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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 126


Lian Nishang slapped his palm in the air, and Lin Pingzhi was knocked upside down and passed out.

I don’t know how long it took, but when Lin Pingzhi woke up, he found that he was the only one left at the scene and passed out. Lian Nishang and Ye Xiu had disappeared long ago, and Yun Niang also disappeared at the same time.

“Oops!” Lin Pingzhi panicked, quickly got on his horse and ran towards Huayin County quickly.

He wanted to tell the master and his wife about Ye Xiu’s arrest, as well as Dongfang Bubai and the others.

No matter how strong Lian Nishang was, he didn’t believe he could be stronger than Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue. Lin Pingzhi is now worried whether practicing neon clothes will be detrimental to Ye Xiu——

However, thinking of Lian Nishang’s praise for Ye Xiu before he was captured by Lian Nishang——

Lin Pingzhi also felt that Ye Xiu might not be in danger if he was taken away.

That Lian Nishang obviously came here because of Ye Xiu’s appearance. Because Ye Xiu was so good-looking, he was kidnapped by that Lian Nishang.

Lian Nishang’s effort in just a few words left a very deep impression on Lin Pingzhi, because Lian Nishang’s way of speaking was too direct and too bold. Maybe, she really fell in love with Ye Xiu and wanted Ye Xiu to be her husband-in-law——

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Pingzhi had a toothache.

Think about Dongfang Bubai of the Sun and Moon God Sect, think about Yao Yue in Yihua Palace, think about Huang Rong on Peach Blossom Island in Song Dynasty, and the girl Murong who had great supernatural powers before…

Lin Pingzhi thought so, and the anxiety in his heart gradually faded away.

It seems like Ye Xiu, he really may not be in danger.

Lin Pingzhi is no longer so anxious. Of course, even though he was not so anxious, he still galloped towards the Huashan Sect as quickly as possible. In any case, he still needed to tell the master and his wife as soon as possible about the news that Ye Xiu was kidnapped by Lian Nishang. OK.

On the other side, Ye Xiu was pushed on the horse, and Lian Nishang was riding the horse, carrying Ye Xiu on his back, not knowing where he was going.

But Lian Nishang seemed to be in a good mood, humming some weird little tunes while running.

Ye Xiu lay on the horse with a helpless expression. To be honest, in this position, he felt a little uncomfortable, and his stomach was a little uncomfortable.

He wanted to say something to Lian Nishang, but he couldn’t speak since his mute point was tapped. I can only look helpless and aggrieved, what is this?

Speaking of which, this was probably the second time he had been kidnapped.

Before it was Yao Yue from Yihua Palace, now it is this Jade Rakshasa who practices colorful clothes.

Murong Qiudi in the middle, although she also ordered Ye Xiu, it doesn’t seem to be considered a hijacking.

“Who? Come out!”

Just when Ye Xiu was filled with helplessness, Lian Nishang suddenly stopped and looked ahead with a wary expression.

Ye Xiu was a little surprised when he heard Lian Nishang’s words, but he was thinking, it couldn’t be Dongfang Bubai or Yaoyue and the others, right?

It’s just that when Ye Xiu and Lin Pingzhi left Huashan, they seemed to have left too, and I don’t know if they came back.

If they had returned, Lin Pingzhi knew that he had been kidnapped, and he would immediately tell Dongfang Bubai and Yaoyue the news. It would be reasonable for them to stop Lian Nishang at this time.

However, what disappointed Ye Xiu was that the people who stopped Lian Nishang were not Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, but someone whom Ye Xiu had not imagined.

“Is it you?” Lian Nishang looked at the figure appearing in front of him, a little surprised.

Blocking Lian Nishang’s path was a girl who looked eight or nine years old. She was also the girl who called herself Yun Niang before.

Although Lian Nishang only glanced at Yun Niang before, Yun Niang’s cute appearance left a certain impression on Lian Nishang, so when Yun Niang appeared again, she recognized her at a glance.

“That’s right, it’s me, grandma. I didn’t expect that someone would dare to rob someone under my nose.” Yun Niang’s voice was still childish, but her tone of voice was a bit old-fashioned.

Hearing that Yun Niang called herself grandma and spoke in such an old-fashioned tone, Lian Nishang immediately looked at Yun Niang warily.

After all, he is a member of the Jianghu, and Lian Nishang also knows that there are some people in the Jianghu who are born dwarfs or have practiced bone-shrinking skills to the extreme, and can dress up as children. Therefore, at this time, Lian Nishang did not treat Yun Niang as a child.

“You actually disguised yourself like this to get close to Ye Xiu. It seems like you have ulterior motives! In that case, I’ll leave you alone.” Lian Nishang said, already pulling out his long sword and killing Yun Niang.

The moves were extremely decisive and cruel, and there was no hesitation at all because of Yun Niang’s cute appearance.

And this Yun Niang was actually extremely strong. Facing Lian Nishang’s sword, her cute little hands directly faced it with her bare hands.

Those cute little fleshy hands slapped directly on the blade of Lian Nishang’s sword.

As for Ye Xiu, because he was lying on the back of a horse with his acupoints tapped, his field of vision was restricted and he did not see Yun Niang at all. However, from the conversation between Yun Niang and Lian Nishang, Ye Xiu still recognized the person blocking the road. It turned out to be the girl Yun Niang, and I couldn’t help but feel shocked.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but wonder, what was the purpose of that Yun Niang approaching him in disguise?

Speaking of which, in addition to being a disciple of the Huashan Sect, his current status is also the man who is the leader of the Sun Moon Sect, Dongfang Bubai, the man who is the master of the Yihua Palace, Yaoyue, and the man who is the leader of the Tianzun Organization, Murong Qiudi.

It seemed that with his identity, he might be assassinated.

As a disciple of the Huashan Sect, the Songshan Sect is suspected, but with the current Huashan Sect, does the Songshan Sect really dare to continue targeting it? Not likely.

So does the reason lie with Dongfang Bubai or Yao Yue? Or maybe it’s Murong Qiudi’s body?

Although they are the leaders of a force, they are not without enemies. If the enemy cannot deal with them, they will turn around and try to seize him to threaten them. This seems to be a high possibility.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu didn’t know if he should be grateful to Duilian Nishang.

After all, if he hadn’t practiced Nishang, he wouldn’t have known that Yun Niang was so hidden and so powerful.

You must know that after Ye Xiu met Yun Niang before, he had the idea of ​​​​taking Yun Niang to Huashan and accept her as a disciple of the Huashan Sect.

After all, Yun Niang was so cute, which made Ye Xiu have a certain fondness for her.

At this time, the Huashan Sect was also different from before.

The previous Huashan Sect required no experts, no strength, no funds, and no funds. At the same time, it was watched eagerly by the Songshan Sect, so there was no room for development.

Now, the Huashan Sect already has three apparent masters. In terms of funds, it is also supported by the treasures of Emperor Liang Yuan. At the same time, he still has a lot of martial arts in his hands that can be passed down.

Not to mention that the Huashan Sect now has the Wudang Sect as an ally.

It can be said that the current Huashan Sect has been able to recruit more disciples and increase its efforts in development.

So Ye Xiu had the idea of ​​recruiting Yun Niang into the Huashan Sect.

Even at that time, Ye Xiu wasn’t sure who Yun Niang’s parents were. But as long as you are in Huayin County and at the foot of the Huashan Sect, there is really no big problem if you want to accept Yun Niang as a disciple of the Huashan Sect.

Therefore, Ye Xiu felt that if he hadn’t practiced Nishang, he might really have ‘Yun Niang’, a person whose identity and purpose he didn’t know.

If she had any conspiracy against the Huashan Sect or Dongfang Bubai and the others, she would be in big trouble.

So Ye Xiu felt that he should be grateful to Lian Nishang. However, since he was captured by Lian Nishang like this, he didn’t seem to be grateful.

Anyway, Ye Xiu was quite confused. Well, the main thing was that Lian Nishang was pretty. If she was ugly, Ye Xiu wouldn’t be worried.

As for Lian Nishang, who was troubled by Ye Xiu, she felt a little troublesome at this time.

Lian Nishang’s talent in martial arts is astonishing. At a young age, she has already become a master-level expert. If she is given two or three more years, she might be able to break through and become a grand master.

But with her current cultivation level at the eighth level of the Grandmaster Realm, she is no match for this girl.

This girl was far superior to her in terms of internal strength, moves, and combat experience.

Especially the moves she used with her hands were ever-changing and exquisite.

After Lian Nishang only fought with her for a few rounds, he was already restrained by the girl.

Even if she hadn’t grasped the sword firmly enough, her sword would have been taken away by the other party.

Even Lian Nishang could notice that this girl was not taking her seriously at all.

“Who are you? Are you so powerful?” Lian Nishang couldn’t help but ask.

“Do you want to know grandma’s identity?” The girl chuckled. Although she is short, her moves and body skills all give people a stunning, beautiful and even chic and elegant feeling. But in this feeling , mixed with a bit of domineering.

This kind of martial arts is something that Lian Nishang has never seen before.

“Yes, who are you?” Lian Nishang gritted her teeth, with a bit of unwillingness in her eyes. She couldn’t bear to see that she was being suppressed in all directions by a little girl. Although she knew that this girl’s actual age was definitely not what she looked like.

You can tell from the fact that she calls herself grandma.

“Grandma, I am Wu Xingyun, the child grandmother of Tianshan Lingjiu Palace in Tianshan!” the girl said, her shot was a little faster, she directly caught the sword with her bare hands, and snatched the sword from Lian Nishang’s hand.

Chapter 180 Transaction

“Tianshan Child Grandma Wu Xingyun?” After Ye Xiu heard the words of Yun Niang, the Tianshan Child Grandma, his eyes showed astonishment. He did not expect that Yun Niang would be the Tianshan Child Grandma! ! !

Moreover, shouldn’t the Tianshan Child Mother be in the Tianshan Mountains over there in the Great Song Dynasty? Why did you come to the Ming Dynasty? And it actually appeared in front of him.

If it weren’t for Lian Nishang, he wouldn’t even know that Tianshan Child Elder was lurking next to him.

Before it was Huang Rong from Peach Blossom Island of the Great Song Dynasty, then Zhong Ling from the Dali Kingdom, and now another Tianshan child grandmother from the Great Song Dynasty appeared!

No matter how you think about it, something is wrong!

Why did they all appear in front of him by such a coincidence? And it’s not just them, even Dongfang Bubai, Yaoyue and the others are the same.

Ye Xiu couldn’t help but wonder, and even wondered if there was something guiding him.

His current situation is almost like the treatment of the male protagonist in a novel——

‘Well, I think I should be the leading actor too. A time traveler, there are plug-ins, and he’s also super handsome. In my situation, wouldn’t I be a proper male protagonist? Therefore, beauties from all over the world will appear in front of me by chance. This seems to be a very normal novel setting. ’ Ye Xiu couldn’t help but wonder if he was the legendary hero of the novel.

And Ye Xiu even gave birth to a kind of novel character that he couldn’t really be written by some messy author.

However, if he was really the male protagonist in a certain author’s novel, Ye Xiu would sincerely thank the author for not only giving him such a powerful golden finger, but also for arranging so many beauties for him. For these two points, he has to thank the author.

As for the question of whether I would be a false existence if I were a character in a novel.

This kind of problem is not a problem at all in Ye Xiu’s opinion. What happened to the novel world? What happened to the false world? Is he not who he is? Doesn’t he have a golden finger? Didn’t he sleep with Dongfang Bubai, Yao Yue, Murong Qiudi and the others?

Ye Xiu thought of a movie called “The Matrix” that he had watched before traveling through time.

In the fake online world, people dress brightly, eat all kinds of delicious food, sleep with all kinds of beauties, and enjoy all kinds of treatment. But in the real world, there is nothing, desolate, desolate, no food, no beauties, not to mention all kinds of benefits that can be enjoyed, and they are hunted every day.

I’m afraid anyone with a brain would choose to stay in a false world and enjoy their life. How many people would choose the miserable real world?

Anyway, Ye Xiu will definitely choose to stay in the false world and enjoy life.

And if the world he is in now is really a novel world written by a certain author, then he will stay here willingly.

After Ye Xiu thought about it for a while, he finally enlightened himself.

Of course, even though Ye Xiu had given him the solution, he still wanted to know why Lian Nishang and Tianshan Child Elder appeared in front of him. Well, mainly Tianshan Child Elder. She had already told Lian Nishang before that she heard that Ye Xiu was good-looking, so she was curious and came to see her.

Well, this Lian Nishang should have the same nymphomaniac attributes as Yao Yue.

Therefore, Ye Xiu’s question is still about Tianshan Tonglao.

However, he currently has no realm and cannot display much strength. If his ability is one hundred, he can only display sixty or seventy at most.

And people like Lian Nishang and the others, with a hundred points of combat effectiveness, can still exert a combat effectiveness of more than ninety or even one hundred points.

Therefore, Ye Xiu didn’t have much confidence to question Tianshan Child Elder about her situation.

The battle between Tianshan Tonglao and Lian Nishang continues.

Just practicing Nishang is no match for Tianshan Tonglao.

However, although Lian Nishang is not the opponent of Tianshan Child Elder, her fighting power is not weak. Tianshan Child Elder does not take her too seriously, but she can barely resist Tianshan Child Elder.

It can only be said that this Lian Nishang is a bit similar to Qiao Feng, the kind of person who gets stronger when he is strong and can exert 120% of his strength in battle.

However, as a person who grew up in a pack of wolves and has adapted to the concept of the weak and the strong, it is indeed relatively easy for him to exert his own combat power beyond his own capabilities during battle.

After playing with Lian Nishang for a while, Tianshan Child Elder had a certain understanding of Lian Nishang’s situation, and looked at Lian Nishang with a little more appreciation. However, this appreciation was not the reason why she would hold back when facing Lian Nishang.

After Tianshan Child Elder took the sword from Lian Nishang’s hand, she slapped Lian Nishang’s body with her backhand and knocked Lian Nishang to the ground.

Lian Nishang received a slap and fell to the ground. Under the severe pain in his internal organs, he couldn’t help spitting out a mouthful of blood. However, Lian Nishang’s eyes when looking at the Tianshan Child Elder were still full of ferocity.

Faced with Lian Nishang’s ferocious look, Tianshan Child Elder didn’t take it seriously, and even thought she was quite pleasing to the eye. However, Tianshan Child Elder did not say anything to Lian Nishang. Instead, she stepped away and came to the front of the horse. , grabbed Ye Xiu with a small hand and pulled Ye Xiu directly off the horse.

“Boy, grandma heard that you have a martial art called Shen Zhao Jing?” Tianshan’s child’s face was expressionless, but there was a hint of majesty. He opened Ye Xiu’s hole and smelled it.

“Shen Zhao Jing?” Ye Xiu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Because Tianshan Child Elder was intimidated by Li Qiu Shui, she became obsessed with it, and in the end she could only bear the appearance of this little lolita.

The Shenzhao Sutra is a magical power that can repair injuries. After hearing about the Shenzhao Sutra, it was normal for the Tianshan child to want to obtain the Shenzhao Sutra.

As for why the Tianshan Child Elder knew that she had the Divine Illumination Sutra in the Ming Dynasty——

I think Tianshan Child Elder must have been paying attention to the news about healing techniques or heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the world. So knowing that he possesses the Divine Illumination Sutra is barely justified.

“Boy, grandma, I need the Divine Illumination Sutra. If you dedicate the Divine Illumination Sutra to grandma, I will escort you back to Huashan.” The Tianshan boy said in an old-fashioned way.

“Uh, thank you, senior. Since senior needs it, I will give it to you.” Ye Xiu didn’t hesitate. When the Tianshan Child Elder spoke, he gave it to him directly.

The main reason is that Ye Xiu is not that fond of the martial art of Shen Zhao Jing, because Ye Xiu really has a lot of martial arts in his hands, and there will be more and more in the future.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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