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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 182 Synchro Warriors in Comics

“My turn, draw a card!”

The third round of this duel began. After looking at the card in his hand, Yusei’s mouth curled up slightly. This card and the monsters previously retrieved by “Reincarnation of Hope”, plus the monsters he and Yu Ye-senpai had, A good cross-generational combo can be formed between them.

“The magic card ‘Resurrection of the Dead’! Resurrect the Tuner monster ‘Scrap Synchro’ in the graveyard!”

Resurrection of the Dead, even in his era, this classic old card in the reanimation effect was still widely used by duelists, because in their era, synchro summoning was the mainstream of duels, and Resurrection of the Dead was a cost-free card. Card resurrection is definitely the god card among god cards!

If it weren’t for the restriction of one card due to the restricted card list, each duelist would definitely have three cards in his deck!

“The second effect of Phantom Emperor Rabiel is activated. Every time the opponent summons a monster, it will bring me a minion.”

The appearance of Phantom Demon derivatives can not only be used as a line of defense, but can also be used to activate the effects of their creator, the “Phantom Demon Emperor”.

(Phantom derivatives, attack power: 1000→1500, defense power: 1000→1500)

Looking at the miniature version of the Phantom Emperor appearing on the mysterious man’s field, especially after hearing the opponent’s explanation of the Phantom Emperor’s second ability, Yusei raised the corner of his mouth, smiled and put the remaining cards in his hand into the duel plate. Monster area:

“Summon ‘Right Starter’ in defense position!”

A female robot with blue hair and black clothes appeared on Yusei’s field, holding a Phillips screwdriver almost as tall as her in her right arm.

(Right starter, 1 star, attack power: 100, defense power: 300)

“The effect of Right Starter is activated! When this card is successfully summoned, you can special summon the ‘Left Starter’ opposite her from the deck, graveyard, and hand!”

If the right starter is a lady-like robot with straight blue hair, then the left starter opposite her is a cute girl-like robot with short yellow hair and a bun. Accompanying her in her left arm is a handful of words. Silver gray screwdriver.

“Left Starter also has an effect. When the special summon is successful, its level will change from two stars to three stars until the end of the round.”

(Starting from left, 2 stars → 3 stars, attack power: 300, defense power: 100)

A resurrection, a summon, and a special summon from the deck. Now, the monster area on Yusei’s side is completely occupied.

“Tune the three-star adjustment monster ‘Destruction Synchronist’ on the field with the three-star adjustment monster ‘Left Starter’!”

3 stars + 3 stars = 6 stars

“Synchronized Summon—Gravity Warrior!”

Another synchro monster! You Ye looked at this new synchronized monster with bright eyes. In terms of appearance, the head looked like a dog’s head, but the hair on the back of the head looked a bit like a tampon mop, plus the green and gray The animal claw mechanical body has no connection with “gravity” at all.

“The effect of Gravity Warrior is activated! When this card is Synchro Summoned successfully, for every face-up monster on the opponent’s field, its power will be increased by 300 points!”

Every time an opponent’s monster is summoned, you can summon a minion to yourself. With this effect, combined with the field magic “New Orihagun’s Barrier”, you can summon up to nine minions. !

The more servants you have, the longer you can build a long line of defense. At the same time, you can activate Cost and sacrifice it as the effect of your own creator, the “Illusion Demon Emperor”.

Unfortunately, this is its advantage and its disadvantage!

In this round, Yusei first used the effect of Resurrection of the Dead to resurrect the Scrap Synchronizer, then he normally summoned the Right Starter in his hand, and then used the effect of Right Starter to special summon the Sister Left Starter in the deck, and finally summoned the Sister Left Starter in the deck. Zuo Qizi and the scrap synchronizer adjusted the stars, and the synchronization summoned the gravity warrior who was the initiator of the current effect.

The four monsters appeared one after another, allowing the mysterious man to give birth to four phantom demon derivatives on the field, and these phantom demon derivatives plus the previously existing Dapeng Phoenix, Phoenix God, and their creator “Phantom Demon Emperor” , that’s seven monsters in total!

(Gravity Warrior, 6 stars, attack power: 2100→4200, defense power: 1000)

Directly doubled!

The mysterious man who saw this result really wanted to know how he felt now.

“Gravity Warrior! Attack the Phantom Demon King Rabiel!”

Gravity Warrior’s attack power of 4200 is completely better than the Phantom Emperor, which was weakened by Senior You Ye’s Heroic Gust. Even the opponent’s effect of absorbing the power of two monsters can be used during the opponent’s turn, that is, “inducing an instant effect”. Gravity Warrior This will also give you the opportunity to rewind the battle, allowing you to reselect the target of your attack.

In fact, the mysterious man actually did what Yusei had guessed. In order to prevent the Phantom Emperor from being destroyed by the battle here, he directly absorbed the two Phantom derivatives and increased his attack power by 3000 points.

But because of this, the Gravity Warrior’s attack can be rolled back and the target of the attack can be re-selected, and this time, the Gravity Warrior is not the only one fighting –

“The effect of the Scrap Guardian is activated! Change one of the remaining two Phantom creature tokens from defense to attack position.”

Absorb your own minions to increase your attack power, but so what? You can’t force a fight. No matter how high your attack power is, it’s all in vain if you don’t become the target of an attack!

The useless guardian that the mysterious man failed to deal with before now used his own strength for the third time, turning a phantom creature into an attack position.

The original attack power of 1000 points is increased by the magic of the field. Although 1500 points is not enough, it is enough to save the mysterious man from suffering by 500 points.

(Mysterious man: 7400LP → 4700LP)

“Elemental Hero: Earth Core Man! Attack another minion!”

Fortunately, the Phantom Emperor’s effect can only absorb two at a time, otherwise the effect of the predecessor’s hero, Earth Core Man, would not be triggered.

Seeing that the last phantom servant was eliminated, the Earth Core Man, who had not done much since his debut, was finally able to exert his power——

“Earthman’s effect is activated! At the end of the battle phase in which this card battles, you can select a monster on both sides of the field to destroy!”

After saying that, Yusei waited for a while and saw that the mysterious man on the other side didn’t say anything. He immediately pointed at the Phantom Emperor, making it the target of Earth Core Man’s effect.

‘It seems that this field magic does not give the monster resistance such that it will not be the target of the opponent’s card’s effect, or it will not be destroyed by the effect…’

When the two of them speculated on a small part of the effect of “New Oriha Gang’s Barrier”, the so-called strongest emperor “Phantom Demon Emperor Rabiel” was directly penetrated by a core ray in the chest of the Earth Core Man. burst!


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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