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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 141 The

“A world that the three of you brothers can’t break through together…the alien space opened up by the new god Oliha Gang!?”

You Ye exclaimed, the person who could make the three legendary dragon brothers look so serious, in their past experiences, is probably the “Oliha Gang” who has never stopped fighting since ten thousand years ago! And because of this, he got in touch with the legendary dragons and became comrades-in-arms.

“That’s right! Just when you were resting last night, the entire Duel Academy was dragged by an inexplicable unknown force into the alien space created by the new god Oliha Gang.”

“As for your group of classmates and teachers, although I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, my personal guess is that they are probably imprisoned, and your companions who protect the “Seven Star Key” sealed by the three phantom demons may be imprisoned alone. “Confinement.”

In the real human world, even if the three of them are “Legendary Dragons”, the elves cannot move too far away from the location of the card. Therefore, when You Ye was sleeping and resting last night, they noticed something strange and hurriedly removed it from the card. Appeared, came to the balcony of the room and watched helplessly as the entire Duel Academy was dragged into another dimension by a big hand of energy.

As for why they didn’t stop it? Even though they can appear next to You Ye and talk to him now, the actual interference they can have on the real human world is not comparable to that of a normal human being.

The bodies of the three brothers are still in the elf world. The reason why the elf bodies can appear in the phantom state now is because the card they handed to You Ye contains part of their power. Therefore, they can use this as a medium to express themselves in You Ye. A “spirit body” forms around him and talks to him.

And why didn’t you wake up You Ye last night? So what if I wake up? The three brothers couldn’t stop it even with their combined physical strength, let alone You Ye, a mere mortal! Although You Ye contains the power of elves in his body and can achieve “superpowers” as described in film and television novels, the actions to fight against the new God of Oliha Gang are simply like “taking a worm to shake a tree without overestimating one’s own capabilities”!

“So, how can we rescue everyone? How can we return the academy to the real world?”

Although the three brothers did not have the power to break through the world opened by the new god Oliha Gang, they didn’t seem to be very worried about it, so You Ye deduced that they must have a way to get out of this different dimension.

“Well…of course there is a way.”


“Yeah, and there are two of them.”

You Ye inferred that they had a way, but this was always an inference, but now that he got a positive answer directly from the person involved, You Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and when he heard that there was not just one way but a plurality of ways, he felt even more excited. A joy.

One more method means more possibilities!

“One is to directly kill the new god Oliha Gang! As the pioneer of this different dimension of time and space, as long as he dies, we can return to the real world safely and smoothly.”

You Ye: “…”

This method can be thought up by anyone with a normal IQ, just like “violence can’t solve the problem, but it can solve the person who raised the problem!” So what Timaeus said is in vain.

“Another way is to defeat the guy who dragged the academy into this different dimension!”

“Huh? Didn’t the new student Oliha Gang drag him into Duel Academy?”

“Huh? When did I say that?”


Just like this, You Ye and Timaeus, one person and one dragon, looked at each other with their small eyes widened.

“Second brother, what are eldest brother and You Ye doing?”

“I’m not too sure either.”

“Oh, that’s it. Let’s continue sleeping.”

The sound of the pair’s quiet communication disappeared, followed by a slight snore. As a legendary duel elf, especially a “dragon” creature at the top level of its race, sleepiness is an instinct.

“So, since it was not the new god Oliha Gang who did it, who is the real ‘murderer’? I will go find him now!”

In the end, You Ye was the first to speak up and break the awkward atmosphere of staring at each other. After hearing this, Timaeus turned his head and looked outside the balcony again, trying to point his head in one direction.

“The person who did it is in that approximate place. Bring the duel disk and deck to find him.”

After saying that, Timaeus turned into a stream of light and returned to his duel monster card to continue to rest. On the side, the clean chestnut ball, which had not said a second sentence since he appeared, clenched the small green short hand. The claw, after making a “Fighting” cheering gesture towards You Ye, also turned into a purple stream of light and returned to the card.

“…one by one, walking really fast!”

After complaining, You Ye packed his personal belongings, filled the card set into the main deck slot of the duel plate, and then put it on his left arm.

“Drag the entire Duel Academy into the different space created by the new god Oliha Gang. Not only is he very courageous, but he is also very powerful!”

The “murderer” behind the scenes, let me, You Ye, come and see your true face and duel strength!

……Dividing line……

It took more than ten minutes for You Ye to finally walk from his room to the general direction Timaeus pointed to.

“This…Osiris Red Dormitory?”

Standing on the small slope of the green grass, looking at the simple red-roofed dormitory not far ahead, You Ye’s face was full of shock.

I had been to the red dormitory before, but I didn’t see anyone. Now I came to this place according to Timaeus’s instructions, and I saw the red dormitory at a glance.

Could it be that… the guy who turned the academy into what it is now is a member of the red dormitory?

“Ah~ Sakaki Yuye, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”


He was the only living person in the entire academy, and now a voice suddenly appeared. You Ye was so frightened that he trembled slightly, but at the same time, he quickly twisted his body and looked behind him. The source of the voice was behind him.


From head to toe, whether it’s underwear, windbreaker, pants, shoes, or even hair, it’s all black. By the way, the hairstyle is still in the shape of a sickle, which is what the academy wears and has, so that’s how it started. The Obelisk Blue boys’ dormitory was downgraded to the Osiris Red dormitory, and the “Wanzhangmuzhu” who almost severed ties with his family later on.

“Wan Zhangmu, you look… very strange.”

Whether it was intentional or intentional, the Wanzhang Eye in front of him flashed a one-eye pattern emitting a faint green light on the smooth forehead of his fair skin.

Although the arrogant and arrogant face has not changed, the ferocious eyes and the fluorescent icon on the head directly and clearly told You Ye what happened to the Wan Zhangmu in front of him!


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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