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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 296 Fusion of Destiny

“Magic card ‘Fusion’! Send the ‘Hero of Destiny – Discman’ and ‘Hero of Destiny – Gunman’ on the field to the graveyard for fusion!”

The third-generation hero series “Heroes of Destiny”, which was created based on the first-generation hero series “Elemental Heroes”, also has its own fusion of systems. At the moment, Ed showed what he had done against the tenth generation that day. The fusion that belongs to the lineage of Destiny Heroes is not used.

“The two heroes who broke the Rock of Destiny, now merge into one and rule the dark future! Fusion Summon—Heroes of Destiny and Dystopians!”

The yellow shoulder armor and leg rings, the yellow face with the red capital letter “D” printed on it, the blue and purple-colored battle armor full of technological style, and the black hole-like purple-black energy exuding terrifying energy in the palms of both hands. ball.

(Hero of Destiny: Dystopia, 8 stars, attack power: 2800, defense power: 2400)

“The effect of Dytopia is activated! When the special summon is successful, you can select a ‘Hero of Destiny’ monster with a level of four or lower from your graveyard, and the attack power value written on the card of that monster will be given to you. damage!”

So far, there are only two “Heroes of Destiny” monsters in Amity’s cemetery, namely the “Gunman” and “Disc Man”, the dystopian’s own fusion materials, and the strongest among them is a four-star level “Man with a Gun”, the attack power value of 1600 is deducted from Caesar’s health.

(Caesar: 4000LP→2400LP)

“Enter the battle! Dystopians, attack the Electro-Laser Dragon!”

Electronic Laser Dragon’s “Laser Cannon” can destroy a powerful monster on the opponent’s field that is equal to or even surpasses his own once every Caesar turn. Therefore, Electronic Laser Dragon is the first thing Ed needs to solve now. The goal.

Seeing the Dytopian man aiming his palms at the Electronic Laser Dragon, terrifying energy about to be shot out from his black hole-like purple-black energy ball, Caesar quickly waved his hand and activated his left Gaika:

“The permanent trap ‘Electronic Dark Invasion’ is activated! At the cost of discarding the equipment card on the Electronic Dark Demon Horn, the ‘Elemental Hero Electroman’ who changed from the warrior type to the dragon type due to the effect of Reincarnation Arbitrary will be sent back to you. cemetery……”

Electro, who was forcibly controlled by the electronic Dark Horn’s data line, escaped from the opponent’s control and returned to the graveyard of his original owner Ed. However, because the reincarnation arbitrariness continues to exist, his body shape still retains the changed dragon shape. Human warrior appearance.

“You can choose a card on your opponent’s field to destroy!”

The main trap of the Electronic Dark series, the Electronic Dark Demon Horn, which was blessed with power, immediately released a powerful energy far exceeding its previous strength of 2400, and hit the strongest monster on Ed’s side, the pair of partners, with one blow On the body of the fusion monster “Dytopia” attacked by the Cyber ​​Laser Dragon.

The sky-high explosions and huge smoke covered the area where Ed was. Just as Caesar was waiting for Ed to declare his other monster “Drill Man”, he was disappointed that he had lost the equipment card “Electric Man”. When the Electronic Dark Demon Horn, which had returned to its original power of 800 points, launched an attack declaration, two slender purple-black rays of light suddenly shot out from the smoke and dust of the explosion, hitting the target with lightning speed. The electronic laser dragon escaped from danger.


Looking at the corpse of the electronic laser dragon beside him that was blown to pieces and turned into a pile of mechanical parts, Caesar’s eyes widened and he fell silent.

Could it be that… this fusion monster from the Heroes of Destiny series has the powerful ability to take away monsters from the opponent’s field when it leaves the field, similar to “Sub-Zero”? However, since the previous special call can give the opponent the power to damage the opponent’s health effect, the number of monsters that the opponent leaves the field to replace the opponent’s monsters is different from the one-for-many like Sub-Zero. It seems to be one-for-one. .

As time passed, the area where Ed was located returned to normal, but the scene that appeared surprised Caesar——

Heroes of Destiny, Dystopians, intact!

On the contrary, the drill man who was not the object of attention disappeared from the charity field.


Caesar couldn’t understand it at all. This third hero system called “Hero of Destiny” was so weird! ?

But soon, Caesar noticed that in Ed’s hand, instead of using the two “fusion” cards before the explosion, there was now only “the only one” left. That is to say, the reason why the dystopians were able to play in Electronic Darkness The reason for surviving the invasion effect is mostly due to the disappearing card in the hand, a quick-attack magic card that can be used in the combat phase.

“The quick-attack magic ‘Forbidden Holy Spear’ reduces the Dytopian’s attack power by 800 points in exchange for resistance to magic trap effects that lasts for one round.”

The destruction of Electronic Dark Invasion is the same as Caesar’s other trap card “Electronic Overflow”, but it only needs to be given the corresponding resistance to the key target before that.

The intactness of the Dytopians relies on the resistance to magic and traps given by the “Holy Spear”, but in this way, after ensuring the survival of the key target, the Dytopians, the Drill Man, who neither side paid much attention to, will There is no way to survive like the dystopians.

“Wait a minute! Why is the strength of the Dytopians still the original 2800 points?”

Suddenly, Caesar noticed another point, that is, after getting the resistance granted by the Holy Lance, the Tyranitar still maintained its original strength value. The Holy Lance resistance paid for the 800 points of attack power, which was temporarily weakened, did not appear on the Tyranitar.

“This is about another ability of the Tyranitar.”

Looking at the Tyranitar on his field without any damage, Ed smiled complacently and said:

“When the attack power value of the Tyranitar becomes different from its original attack power value, I can choose a card on both sides to destroy it, and after that, I can also return the Tyranitar’s power to the original 2800 points.”

In other words, for general fast-attack magic such as taboo, in addition to the effects of the Holy Grail that directly invalidate the target monster itself, the remaining “Holy Lance” and “Sacred Cloth”, their side effects of reducing attack power can be said to be non-existent for the Tyranitar. In other words, it is directly granting the corresponding resistance without paying any price.

After losing the Drill Man, solving the problem of the Electron Laser Dragon, and consuming the Electron Dark Horn’s equipment, Ed was finally able to attack properly this time.

The Electron Dark Horn with 800 original power took the attack of the 2800 Dystopian and crushed it easily, causing great damage to Caesar, causing him to fall into the inferior position first… provided that he did not activate his remaining cover card.


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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