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Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt — Chapter 084

“New video?”

“Or did the manager of Fang Ye, who disappeared for a few days, upload it to the group chat coldly?”

At this moment, Hongyi, who was just about to leave, immediately stopped, took out the guide, and opened the group chat interface.

Behind a long table full of luxury.

Ning Guang and the three secretaries who spontaneously gathered around also clicked on the video in unison, ~ turning to the playback screen.

The video begins with an incomparably familiar Elven House store.

The camera zooms closer to the young Fang Nightclub manager, who stands in the center of the picture, naturally has a unique charm that makes people unable to take their eyes off:

“A lot of people may or may not know me.”

“Then, solemnly introduce yourself, contemptible Fang Ye, the store manager of the Elf House.”

“The ecological region has been in Liyue for a week, I believe that a group of outstanding trainers must have emerged during this time, and more and more people are cultivating elves, and they have deeply understood what kind of intelligent life elves are and what kind of great power they have…”

On the video, Fang Ye took out a classic ordinary red and white poké ball.


A flash of red.

A Katy dog from the Wash Cui area lands on the ground, and it is full of vigilance.

“This is the ancient Katy dog.”

Hongyi and Ning Guang were stunned when they heard this.


The Pokéball is retracted and the second Pokémon arrives.

“This is the sticky dragon of the ancient gods.”

In the Hall of Death.

Today, I didn’t go to the ecological area to practice, and I was walking around the Walnut Hall Master who was about to evolve for the first time in the house.

Determined to become the king of the dragon system, she looked at the “sticky dragon” on the video screen stunned.



“This is also the dragon line?”

“Why… This sticky dragon has a huge shell on its back, so like a snail! ”

On the video screen, Fang Ye smiled again, and threw several Pokeballs one after another, releasing the Warrior Eagle, Soroyak, and Thunderbolt Electric Balls respectively.

On these ancient Pokémon, the group members can also feel the longevity and vastness across the screen.

“Except for special forms of Pokémon.”

“There are also Pokémon that can only evolve in specific regions.”

The next picture changed, which surprised Ning Guang and made the Walnut Hall Master’s mouth open wide.

The frightened horned deer evolved into the treacherous deer.

Savage perch, evolved into a ghost-tailed fish.

Flying mantis, evolved into a splitting axe mantis.

“…… Huh?! ”

Manmin Church.

Xiangling who just brought a few plates of hot dishes to the guests.

Stop by and click on the video in the group chat.

I saw the turquoise flying mantis, which can evolve into the insect + stone system of the Washing Green area form.

The insect’s body has changed into a rock-like structure and color, and the original sickle forelimbs have also become hard and rough large axes.

“Wow, mighty!”

“This form seems to be more powerful than the giant pincer mantis like a red lobster!”

Xiangling is very fond of the mighty axe mantis.


What are the evolutionary conditions?

Xiangling felt that she would get the answer when she watched the video later, so she watched it with excitement.

“Some of you trainers may have explored the ecological region of Liyue almost enough, but have never seen these elves I showed above, right?”

“Now, with such a sense of curiosity and expectation, follow your Fang Ye Restaurant manager…”

“Start the first chapter of this video: Introducing to the Elven World.”

The screen turns.

Fang Ye suddenly stood in some underground relic space.

His voice is warm and clean, with some echoes of claustrophobia:

“Next, you will follow me on a journey around an ancient elven world.”

“That was the predecessor of the Sinnoh region.”

“You will also see the time when humans lived with Pokémon a long time ago! This is a testament to the great history of history! ”

After that, Fang Ye led the jumping Keli, followed by Cresselia, and disappeared together in the place where the fluctuations in space and time were strongest.

A door of nothingness loomed.

Witness this footage!

Wendy and Zhongli, who had already come out of the ecological zone and temporarily entered the Fang Ye Research Institute, contracted their pupils one after another.

Wendy: “Can’t be wrong!” ”

Zhong Li: “This is the power of time and space!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Boom —


Fang Ye was like opening a curtain, showing a magnificent elven world to everyone in the group chat.

Centered on Tianguan Mountain.

Zhuqing Village, Base Camp, Obsidian Wilderness…

One scene after another followed Fang Ye’s footsteps, and it was presented extremely realistically.

In Zhuqing Village, Fang Ye talked with Dr. Laben.

As a foreigner traveler, he signed some kind of contract with the boss of the Galaxy team, Ma Jiamu.

At the traveling merchant of the Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce, barter, he bought some treasures and rare items.

The breath of the era is coming to your face!

With the soothing soft tune BGM played by Meloyeta, this first chapter of the “promotional video”, the progress bar, quietly comes to an end.

Group chat interface.

Everyone seemed to have unleashed the magic of silence.

The chat box was silent for a while before it exploded into a frying pan, and there was a crazy heated discussion.

Walnut: Hold the grass, the scalp is numb! Amanaka Ma no Super Hemp …

Xiangling: Fang Ye manager, after reading it, how to get to this Qiancui area? (Smiling Face)

Dadalia: I’m also numb, Fang Ye manager, your creation spells are wave after wave, the ecological zone has only been a week, it seems that something new has appeared?

Violin:!!! If it were this magnificent ancient world, I would also like to leave Mond’s work and explore and adventure for a while (wry laugh)

Keqing: The key is that on the video screen just now, the manager of Fang Ye showed us a clear future of man and elf… (Screenshot 1), (Screenshot 2), (Screenshot 3).

Ning Guang: That’s right! This Zhuqing Village is so primitive and ancient, because of the elves and related technologies, it has some prosperous weather that is not in line with the times, I believe that the future of Liyue will be more magnificent!

Wendy: Fang Ye manager, that kind of breath and fluctuation of time and space, hehe, I still can’t understand you! Give up, give up!

Zhongli: In terms of universal reason, that place is already the world outside Tivat. Maybe I’ll have a chance to be a foreigner?


The first cut was released and the post-production video was done.

Fang Ye saw the atmosphere of the explosion nest in the group chat, and many diving characters came out to speak excitedly, and their emotions were surging.

“It seems that the content of the first chapter, knowing the elven world.”

“It’s not bad.”

The corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, not in vain that he has been working in the Wash Cui area in the past few days, rushing to the set everywhere.


“If only they watched the chapter video in Tianguan Mountain, Pillar of Guns.”

“Seeing the battlefield between divine beasts and divine beasts, the battle that affects the starry sky and the universe, I am afraid that I will faint with excitement or fear?”

Stand at the pivotal point of the Secret Gate.

Before returning, Fang Ye looked back at the snow-covered Tianguan Mountain with emotion on his face.

It is worthy of Diya Luca and Parukia!

Time and space gods!

He and Cresselia could not even intervene in the battle between the two transcending the concepts of time and space.

Fang Ye itself is a combat power of the Heavenly King Rank Elf.

Although Cresselia is a first-level god, it is only a first-level god of the most elementary level.

And Diya Luca, Parukia, riding Latina, or there is power and divine authority… What a qualitative gap!

Then only “plot killing” can be considered …

(PS: Ask for a monthly pass, flowers and a full booking!) door).


Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt

Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt



Hu Tao: “My round land shark, also known as “Fifty Million Mora”, is the first Quasi-God Pokémon in all Tewat! “

Ning Guang: “I heard that it takes a lot of resources and a lot of money to cultivate heavenly kings and champion elves? Sorry, things that can be solved with money are not trivial at all… The first key of super evolution on the whole network has been photographed! Metagross, give me a mega evolution!!”

Zhongli: “The contract between humans and elves is very interesting. It is not master and servant, but partners and symbiosis.”

“And, even without the witness of me, the god of the contract, this kind of contract is very strong and unshakable. It’s an incredible bond!”

Ray Movies:


“An elf who can travel through time and space…”

“If I find it, will I be able to go back to five hundred years ago and save my sister and Huzhai Palace in advance during the war in Kanria?”

Fang Ye traveled to Tivat and became the store manager of the Elf House.

Before he knew it, he was revered as the father of Pokémon!


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