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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 125

Lin Pingzhi looked at Mu Gaofeng who was thrown to the ground by a swordsman-like man. His eyes were full of hatred. Looking at Mu Gaofeng’s broken legs, in addition to hatred, there was a little more in his eyes. of pleasure.

Mu Fengfeng at this time was completely different from the Mu Fengfeng Lin Pingzhi had seen.

Back then, Mu Gaofeng had a gloomy temperament, the clothes he wore were quite gorgeous, and he had a tall hunchback behind him.

But at this time, Mu Gaofeng didn’t look too embarrassed. The clothes on his body were covered with dust, and his two legs were broken. The white bone stubble was even exposed. At the same time, his originally tall The hunchback was actually shriveled up at this time. This Mu Gaofeng, he is not a hunchback at all. In other words, although he is a hunchback, his hunchback is not as severe as it seemed before.

Lin Pingzhi looked at Mu Gaofeng with his legs broken. He wished he could kill Mu Gaofeng right now.

It’s just that Lin Pingzhi still has some sense. He knows that Mu Gaofeng was brought by Murong Qiudi’s people. Even he also knows that Mu Gaofeng was brought to him as a gift. But now, Murong Qiudi hasn’t spoken yet. He couldn’t take any action. Even if he was filled with murderous intent, he could only endure it.

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi had already killed Yu Canghai before and vented part of the hatred in his heart. Otherwise, looking at Mu Gaofeng like this, he might not have been able to bear it at all.

“Ye Xiu, I’ll leave this Mu Gaofeng to you.” Murong Qiudi glanced at Lin Pingzhi a little surprised, but she didn’t care about Lin Pingzhi’s patience. There was only one person she cared about. , that is Ye Xiu.

“Qiudi, thank you.” Ye Xiu expressed his gratitude to Murong Qiudi. At the same time, his name for Murong Qiudi also changed. It was no longer the slightly unfamiliar name of Miss Murong.

“Between you and me, do we still need to say thank you? After all, if you are willing, my Tianzun organization belongs to you.” Murong Qiudi said with a chuckle.

After hearing what Murong Qiudi said, the swordsman who captured Mu Gaofeng looked at Murong Qiudi and Ye Xiu in shock. He didn’t expect to hear such words from Tianzun’s mouth.

Liu Kuzhu, a famous swordsman from Jiangnan, looked at Ye Xiu in shock, with even a trace of envy and jealousy flashing in his eyes.

Tianzun organization, does he know what this Tianzun organization represents in the world, even in addition to Wudang Shaolin, the Sun Moon Sect where Dongfang Bubai, who became the grand master, and Yihua Palace, where Yao Yue became the grand master, are located. Except for the forces with the Grand Master, their Tianzun organization is almost not afraid of any Jianghu forces.

Such a powerful Tianzun organization was actually said to be given to the young man in front of him by Tianzun Murong Qiudi.

In Liu Kuzhu’s view, wasn’t Ye Xiu just a little younger? Doesn’t he just look better? Isn’t he just a little stronger? Doesn’t he just have a more outstanding temperament? Isn’t he just——Liu Kuzhu suddenly didn’t want to continue thinking about it.

The changes in Liu Kuzhu’s expression were always noticed by Murong Qiudi. From the very beginning of Liu Kuzhu’s jealous look, Murong Qiudi secretly felt a murderous intention in his heart.

Only later, when Murong Qiudi saw Liu Kuzhu’s change of mentality clearly from his expression, did she give up her murderous intention towards Liu Kuzhu.

Otherwise, even if Liu Kuzhu is already a master and a high-level person with outstanding strength in the Tianzun organization, she will get rid of him.

Liu Kuzhu didn’t know that he had walked through the gate of hell. After he put down Mu Gaofeng and obtained Murong Qiudi’s permission, he left quickly without making any stop.

“Junior brother Lin, this Mu Gaofeng is yours now.” Ye Xiu said to Lin Pingzhi.


Lin Pingzhi knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ye Xiu and Murong Qiudi several times, his forehead turning red: “Thank you, Senior Brother Ye, thank you Miss Murong.”

After Lin Pingzhi kowtowed, he dragged Mu Gaofeng away as if dragging a dog to death.

Murong Qiudi left.

After Lin Pingzhi dealt with Mu Gaofeng, Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi left when they were going back to Huashan.

Murong Qiudi said that as the Tianzun of the Tianzun organization, she had many things to deal with, so naturally she could not return to Huashan with Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu couldn’t say anything about this.

Although Dongfang Bubai, as the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, can go to Huashan, Yaoyue, as the grand master of Yihua Palace, can also put down the affairs of Yihua Palace and go to Huashan.

But Murong Qiudi, as the Tianzun of the Tianzun organization, was plotted not long ago. Maybe the situation within the Tianzun organization is not stable yet, and Murong Qiudi needs to be in charge – well, that’s what Ye Xiu thought.

As for whether Murong Qiudi was worried about whether she would be beaten up by Dongfang Bubai and Yaoyue when she returned to Huashan with Ye Xiu, or whether she was worried about being targeted by Zhong Ling after going to Huashan. It depends on what Murong Qiudi thinks.

Anyway, Murong Qiudi didn’t go back to Huashan with Ye Xiu.

On the way back to Huashan, Lin Pingzhi seemed to be in an especially good mood.

In the past, Lin Pingzhi still looked very beautiful, like a big girl. But because of his hatred, his whole temperament tended to be gloomy, and his eyebrows were furrowed most of the time, looking like he was bitter and resentful.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi looked particularly relaxed. His brows that were always furrowed had relaxed, and his whole temperament had returned to a calm and slightly sunny look.

Lin Pingzhi, he looked as if he had been reborn.

Ye Xiu was also happy for Lin Pingzhi.

Just when Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi were about to arrive in Huayin County, they were running wildly, but in the middle of the road, there was an eight or nine-year-old girl standing.

The girl stood in the middle of the road and heard the sound of horse hooves. She looked in the direction of Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi and looked at the two fast horses galloping towards them. The girl’s eyes widened, her face was full of horror and fear, her body was trembling slightly, and she didn’t know how to escape for a moment.

Moreover, the girl’s reaction speed was too slow. Even if she tried to avoid it, she couldn’t avoid it at all.

Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi did not expect to meet this girl here, especially Lin Pingzhi. After he took his revenge, he returned to the chivalrous temperament of the young escort of Fuwei Escort Agency, and immediately used his strength to He pulled the reins, trying to stop the galloping horse.

But he didn’t want to use too much force, and the horse stood up straight. Lin Pingzhi fell off the horse without warning.

Ye Xiu, on the other hand, although the appearance of this girl surprised him, he directly used his Fengshen legs to float down from the horse, then rushed in front of the horse, picked up the girl with his body, and then jumped, just in time. Falling on the back of a galloping horse.

Ye Xiu held the girl with one hand and the reins with the other, controlling the horse and slowly slowing it down.

At this time, the girl seemed to have realized what she was doing and started crying.

Ye Xiu saw this and quickly comforted her.

At the same time, at this time, Ye Xiu also had time to look at the girl.

Ye Xiu discovered that this girl was very good-looking and very cute.

The girl is very short, looks very cute, and is pink and tender. She is wearing a red robe and a collar around her neck.

Her facial features were also extremely delicate. It could be said that this girl was the most beautiful little girl Ye Xiu had ever seen.

Looking at the little girl, Ye Xiu’s mood softened a bit unconsciously.

Human cubs are really cute, well, provided that this cub is not a naughty child.

Ye Xiu whispered softly and coaxed her. Finally, in Ye Xiu’s soft voice, the girl stopped crying, but her eyes were still a little red and swollen, making her look a little bit unbearable. Feeling distressed.

After Lin Pingzhi got up and saw the girl like this, he couldn’t get angry.

“Little sister, what’s your name? Where do you live? Why are you here alone?” Ye Xiu asked softly.

What Ye Xiu didn’t expect was that this eight or nine-year-old girl didn’t know anything.

This made Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi feel numb.

With no information available, there was no way to determine who her parents were and no way to send her home.

In the end, Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi felt that this place was not far from Huayin County. Maybe the girl’s home was in Huayin County, so they took the girl to Huayin County. After waiting in Huayin County, they went to look for the girl. family.

What’s more, Huayin County is at the foot of the Huashan Sect. It is much easier for the Huashan Sect to help girls find their parents. What’s more, people from the Sun Moon God Sect and Yihua Palace are also in Huayin County. They also It can be of great help in helping to find people.

Chapter 179 Tianshan Child Mother

“Yun Niang, do you really not remember your last name?” Ye Xiu asked the girl.

“What’s your last name? Yun Niang only knows her name is Yun Niang.” The girl opened her lovely big eyes and replied seemingly ignorantly.

Seeing Yun Niang like this, Ye Xiu also felt a headache and helplessness.

Ye Xiu asked for the girl’s name and some information about her family, but the girl knew almost nothing at all. She just said that her parents called her ‘Yun Niang’.

And if Ye Xiu tried to find her family in Huayin County just based on this title, the difficulty would definitely increase a lot.

However, in Huayin County, in addition to the forces of their Huashan Sect, there are also the forces of the Sun Moon God Sect and Yihua Palace. If they join forces to find Yun Niang’s family, there shouldn’t be a big problem. After all, it should be easier for Yun Niang to find out information from such a cute little girl.

“So Yun Niang, how did you come here? Did your parents bring you here?” Ye Xiu continued to ask, trying to find some clues and information.

“An uncle rode a big horse and brought Yun Niang here, but the uncle said that he wanted to buy candied haws for Yun Niang and asked her to wait for him there.” Yun Niang replied.

“That uncle walked in that direction? How long did he walk?”

“Well, it seems, it seems to be in that direction?” Yun Niang pointed in one direction in a daze, looking unsure, then moved her finger and pointed in another direction. She looked confused, as if she was thinking Point in all directions.

“Then, how long has that uncle been gone?”

“I don’t know, it’s been a long time anyway.” Yun Niang answered seriously, but the answer was still unclear.

Yun Niang looked confused and answered almost all the questions incorrectly.

Anyway, in the end, Ye Xiu didn’t know anything else except that her name was Yun Niang.

Ye Xiu glanced helplessly at Lin Pingzhi next to him, who also had a wry smile on his face.

In the end, the two of them took Yun Niang and headed towards Huayin County.

However, before Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi could ride far, they encountered a roadblock.

The person blocking the road was a woman, a very beautiful woman.

Seeing this woman, Ye Xiu was a little surprised, and at the same time he thought to himself, this woman must be Yun Niang’s family. Well, after all, Yun Niang is so cute, and this woman is also so beautiful. Although the similarity in appearance is not high, if they are both so beautiful——

“Are you Ye Xiu from Huashan Sect?”

Before Ye Xiu could ask who this woman was, the woman had already looked at Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi up and down, even Yun Niang in Ye Xiu’s arms. Finally, she locked her gaze on Ye Xiu, with a bit of excitement in her eyes, and asked directly.

Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi are both very good-looking. Ye Xiu’s temperament is a bit more masculine, while Lin Pingzhi is more feminine, with a face more like a woman’s.

As for this woman, she obviously didn’t like Lin Pingzhi’s style, so she just glanced at it briefly. When she finally looked at Ye Xiu’s face, it faintly lit up.

“It’s Ye Xiu of the Huashan sect at home. I wonder who you are, girl, and what are you looking for?” Ye Xiu originally wanted to ask the other party if he came to see Yun Niang, but he didn’t expect that the other party didn’t ask Yun Niang at all. Just call out your name directly.

Ye Xiu could now confirm that this woman had nothing to do with Yun Niang.

“I’m Lian Nishang. I heard that you’re pretty good-looking, so I came here to see you.” Lian Nishang replied seemingly gracefully.

Ye Xiu looked at Lian Nishang occasionally. He didn’t expect that this woman would stop him just for this reason. Just, practicing neon clothes? Hearing this name, Ye Xiu was a little confused.

Speaking of which, Ye Xiu’s impressions of Lian Nishang came from TV series. In fact, before time travel, he had not read the novel “The Legend of the White-haired Witch”. As for the TV series, he had only watched it when he was a child, and many of his memories were Blurred.

He also vaguely remembered that Lian Nishang fell in love with Zhuo Yihang. Was it love at first sight or a long-lasting love? I can’t remember the details clearly. However, because she was betrayed by Zhuo Yihang, her hair turned white overnight, and then Tianshan Snow Lotus was able to turn her white hair back into black hair.

In short, Lian Nishang can be regarded as a woman born for love.

But Ye Xiu didn’t expect that Lian Nishang would come to him, just because he was good-looking?

“You are indeed quite good-looking, much prettier than the pretty boy next to you.” Lian Nishang said directly without any disguise.

“Thank you.” Ye Xiu could only express his gratitude.

While Lian Nishang was speaking, she rode her horse forward, but her eyes were still looking at Ye Xiu up and down. The more she looked at Ye Xiu’s face, the more satisfied she felt.

Ye Xiu’s face was entirely based on her aesthetics.

If it weren’t for Ye Xiu’s relationship with Dongfang Bubai, Yao Yue and Murong Qiudi, she would have wanted to take Ye Xiu back as her husband.

Thinking of this, Lian Nishang couldn’t help but sigh with regret.

“Miss Lian, what are you doing?” Ye Xiu looked at Lian Nishang who suddenly sighed in confusion.

“I like your appearance quite a lot. If you hadn’t been entangled with other women, I would have taken you back to be the father-in-law of the village. Unfortunately -” Lian Nishang shook his head and directly expressed his regrets.

“…” Ye Xiu didn’t even know how to answer Lian Nishang’s words.

Lian Nishang’s bold remarks, even in modern society, can only be said to be a fool’s errand. What’s more, it’s still an ancient society.

But it’s not Lian Nishang’s fault. Lian Nishang grew up among wolves. Although she was later adopted by her master Ling Muhua, the wolf’s nature of preying on the weak has penetrated into her bones. In addition, her master has never been here. Having received too much teaching in this area, Lian Nishang has developed a decisive character in acting, saying one thing and saying another.

When she encounters people she thinks should be killed, she kills them directly. When she encounters things she thinks need to be snatched, she snatches them away without leaving any room. This is why she is called the Jade Rakshasa. reason.

Unable to answer, Ye Xiu could only smile at Lian Nishang.

“You look really pretty when you smile.” Lian Nishang looked at Ye Xiu’s smile and said directly.

“Thank you.” Ye Xiu expressed his thanks again.

“It’s decided.” Lian Nishang said suddenly.

“Huh?” Ye Xiu was stunned for a moment and looked at Lian Nishang in confusion.

“I want to snatch you back.” Lian Nishang said and took action directly.

Ye Xiu didn’t expect that Lian Nishang, who had just said things well, would directly attack him the next moment.

The main reason is that Ye Xiu has too little combat experience and too little experience in traveling around the world. Well, another thing is that Lian Nishang is very good-looking, and Ye Xiu has a good impression of Lian Nishang because of his memories before time travel, so he has no defense at all.

So Ye Xiu didn’t expect that Lian Nishang would take action against him.

Unprepared for the mistake, Ye Xiu instinctively moved his Fengshen legs, but he could only passively defend himself. Half of his body was still numbed by Lian Nishang.

Then he was captured by Lian Nishang with his second move.

Well, Ye Xiu has made some progress. The last time he was attacked by Murong Qiudi, he was knocked down with just one move.

But now, it took Lian Nishang two moves to defeat him, and Lian Nishang’s cultivation level was even stronger than Murong Qiudi’s.

Lin Pingzhi, who was on the side, reacted even slower. After Ye Xiu had been captured by Lian Nishang in two moves, he reacted and quickly pulled out the long sword at his waist, trying to rescue Ye Xiu.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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