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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 204 Yu Gi Oh League (Yu-Gi-Oh Professional League)

In the five-star hotel under the jurisdiction of the International Illusion Society.

“Liang, this is where you lived when you participated in the professional league recently.”

The five-star hotel under the jurisdiction of the International Illusion Society is only a few hundred meters away from the headquarters of the International Illusion Society. The lower floors of this hotel are used for rent by outsiders, while the middle floors on the upper floor are It will be open only when relatives and friends of the company’s employees come to Tongshiye Market. What’s more, it will only be open if they are related to high-level management within the group, or when the same high-level management from other companies comes. (The author wrote it blindly, just read it)

As the son of the company president, it is naturally the best thing to arrange for his friends! However, as far as Ryo Marufuji’s personal preference is concerned, he set the location of the room on the upper-middle floor, so that one can enjoy the scenery on the ground and in the distance alone without getting bored due to the high height and long distance.

“We plan to give you a month to make adjustments before the professional league. During this month, you can tell me any cards you need, as well as other needs.”


There is no need to say anything between friends. Since You Ye has arranged this, Marufuji naturally accepts it wholeheartedly.

“As for one month later, you will enter the professional league as a partner of a small and medium-sized company under our Illusion Society. The arrangements and care for you during this month can be regarded as the small and medium-sized company’s care for you. Sponsorship, and in addition to fighting and ranking in the duel, you are advertising for this company to enhance their popularity and company image. “

As a friend, You Ye arranged for him to stay in the best hotel, and provided him with duel monster cards and other help. So why didn’t this sponsor say that it was the International Illusion Society behind it?

Just because Ryo Marufuji is now an unknown player in the professional league! He is a pure “newcomer”!

A duelist who has no popularity and has never appeared in any large-scale official competitions before will compete on behalf of the International Illusion Society as soon as he enters the professional league. Doesn’t this make others suspicious? Maybe someone with good intentions will come up with the argument that the International Illusion Society is running a shady operation.

Although with the size of their International Illusion Club, they can easily wipe out these out-of-key voices, this cannot change the fact that Ryo Marufuji is a pure newcomer, a “passer-by duelist” who has never participated in any competitions before. .

Then someone here may want to say that since they have doubts, they should show their true strength in the game and slap those guys in the face with victory! This should leave you with nothing to say, right?

Then I can only say that you are too naive!

I have already doubted whether Ryo Marufuji has the strength, and whether the International Illusion Society is engaged in shady activities in this kind of professional league, then even if you really defeat your opponent with your own strength, under the guidance of caring people, the public will I still think that the defeated guy is probably a “trustee”, and the reason why he lost is so that the representative of the Illusion Club, Marufuji Ryo, won, which became favorable evidence to refute those views!

So, if the public thinks that the loser is a “trustee”, and the duelists who are defeated by Ryo Marufuji one after another, everyone will think that they are giving him points one after another, so that he can win his own. Thought to be a favorable rebuttal point.

Even if the opponent is a star duelist who is already famous in the professional league, the general public will probably still think that they are “trustees”! Just because the International Illusion Society has money, status and power! Is it difficult for them to buy a professional duelist to build momentum for Ryo Marufuji?

Therefore, the newcomer “Ryo Marufuji” who does not have any fame or official game record can only play as a representative of their company in the professional league after being selected by a small and medium-sized company, which is different from the duel. “Spokesperson” in the entertainment industry.

Of course, when Ryo Marufuji becomes famous in the professional league, has a certain number of fans and supporters, and has a good record, then it will be announced that the International Illusion Society has taken a fancy to his talent and has taken a fancy to him. Due to his achievements in the professional league, he was invited to further cooperate with the International Illusion Society. I believe the audience will spontaneously recognize Marufuji Ryo, right?

After all, fame, strength, and record are all indispensable! Ryo Marufuji now only has “strength” but no “fame” and “records”. This leads to the fact that even if he really participates in the professional league on behalf of a partner of the International Illusion Society, most people will suspect that there is something wrong with him. Shady and therefore disapproval or even disgust.

“I see.”

Although he talked a lot, Ryo Marufuji listened carefully. Whether it was as a friend or as a professional, it was basically better to listen to You Ye for matters in the professional league. Duelists who want to enter the league can at best judge whether the content is beneficial to themselves or harmful to others based on their own ideas. However, he believes that as his friend, You Ye is sincerely helping him join the professional league circle.

“By the way, Liang, how much do you know about the professional league? For example, the levels and rankings of the league.”

You Ye suddenly remembered whether Marufuji Ryo had some relevant knowledge about the professional league. If the other party didn’t know it in detail, then he was going to give a detailed explanation here.

“After all, I am also a ‘quasi-professional duelist’ who wants to participate in the professional league. I still have some relevant knowledge.”

I understand You Ye’s worries, but Maru Tengliang has already made preparations for this. After all, he had already envisioned his future path before graduation.

“Professional League, this can be said to be a general term, and its full name is ‘Yu Gi Oh League (Yu Gi Oh Professional League)’. There are three stages in total, namely ‘Illusion KC Cup’-‘Professional RK Tournament’-‘Legendary Master’!”

Take out your homework notebook, on which are notes on your understanding of the professional league.

“Illusion KC Cup is a staged competition for newcomers entering the professional league. It is also the name of the competition format I will participate in a month later.”

“And when a new professional duelist achieves a certain good result, high popularity and strong strength, he can enter the next stage, which is the ‘Professional RK Tournament’ mentioned earlier!”

“Now most of the famous and powerful professional duelists are basically in this area. For example, Professor Chronos, although he has not joined the professional league, but in terms of his personal strength, he can definitely reach this field, and he is still in this field. The most advanced ones in the field!”

“Although there is only one step between the second stage and the third stage, 70 to 80 percent of duelists will never enter it in their lifetime! That’s because the third stage is not only the last level of the professional league, but also the highest honor in the professional league!”

“Legendary Master! Divide it into the widely known ‘Legendary Duelists’ and the ‘Master Duelists’ who are rarely known but known to all are high-ranking people with certain power.”

You Ye is now at the pinnacle of “Legendary Duelists”, and the “Master Duelists” are touched in this middle area.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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