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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 219 Freshmen challenge old students

In the college canteen.

“Excuse me, are there any duel card packs you can sell to me?”

Ed, wearing his own silver suit, walked in. While looking at the display cards on both sides, he asked the store clerk if there were any card packages for sale.

“Yes, yes.”

Aunt Dome put down her work, looked up at this handsome young man she had never seen before, then scratched her cheek with her fat fingers and said with some embarrassment:

“It’s just that the card packs that are still available for sale are the ones left after they have all been selected. Are you sure you want to buy them?”

In response, Ed smiled and waved his hand:

“It’s okay, as long as you can build a complete deck that can be used for duels. After all, a deck requires at least 40 cards.”

“Hey! Don’t you have your own deck?”

Aunt Dome looked at the child in front of her with some surprise. The students who came to buy card packs in the past all regarded the cards from the card packs as “new parts” and replaced them with the “old parts” of their original decks. He constantly strengthens and improves his deck, but it is really unprecedented for Ed to build a deck directly from the cards in the card packs he bought.

“Uh, this…”

Being asked so suddenly, Ed couldn’t think of how to answer for a while, and just when he was thinking about how to answer this question, Aunt Domei gave her own answer to this question:

“Is it possible that we are going to have a special duel? For example, we may make an appointment with a friend to create a completely unknown deck for a duel using only the cards in the card packs bought from the card store.”

“Ah, yes, yes!”

Ed breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that the fat aunt could give him a reasonable explanation, which saved him from having to think about it any more.

“In that case, then you can choose it yourself.”

After saying that, Aunt Dome turned back. Not long after, he walked out of the room with a cardboard box in his arms. In the box without a lid, there lay a small pile of card packets. It was so messy and untidy that it should be It’s just what the aunt said about selling the remaining card packs.

“Quite a lot.”

At a glance, the number of card packs in this pile is around 20 at least.

“So how much will it cost to buy all these card packs?”

As he spoke, Ed took out his smartphone, opened an app named “Yu-Gi-Oh!”, clicked on the personal center above, and then clicked on the icon with the word “Wallet” to display the Yu-Gi-Oh that he had recharged. currency.

The “Yu-Gi-Oh!” app is a “Duel Monster” virtual app developed by Yu Ye’s father and Seto Kaiba. It can do many things related to real-life duels, such as letting the smartphone’s camera take pictures of card patterns and connecting to the Internet. You can then search for all official record data in this app.

Another example is browsing all recent news events in the dueling world. For example, when the summer vacation is about to end, you can clearly see on the homepage of the app “Congratulations to the new professional duelist ‘Ryo Marufuji’ for being promoted to the first level of the professional league.” ‘Phantom KC Cup’ top level!” News.

The function currently used by Ed is to convert real money into “virtual Yu-Gi-Oh coins” unique to the dueling world. All expenses related to dueling monsters can be paid or collected using this app. By the way, recharge consumption The more money you have, the higher the membership level will be, and you can also enjoy certain discounts on daily purchases and payments.

“Are you still a freshman this year?”

Aunt Dome frowned and asked. All fees in the Duel Academy are neither traditional currencies in the outside world nor virtual duel coins in the “Yu-Gi-Oh!” app, but “duel coins” that belong exclusively to this kind of duel education institution. point”, of course, its function is basically the same as the known “currency”, except that it can only be used in related duel education institutions such as Duel Academy, except that Duel Academy is just a bunch of electronic numbers.

“Yes, I am a first-year student enrolling this year.”

Ed opened the card package and nodded in the direction of Aunt Dome without raising his head.

“Newly admitted students only need to pay half the price to buy things in the college store.”

Duel points can only be used in the academy, but newly admitted students certainly do not have them. Therefore, the academy stipulates that if newly admitted students want to buy something in the academy’s store before they have obtained their own duel points, then You only need to pay half of the clearly marked price, mainly for students who have good grades and strength, but whose family conditions are not very good.

“Okay, I’ll pay the fee right now.”

After getting the total price from Aunt Duomei, Ed scanned the QR code to pay, then sat back on the chair and continued his unpacking journey.

Seeing this, Aunt Domei stopped disturbing her, returned to her original position and continued the work that she had been forced to stop due to the arrival of Ed.

‘Most of them are normal monsters with high offensive and defensive statistics, as well as single-card effect monsters that don’t look very good in terms of effect and combat power…’

After unpacking all the cards and classifying the cards into self-defined categories, Ed looked at the pile of monster cards and couldn’t help but shook his head.

‘But… a duel is not just about the monster’s combat power, it must also be paired with magic cards that have the power of strange spells, and trap cards that can make the enemy fall into an ambush! ’

Looking at the remaining two batches of magic and trap cards, Ed’s mouth slightly raised. He was quite lucky. Most of the magic and trap cards in this pile can be matched with those monster cards. As long as they are played once With more detailed screening, you will surely be able to build a “bottom versus top” deck for formal duels!

……Dividing line……


It was a new school year and a new semester. Judai was still in Osiris Red. He was sleeping in his original dormitory when his younger brother Sho Marufuji woke him up.

“Oh, Xiang, why are you here?”

Sho Marufuji, who passed the promotion exam in the second semester of his first year, successfully upgraded from Osiris Red to Sun God Yellow, which means he is in the same dormitory as Misawa Daichi.

“Brother! There is a freshman outside who wants to duel you by name!”

“Ah? Name me? Are you talking about me?”

The new first-year student proposed to have a duel with Yujo Judai as soon as he arrived. Are you sure you are right?

“Anyway, you’ll know when you go out and take a look.”

Under the tug of Marufuji Sho, Judai climbed up from his favorite bed, put on his shoes and socks and tidied up his clothes. Under the leadership of Marufuji Sho, he met the first-year student who challenged him by name.

“Second-year ‘Yushidai’ senior, I am ‘Aide’, the first-year freshman who just entered school this year. Please forgive me for suddenly issuing a challenge to you, but I personally hope that you can accept my challenge this time. challenge issued.”

Upon seeing the era, Amity immediately transformed into a new junior, apologizing and sincerely hoping that the senior, Judai, could accept his challenge.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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