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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 188 Defeat the protagonist

“Maeda-kun, I personally agree with your talent! Just winning this card design competition is enough to show that you can continue to study card design!”

After President Bekas finished speaking and disconnected the video call, Principal Samejima spoke up and expressed his overall thoughts on the matter.

“So, I am very willing to recommend you to join the International Illusion Society and become one of its card designers!”


Hayato was very happy and grateful that the principal could recognize him so much.

“Maeda-kun, I think it’s too early for you to be happy!”

At this time, Professor Chronos, who had been silent since Hayato came in and acted like a statue, interrupted Hayato’s happy mood.

“Uh, Professor Chronos, what do you mean…?”

Don’t be too happy too early? Is it possible that Professor Kuronos does not agree with giving Maeda-san this opportunity to further his studies at the International Illusion Society?

“Yes, I disagree!”

Without covering up, Chronos directly expressed his opinion.

“Oh! Professor, can you tell me why you disagree?”

You Ye was curious, and Chronos did not mince words about this, and bluntly stated the reason for his disapproval:

“Maeda Hayato, he is a poor student who repeated a year! Ask me to recommend a poor student to enter the International Illusion Club, a holy place that card designers and even duelists all over the world aspire to. I absolutely disagree!! “

“Ah, this…”

Not to mention Kuronos, Principal Samejima had temporarily forgotten that Hayato was a repeater. He had mentioned this when he entered the school before, but now he had forgotten it and regarded him as an ordinary but ordinary student. A special talent with extremely high talent in designing duel monster cards.

“Hmm~, although Hayato is my friend, Professor Chronos is right.”

At this time, if You Ye, who can be said to be Hayato, really enters the Illusion Society, it will definitely be his superior and boss who speaks out from now on.

Of course, this is the case at work, but they are still friends in private. You Ye is not the boss of an ordinary company, and there is no trace of this on him.

“You are a poor student who repeated a grade for a year. Principal Samejima and I don’t care, and your friends outside don’t care too much either. But when you walk out of school and enter the society, whether people outside will care is not our concern. never mind!”

“If you really enter my house in this state, even if you create more and better duel monster cards later, as long as someone with a heart can search your dark history, you will have to repeat a year at the main school of Duel Academy. This matter cannot be concealed!”

International Illusion Society and Kaiba Entertainment Group can be said to dominate the duel monster market around the world! It’s quite easy to help hide Hayato’s dark history, but the problem is that there are students in this school! No matter how capable you are, you can’t keep all the students who know about it secret! Moreover, there is no specific number or identity of who knows this matter, and it is impossible to prevent the other party from telling the matter one-on-one.

“Then, what should I do?”

He had not yet entered society, he was just a fifteen-year-old kid who had repeated grade one year. Hayato panicked.

In this card design competition, he originally designed and participated in the card design with the mentality of giving it a try.

After registering online, he started designing the card, and mailed the designed card to the International Illusion Society within the specified time of the competition, without even looking for You Ye, his good friend who is the son of the current president of the Illusion Society. The purpose of helping is to compete on your own strength. No matter what the result is, you can complete it by yourself!

And this led to the fact that it was not until the end of the competition, when the judges scored and sent to the professional designers in the Illusion Club for professional comments to decide on the three candidates for the championship and the Asian season, that I learned about my good friend Hayato Maeda. , participated in this competition.

I entered this competition with the mentality of giving it a try.

I completed the card design with a try mentality.

The mentality of giving it a try actually led to the final victory?

The mentality of giving it a try was actually appreciated by Mr. Bekas, the first president of the Illusion Society? !

All of this made Hayato feel like he was dreaming? It wasn’t until Professor Kuronos mentioned that he was a “bad student who repeated a year” that he realized that he was not dreaming, but at the same time, he panicked!

He really wants to get this recommendation opportunity and enter the coveted Illusion Club to become a professional card designer!

But the question is, why did I, a poor student who repeated a grade, get such an important opportunity? Does he have the ability to get it?

In addition, even if he really got it, how could he hide the fact that he was a “bad student who repeated a grade” so that the outside world would never know?

No! He is just a sixteen-year-old kid who repeated a grade.

“There is no way.”

With one sentence, Hayato, who was already in despair, immediately raised his buried head and looked at You Ye with eyes full of hope.

“That is to defeat me, the son of the current president of the Illusion Society, head-on!”

Hayato u0026 Professor u0026 Principal:! ?

“As long as you defeat me in a duel, I believe no one will be willing to believe that you are a repeater, even if someone really digs it out in the future!”

The son of the current president of the International Illusion Society, he is ranked among the “Top Level 20 Legendary Duelists” in the global professional league, one of the top batch of the pyramid behind the “Five King Duelist” and “Eight Masters”!

Will defeating such a duelist make him a poor student in the academy who repeats a year?

Some people may say that you are willing to give up, but do you think you can really win if such a top-notch existence is willing to give up on you? Unless that person released a Pacific Ocean of water! Only then can we really win.

“The duel is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. It will be a private duel in the academy’s duel venue. The people watching the duel are all you know, so there won’t be too much shame or too much nervousness.”

Even though he said this, Hayato was still panicking. After all, his opponent was Yu Ye! The “hero” who saved the entire academy, and even the whole world, from the new god Oliha Gang! Even in ordinary terms, its strength is No. 1 in the academy! No matter whether they are students or teachers, no one can beat him. (Principal Samejima has never fought with You Ye)

With such strength, it is a miracle that he can survive another round in the opponent’s hands!

“I know what you’re worried about.”

Looking at Hayato’s chubby face that was so nervous that he was sweating, You Ye could easily guess what the other person was worried about.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have the mentality to abuse people. I will definitely let it go, but I won’t let it go too much. After all, this duel will probably become a rebuttal point in the future to prove that you are not a repeater. ”

As soon as these words came out, Principal Samejima breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he still admired this kid Hayato very much and hoped that he would get this opportunity to enter the Illusion Club.

“I definitely won’t be able to use my special deck ‘Masked Hero’.”

If you use it, you won’t be able to play at all! No professional duelist could beat him, let alone Hayato.

“Pure elemental heroes! The ones placed in the extra deck are also the kind that combine specific heroes in pairs.”

That is – elemental fusion heroes will not carry it either.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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