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Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt — Chapter 085

Research institutes in the corners of ecoregions.

“Come out—”

Fang Ye threw out the Spirit Ball, and first released more than a dozen Katy dogs in the Wash Green Area, both female and male, gender balanced, and there were several cubs.

The overlord blue mantis, Creselia, is like a sheepdog standing guard.

These Kati dogs in the green area are wild and difficult to tame.

They are vigilant.

Far more fierce than ordinary Katy dogs, and not so naturally close to humans.


Lan Mantihua’s figure flashed, stopping a Katy dog who just wanted to take the lead and flee in all directions.


Kati Dog is very fierce and takes the initiative to bite the orchid mantis flower.

The orchid mantis flower was angry, but the lower hand was very light, and the wings on the back flapped like a bow.

A snowy drop suddenly covered this Katy dog group.

Colorful flowers!

Katy Dog, who attacked Lan Mantis, was knocked out by the violent falling flower whirlwind, whimpered and fell to the ground, and after crawling up “seven nine zero”, his eyes looking at Lan Mantis finally showed fear.


Afraid. .JPG

Quiet down as I saw this group of elves.

Lan Mantis closed her hand in satisfaction, and her light red eyes looked at Fang Ye.

The move seems to be saying.

Trivial work accomplished!

Fang Ye and Creselia looked at each other and found the smiles in each other’s eyes.

They are naturally happy.


Fang Ye also released several ancient rare Pokémon that appeared in the video.

Warrior Eagle, Soroyak, Thunderbolt Ball.

Trick-horned deer, needlefish, axe mantis.

Then there is the ancient form of the Slime Dragon in the Wash Cui Region, she is a female, her level is very high, and she is actually a level 75 Heavenly King-level elf!

Sticky Meilong came out of the red and white ball and glanced left and right.

Immediately, he stepped forward happily and hugged Fang Ye with his slimy body flowing with mucus.

Fang Ye looked helpless and wiped off the thick layer of mucus on his face.

Fortunately, this mucus is not smelly, there is no corrosion and toxicity, but it is slimy and feels very bad.

Sticky Dragon is a dragon-based Pokémon that is very close to people.

Will hold the trainer he loves very much.

And they don’t like to be lonely, and once they are alone, they turn into crying monsters.

God knows how simple it is for Fang Ye to kidnap this Heavenly King-level sticky dragon, feeding some energy cubes, coupled with the communication of the power of the waveguide, the sticky dragon actually took the initiative to hit the poké ball.

“Lan Mantis, your sisters are here, say a friendly hello!”

Fang Ye said with a smile.

The sticky beauty dragon of the rank one step higher, the heavenly king step, without a little shelf, is very tame, trotting to the blue mantis flower and groaning.

The two tentacles on its head stood up and fluttered in joy.

I’m so happy to have made new friends again.

This seems to be the mood of this Washed Cui Sticky Dragon at this time.

Lan Mantis is a tsundere, light red eyes glanced at Meilong, and after a while, he screamed slightly “reluctantly”.

“Very good!”

Fang Ye Dark Music.

“A hegemon, a heavenly king rank, this pair of good sisters is enough to form the guard force of the protection institute.”

Fang Ye asked Cresselia to temporarily serve as a researcher, and arrange the elves of the Wash Cui region to their own comfortable geographical areas.

Soon after, his spiritual power swept through the gradually lively and life-filled research institute ecological park.

Secretly nodded.

“Yes, it smells like Dr. Ohki’s research institute!”

“In the future, the research species of the research institute will only accept this special form, or those with high qualifications, or have research value.”

Fang Ye suddenly thought of the Moon Moon Bear that he had not encountered during this filming trip in the Cui District, and he was a little regretful.

Moon Moon Bear.

It is also a special evolutionary form of the Wash Cui region.

The evolutionary chain looks like this:

Baby bear, circle bear, moon bear.

It is one of the special Pokémon that received mysterious blessings from Arceus and is therefore worshipped in the Wash Trid region.

This is the existence of the “Moon Dao Bear Master”.

Fang Ye wanted to confirm it personally.

See if the Moon Moon Bear, known as the “Moon Dao Bear Master”, can catch up with the back of the Martial Dao Bear Master.

You know, a martial artist is a second-level god! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Well, probably because there are no wild moon bears?”

“Then next time find a circle bear to evolve…”

After a trip to an exotic land, Xiao Kelly was also tired, and Fang Ye arranged for her to sleep in her room nearby.

And hearing the movement, at Fang Ye’s suggestion, Wendy and Zhongli entered the research institute to live.

The two gods who have agreed on touching fish and messing around.

With relish, I visited the park where elf species are rapidly enriched.

Then, they went hand in hand to the lawn.

Onlookers train the glitter iron dumbbells of condensation in the night.

Fang Ye clicked on the iron dumbbell’s guide and frowned slightly:

“Only level 15?”

“Upgraded by 5 levels… The speed is not slow, but it is at the bottom of the shame in the pioneer troops. ”

He said this in his heart, if he said it like this, Condensing Light This iron dumbbell would be sad for a long time…..

Sensing Fang Ye’s dissatisfaction.

The orchid mantis who is responsible for bringing the baby these days is a little aggrieved:


Fang Ye used the power of the waveguide to understand the meaning of the blue mantis flower.

She said it was too different from iron dumbbells.

She can bring grass and even insect elves very well.

However, the racial classification of iron dumbbells, the attribute of steel + ability.

It all made Lan Mantis feel the difficulty of bringing a baby.

“Iron dumbbells are steel + superpowers…”

Fang Ye clicked on the picture book of washing Cui Sticky Meilong, and his eyes lit up:

“Washing the Cui Sticky Meilong, it is on the basis of the dragon system of the sticky Meilong, and it has more steel attributes.”

Look at the skill bar of Sticky Dragon again.

Hey, there are a lot of steel skills!

Fang Ye was very satisfied, and finally found a suitable personal trainer for Iron Dumbbell.


“From the overlord-level personal trainer, promoted to the heavenly king-level personal trainer.”

“This kind of one-on-one cultivation coach only charges 30 million mora a month… It seems to be a bit of a blood loss! ”

That’s right!

A few days earlier, Jean had sent her Eevee to the institute.

Fang Ye’s mental power swept away, and in a very corner place, he found Eevee who was sleeping lazily in the grass.

“Ibrahimovic’s evolutionary branches and conditions are diverse.”

“I only raise the level, and the evolution branch is left to Jean to consider for herself!”

After letting Lan Mantis stare at one-on-one tutoring and increasing her efforts.

Fang Ye greeted Wendy and Zhongli, who had been waiting for him on the lawn for a while.

“How, in my research institute, are you still satisfied with the stay?”

Wendy: “Hey, my Laplace is 5.9 like, it says the pond here is very comfortable!” ”

Zhong Li: “My bear apprentice can train anywhere. ”

Saying that, the rock god and the wind god stared at Fang Ye in unison.

His face showed pleading and earnestness.

“We want to know.”

“Where is the door of the Wash Cui area?”

“What do we have to pay to get through this door? Or what are the conditions? ”

Fang Ye was stunned when he heard this.

His senses can clearly perceive that the space-time gate is in the underground space of the institute.

Once placed, it is fixed there.

With the power and personality of Wendy and Zhongli, it is impossible not to capture it.


It’s that unique space-time force.

Shielded from all “gaze”, “perception” and “peeping” except him!

(PS: Ask for a monthly pass, flowers and a full booking!) )。


Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt

Yuanshin: I popularized the elves to mention Watt



Hu Tao: “My round land shark, also known as “Fifty Million Mora”, is the first Quasi-God Pokémon in all Tewat! “

Ning Guang: “I heard that it takes a lot of resources and a lot of money to cultivate heavenly kings and champion elves? Sorry, things that can be solved with money are not trivial at all… The first key of super evolution on the whole network has been photographed! Metagross, give me a mega evolution!!”

Zhongli: “The contract between humans and elves is very interesting. It is not master and servant, but partners and symbiosis.”

“And, even without the witness of me, the god of the contract, this kind of contract is very strong and unshakable. It’s an incredible bond!”

Ray Movies:


“An elf who can travel through time and space…”

“If I find it, will I be able to go back to five hundred years ago and save my sister and Huzhai Palace in advance during the war in Kanria?”

Fang Ye traveled to Tivat and became the store manager of the Elf House.

Before he knew it, he was revered as the father of Pokémon!


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