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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 239 Bulbasaur ate the Marvelous Corn and entered the Mickey Mouse House. It was so wonderful!

“Flash Flame Wingman! Attack Ed’s Phoenix Man! Flash Shot!”

If the 4300 Flash Flame Wing Man fights the 2100 Phoenix Man, as long as this battle is passed, he can cause 2200 points of combat damage in one breath. For Ed, who has 2000 points of health left, it is a fatal overflow of 200 points of damage. one strike!

“Trap card ‘Guard Guard’! Let the combat damage caused by Flash Flame Wingman’s attack be reduced to 0, and at the same time I can draw a card from the deck.”

The fatal blow was neutralized by the shield, and Ed also added a card to his hand.

“Ah~, what a great opportunity! As long as 2,200 points of damage are actually caused, my brother will be able to win this duel!”

This semester’s new recruit, Kenzan, watched the Flash Flame Wingman’s attack being blocked by the energy shield formed by the “Guard Wall”, and couldn’t help but feel sorry for his newly recognized eldest brother Judai.

“Baga! If Judai had won so easily, Ed wouldn’t be known as the number one person under You Ye!”

Wan Zhangmu rolled his eyes at Kenzan. If professional duelists were so easy to defeat, not to mention that his opponent Ed was second only to You Ye, then every duelist in the world could call himself a “professional” .

At the meeting, Ed drew cards in his new turn, used the second “Pot of Desire” in the deck, replenished a wave of cards in his hand, and then activated his first “Angel’s Charity” “.

After replenishing resources and stacking graves, Ed played the second “Fusion” in his deck. He wanted Phoenix Man to undergo the same evolution as Flame Wing Man:

“Magic card ‘Fusion’! Fusion of the ‘Elemental Hero – Electro’ in your hand and the ‘Elemental Hero – Phoenix Man’ on the field!”

“The phoenix in the bear flames shines brightly and soars with wings! Fusion Summon-Elemental Hero·Flashing Phoenix Man!”

Phoenix Man vs. Flame Wing Man. Now that Flame Wing Man has completed the evolution first, Ed will naturally not be left behind and let his Phoenix Man complete his own evolution in this round. .

“The effect of Flash Phoenix Man, for every ‘Elemental Hero’ monster in our graveyard, its attack power will increase by 300 points!”

Except for the different effects inherited from the pre-evolution posture, the new effects given by the third fusion material “Electric Man” are exactly the same. Therefore, at this time, it depends on the “Elemental Hero” in their respective owner’s graveyard. Which side has more monsters?

(Elemental Hero·Phoenix Man, 8 stars, attack power: 2500 → 4600, defense power: 2100)

“Four, four, four thousand six!? It’s actually 300 points higher than big brother’s Flash Flame Wingman!”

Looking at the two opposite heroes, everyone in the audience, and the opponent Judai, all had their eyes widened with astonishment on their faces. Between the flashes, there was actually an “elemental hero” difference. volume.

“This round’s ‘Angel’s Alms’ effect discarded two ‘Elemental Heroes’?”

The reason for this difference, Judai understood after thinking about it for a moment, was that one of the two cards in the hand that was supplemented by the effect of “Pot of Desire” was used at the beginning of Ed’s round – “Angel’s Alms”.

“The abandoned heroes are ‘Bubble Man’ and ‘Wild Man’.”

While talking, Ed took out the two discarded heroes that were specially used to accumulate the power of the Flash Phoenix Man and showed them to everyone.

“The spirit of chivalry can only prevent your monsters from being destroyed in battle if their attack power is the same, but now my Flash Phoenix Man is obviously better than Judai’s Flash Flame Wing Man, so I win this battle. “

As Ed pointed at the tenth generation Flash Flame Wingman, the relative Flash Phoenix Man immediately flapped the metal mechanical wings behind his back, condensing dazzling golden light energy in his eagle-claw-like hands, and quickly approached the one who was weaker than him. Flash Flame Wingman.


When the two heroes collided, the explosion was extremely loud, and the smoke and dust generated directly covered the entire duel stage.

“The result, what happened?”

The younger brother Ryo Marufuji asked nervously, but no one could respond to him.

As everyone waited anxiously, the smoke gradually dissipated after more than ten seconds, but what was revealed shocked the spectators——

The tenth generation Flash Flame Wingman is not dead! Ed, who took the initiative to attack, no longer has 2,000 health points!

“Look around the duel stage! It seems to be the projection of the elemental hero’s exclusive field magic ‘Skyscraper’!”

At this time, his younger brother Kenzan made a surprised sound, and used his fingers to surround the two duellists with the projection of the skyscraper that enveloped them. It was the same building as the field magic “Skyscraper” card.

“The effect of the skyscraper, at the moment of damage calculation, increased the attack power of the tenth generation Flash Flame Wingman by a full 1,000 points! The 5300-power Flash Flame Wing Man not only survived this battle, but also gave love to Germany caused 700 points of combat damage!”

Misawa, who is crazy about data analysis, quickly restored the entire battle scene just now. Fortunately, the Flash Phoenix Man inherited the battle damage resistance from the Phoenix Man period, otherwise this wave of Ed would have been lost to his grandma’s family.

“Huh? I remember that the effect of the field magic ‘Skyscraper’ is applied to all ‘Elemental Hero’ monsters, right? Then why does Big Brother’s Flash Flame Winger have increased attack power, but Ed’s Flash Phoenix Man has not?”

Ryo Marufuji, the stupidest and weakest person in the audience, expressed the deep doubts in his heart.

“Skyscraper’s effect is that when an ‘Elemental Hero’ monster fights an opponent’s monster with higher attack power than that ‘Elemental Hero’ monster, the attack power of that ‘Elemental Hero’ monster only increases by 1000 points during damage calculation.”

This is the effect text described on the skyscraper card. After speaking, Misawa formally explained to Marufuji Sho:

“When both duelists use ‘Elemental Heroes’, this field magic becomes a double-edged sword. However, at the moment when a hero fights a hero, the side that can increase the attack power is decided before the damage is calculated. Okay, before the damage calculation, whichever side has the lowest strength will be increased, and the subsequent specific increase in strength will already be included in the damage calculation. “

“Before the damage calculation, the strength of the tenth-generation Flash Flame Wingman was a bit lower, so Skyscraper added power to the Flash Flame Wingman during the damage calculation. Otherwise, judging from what you said, this power buff would be unlimited. Stack it up, but it’s impossible.”

“Oh~, I understand.”

After listening to Misawa’s explanation, Marufuji Sho nodded with understanding.

“But what I’m really curious about is how Judai took out the ‘Skyscraper’ card from the deck and activated it during Ed’s battle phase?”

Misawa rubbed his chin and began to think. He couldn’t figure out how Judai could do this. However, professional duelists are indeed “professional”. After sorting out everything that happened in the battle just now, Ed gave the following answer: Answer:

“The trap card ‘Virtual World’ can take out a field magic from your deck and activate it in your own field area at any time other than the combat damage step.”

The virtual world is known as the inferior substitute of the magic card “Planet Transformation”, but now it seems that as long as the timing of use is correct, the effect of the virtual world completely exceeds that of planet transformation.

For planet transformation, you directly take out a field magic from the deck, and then activate it manually. Since it is a normal magic, it can only be used in the main phase of your turn.

If the virtual world becomes a terraforming planet, and Judai activated it last round and obtained the “Skyscraper” in the deck, then Ed may not take the initiative to attack this round, because he is neither blind nor calculating. A very poor student.

“This guy Judai… is really good at it!”

Wan Zhangmu, the tenth generation old enemy, couldn’t help but feel happy for him from the bottom of his heart at this moment. The “virtual world” hidden in his hands directly deceived him during the battle stage of Ed. It was simply “Bulbasaur eating wonderful things”. Crispy Corner has entered Mickey’s Wonderful House, and it’s wonderful!” This sentence is embodied in reality.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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