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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 217 electronic dragon head!

The final “Electronic Dragon”;

An “electronic unicorn” with a silver-gray body and purple fluorescent stripes that looks like a dog;

The “Electronic Barrier Dragon” with the same silver-gray body and an umbrella-shaped collar around its head and neck;

The “Electronic Laser Dragon” has a head and neck that are a bit small and slender compared to the Electronic Dragon, and a laser emitter at the end of its tail;

The golden fuselage is decorated with blue and bright gray, and the alliance’s armed “armored electronic wing” looks like a fighter jet;

And finally, the “Electronic Dragon Core” that is often summoned by Ryo Marufuji to search for “electronic” magic traps.

Six machine-type monsters, these are the six cards sent from the top of the deck to the graveyard by the effect of “Wall of Power” to replace this wave of 3000 damage.

“Hey! You’re really a bitch!”

The kite robot in the cemetery, the wall of power on the field, a wave of 1500 damage, a wave of twice the damage of 3000, a total of 4500 total damage were all blocked by Ryo Marufuji!

“But even if you succeed in your new turn, you can’t defeat me! You know, not only do I have more than ten times your HP, but you can’t even completely break through the monsters on the field!”

With 10,000 health points, Ryo Marufuji can do whatever he wants. As for the monsters on his side? When the composite slime is destroyed by battle, it can also special summon three “slime monster derivatives” in attack position on its field. Although the attack power of these derivatives is only a meager 500 points, when paired with that With a thousand points of health, he will definitely be able to hold on until his new turn comes!

The other “God Slime” has an attack power of 3000 that cannot be surpassed casually. Of course, this is for ordinary duelists. For Ryo Marufuji, the easiest thing is his own “Electronic Dragon” The secret of “Electronic Terminator Dragon”, with 4000 attack power, directly surpasses “Slime”, but don’t underestimate the strongest monster of “Slime”. It is not only comparable in strength to the legendary white dragon, but also has the ability to fight against opponent monsters. Near invincibility – cannot be destroyed by combat!

Furthermore, as long as God Slime exists face-up on his field, Marufuji cannot select anything other than God Slime, that is, Composite Slime, as the target of attacks and effects.


“Let me see, your so-called tactic of killing me, who has more than ten times your health in one turn, to win the duel!”

Confidence, this is Inukai’s only mentality now. He believes that his monsters and health can survive this round. He is confident that Marufuji Ryo cannot solve him in this round and end the game!

“Since you want to see it, then I will let you see the victory formula that has been decided in my hands!”

When it came to his turn, Ryo Marufuji drew a card from the deck, but he didn’t look at it, or the card had no effect on him no matter what it was. He just held it between his index and middle fingers, and then used the remaining three Use your fingers to operate the two cards in your hand that you saved from the previous round.

“The magic card ‘Electronic Repair Factory’! When there is an ‘Electronic Dragon’ monster in your graveyard, you can add any light-attributed machine-type monster in your deck to your hand.”

Now that the effect of the “Acid-Causing Mechanical Virus” has passed, Marufuji can proceed with peace of mind, play out the Electronic Repair Factory that he was unable to activate last turn, and search for light-attributed mechanical monsters in the deck.

“Then, remove these ten light-attributed mechanical monsters from our graveyard, which are all the mechanical monsters in the graveyard!”

As Ryo Marufuji reached for the graveyard area of ​​his duel board, he took out a total of ten monster cards and displayed them one by one to everyone present for viewing and confirmation.

“They were all destroyed and sent to the graveyard by the ‘Acid Corrosion Mechanical Virus’ you activated earlier.”

The first “Electronic Dragon” was destroyed when it first appeared, and the two “Electronic Dragon Type 3” and “Electronic Dragon Type 4” in the starting hand at that time, followed by the six cards in the hand brought by the success reward. , the second “Electronic Dragon” and the first “Electronic Dragon Core” were destroyed, then the “Electronic Dragon Type 2” was wiped out by the hand and replaced by the hand card, and finally the wall of power saved his life. The effect sends the last “Electronic Dragon” to the graveyard, as well as the “Electronic Barrier Dragon”, “Electronic Laser Dragon”, and the second “Electronic Dragon Core”.

“Special Summon—Electronic Dragon Head!”

Fiery red clouds like the setting sun suddenly appeared, covering the sky of the entire duel stadium. With an electronic mechanized dragon roar, a silver mechanical faucet as huge as a mountain protruded from the fiery red clouds, followed closely by seven figures. A very similar young mechanical faucet (no matter how small it is, it is still as big as an adult). Only the head can be seen but not the body. It seems that its body is hidden in the clouds behind it.

“It is specially summoned at the cost of excluding all light-attributed machine-type monsters on our field and in the graveyard. Therefore, its attack power and defense power depend on the number of monsters expelled as sacrifices. Each time Just increase the points by 500!”

(Electronic dragon head, 10 stars, attack power:?→5000, defense power:?→5000)

“Five, five, five thousand?!!!”

Good guy, the huge dragon head that can be specially summoned by its own methods has the highest combat power on paper duel monsters as soon as it appears.

“Every special summon of a mechanical monster will give you 300 points of damage!”

Inukai, who still doesn’t know the full effect of the Electronic Tenryu Head, will not miss any opportunity to reduce Marufuji’s health. This permanent trap “Electronic Summoning Exploder” only works once during the activation round. Now What he remembered was used again on the special summons of the electronic dragon head, and for the second time, 300 points of Ryo Marufuji’s health were deducted.

(Ryo Marufuji: 950LP→650LP)

Deduct whatever you want! As long as it doesn’t return to 0, whatever!

“At the same time, when the Electronic Dragon Head is successfully specially summoned, it can also send all face-up monsters on the opponent’s field to the graveyard! Star siege!”

Everyone: “?!!”

If the special summon is successful, all face-up monsters on the opponent’s field will be cleared… Not only is the strength of the effect abnormal, but the content of the effect is also abnormal! Because this effect sends the face-up monster to the graveyard without the word “destruction” in front of it, this means that the last word monsters on the opponent’s field that are all related to “destruction” enter the graveyard without being able to trigger the effect! An invincible clearing comparable to “Liberation” and “Material” levels.

Needless to say, covering strikes like falling meteors and composite slimes like fish, the “God Slime”, which was modeled after the phantom god of destruction “Obelisk”, roared and wanted to fight back. But in the end, Shi Li was defeated by Tianming and was sent away directly by the Tianlong meteor group!

Seeing the situation reverse in an instant, and the field that became Inukai was now empty, Marufuji Ryo typed the words that made Inukai rush to his throat and was about to blurt out before the other party spoke with panic and confidence, but it was stuck there, And the final operation that can end this game:

“Quick-attack magic ‘Concentration Socket’! During the round when this card is activated, other monsters on our side except the effect target cannot fight, and as a price, the effect target’s attack power will increase by its own defense value until the end of the round!”

The original offensive and defensive values ​​​​of the Electronic Dragon Head are both “?”. The values ​​determined after the appearance are based on the number of light-attributed mechanical monsters removed for the special summons. Therefore, if the offensive and defensive values ​​​​are the same, the defense value will be increased. That is to say, it becomes twice as much.

(Electronic dragon head, attack power: 5000→10000)

Two times five thousand is ten thousand. The empty field is a direct attack, and Inukai’s health is exactly 10,000 LP, which has not declined at all since the battle.

“The final blow – Soaring Sky Dragon Flash!”

As the mouth of the main body of the electronic dragon head opened, the sharp-toothed tongue of a shark spit out a huge fireball, which was surrounded by seven small fireballs and hit Inukai on the ground.

(Dog Feed: 10000LP→0)

The winner is Ryo Marufuji!

Successfully advanced to the final level of the “Phantom KC Cup” and qualified to challenge the “Professional RK Tournament”, the second format of the professional league.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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