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Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes — 319 Second semester of sophomore year

“Ryo, Judai, how are you doing there?”

After defeating Saio, to be precise, it should be the “Light of Destruction” behind the scenes, and came out of the white world together with Saio himself who had passed out in a coma.

Carrying each other on his back, You Ye found Judai and Ryo who were walking towards him. It wasn’t until he got closer that he realized that Ryo was also carrying someone on his back. He was wearing a silver-white suit and silver-gray hair. Wasn’t it the person underneath him? His friend “Ed Phoenix”?

“After you disappeared, Judai and I were approached by Ed on the same spot, and we started a battle of revenge that belonged to each other.”

Before I could fully recover my energy from the previous rest, I had to fight Ed again, even though Judai was teaming up with him this time for a special 1vs2 duel like Marufuji Sho u0026 Tenjoin Fubuki. He was so tired waiting for the other party to find You Ye that he just threw him away and let him sleep there leaning against the tree trunk.

“This ‘Ed’s Revenge Battle’, to be honest, is quite magical.”

“Huh? What do you say?”

He also put Saiou down, letting him and Ed lean together, and fell asleep together with their backs against the big tree. You Ye turned his head and looked at Liang curiously.

“How can I say this duel? Simple? After all, Judai and I are teaming up for a duel. Facing Ed again will definitely be easier than the previous one. Not to mention that in this duel, Judai also Gained a new power of my own.”

Only in front of his most trusted friends, Caesar would describe the narrative in the corresponding way of speaking at this age like the previous “Ryo Marufuji” did.


Following the disappearance of the fourth hero system “Evil Heart Hero”, has Judai gained a new exclusive power?

It seems that his feeling is right, Judai is very different!

Not only does he have a unique elf sense, but he can also obtain unique powers that only he can use again and again.

“Is it difficult? It can be said that Judai was able to obtain a new exclusive power in that duel. I also obtained the counter-series of ‘Ocean Electronics – Electronic Dragon Style’ and ‘Li Electronic – Electronic Dark’ card before that duel. group, correspondingly, Ed’s strength has also become stronger! I guess it was after the ‘Battle of My Revenge’ that he got it from Saio, and it was his personal ‘opportunity’, Improved the strength of his deck.”

In that duel, if it weren’t for the combination of his two electronic flow systems and the new power Judai had just obtained, he might not have been able to defeat the new power Ed suspected of getting from Saio.

That guy is so powerful that in Caesar’s personal opinion, he can be said to be the strongest group of beings under the “Three Illusion Gods” who are the top of Duel Monsters! Almost at the top of the pyramid.

“Talking about our side, what’s going on over there?”

After talking about his side of the duel, Caesar became curious about the duel between Yu Ye and Saio.

“Saio, to be precise, it should be called the ‘Light of Destruction’. It is the darkness that was born in the light. It is the boss behind the scenes that caused all of this to happen!”

“Perhaps it has powerful mysterious power that we can’t imagine. After all, it alone controls the entire Duel Academy, teachers and students, and even opened up such a different space, and can also give its subordinates extremely powerful cards. ”

“However, in terms of dueling, it is incompetent! It is even worse than the new god of Oliha Gang who wanted to destroy the world.”

You Ye did not hide the slightest contempt. Although the new God of Oriha Gang was easily defeated, the biggest reason was “Fudo Yusei”, a young and powerful duelist from the future time and space. That was huge. The variables exceeded its expectations.

“Stop talking, with the defeat of the Light of Destruction, I think we will be able to return to the normal world soon.”

As soon as he finished speaking, his vision was filled with a colorless white light. When he came back to his senses, as You Ye said, everything had returned to normal.

…a new chapter begins…

…Online classes at home…

Due to the Light of Destruction, the teachers and students of the entire Duel Academy did not have a good class this year. In addition, during the period of being controlled, they had to duel with You Ye and Caesar, although one person basically had a duel. After all, both You Ye and the others were victorious, which led to the fate of Ed and Judai at that time. However, after the failure, they were both sent into the dark space by the Light of Destruction and tortured until the Light of Destruction was Only after annihilation did we return to reality.

In order to allow everyone to recuperate and soothe their souls, Yu Ye, after discussing with Uncle Samejima, and teachers from all the colleges, decided that all teachers and students should go back to their homes to find their mothers!

Of course, although it is a kind of long vacation to stay at home, in order to make up for the blank time of several months this semester, the teachers unanimously decided to spend most of the daytime on online teaching, referred to as “online classes”. (The family financial situation of students who can enter the main school of Duel Academy is not much different, and in fact, a computer that can conduct online classes is not as expensive as a rare Duel Monster card)

It was also during this period that You Ye called professionals from the company. They were going to inspect and renovate the Duel Academy and sort out the bad things caused by the Light of Destruction.

…Second semester of second grade…

…The GX competition begins…

“Hmm~~~, indeed!”

Walking in the corridor to the Great Hall, Judai stretched and sighed, feeling the air that only belonged to the academy.

“It’s better to be more comfortable in the academy! After staying at home for several months, in addition to online classes, tabletop duels, or going to public dueling venues for small entertainment duels, it’s so boring!!”

During the day, Judai was listening to the class carefully during the day. Most of the time, he lay directly in front of the computer screen and fell asleep. However, he drew eye patterns on his eyelids in advance to think about it. Get through by being deceived.

After finishing the online class, Judai either stayed in his room and bed, sorting out his deck, or jumped back and forth alone to engage in a strange duel between himself and himself, or he dressed neatly and went to his father’s public duel place. There you can choose the person you like and have a relaxing and entertaining duel.

“Yeah, yeah, brother, you are really a duel maniac!”

Hearing this, the younger brother Marufuji Sho who was following Judai spread his hands with helplessness ╮(╯▽╰)╭ and lamented his eldest brother’s character in dealing with duels.

“Well, let’s not talk about that for now.”

Waving his hands, Judai did not want to say anything more about himself. The topic changed to the assembly hall they were heading to and asked:

“Nene, do any of you know what the purpose of gathering all the teachers and students of the college to the Great Hall is?”


Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Yu-Gi-Oh GX Heroes

Status: Completed Author:


Hero's duel record: seeking survival in a difficult situation! Never give up until the last moment! Fight! Masked HERO! Hen Shin!


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