the new god of Oliha Gang! It’s just that it’s “certain” rather than “serious”.

After attacking here, the three brothers finally understood that this new god of Oliha Gang has become different from the previous generation of Oliha Gang God. Maybe part of the root cause is from the previous generation of Oliha Gang God. The God of Gang remains, but its core source is a brand new existence unknown to them!

Otherwise, the three brothers who could inflict serious injuries to the previous generation of God Oliha Gang, and who could still cause certain damage to him even after being resurrected ten years ago, would not be able to deal with the new, not yet complete God. The God of Oliha Gang, especially after brother fusion, can only cause “certain” damage.

The three helpless brothers attacked again, almost exhausting their physical strength and strength, causing the opponent to fall into a short sleep. After returning to their residence in the elf world, the three brothers took the time to recover.

After recovering to about 80%, the three brothers quickly passed through a certain connecting passage between the elven world and the human world, and came to the human world to find the “chosen duelist” to whom the three brothers had entrusted their power for a while. That is, Yugi, Seto and Jonouchi, and the man known as “Mr. President” whose strength was still above the three at the beginning.

The four of them followed the three brothers to the elven world, and came to the location of the new god Oliha Gang who was sealed by the three of them.

Looking at the God of Oliha Gang who was sealed and fell into a deep sleep, the other party also responded to the damage caused by the three brothers in front. Seeing this, the four of them did not hesitate, and immediately joined forces with the three brothers, using Use all your strength to attack the opponent, and the final result is——

The new God of Oliha Gang was seriously injured, but he was still not eliminated!

At this point, it is 100% clear that the new God of Oliha Gang is indeed different from the previous generation of God of Oli Hagang.

The seven helpless people could only temporarily seal it again, and then the three brothers returned to their place of residence to regain their strength again. After the four humans returned to their own world, Mr. President and President Seto joined forces. Let’s do some analysis and see if we can figure out some data about the new God of Oliha Gang.

Emperor Tian pays off his conscientious people! The two presidents really came up with something.

Part of the new God of Olihagun comes from the remnants of the previous generation of God Olihagang, and the majority of the other part comes from the brand new “unknown dark power”. The combination of the two gave birth to this most powerful god for the time being. The “Reborn God of Orihagun” can be seriously injured and cannot be destroyed.

Continuing their research, the two presidents finally found a way to completely eliminate each other——

The energy and breath of the Three Illusion Gods combined with the remnants of dark power caused by the previous generation of God Olihagun. The “Three Illusion Demons” born from the same combination of the two have the possibility to defeat this new God of Olihagan.

And the reason why it is said to be “possible” is because it is not the time yet, whether it is the right time, the right location, or the right people and people, it is not the right time yet!

When the real time comes, a “savior of the world” like the four of them will definitely appear!

Carrying the tamed “Three Phantom Demons” cards, they combined the power of the “Legendary Dragon” of their three brothers, as well as the power of the savior himself, to completely destroy the new god of Oliha Gang.

If indescribable “darkness” appears in the world, then the world’s will will also give birth to the targeted “light”. This is the so-called “everything is balanced”!

“So, I am the ‘New World Savior’ you call me?”

You Ye pointed his finger to confirm, and received a positive nod from the golden knight.

After the battle just now, especially the level of understanding and suspicion shown by You Ye about the “Legendary Dragon”, “Legendary Knight” and “He Shenlong Timaeus”, it was undoubtedly confirmed that he was the one this time. “New World Savior”!

“The card of ‘Three Phantom Demons’…”

You Ye rubbed his chin and thought, no wonder the organization called “Seven Stars” would appear at this time and extend its claws towards the Duel Academy. Not only because the “Three Phantom Demons” themselves are extremely powerful Duel Monster Cards, and they can be owned by many. Due to the absolute power of the “Three Illusion Gods”, it is also because they are one of the keys to defeating the “New God of Oliha Gang”!

As long as he gets three of them, no matter what he uses them for later, he will be able to see that he, the “New Savior of the World”, will not be able to completely eliminate this “new god of Oliha Gang”.

“Should I say…that I am worthy of being my father?!”

He was the strongest among the four saviors, and the son he gave birth to became a savior ten years later. A tiger father has no dog son! Although saying this feels a bit narcissistic and conceited.

“This is the duel monster card representing the three of us brothers – the ‘Legendary Dragon’. I believe they can bring you miracles in every subsequent duel, especially in the final battle with the new God of Oriha Gang. In the decisive battle!”

As he spoke, the Golden Knight opened his deck, pulled out the three legendary dragon magic cards, and handed them to You Ye in front of him.

After taking the card, You Ye looked at them with surprise and surprise in their eyes, and at the same time he was a little confused, so he asked curiously:

“The power cards of the three of you are indeed very strong, but the problem is that they need matching cards to be used in a duel!”

“I don’t have a black magic master and apprentice. Even if I could get one, adding it to my deck would have no match with the ‘heroes’.”

“Specific trap cards, except for the specific dragon-type monster ‘Tyrant Wing’, the remaining three cards can be placed in my deck.”

“The last specific race monsters, except for the two race monsters of ‘Dragon’ and ‘Magician’, the remaining two are ‘Warrior’, and all my heroes are ‘Warrior’.”

in conclusion:

“Eye of Timaeus” cannot be used because there is no black magic master and apprentice, and it is not compatible with the deck. If you bring it, your hand will be stuck;

As for “Cridia’s Fang”, except for “Tyrant Wing”, the remaining three specific trap cards can be added to the deck for use;

Except for the last “Hemo’s Claw”, “Dragon” and “Magician”, all the heroes in the deck are warriors.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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