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Zhe Tian: The Merciless Emperor — Chapter 281 Finale

“I will pave the way for future generations!”

Chu Feng’s roar shook the world, shattered endless time and space, and densely packed field runes erupted.

Field runes appear in the starry sky, in the universe, within the stars, in the long river of time, in the mountains and rivers, in the hundreds of thousands of mountains, and everywhere in the heavens.


The bright sword light cut through the darkness, and the bright sword light was like a lamp in the darkness of people’s hearts, illuminating their way forward.


The dazzling light tears apart time and space, shatters eternity, and the sword cuts across the sky.

Below the plateau, the Immortal Emperor bowed his body, and densely packed strange creatures knelt down all over the plateau, chanting about their ancestors.

But the next moment, a big explosion and destruction occurred here. The ten Immortal Emperors exploded in an instant, and their flesh and blood filled the sky.

At the end of the plateau, there was an ancestor who raised his head and stared at Chu Feng. He held a giant sword dripping with blood and struck towards the sky.


The sword light collided with the sword light, exploding into endless light. The avenue runes were also annihilated at this moment, the river of time collapsed, and the extremely powerful attack blew away all the strange creatures nearby.

“The fourth variable in the world does indeed exist.” The ancestor holding the heavy sword said with a gloomy face.

He looked at Chu Feng, who was crisscrossing the dark area.

Chu Feng was wearing a moon-white battle suit, holding a sharp sword, nine flags on his back, a spear, and a diamond sword in his hand.

“Destroy the weird and open a way for future generations!” He roared, coming with the power of the heavens. The field behind him was densely packed with runes, reflecting the past, present and future, and he hit the end of the plateau.


In the shocked eyes of the weird tribe, Chu Feng’s heavenly sword split open the eternal time and space, cut off the future, and shattered the opponent’s sword into pieces.

And he chopped the ancestor in half, blood splashed in the sky, and the whole person of the ancestor exploded.

The soul light was immediately extinguished.

He died in an instant!

The other ancestors were deeply shocked that a latecomer had actually come this far, and even killed an ancestor with one blow.

If there is no plateau resurrection, the consequences will be disastrous!

There were a total of six ancestors on the plateau, and they all took action immediately.

Want to kill Chu Feng.


In the sky, the endless field runes are bright and dense, communicating with the power of the heavens, like a waterfall pouring down from the sky, flooding the entire plateau.

The light was so blazing that the earth was turned upside down in an instant. The source of this ominous earth exploded, the earth cracked, and the supposedly eternal ancestral land was pierced!

At the same time, the five ancestors who took action at the same time were exploded by the field runes of the heavens, and strange blood and rotten flesh splashed everywhere.

This place became an extremely bloody place, with flesh and blood covered in red hair everywhere, as well as rotten flesh and black blood, splattered everywhere.

The ancestral land, which had never been torn apart, was penetrated by the field based on the heavens for the first time, torn into pieces, and spread into the distance.

At the same time, the worlds in all time and space dimmed instantly, and the essence of the endless universe also dimmed instantly. It was an attack by Chu Feng who absorbed the mystery of the infinite universe in an instant.

The Immortal Emperor was frightened. What kind of power is this?

On the entire plateau, at the end of the earth, countless strange creatures were affected, and many of them exploded to pieces. Even the Immortal Emperor died with a look of fear and could never be resurrected.

Chu Feng’s attack was so sudden that the three immortal emperors were also shrouded in terrifying field runes, directly cutting off their connection with the plateau and completely annihilating them.

The Dao Ancestor, the Immortal Emperor, and the remaining weird tribesmen were trembling and fearful, feeling that the end of the world was coming.

“I can’t believe that someone can actually destroy the ancestral land!”

“In the past, Huang kept knocking on the ancestral land and attacked the plateau again and again, but he failed to penetrate it. He was actually able to do it!”

No matter who it was, they were shocked at this moment, especially the ancestor.

They knew that Gao Yuan’s body was stronger than the sacrifice, but Chu Feng’s blow just now actually caused damage to Gao Yuan.

“Cremated Dao Ancestor?!” A strange immortal emperor exclaimed in surprise after seeing Chu Feng.

Chu Feng turned his head and looked, and two terrifying divine lights suddenly exploded in his eyes, tearing apart time and space for eternity, tearing the strange Immortal Emperor into pieces in an instant.

He glanced at the end of the plateau and found a total of six ancestors standing there. His face was a little ugly.

How come there are six weird ancestors, not two?

Isn’t the purpose of the great sacrifice to create the ancestor?

The Weird Ancestor seemed to have noticed Chu Feng’s doubts, and said coldly: “The small sacrifice is for the achievement of the ancestor, and the big sacrifice is for that person.”

Several epochs have passed since the war that nearly wiped out the clan. In these epochs, several immortal emperors were born in the heavens, but they were all assimilated by the strange ancestor.


Chu Feng didn’t say anything and killed again.

In the heavens, mountains and rivers, stars and stars, every plant and tree, above all things, the world of endless time is shining, the field runes appear, rushing towards the evil land!

Xu Changqing, who was on the vast ocean of the road, watched the ocean beneath his feet rise and fall, and the waves of infinite height were rising, trying to hit the plateau.

Emperor Huafen was even more stunned. Although she had been watching Chu Feng grow, she never expected that he would be so strong.

One person faced six ancestors and was still able to fight.

The injuries on the two remaining ancestors from that year had not healed, so they were targeted by Chu Feng.

However, as time passed, the heavens began to dim, and they no longer provided much power to Chu Feng.

He also began to fall into a disadvantage, and dense blood stains appeared on his body.

When the field runes fell silent, Chu Feng used his ultimate combat power to fight against the six ancestors.

This extremely brutal battle made the Immortal Emperors of the Weird Clan tremble and fear.

When had they ever seen this happen?

The immortal emperors who could see the ancestors fighting in the past have now become the ancestors.

Today’s Immortal Emperors only appeared in these eras, or they may be some powerful men at the peak of the Dao Ancestors who were lucky enough to participate in the battle with Emperor Huangtian and others.

Chu Feng’s body was dazzling, his hair stood on end, and his eyes were shining brightly. The nine flags behind him were thrown out and planted on the plateau, wrapping up this piece of troubled land.


In an instant, his origin suddenly shone brightly, and then golden fire burst out of his body. That was his origin burning!

He once understood the experiences left by Emperor Huang Tian and Emperor Ye Tian, ​​so he knew that if he could kill them quickly, he should not test them.

Now, even if he dies, he will do his best to take away as many as he can.

Therefore, he did not hold anything back and burned everything he had, commonly known as exploding seeds.

He did not intend to destroy the plateau, but planned to instantly destroy the six ancestors and all the strange immortal emperors.

“Through the sky and the latitude of the earth, put an end to the enemies of the past, present and future!”

The sound is deafening, shattering time and space for eternity, tearing apart the infinite sea of ​​time, following the ripples of the avenue and the path of evolution, stirring in the ears of all living beings in every time and space.

In the chaos, Lin Ruoyi and Yaoyao looked toward the plateau with tears in their eyes.

All creatures in the heavens are looking in that direction. No matter which time, space, or era, everyone and all creatures are watching this war.

There, there was a torn apart earth. Six tall figures suppressed the past, present and future. Opposite them, there was a hazy figure, covered in blood. Next to him was a broken heavenly sword. He was holding a big halberd.

Constantly rotating.

Eventually, the battlefield dimmed and no one could see it anymore. What was going on?

No one knows who that person is.

In the Holy Ruins era, Chu Feng’s friends all burst into tears and looked at the sky. They couldn’t see Chu Feng, but they could hear Chu Feng’s voice.

Because in this era, Chu Feng is no longer around, but it exists in their memories.

“I will pave the way for future generations!”

Another roar.

All eras, all time and space, all major universes, the past, present and future of all heavens and realms all burst out with endless brilliant field runes.

In the world of mortals, countless men, women, and children all saw golden runes appearing around them. They could not touch the runes, but they could see them.

All things in the mountains and rivers, every plant and tree, flowers, birds, insects, fish, all the Jedi, now appear in the field.

In the sky, field runes also appeared in the Endless Sea of ​​Blood, the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, the Bridge of Life and Death, the River of Souls, the Ancient Underworld, the Road of Reincarnation, etc., which were extremely vast and powerful.

All blessings are on Chu Feng.


The heavens were instantly shrouded in a terrifying white light, and the infinite sea of ​​time evaporated. Nothing existed anymore, and everything disappeared.

After several big explosions, the earth exploded completely, and the black universe and continents scattered, spreading into endless nothingness.


The sea of ​​blood overturned, coming from the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, the scarlet Milky Way crossed the infinite space, instantly sprinkled on the plateau, and then drowned the six ancestors.

The Huangquan River under the Bridge of Life and Death also capsized and fell down.

The ancient underworld, the road to reincarnation, the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, the River of Souls, and the floating soil at the four poles all gave rise to dense fields and a terrifying fire.

That fire light can seriously injure a strong priest!


These terrifying attacks and runes only came in an instant.

The ancestors were wailing, and Chu Feng was crying and laughing. He didn’t know how many times he exploded, but his origin was always at its peak.

But after he performed this move, his body instantly became transparent.


In less than a second, the six ancestors exploded together, and the three ancestors were killed directly.

Everything rushed towards the six ancestors, it was too sudden.

Chu Feng burned everything without reservation and used all his trump cards just to kill instantly.


In that dazzling attack, three rays of darkness rose up, and nine pole formation flags blocked everything. The original material wanted to carry their soul light into the plateau and be resurrected.

However, Chu Feng destroyed the original material soul light regardless of the cost, causing the three ancestors to die completely, and three more ancestors walked out of the plateau.

They looked at Chu Feng with horror and fear in their eyes.

Actually, it’s not that Chu Feng is too strong.

But their ancestors were too weak.

There are two oldest ancestors, one is seriously injured, and although the other is in peak condition, he is not very strong.

The four of them who had just become the ancestors were weirder and weaker, as if they had just made a breakthrough, and their Taoism was not as high as that of the two ancestors.

But now, the two oldest ancestors and the most powerful of the new ancestors were killed.

Even the plateau cannot be resurrected!

Chu Feng made a choice at this moment, came to the place where the three ancestors fell, directly grabbed the material they dropped, and wiped it directly from his body.

With determination in his eyes, he roared angrily: “I, who have an ominous body, have an ominous body. If you can’t take action and destroy the weirdness in one moment, then you will be destroyed together with me and disappear into this world!”

As soon as Chu Feng finished speaking, his presence appeared in all the worlds, all time and space, and they were all calling his name.

And he was lying directly on the ground wailing, the emptied body began to become solid, and the broken soul was about to be replaced.


Soon, terrifying soul light surged out of his body, and all kinds of energy boiled.

The scalps of the remaining ancestors were numb and their whole bodies were trembling. The three ancestors stepped back. They were afraid, and they felt the breath of death.

That feeling of death made them feel cold all over, making it difficult to move.


But the next moment, just when Chu Feng was about to finish, the plateau shook, infinite runes appeared, and dark matter as vast as the universe poured out.

It hit Chu Feng and instantly knocked him away, interrupting his attempt to use his body to feed the ominous.


It was also at this moment that the sea of ​​sacrifice retreated, the blood river disappeared, all the field runes dimmed, and finally collapsed, and everything became quiet.

The rioting sea of ​​time calmed down, and the cracked reincarnation path and the underworld were restored in an instant.

Hunhe and other Jedi, all the means deployed by Chu Feng, were calmed down in an instant.

With despair in his eyes, he looked at the plateau and said in a helpless voice: “The plateau has spirits and is very powerful, I know, but this is too strong.”

The means he arranged would take endless years to solve even for a strong priest, but the plateau only took a moment.

The Sea of ​​Sacrifice, the place where the Immortal Emperor and the Sacrificial Dao offered sacrifices, was reversed, and there were endless killing fields in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice. There was even a strange ancestor who died in this field. The plateau cannot be resurrected.

But just now, Gao Yuan disintegrated the means that he had spent an era laying out in just a moment.

Chu Feng struggled to stand up, his illusory figure seemed to disappear from the world in the next moment. He was covered in blood, his origin was still a little bit broken, and his soul was broken.

The original substance is discharged from the body surface.

Next to him, there were broken nine-pole flags, ruined spears, halberds, and a broken sky knife stuck upside down next to him.


As soon as he stood up, he was instantly knocked away by the three strange ancestors. Gao Yuan added another blow, making Chu Feng unable to stand up again and fell into the cold earth.

The world became silent for an instant, as if everything had stopped, and black blood rained from the sky.

Chu Feng was covered in blood, with all his bones broken. His eyes were full of unwillingness. As he breathed, the gravel from the ground kept entering his mouth and nose, causing him to cough continuously.

He still wanted to stand up, but a huge spear fell from the sky and penetrated his neck. His body was penetrated by various weapons.

“The sky, the latitude and the earth, the ultimate past and present.”

Chu Feng roared with all his strength, but his voice was extremely weak.


The three ancestors smiled ferociously, and then they all started to send Chu Feng away.

From then on, there was no Chu wind in the heavens.


The heavens shook, and densely packed visions appeared in the heaven and earth, in the mountains and rivers, and in the sky.

On this day, all the creatures in the world knew that there was a person who had fought his way into the land of disaster, but could not come out.

No one can remember his name.

Someone saw a man in white walking among the mountains and rivers. After leaving something behind, the voice disappeared.

In every time and space, there is such a man, but he will eventually disappear.

In the chaos, Lin Ruoyi and Yaoyao sensed something and cried bitterly. They also noticed that Chu Feng in their memories began to disappear.

But soon, one of them held a stone jar and the other held a time furnace, so that Chu Feng’s figure did not disappear.

Xu Changqing, who was sitting on the vast ocean in the avenue, stood up, stretched, looked at the Pollen Emperor next to him, and said, “My goal has been achieved, and now you are free.”

“If you want to kill the last three weird ancestors or go travelling, then go ahead.”

“As for Gaoyuan, don’t worry, it can never take action again.”

The moment Xu Changqing said these words, Gao Yuan’s spiritual intelligence felt that the great terror was coming, and it came suddenly without any warning.

“No, it was you who showed up!” Gao Yuan yelled in horror.

Just after saying these words, the entire plateau’s spiritual intelligence turned into soot, and finally the original material in the body disappeared.

Before the three ancestors had time to think, they saw a woman walking down the road.

They couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air and said: “How is it possible? How is it possible that there is still a strong priest in this world?”

“You are, the woman at the end of Pollen Road, aren’t you dead?!”

An ancestor knew the identity of this woman through the line of cause and effect.

After knowing this, they became even more frightened, because this woman was already dead.

Now it is resurrected.


“Today, the Weird clan is extinct!” Emperor Huafen just said these words and immediately took action.

The remaining three ancestors all became ancestors a million years ago. Their moral conduct is not as high as mine, and they were also seriously injured in the battle with Chu Feng.

As for why Gao Yuan didn’t take action, maybe Xu Changqing killed him on a whim.

On this day, crystal clear pollen particles filled the entire universe, like a celestial river, running through one era after another.

The crystal clear pollen turned into the most terrifying attack, drowning the three ancestors.

In the end, all sentient beings only heard the roars, unwillingness, and cries of the three ancestors.

All the weirdness and ominousness of a pollen road disappeared.

All creatures in the world can feel that there is an evolutionary system in the world.

Lin Ruoyi and Yaoyao also heard these words and broke out of the chaos. With red eyes, they killed the entire strange earth. All the Immortal Emperors died, and the plateau could never be resurrected.

On this day, the strange world collapsed, and the earth and plateau collapsed.

Lin Ruoyi and Yaoyao also asked why Emperor Huafen didn’t help Chu Feng just now, but Emperor Huafen shook his head and said: “There are some things that you will know in the future.”

Xu Changqing stands in a place of transcendence, where there is no concept of time. He stepped in eons ago, stepped in this world, and stepped in the future. They are all visible here, all at this moment.

If you want to reach a state above the sacrifice of the Tao, you must not only be strong enough, but also sacrifice not only the Tao, but also the path of evolution, and yourself. Everything will become empty, everything will return to eternal silence, and you will also have special experiences.

Then resurrect from death, waiting to be resurrected again, truly above all else.

Xu Changqing has long experienced this scene of eternal annihilation. He keeps reincarnating and repairing the reincarnations in his body. Each reincarnation is equivalent to a path of cultivation for him.

When he became a priest, he would become terrifyingly powerful. In the extremely distant origin era, he could kill all the priests and immortal emperors in the world by himself.

When he was alone in the entire time and space, he repeatedly sacrificed everything in himself, and finally achieved the sacrifice.

Before death, if you hesitate, if you don’t have the kind of pride that even though thousands of people have died, you don’t have the courage to give up everything, and there are various conditions, if one of them is missing, no matter how you sacrifice everything, you will only die.

Xu Changqing fought against 30 million Dao Ancestors by himself. He was able to do so by unblocking various evolutionary path fruits before his death, and unblocking the power accumulated over countless eras.

He led his family to conquer all the original worlds, conquer the infinite sea, and put down countless turmoils.

When he was the Immortal Emperor, he went to the world above the sky and quelled the source of cholera.

The Huangtian Emperor, the Empress, and Ye Fan also died tragically in battle. In that battle, they moved forward indomitably, even before they were destroyed, they were still majestic.

But Chu Feng went into the troubled land alone, gave up everything, opened a way for future generations, and resolutely sacrificed his life to bring bad luck. These conditions were all present and not missing.

Finally, he also set foot on the sacrificial path.

In this realm, everyone can see it no matter the past, present or future, but here, there are only four of them.

This shows that no latecomer can reach this state.

In this special realm, all avenues are like running water, and can be evaporated dry by just one thought.

Destiny, creation, cause and effect, the way of heaven, etc. are just the weakest bubbles that can be touched and destroyed by reaching out your hand.

Here, there is no time, no sense of space, beyond the so-called eternity, Tao, the vast world, all time and space, outside the universe, outside chaos, everywhere, from ancient times to the present, and to the future, they are transcendent of everything, omnipresent. No, I know everything.

The creatures that set foot in this realm disappear in a single thought, and due to the gaze, everything is exhausted and everything is restored.

Infinite years have passed in the outside world, and Lin Ruoyi and Yaoyao have also made sacrifices. Millions of eras have passed, but it is also an instant here. At this node, there is no concept of time and space.

“No matter where you are, I will find you and wait for you!”

“Not to become an immortal, just to wait for your return in this mortal world.”

A bright light group emitted a deafening female voice, Chu Feng looked at it.

The empress was seen wearing white clothes and breaking free from the shackles of the light ball.

Huang, Ye, and Chu Feng also stood up and will return to the real world.

They died in battle, transformed after the ultimate, resurrected in this unimaginable place, and took the ultimate step that all priests dream of.

“Rise out of ruin!”

Chu Feng and the other three spoke at the same time, took one step forward, and appeared on the plateau.

“Resurrection from death!”

The three people reappeared in the human world, and their voices shook the past and present, and spread to the future, tearing apart the barriers of infinite time.

But when they reached the plateau, they were stunned.

Where are the plateaus?

There is just a bright starry sky, there is nothing weird about it, there is only endless bright red dust, and a dojo.

It was a small courtyard, standing above the vast ocean, and everything in it felt familiar to them.

A green lotus bloomed with three flowers of the avenue, a red stove made tea, an intact stone piano, and a white-haired young man sat on a chair, looking at them with a smile on his lips.

“You have also reached this level, have you succeeded?” Chu Feng exclaimed instantly.

Since they reached the realm above the sacrificial path, they have understood how special this realm is. Generally speaking, without their courage and courage, no one would be able to reach this realm.

And Xu Changqing is no longer in that special field.

“Husband!” The moment the empress saw Xu Changqing, tears of longing welled up and she couldn’t help but speak out.

Xu Changqing stood up, and the empress came to his side instantly, hugging him without saying a word.


But the next moment, the empress suddenly burst out, clenched her fist, and instantly hit Xu Changqing’s stomach, causing him to fly away with huge force.

Shi Hao and the others were stunned, obviously not expecting that the empress would suddenly take action.

The next moment, Chu Feng saw anger blooming in the eyes of the empress. She came to Xu Changqing’s side with murderous intent and asked, “Why didn’t you come to me back then?”

“All of us Immortal Emperors have joined forces to reflect you. You should feel it.”

“Do you have someone?”

While speaking, the Empress stretched out a huge hand, tore apart countless original universes, and captured the Pollen Emperor who was traveling across the heavens.

Emperor Pollen looked confused, and was even more stunned when he saw these four people, and said: “How come you are all alive?”

When Ye Fan saw this scene, he left directly, looking at the river of time and recreating everything.

Shi Hao and Chu Feng did the same, recreating everything in the past.

This is a special era. All eras are integrated into this life. The dead geniuses, the forgotten eras, and all the dead immortal emperors of all generations have been resurrected.

This is destined to be an extremely brilliant era, but there are only five supreme beings.

Xu Changqing felt the power of this fist, grinned, and said: “It’s great, finally someone can make me feel the pain. Maybe I won’t be lonely in the years to come.”

As for the people or things before the resurrection, neither the empress nor Xu Changqing took action.

For them, there is nothing in this world worthy of their resurrection.

The heavens are restored, everything reappears, and reincarnation begins again.

In a single thought, all the secrets flashed through the minds of Emperor Huang Tian and the other three.

They knew all about Xu Changqing’s deeds.

From growing up to becoming a priest, the cause and effect line of the strange source is inextricably linked to Xu Changqing.

The three Heavenly Emperors worked together to deduce, and Xu Changqing didn’t bother to block it.

“It turns out that since you killed ten quasi-immortal emperors in battle, you have been reincarnating, reincarnating back to endless and distant eras, and finally becoming a priest, and then you have been watching the show?”

On this day, the empress became angry again and took Xu Changqing to compete in the chaos without any accidents.

The empress couldn’t beat him, so she waved someone away and brought over Ye Fan.

Ye Fan also borrowed Lei Chi and Huang Jian from Shi Hao, and also borrowed Chu Feng’s Heavenly Sword.

Unfortunately, the two of them couldn’t defeat Xu Changqing even if they joined forces.

At this time, Shi Hao and Chu Feng who were watching the show also joined the camp to attack Xu Changqing.

The four priests joined forces. Xu Changqing knew that he was wronged, so he only resisted symbolically, but he was also beaten with a black nose and a swollen face.

But these are all a joke. If Xu Changqing really gets mad, or if they really get serious, it is estimated that the heavens will cease to exist, everything will disappear, and the world of the trilogy will disappear from now on.

If Xu Changqing is really allowed to activate his full combat power, it is estimated that Emperor Huangtian and others have just broken through the realm of sacrifice, which is not enough.

After all, he has stayed in this field for many years and repeatedly sacrificed everything. Everything in the past, present and future has been sacrificed by him.

In the end, he was too strong and fell into depression, but even so, his moral conduct continued to improve.

Shi Hao and others, who had just made a breakthrough, were no match for Xu Changqing.

But the four of them believe that no one is weaker than the other in this realm, and their Taoism cannot be enhanced.

Let them have the feeling that they can beat Xu Changqing in a duel.

“Your fucking ashes are the strongest, right? You’ve tortured me for dozens of epochs, so you should be beaten!” Shi Hao yelled. The moment they knew the truth, everyone couldn’t help but be angry.

Ye Fan and Chu Feng’s eyes were even red.

Ye Fan lost his biological granddaughter in order to search for Shi Hao, which turned Ye Qingxian into a demon for several epochs. He was only resurrected now, but the demon has also become an independent creature.

Some time ago, it was even advanced by Chu Feng.

Thinking about it, the more he thought about it, the angrier he got, so Ye Fan punched Chu Feng, cursed, and said: “If you want to marry my granddaughter, you should also be beaten.”

Chu Feng was also furious, and he also pointed at Xu Changqing, saying: “It’s all your fault that I experienced the annihilation of the heavens, and you are still watching the show there. Do you know that I saw my son die in front of me? You Can you understand that feeling?!”

“It’s time to hit!”

But the empress is not angry. She has nothing to be angry about anyway. After all, Zhutian is dead. It has nothing to do with her. Back then, she just wanted to avenge Xu Changqing.

Although she also knew that Xu Changqing had fooled everyone, the empress also knew that without him, none of the four of them would have become a priest.

Not to mention resurrecting everyone.

“Damn it, go away and experience everything in my time.” Xu Changqing was also angry, and he took it seriously.

Directly exerting all cultivation and Taoist methods, the reincarnation path of all heavens and worlds shines, instantly piercing the origin of time.

He unleashed all his fighting power and used all his methods to imprison Shi Hao and the others in place. Then he freed up one hand and penetrated a reincarnation path, making that reincarnation shine.

In the end, he arrested all three parents.

They were sent into reincarnation together.

ps: It’s finished.

I don’t want to say any final words.

too tired.

I know many readers are angry, but there is nothing I can do about it.

There have been too many things in these two months. Otherwise, I wouldn’t want to give up perfect attendance in vain. Who would let go of 1,500 points?

My girlfriend’s family disliked my lack of money, her child was beaten, and her parents didn’t agree with us being together. It was a huge blow.

Even if I had time to write, I couldn’t write a single word. I would just stare at the screen blankly, not knowing how to start.

All these things were on my mind.

It’s difficult.

Forget it, let’s not talk about this anymore.

I don’t know if I want to write a side story. The side story is about Xu Changqing’s experience of reincarnation.

But I only write about the last life, which is the life when I became the sick emperor.

Let Shi Hao and others participate.


Zhe Tian: The Merciless Emperor

Zhe Tian: The Merciless Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


The imperial road is competing, in the starry sky, on the imperial road, the divine body is showing out, but in this era, there are two mortals who have the physical strength to overwhelm many geniuses.
"I will risk everything and use all means... to become emperor!"
"Emotions are just a shackle on the road."
"Nothing can defeat me. All torture is just training on the road to becoming stronger."
Xu Changqing traveled through the world of Zhetian and came to an era when ruthless people had not yet become emperors.
He has experienced too much in this world, seen countless evils in human nature, and all kinds of stupid choices made because of feelings.
The Dao is ruthless, and a monk is equivalent to the son of the Dao. The son actually wants to rebel against his father, which is treason.
In order to become an emperor and live forever, he killed the so-called emotions and created the ruthless physique of the Supreme Being.
Tool for enlightenment: bone knife.
[Don’t lick anyone] [Believe in invincibility] [Defeat the ruthless emperor]


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