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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 130 Stolen God's Replica Card

“Misawa! How are you, Misawa!”

When You Ye and Judai arrived at the Taiyanghuang dormitory, they only saw a group of boys wearing yellow school uniforms, surrounding a boy also wearing yellow school uniforms with his eyes closed.

“You Ye! Judai!”

After being called out by name, You Ye and the others followed the call and saw Ryo Marufuji, Asuka and Manzōme who were also rushing over in a hurry. The three of them were approaching them.

“Liang! Do you know what happened?”

You Ye and the other two also leaned over and asked the three of them if they had witnessed the entire incident.

“We don’t know either. Just like you two, we both ran here after seeing the huge red light pillar rising into the sky and thinking that the place where the light pillar rose was the Sun God Yellow dormitory where Misawa is located.”

Liang shook his head. Like You Ye and the others, they came over after seeing the light column and remembering the location of Misawa’s dormitory.

Just when several people were thinking of stepping forward to see Misawa’s condition, the sound of a helicopter propeller reached You Ye’s ears, attracting him to look up to the sky to find the source of the sound.

It is a white helicopter with the English letter icon “P.J.C” printed on the bottom of the body.

“Is it him!? How did he come to the academy?”

“You Ye, what are you talking about?”

Judai looked at Yu Ye who exclaimed in confusion, but the other party ignored him completely, abandoned them and ran out, aiming straight for the principal’s office of the college.

The four of them looked at each other, all full of doubts, but they decided to stay and check on Sanze for the time being, and then pursue You Ye to see what happened to him.

……Dividing line……

Principal’s office.

“Uncle Becas! Why are you here at the academy?”

As soon as the door opened, You Ye’s shout of surprise echoed throughout the room, and could be heard clearly even at the end of the corridor outside.

“Oh~, isn’t this my Lovely’s eldest nephew You Ye Boy!”

With a familiar accent and voice, Becas in a red gentleman’s suit stepped forward and hugged You Ye.

“The reason why I came to the academy is because the three replica ‘God Cards’ in the company were stolen and fled to the academy!”

After separating from You Ye, Bekas directly stated his purpose of coming here without mincing words.

“All three were stolen? Was it done by people from the company or some outside organization?”

He was surprised at first, but You Ye quickly calmed down and asked calmly.

“Well, the three replica cards were all stolen by the ‘France’ designer!”

“Francs? The uncle who designs cards with powerful themes?”

You Ye recalled the card designers in the company and found information about an uncle named “Frances”. It was said that the cards he had designed since his debut were all designed with “absolute power” as the theme, and he looked down upon him very much. A “weak (za) chicken (yu) monster” with low card data! Even though those monsters have powerful effects that high-attack monsters don’t have, and are even enviable, the card designer’s attitude is still the same.

Let’s talk about the three Phantom God replica cards:

There are only three original “Phantom Gods” in the world. They were all before the duel ceremony between Uncle Atum and Uncle Yugi in Egypt. After Uncle Atum lost the duel, they followed him to their destination. The place where everyone is together – the underworld!

But before the duel that could be recorded in history began, Uncle Bekas and his father You Ye asked Uncle Atum to hand over the three cards on the grounds of “researching and designing brand-new cards that are different from this era.” Temporarily lend them a card of the phantom god, and copy each phantom god to a replica card.

How could Uncle Atum refuse a request between friends? In addition, the three phantom gods had always been held by his father before this, and the phantom gods also had a certain relationship with him, so this re-enactment can be said to be very smooth.

In addition, these three re-engraved divine cards are different from those from the earlier “Duel City” period, which were copied by an underground organization called the “Gurus Group” without any “authorization from God”. The card of God is not only unique, but this replica card also contains a trace of the “power of true god” left by the real three illusory gods! In other words, if you use these three replica fantasy cards in a duel, your combat power will definitely be as powerful as the original ones!

After Uncle Atum left, these three replicas of the Fantasy God Cards were basically locked in the safe in the card library of the Illusion Society, except when they were taken out for viewing during research! The only safe made from the hardest and most precious metal in the world!

The four keys to open the box are in the hands of Uncle Becas, the first president of the Illusion Club, Uncle Seto, the chairman of Kaiba Entertainment Group, Uncle Yugi, the strongest duel king, and finally Yu Ye. ‘s father.

Four keys are indispensable!

So the question is, how did designer Frans get the four keys? How could he open the box and steal the card without the key? And why did he betray the company in this way?

“Actually, during this recent period, our Illusion Club and Kaiba Boy’s Kaiba Entertainment Group jointly held the 15th ‘Duel Monsters Card Design Contest’.”

“The fifteenth card design competition has been held…”

During the recent period, You Ye has been busy dealing with the Seven Star Organization, so he has not paid much attention to the external situation. He usually takes a look at it every time, and even participated in the card design competition as a judge. This time You Ye was directly absent.

“I think it’s probably because of this competition that I didn’t award the winning prize to Mr. France.”

“Huh? Because of this?”

After hearing Uncle Becas’s conjecture, You Ye was stunned, xd, everyone is an adult, and you actually betrayed the company for such a trivial matter? He even stole the replica of the Three Illusion Gods card before leaving? !

“The keys to the safe are in the hands of the four of us, and the safe is not damaged at all. Therefore, I guess that Mr. France is probably united with the ‘Seven Stars’ that you have been fighting against recently. , stealing the replica card from the safe through supernatural powers.”

Teaming up with a dark evil organization to steal the card through supernatural power is really hard to believe. Otherwise, how else to explain that the card inside was stolen when the key was not lost and the safe was not damaged?

“If Mr. France really joins forces with the so-called ‘Seven Stars’, I estimate that he would have come to the academy by now, and may even take action against the students here!”

Uncle Becas worriedly muttered to himself, and You Ye, who heard what he said to himself, instantly recalled the Misawa incident he had experienced before rushing to the principal’s office.

The red light beam soaring into the sky, the red bone wings, the scarlet eyes, the unconscious Misawa who closed his eyes tightly, and the movement was in front of the Sun God Huang dormitory…

“Now it seems that they have indeed joined forces! And they are on the island now, and their target is us, the guardians of the Seven Star Key!”

Just when You Ye analyzed this result, the LCD TV screen on the wall of the principal’s office suddenly lit up. The three of them were startled and looked at the screen. They saw a bald man wearing ring-sized hoop ornaments in several places on his face. The man, wearing a duel disk in his hand, appeared on the screen without saying a word and his eyes were dull.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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