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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 126 Pure Element vs Black Scorpion Rogue

“Want to learn? I’ll teach you!”



After receiving You Ye’s affirmative answer, the five-member band of thieves immediately cheered excitedly.

“The premise is that you can defeat me in a duel.”


Not only the five-person group was stunned, but also the Judai group behind You Ye. How come they were about to start a duel while talking? And he was still designated to fight You Ye?

“Yes, a duel! You, who are duel spirits and have materialized, come to duel with me, the master of the Duel Academy, ‘Sakaki Yuye’! If you win, I will not only teach you how to write a set of your own debut The lines will also tell you how to make the Seven Stars Key play its real role!”


They didn’t care how You Ye figured out their elf identities. Except for the leader Zalug, the remaining four people all looked excited.

“Then, what if we lose?”

It was the leader Zalug who could remain calm and steady. Since the young man in front of them offered a winning condition that they could not refuse, the consequences of failure must also be serious!

“Change back to the deck!”

The name Black Scorpion Thieves and this series of decks were all memorized by You Ye after seeing a professional duelist use them in a professional league. And through that professional duelist’s repeated duels, International Illusion Club and Haima Entertainment Group also recorded the data information of the card group called “Black Scorpion”.

Although both companies have internal data records on this, there is no actual card! Even his Illusion Society cannot reproduce it based on this information – the prerequisite for reproduction is to have the actual object in hand! Just having data information is useless, you also need to have the card in your hand to be able to copy it.

Therefore, he is extremely eager to get the second real card “Black Scorpion” that is right in front of him! At that time, not only can you take it home for a group of card designers in the company to reproduce it, but you can also give this original “Black Scorpion” card set as a gift to the blond uncle.

“…Okay, this duel will be taken over by me, the leader of the Black Scorpion Thieves Group, Zalug!”

After hesitating for a while, under the expectant eyes of the team members, Zalug finally chose to accept the challenge.

……Dividing line……

Arriving at the spacious field outside Ossislihong’s dormitory, the two of them each put on their own duel plates, while each other’s relatives and friends stood behind each other as spectators to watch the battle.


Zalug: 4000LP

Yu Ye Sakaki: 4000LP

“My first attack is to draw a card!”

Zalug, who pulled out the card, looked at his hand, and then put the four cards in his hand into the duel plate one after another.

“Attack means summoning ‘Leader Zalug’, which is myself.”

With that said, Zalug walked out of the duelist’s position and took a few steps forward to the “monster area” where the monsters should stay.

(Leader Zalug, 4 stars, attack power: 1400, defense power: 1500)

“Then cover three more cards and the round ends.”

The projections of three cards appeared behind Zalug. One of them was even invisible because he was standing in the monster area. It was easy to mistakenly think that there were only two cover cards.

“My turn, draw a card!”

Although I know about the “Black Scorpion Thieves” and have seen the data of this deck, due to the long time and the fact that except for the professional duelist, there is no other person in the world who uses this series of decks. As a person, You Ye’s memory of the information about “Black Scorpion” is actually a little blurry now.

But the only thing that is certain is that the combat effectiveness of the “Black Scorpion” card is very weak, and it must be paired with other supporting cards to have a certain combat effectiveness. This is how the duelist in the professional league was constructed.

In addition, it has not been used much since that day, so the deck used by You Ye in this battle is——

“Activate the magic card ‘Fusion’! Fusion of the ‘Elemental Hero·Hot Girl’ and the ‘Elemental Hero·Wingman’ in your hand!”

“Fusion Summon—Elemental Hero Flame Wingman!”

That’s right, it’s the “Pure Elemental Heroes” deck that hasn’t appeared in a long time, and You Ye plans to use it as the combat power for this special duel.

With the appearance of the Flame Wing Man, Judai and others behind You Ye all exclaimed. They were surprised that the Flame Wing Man of You Ye, whom they had not seen for a long time, appeared again. The exclamation came from the four Black Scorpions opposite, I didn’t expect that You Ye would summon such a powerful monster in his first round!

‘This guy doesn’t seem to be afraid…’

Under the red brim, You Ye narrowed his eyes and noticed Zalug’s facial expression. His men were all exclaiming in amazement, but he seemed not to be worried about the power of the Flame Wing Man.


Unfortunately, there is no magic wind in You Ye’s starting hand this time, so if he wants to fight, he can only fight hard with three cards.

“Cover two cards and enter the battle phase!”

The Flame Wing Man flapped his wings and leaned down to the ground to quickly approach Zalug. At this moment, Zalug raised the corners of his mouth and waved his hand to raise the Gaika on the left rear behind him.

“The permanent trap ‘Screen Wall’ is activated! The opponent’s monster’s attack power is halved!”

‘really! ’

As You Ye thought, a silver mirror wall appeared in front of Zalug. The Flame Wing Man, who had no time to brake and stopped, crashed into the mirror wall with a “bang” sound. With what looked like a painful sound, the Flame Wing Man slipped from the mirror wall and fell to the ground.

(Elemental Hero·Flame Wingman, attack power: 2100→1050)

“Hero, right? I’ll turn you into a bear!”

Zalug smiled ferociously, and pulled out his dual-gun weapon as a duel monster. With the sound of bullets, he beat the Flame Wing Man into a sieve!

(Sakaki Yu Ye: 4000LP → 3650LP)

“At this moment, my own effect activates!”

As soon as he lost the Flame Wing Man, Zalug pointed his two guns at You Ye.

“When my battle inflicts health damage to my opponent, I will either randomly select a card from my opponent’s hand and send it to the graveyard, or I will send the top two cards of my opponent’s deck to the graveyard.”


There was a gunshot, and Zalug’s bullet hit the only card in You Ye’s hand. The card penetrated by the bullet turned into particles and disappeared between his fingers.

‘I remembered! The triggering conditions for the same effect of all members of the Black Scorpion Thieves Group——’

Staring at Zalug across from him, and the four subordinates behind him who cheered for his boss to take the lead in taking the lead, You Ye’s vague memory finally became clear at this moment.

The trigger condition for the effects of all members of the Black Scorpion Thieves Group is that when their own battle inflicts damage to the opponent’s health, they can choose one of the two effects to activate!


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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