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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 1

“Zongwu: Peeking into my diary, my wife collapsed” Author: Passerby.v1


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.

Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.

Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.

Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls’ personalities gradually collapsed…

Chapter 1 Diary of a Serious Man

“I didn’t expect that I actually traveled through time!”

“To be honest, before time travel, I was just an ordinary waste waiting to die. I would watch videos every day, think about making something delicious, and occasionally think about losing weight. Although I am thirty years old, I still have no idea. Girlfriend. But I am still very satisfied with this life.”

“After all, I didn’t have to do anything every day. I had floor heating in winter and air conditioning in summer. I couldn’t get wind or rain. Although my parents occasionally pushed me to get married, I was still very satisfied with my life at that time.”

“So, why did I travel through time?”

“Especially in this kind of martial arts world.”

“Well, in the world of martial arts, I have really longed for kung fu and other things since I was a child. I want to learn peerless martial arts, and then ride in the world and become a hero praised by everyone. But that is just a fantasy when I was a child. Fantasy, It has been updated a long time ago. What I occasionally fantasize about now is fantasy, fairy tales, becoming a Buddha and becoming an ancestor, becoming a Daluo Golden Immortal or even a prehistoric saint. What is going on now that I have traveled to the world of martial arts? “

“Well, actually I was quite excited when I first traveled through time. But! But, practicing martial arts is so tiring, practicing swordsmanship is so irritating, and practicing internal skills makes my legs feel numb…”

“The most important thing is that there is no computer, no mobile phone, no way to watch videos, no way to read novels. I really want to die! I am really a waste! Fortunately, as a time traveler, there is always no shortage of plug-ins. As long as you keep writing Keep a diary and you will be rewarded.”

“Getting back to the subject, Junior Sister and Lauderno have now gone down the mountain to Fujian. This also means that the plot of Swordsman is about to officially begin, and then the Fuwei Escort Agency will be wiped out by the Qingcheng faction. Tsk, tsk, tsk, Qingcheng However, Lin Pingzhi killed Yu Canghai’s son after all. Yu Canghai could avenge his son and destroy the Fuwei Escort Agency. This excuse is barely justified – okay, I still feel it is a bit forced. , but it can barely be considered an excuse.”

“Anti-evil swordsmanship, anti-evil swordsmanship! If you want to practice magical skills, you must first go to the palace. No dog can practice this kind of martial arts. Well, I still practice it. My wife is so beautiful, but she can still be so cruel.”

“But it’s understandable. After all, Zuo Lengchan wants to annex the other four major sword sects and is eyeing the Huashan sect. In order to keep the Huashan sect, Lao Yue has no choice but to practice swordsmanship in his own palace. Linghu Chong, Linghu Chong, this guy It’s really not that good. If it hadn’t been for him, Lao Yue would never have been forced to practice swordsmanship in his own palace. After all, whether it was the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains Sword School left by the elders of the Demon Sect or the Dugu Nine Swords, they could all be enhanced. Linghu Chong refused to tell Lao Yue about the Huashan Sect’s heritage and strength, which ultimately led to Lao Yue having to practice swordplay in his palace to protect himself in order to prevent the Huashan Sect from being swallowed up by Zuo Lengchan.”

“However, the martial arts of evil-proofing swordsmanship is also evil. Even if Lao Yue’s sword is partly fake, to be honest, he is not a bad person. At least before he practiced swordsmanship in the palace, he almost never did any bad things. He was already considered a good person in the world, but after practicing the evil-fighting swordsmanship, his temperament changed drastically. He originally just wanted to promote the Huashan Sect, but now he wanted to replace Zuo Lengchan and merge the Five Sacred Sword Sects into the Five Sacred Sects. The leader of the Sword Sect.”

“The Five Mountains Sword Sect includes Taishan Mountain in the east, Huashan Mountain in the west, Hengshan Mountain in the north, Hengshan Mountain in the south, and Songshan Mountain in the middle. They are not even close to each other, so what’s the point of merging sects?”

“In the end, my daughter died, Ning Zhongze also committed suicide, and Lao Yue himself was stabbed to death. In the end, only a few crooked melons and cracked jujubes were left to support the Huashan sect.”

“Sure enough, everything is time – ahem, everything is Linghu Chong’s fault.”

“Huh? It’s already a thousand words, that’s it for today. Continue writing tomorrow.”


Ye Xiu closed the notebook, and then the notebook turned into nothingness in front of Ye Xiu, and finally disappeared.

Seeing the notebook disappear, Ye Xiu’s face showed a happy expression.

The next moment, he got a message in his mind:

“Increase internal strength for a month, and Huashan’s basic swordsmanship will be improved to a proficient level.”

“Writing a diary for the first time will give you an extra gift package as a reward for newbies, cleanse your marrow and cut your veins, and improve your qualifications once.”

When Ye Xiu saw this reward, the joy on his face became even more intense. The next moment, an internal force appeared out of thin air and directly integrated into his body. This internal force circulated rapidly in the body, and in the process, it interacted with his own body. The shallow internal power fused and fell into Dantian. The extra internal power was almost exactly the amount of internal power he needed to cultivate for a month.

Then there was another memory in his mind. In the memory, he continued to practice sword, practice sword, practice sword. I don’t know how long it took for Huashan’s basic swordsmanship, which I had just started to learn, to be improved to a proficiency level.

After the final cleansing of the marrow and veins, Ye Xiu felt a magical energy coming from the inside out, finally covering himself. The feeling was magical, even comfortable, as if the whole person had been sublimated.

Ye Xiu was already prepared for feces to spray from the pores all over his body, and the stench was overwhelming. However, after cleaning the marrow and cutting the pulse, Ye Xiu discovered that there was no so-called pores spraying feces at all, but that there was a very thin layer of sweat on his body. The sweat was slightly viscous. Although the smell was not very good, it was still there. Just to the level of that sour taste you get after a lot of exercise. In addition, my stomach was a little uncomfortable and I felt like I wanted to urinate.

Ye Xiu went to the latrine and washed himself. He felt much more energetic.

Later, Ye Xiu tried to practice internal energy and found that the speed at which he could operate his internal energy almost doubled. Then he tried to practice swordsmanship. He became much more proficient in swordsmanship and felt more comfortable when practicing swordsmanship.

His aptitude, which was originally just an ordinary level, has indeed improved a lot after the marrow cleansing and vein cutting. Ye Xiu feels that his current cultivation talent may be able to catch up with Linghu Chong.

Ye Xiu didn’t care so much whether he could catch up with Linghu Chong in terms of qualifications. After all, with cheats, who would seriously practice hard?

Ye Xiu threw the sword on the table and he was already lying on the bed: “Oh, it would be perfect if I had a mobile phone.”

At the same time, Yue Lingshan, who was far away in Fujian, looked at a black notebook with the word “diary” written on the cover that suddenly appeared in front of her. When did this thing appear? And the most important thing is that it seems that only she can see this notebook. The second senior brother on the side seems not to be able to see this thing at all.

Yue Lingshan’s heart was itching and full of curiosity, and she carefully opened the diary.

Chapter 2 Ning Zhongze panicked

“It’s so strange. It’s almost incomprehensible to write these things, but this person actually wants to become a Buddha and an ancestor. He wants to be a god. It’s really a fool’s errand.”

Although many of the previous things were incomprehensible, Yue Lingshan found the occasional things that she could understand interesting and fun, especially when reading other people’s private diaries, which was even more exciting.

“Who wrote this diary? It is written in the diary that the junior sister and Lao Denuo went to Fujian. This junior sister should be Shan’er. In other words, the owner of this diary is a disciple of my Huashan Sect?” Another translation Ning Zhong, who reads the diary, is making judgments in his mind.

It’s just that as you read this diary, Ning Zhongze’s expression becomes more solemn as you read further down.

“Nonsense! It’s just nonsense!” Ning Zhongze was angry. In this diary, Ning Zhongze was only slightly concerned about the Fuwei Escort Agency being wiped out by the Qingcheng Sect. After all, no matter it was the Fuwei Escort Agency It’s still the Qingcheng sect. The relationship with the Huashan sect is not particularly good, especially the Fuwei Escort Agency. They didn’t even have any contact before this.

Fuwei Escort’s evil-fighting swordsmanship shocked her at best, but later on, it was written in the diary that Yue Buqun practiced swordplay in the palace, which led to the death of his family, and the accusations against Linghu Chong in the diary, but Ning Zhong was shocked. Be angry, even feel angry.

She felt that this diary was insulting her Huashan sect, insulting Yue Buqun, and insulting Linghu Chong!

Who doesn’t know Yue Buqun’s famous Junzi Sword in the world? How could Junzijian practice swordsmanship in his own palace?

Then there was Linghu Chong. Linghu Chong was almost raised by her and Yue Buqun together. When she saw Linghu Chong, it was almost like she was looking at her own son.

How could Linghu Chong do something that forced Yue Buqun to practice swordplay in his own palace?

Ridiculous, simply ridiculous. Ning Zhongze now wants to find the person who wrote this diary and ask him why he slandered the Huashan Sect, Yue Buqun and Linghu Chong.

However, in this diary, apart from writing about my junior sister and Laudno, almost no other information about myself was revealed. So Ning Zhongze only knew that the person who wrote this diary was a disciple of the Huashan Sect, but she couldn’t be sure who it was.

Of course, Linghu Chong and Laudno, the two names that appeared in the diary, can be excluded.

“Junior sister? What’s wrong with you? Has Chong’er made you angry again?” Yue Buqun asked with concern when he saw Ning Zhongze, who looked unhappy.

“Brother, this is -” Just when Ning Zhongze was about to mention the diary, her heart suddenly felt tight, as if an invisible hand had grabbed her heart. As long as she dared to mention the word diary, her heart would It looked like it was being crushed.

“Junior sister? What’s wrong with you?” Yue Buqun saw Ning Zhongze’s face turned pale and almost fainted, so he quickly helped Ning Zhongze.

“I, no, it’s okay.” Ning Zhongze shook his head subconsciously with lingering fear.

“Are you really okay, junior sister? Your face looks very bad.” Yue Buqun couldn’t help but say.

“It’s okay, senior brother, I’m okay.” Ning Zhong shook her head, but her mind was in a mess.

“Junior sister, please sit down and take a rest. Your face looks too ugly. I’ll go get a doctor.” Yue Buqun was very concerned about Ning Zhongze.

“No need, senior brother, I’m just, I’m just a little worried about Shan’er. After all, it’s her first time traveling far away -” Ning Zhongze smiled with a little reluctance.

Hearing Ning Zhongze’s words, Yue Buqun smiled: “Don’t worry, junior sister, Shan’er is already eighteen years old, and she has Laudeno taking care of her, so nothing will happen to her.”

Yue Buqun knew that Lao Denuo was an undercover agent sent by the Songshan Sect, but it was precisely because he knew that Lao Denuo was an undercover agent of the Songshan Sect that he felt more confident in letting Yue Lingshan and Lao Denuo go to Fujian together.

Because as long as Luo Denuo continues to be trusted by Yue Buqun, he will never dare to do anything to harm Yue Lingshan. Even if Yue Lingshan is in danger, Luo Denuo has to protect her with all his strength. Otherwise, Laudno, the undercover agent, would not be trusted by Yue Buqun, and he would have no value as an undercover agent.

“Yes.” Ning Zhong nodded gently. Indeed, when she was eighteen years old, she had already started to travel around the world and started fighting for Huashan.

“But since junior sister is so worried about Shan’er, then I will go down the mountain tomorrow to protect Shan’er secretly. You should rest assured.” Yue Buqun said to Ning Zhongze with a smile. At the same time, Yue Buqun’s eyes flickered. .

“Well, with your protection, senior brother, Shan’er doesn’t have to worry.” Ning Zhong nodded, but the martial arts of evil-proofing swordsmanship flashed through her mind.

It’s not 100% sure whether that article is a real diary. It says that Yue Buqun later practiced evil swordsmanship in the palace. Therefore, when Yue Buqun went to Fujian this time, was he really just going to protect Yue Lingshan?

Ning Zhongze had a suspicion in his heart.

“Senior brother——”

“Is there anything else, junior sister?”

“Well, senior brother, does Zuo Lengchan want to harm our Huashan?” Ning Zhongze couldn’t directly ask Yue Buqun if he was planning to ward off evil swordsmanship. After all, it wouldn’t be good to say this directly. . It would be better to ask Zuo Lengchan directly about the situation there.

Ning Zhong was straightforward and did not have so many twists and turns, so over the years, she had been practicing hard and working hard for the reputation of the Huashan Sect, but she had never doubted that Zuo Lengchan would be detrimental to the Huashan Sect.

But since it was mentioned in the diary, she simply asked.

Yue Buqun, who originally had a slight smile on his face, was stunned when he heard this, and then became a little serious: “Junior sister, what did you notice?”

Looking at Yue Buqun’s serious expression, Ning Zhong suddenly realized that Zuo Lengchan seemed to be really eyeing the Huashan Sect?

“Senior brother, is Zuo Lengchan really harmful to our Huashan sect?”

“Alas!” Yue Buqun sighed: “Junior sister, you didn’t notice it originally, and I didn’t want you to know. After all, with your temperament, you might not know what you would do if you knew about this matter, but since you Got it, then I will simply tell you that Zuo Lengchan does have evil intentions towards our Huashan sect. He has always wanted to annex our Huashan sect. No, not only our Huashan sect, but also the other three sects. He is not satisfied. As the leader of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, he wants to merge our Five Mountains Sword Sect and then become the head of the Five Mountains Sword Sect!”

Yue Buqun’s face looked a little tired.

It is not easy just to support Huashan Mountain, but there is also a Songshan Sect and Zuo Lengchan within the Wuyue Sword Sect.

Over the years, he has been hiding his discovery in order not to be discovered by others. Even in front of the people closest to him, he did not dare to relax even in the slightest, for fear that Ning Zhongze would discover it and expose his flaws. , arousing Zuo Lengchan’s suspicion.

If Zuo Lengchan specifically targeted the current Huashan Sect, they might be wiped out.

After all, in the huge Huashan Mountain, Yue Buqun relies on the Zixia magic power and claims to be no worse than Zuo Lengchan. But Zuo Lengchan has thirteen eunuchs around him, who can he rely on?

It can be said that Yue Buqun had trouble sleeping even before.

Now that Ning Zhongze had discovered it, he simply stopped hiding it. At least after telling these secrets, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Chapter 3 Ning Zhongze’s Analysis

“Senior brother, I heard that evil-fighting swordsmanship is a very evil martial art.” Ning Zhong organized his words in his mind.

“Huh? Junior sister, why do you say that?” A strange look flashed in Yue Buqun’s eyes.

“When I was young, I seemed to have heard a certain uncle say that the beginning of the evil-fighting sword technique is that if you want to practice magical skills, you must first commit suicide in the palace!” Ning Zhongze thought quickly and directly listed the training conditions of the evil-fighting sword technique. After saying this, he also pulled out a dead uncle.

“What? If you want to practice magical skills, you must first retreat from the palace? How is that possible? Junior sister, you, are you sure that you really need to practice the evil sword technique in the palace?” Yue Buqun’s face was ugly, and his body couldn’t help shaking. He held on to the table with his hands to keep from falling.

“I think it should be. After all, Lin Yuantu’s martial arts is so powerful. Even if his descendants are not very talented, it cannot be that all their descendants have such poor martial arts talents and cannot practice an evil sword technique. The only possibility is, It’s just that Lin Yuantu didn’t pass on the real evil-proofing sword skills to his descendants.” Ning Zhongze became smoother and smoother as he spoke, and his mind seemed to become very bright.

Yue Buqun’s face turned pale, as if he had received a huge blow.

Ning Zhong looked at Yue Buqun’s appearance and understood in his heart that Yue Buqun was indeed working on the evil-repelling sword technique. Otherwise, he would not have acted like this after hearing that the evil-repelling sword technique required one to practice it in the palace. .

“Senior brother, as a well-known and upright sect, our Huashan sect cannot have anything to do with evil martial arts such as evil swordsmanship, otherwise the Huashan sect will definitely become the laughing stock of the world.” Ning Zhongze said more seriously.

“Yes, junior sister, you are right.” Yue Buqun took a deep breath, tried his best to keep his face normal, and managed a smile.

After Ning Zhongze read the diary, he started to give Yue Buqun eye drops, uh, to be reasonable.

After reading the diary, Yue Lingshan felt that everything written in the diary was all nonsense. She did not believe that her father, the dignified Junzi Sword, could practice any evil sword skills that required his own palace, and what he said was all Linghu Chong’s. It’s his fault, she doesn’t believe it at all.

But even if she didn’t believe that what was written in the diary was true, she couldn’t help feeling panicked and panicked in her heart.

After all, this diary can only be seen by herself. Laudno can’t see the diary in her hand at all, and when she tries to tell Laudno the news about the diary, she still has a feeling that she wants to be beaten. The feeling of being caught and exploded, that kind of fear, made Yue Lingshan panic, and her little face as big as a palm turned pale.

“Junior sister, are you okay?”

“Second Senior Brother, let’s, let’s go back to Huashan.” Yue Lingshan looked at Lauderno pitifully.

Lauderno looked at Yue Lingshan in confusion: “Little junior sister, what did you say?”

“Let’s go back to Huashan, okay? We don’t want to stay here anymore. Let’s go back to Huashan. If there are any other Qingcheng sects in Fuwei Escort Agency, let’s just leave it alone. Let’s go back to Huashan.” Yue Lingshan is only eighteen years old. She has been here before Huashan, at most, can be found at the foot of Huashan, and she is the junior sister of the Huashan sect. She has been living under the wings of her parents and many senior brothers, and has hardly experienced any setbacks. Suddenly encountering this strange thing, she is full of fear and panic, and now she just wants to go home to find her mother.

“Little sister, are you sick? We came to Fujian, but the master assigned us a task. Now we have just arrived here and we have to leave before we have done anything. If we go back like this, we are afraid that we will be scolded by the master. And this But this is your first mission, little junior sister, if you leave in such a dejected manner, I’m afraid you will be looked down upon by the master.” Laudno had to comfort Yue Lingshan in a soft voice.

“But, but-“

“Junior sister, let’s stay here for two more days. During these two days, I will go to Fujian City to collect information. If the people from Qingcheng don’t come in these two days, we will leave. Is this okay?” Laudno said. Said to Yue Lingshan.

It’s just that in Luo Denuo’s heart, he was a little disdainful of Yue Lingshan’s performance. The girl was already eighteen years old, but she was still so unbearable. This is what the Huashan Sect can only be like. In the end, they could not escape the fate of being annexed by the Songshan Sect.

“This – okay, then stay for two more days.” Yue Lingshan, who had no backbone, nodded obediently.

“Third Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother…”

Ye Xiu got up in the morning, came to the martial arts training ground, greeted Liang Fa and others, and then started a day of morning training.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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