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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 103

So Lian Nishang keeps her diary almost every day just to see the latest updated diary contents. Her attitude is a bit like a fanatical novel fan chasing updates. She feels like she is at a disadvantage if she cannot see the diary updates as soon as possible.

Of course, because the diary has only been in her hands for a short period of time, she does not know or experience rewards or anything, so she does not know that the diary has more magical functions, so now she is just using it. Use the diary as a short storybook.

If she knew the other functions of the diary, she would probably not be able to sit still for the first time and run directly to find the person who wrote the diary.

At the same time, in different places and in the hands of different women, they looked at the diary written by Ye Xiu today, and they were all very curious about the woman in Ye Xiu’s diary.

Of course, most women are lamenting that this unknown woman was able to kill the adulterer after being drugged.

At least they admired this woman’s behavior.

While admiring him, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Every time they saw the woman Ye Xiu wrote in his diary with a strange standing posture, strange walking posture, etc., they couldn’t help but want to laugh.

After all, this appearance was seen by a man and was written down in his diary. It was also seen by other women. No matter how much they thought about it, they thought it was funny and fun.

Of course, most of them also know that they can just take a look at this kind of thing, but they can’t talk about it outside. After all, it is related to a woman’s reputation.

In this era, this kind of reputation is extremely important to women and cannot be thrown away casually.

Therefore, they just treat it as a matter of fun and will not mention it to any outsiders.

At the same time, when it came to the content that Ye Xiu wanted to eat meat, some of them turned red and showed disdain, while others were curious, how to eat meat? Is it yummy? What would it be like to eat meat, etc.

Chapter 156 Lin Shiyin


In the morning, Jiang Yuyan stood next to Ye Xiu with face wash and a towel.

“Yuyan, you don’t have to go to such trouble.” Seeing Jiang Yuyan like this, Ye Xiu felt a little uncomfortable.

How should I put it, for Ye Xiu, washing the face and washing the feet are different.

It’s quite difficult to wash your face by yourself. If you want to wash your feet, you need to bend down and pour foot washing water on your bare feet. It feels like two completely different feelings.

So Ye Xiu would feel very comfortable when Jiang Yuyan washed Ye Xiu’s feet, but if Jiang Yuyan had to help with washing his face, Ye Xiu would feel quite uncomfortable.

Jiang Yuyan was quite good at reading faces. When she saw Ye Xiu washing his face and not wanting others to interfere, Jiang Yuyan just poured the face wash water and handed the towel to Ye Xiu after he finished washing his face.

This distance is much better than before.

But for Ye Xiu, when it comes to washing his face, he still prefers to do it himself.

And Jiang Yuyan followed Ye Xiu not far or near, observing Ye Xiu’s face at any time, and keeping in mind the changes in Ye Xiu’s face when he encountered various things.

What Ye Xiu likes, what he doesn’t like, what he can adapt to, what he can’t adapt to, etc., she keeps them all in mind.

Besides washing feet, Jiang Yuyan also wanted to observe what Ye Xiu likes to eat.

Only after Jiang Yuyan tasted the food cooked by Huang Rong, Jiang Yuyan knew that she had no say at all in terms of food.

Although Jiang Yuyan felt that her cooking skills were not bad, compared to Huang Rong, they were far behind.

The food made by Huang Rong is really delicious and delicious.

So much so that Jiang Yuyan has no confidence at all in this regard.

As a result, Huang Rong vaguely became a thorn in Jiang Yuyan’s side.

After all, according to Jiang Yuyan’s plan, she wants to take care of Ye Xiu in his daily life, so as to increase Ye Xiu’s favorability towards her. After her strength increases, she will slowly invade more areas and areas. , and eventually overturned Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue.

but! In terms of eating, she was directly defeated by Huang Rong. She was completely unable to do anything in this aspect.

It’s strange that Jiang Yuyan has good senses for Huang Rong.

As for Huang Rong, although Jiang Yuyan didn’t show anything strange, she was vaguely aware that Jiang Yuyan seemed to have some objections to her.

Then Huang Rong began to conduct various analyzes in her little head, and finally came up with a result.

This made Huang Rong couldn’t help but want to laugh.

After all, Jiang Yuyan had just come to Ye Xiu’s side. In terms of identity, she was just a maid. What else was she thinking at this time really made Huang Rong not know what to say.

However, Huang Rong is not someone to be trifled with. Since Jiang Yuyan has a problem with her, she will not be polite to Jiang Yuyan.

Of course, Huang Rong would not do anything to Jiang Yuyan casually. If she wanted to target it, she would only target the things that Jiang Yuyan cared about most.

For example, Jiang Yuyan washed Ye Xiu’s feet, which greatly increased Ye Xiu’s favorability.

Through the diary, Huang Rong also knew the significance of this incident to Jiang Yuyan, so she, Huang Rong, would not let Jiang Yuyan live a comfortable life. Isn’t it just washing feet?

Huang Rong liked Ye Xiu, so naturally she didn’t mind helping Ye Xiu wash his feet. It’s just that Huang Rong has never considered this aspect before.

In other words, there is still a layer of barrier between Huang Rong and Ye Xiu that has not been broken. Therefore, unless the relationship between Huang Rong and Ye Xiu is getting closer, or they occupy the title of a maid like Jiang Yuyan, otherwise it is not possible. It’s really hard to do.

So before that, no one would wash Ye Xiucai’s feet.

While eating breakfast, Ye Xiu didn’t know the inner activities of Huang Rong and Jiang Yuyan. Instead, he noticed that the faces of Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue were not right.

Different from the past, today’s faces of Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue were gloomy, with some hidden anger.

When Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue appeared, the entire table fell silent.

Especially Qu Feiyan, who lowered her head and didn’t even dare to take a breath, but her big eyes kept turning, and she quietly glanced at Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue from time to time.

“Ahem, Dongfang, Yao Yue, you two don’t look very good. Is it because you didn’t get any rest last night?” Ye Xiu couldn’t help but ask.

After all, if he doesn’t speak, the atmosphere will get worse and worse, which will inevitably have some impact.


Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue both snorted coldly.

In their opinion, the culprit, or one of the culprits, for their bad mood was Ye Xiu. However, Ye Xiu still acted like he didn’t know anything, which made the two of them feel even worse.

The two of them looked like this, making Ye Xiu look confused and confused.

‘Could it be that the days have come when the two of them are women? It seems that the diary is a bit wrong, right? At least Dongfang’s diary doesn’t match up, right? What’s wrong with the two of them? ’ Ye Xiu was confused and thinking inexplicably.

Compared to Ye Xiu who was confused, Huang Rong understood what was going on and knew that it was the reason why Ye Xiu wrote the diary last night. Seeing Ye Xiu’s confused look, Huang Rong couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Just looking at the gloomy faces of Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai, they had to hold back their laughter.

“Excuse me, are Master Dongfang and Master Yaoyue here?” A very gentle woman’s voice sounded from outside.

The first impression this voice gives is that of a wife, a very skillful, gentle and even docile wife.

Ye Xiu was a little curious when he heard this voice, and then looked at Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue.

Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue also showed a hint of astonishment, obviously they did not recognize the owner of the voice.

At this time, Qu Feiyan quickly ran out and opened the door.

Afterwards, the two people were brought back by Qu Feiyan.

Ye Xiu looked at these two people. The man among them looked to be in his thirties or forties, but he looked very handsome. It could even be said that his appearance was only slightly inferior to Ye Xiu’s. Moreover, he has a very special temperament. In short, this man is a very charming uncle, especially for a little girl under the age of twenty, who is definitely one with 200% lethality. kind.

There was another woman, who looked about thirty years old. She seemed soft and weak, and she had an air of being very easy to bully. Obviously, when she stands here, she will give people the image of a good wife and a good mother, but Pian Pian, she also gives people the feeling of being easily bullied.

This couldn’t help but make many film and television works appear in Ye Xiu’s mind, such as: ‘Madam, you don’t want your husband to lose his job, right? ’ ‘Madam, you don’t want your son to be bullied at school, right? ”Mrs……’

Ye Xiu couldn’t bear to look at these contents that popped into his mind. He didn’t admit that he was this kind of person, so the reason why he thought about these messy things was entirely because of this woman.

“I, Li Xunhuan, have met Dongfang Cult Master, Yue Yue Palace Master and the girls – and this young hero.” The man, who was only three points inferior to Ye Xiu, greeted everyone in a very gentle manner, with a very bright look in his eyes. Peaceful, even if there are a group of beautiful and handsome men in this room, there is no fluctuation. It seems that beautiful women and handsome men are irrelevant to him.

“Lin Shiyin has met Dongfang Cult Leader, Yaoyue Palace Master, and all of you.” After hearing Li Xunhuan’s voice, Lin Shiyin also greeted Li Xunhuan quickly.

Compared to Li Xunhuan, who had a dull expression, Lin Shiyin’s eyes were a little more curious. After seeing the many beautiful women in the room, she couldn’t help but feel amazed. She even felt that the many beautiful women in the room Beauty, appearance and temperament are rare in the world. In her life, only Lin Xianer can rival them.

But it was just her appearance. After all, Lin Shiyin also knew that Lin Xianer was a slutty woman who could do anything she wanted.

As for the only man in the room.

After seeing Ye Xiu, Lin Shiyin’s eyes flashed with surprise. She also didn’t expect that there were such good-looking men in the world.

Lin Shiyin had always thought that Li Xunhuan might be the most handsome man in the world, but she didn’t expect Ye Xiu to be more handsome and better looking than Li Xunhuan.

In Lin Shiyin’s diary, she saw Ye Xiu repeatedly saying that he was handsome, which was why he was attracted by Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue.

At that time, Lin Shiyin felt that Ye Xiu’s appearance should not be bad. She even felt that Ye Xiu should look similar to Li Xunhuan. But he didn’t expect that Ye Xiu was actually more beautiful than Li Xunhuan.

This appearance alone made Lin Shiyin have a better impression of Ye Xiu. Not to mention, Ye Xiu’s diary was of great help to Lin Shiyin. At this time, Ye Xiu’s favorability in Lin Shiyin’s heart was already at an all-time high. Long Xiaoyun and Li Xunhuan fell down. This is just the first meeting.

“Why do you come to see me?” Dongfang Bubai noticed the change in Lin Shiyin’s eyes and felt a little confused, but he still asked like this.

“Actually, we came here to ask for help from Master Dongfang and Master Yao Yue.” Lin Shiyin stood up.


“Like, please help. My son Long Xiaoyun, for some reason, was deprived of martial arts. He will not be able to practice martial arts in the future, and his body has become a lot weaker. This time we come to Nanjing City. I want to see if I can get Rama’s inner strength and restore my son to health. However, there are too many people fighting for Rama’s body in Nanjing. We have tried our best, but we still failed. Before, we happened to meet the Eastern leader and Palace Master Yaoyue, so I shamelessly wanted to ask about Rama’s body. If Master Dongfang and Palace Master Yaoyue can save my son, we are willing to pay any price.”

Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, listening to Lin Shiyin’s words, seemed to want them to help her son Long Xiaoyun. However, for some reason, they always felt that Lin Shiyin’s tone seemed a bit untrue——

“Don’t say that we didn’t get Rama’s inner strength. Even if we did, why should we help you? Besides, Lin Shiyin, your son’s name is Long Xiaoyun, right? Long Xiaoyun is not a good person. Although he is young, he has done this There are so many bad things, and we help him recover? Wouldn’t that mean more people are harmed?” Dongfang Bubai said with a sneer.

“I know, but Yun’er is my son after all, and I, the mother–” Lin Shiyin’s face was bitter, her eyes had turned a lot red, and she might shed tears at any time.

Lin Shiyin indeed felt sorry for her son. At the same time, Lin Shiyin, how should I put it, was not so sincere about her son Long Xiaoyun’s recovery. Because Long Xiaoyun could not recover, he could not do more bad things.

Therefore, Lin Shiyin sometimes felt that it was a good thing for Long Xiaoyun that her body became weak.

It’s just that she is Long Xiaoyun’s mother. She thinks it is a good thing, but she has to take action for Long Xiaoyun’s recovery. This is a matter of mother’s responsibility.

Anyway, Lin Shiyin was very conflicted. She wanted her son to recover, but she didn’t want her son to recover. In the end, she decided to do everything she could to accept fate. She tried hard to help Long Xiaoyun recover, but if she couldn’t do it, she wouldn’t blame others, let alone hate those who had the means to help Long Xiaoyun recover but didn’t use it.

Li Xunhuan on the side felt very distressed when he saw Lin Shiyin’s appearance, but he could not do anything, let alone hold Lin Shiyin in his arms to comfort her. After all, Lin Shiyin is his sister-in-law now.

At the same time, Li Xunhuan was also regretting at this time, regretting why he had to abolish Long Xiaoyun in the first place. If he had not abolished Long Xiaoyun, Lin Shiyin would not be so sad.

It can only be said that Li Xunhuan can barely be considered a licker. It’s just that he is not very qualified as a licking dog, he can only be regarded as half. Half a licking dog.

After all, the woman he likes needs to give in before his so-called friendship.

Dongfang Bubai and others looked at Lin Shiyin with interest.

Even Dongfang Bubai, Huang Rong and the others felt that Lin Shiyin’s visit this time did not seem to impose much on Rama’s internal strength, just like hitting three poles with dates but no dates. Huang Rong and others felt that Lin Shiyin came here, There may even be other purposes.

The first thing Dongfang Bubai thought of was the diary.

Dongfang Bubai and the others thought that Lin Shiyin should be one of the holders of the diary before, but now that Lin Shiyin came to their door, they could have a good talk.

“Lin Shiyin, maybe we can talk alone.” Dongfang Bubai suddenly said to Lin Shiyin.

“Ah?” Lin Shiyin looked at Dongfang Bubai in confusion. She didn’t understand what Dongfang Bubai wanted to talk about.

Of course, this is also because Lin Shiyin doesn’t know that the diary can be held by many people.

Li Xunhuan’s expression moved when he heard Dongfang Bubai’s words. However, he felt a little more at ease when he thought that Dongfang Bubai was also a woman. However, he was still vigilant. After all, Dongfang Bubai was the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, and The Sun and Moon God Sect is also called the Demon Sect by some people in the world, so they are a little wary and worried that Dongfang Bubai will do something bad to Lin Shiyin.

Lin Shiyin didn’t know the specific situation, but after hearing Dongfang Bubai’s words, she hesitated a little and nodded in agreement.

After all, although Lin Shiyin came here, it seemed that she was looking for Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, trying to seek help from them, but in fact, Lin Shiyin’s bigger target was Ye Xiu.

For now, Lin Shiyin has not had any chance to communicate with Ye Xiu, so if no one drives her away, Lin Shiyin still hopes that she can stay here for a while to see if she can find any opportunities. , and then had some communication with Ye Xiu. At least she hoped that she could leave a deep impression on Ye Xiu.

What Lin Shiyin didn’t expect was that when she and Dongfang Bubai were talking alone, Dongfang Bubai’s words made her look pale.

“Lin Shiyin, do you have Ye Xiu’s diary?” Although he was asking, Dongfang Bubai actually used an affirmative sentence.

“How do you know-” Lin Shiyin blurted out.

“Of course it’s because you are not the only one who holds the diary.” Dongfang Bubai said meaningfully.

“I’m not the only one who holds the diary.” Lin Shiyin looked stunned. She simply couldn’t believe that there was more than one magical thing like a diary.

“Indeed, you are not the only one. In fact, there are many people who hold diaries. You are not special and you are not an exception.” Dongfang Bubai looked at Lin Shiyin’s stunned look and said with a smile.

Lin Shiyin still couldn’t believe it. After all, the diary was so magical. Such a magical thing, in Dongfang Bubai’s words, turned out to be a trashy thing.

Dongfang Bubai looked at Lin Shiyin’s appearance. Reach out and make a move. Something that felt very familiar to Lin Shiyin appeared in her field of vision.

That’s a black book. Lin Shiyin would hold it and watch it over and over again every day. So she was very familiar with this book. So much so that she recognized the diary in Dongfang Bubai’s hand at a glance, it was the one she looked at every day.

“How? Do you believe it now?” Dongfang Bubai looked at Lin Shiyin with a half-smile.

“I, you, it -” Lin Shiyin didn’t know what to say.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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