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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 13

However, the antidote in Ren Yingying’s hands was also given to her by Dongfang Bubai. As long as Dongfang Bubai stops giving the antidote to Ren Yingying, who of those evil characters will listen to Ren Yingying’s arrangements.

It can be said that despite the reputation of Saint Aunt Ren Yingying, everything is actually false.

“Come here. Watch Ren Yingying carefully. Ren Yingying is not allowed to go out without my order!” Dongfang Bubai gave the order, and more than a dozen members of the Sun Moon God Sect jumped out from around him.

Seeing this, Ren Yingying looked even more miserable. Although Dongfang Bubai did not kill her, he imprisoned her here.

From now on, let alone the rescue, she might even be able to protect herself.

Ren Yingying lost her soul and was guarded here by the people of the Sun and Moon God Sect.

Qu Feiyan’s eyes widened and she looked curiously at the lost Ren Yingying and then at Dongfang Bubai. She felt that Dongfang Bubai was really amazing.

Qu Feiyan followed her grandfather around the world all year round, how could she not know the name of Saint Aunt Ren Yingying. But such a powerful holy lady was now imprisoned by Dongfang Bubai with just one order.

Qu Feiyan was quite curious about what to do with Ren Yingying next, but unfortunately, she didn’t dare to ask.

In fact, Ren Yingying can really be crushed to death by Dongfang Bubai now, but Dongfang Bubai is not yet sure what will happen after the person holding the diary is killed. Will there be any impact if someone who also holds the diary kills the diary holder? This is also the reason why Dongfang Invincible will temporarily let Ren Yingying go.

“I had a great time walking around Hengyang City today. How should I put it, it’s quite antique – well, it would be weird if it wasn’t antique.”

“This Hengyang City is not bad, it’s quite prosperous. But compared to watching Hengyang City, it’s quite interesting to watch the senior brother being a dog licker and surrounding the junior sister.”

“I don’t know what’s going on, little junior sister. We were having a good time with Linghu Chong at first, but now, junior sister suddenly becomes indifferent to Linghu Chong. Could it be that love can transfer? It’s because junior sister has already empathized. Don’t fall in love, have you fallen in love with Lin Pingzhi?”

“It doesn’t seem right. According to the plot, the junior sister likes Lin Pingzhi. It was after Lao Yue accepted Lin Pingzhi that Lin Pingzhi deliberately tried to please the junior sister. It was then that the junior sister fell in love with Lin Pingzhi.”

“Well, forget it, anyway, it’s no longer a simple show of laughter and pride, it’s all about mixed martial arts. It’s also reasonable for some changes that don’t fit in with the plot to happen suddenly.”

“But Linghu Chong is in an extremely bad mood right now. Junior sister suddenly ignores him. To him, it’s as if the sky has fallen.”

“When we were shopping just now, Linghu Chong’s fingers were like a dog circling around my little junior sister. It made me so happy.”

“Eating melons at close range is quite interesting. It’s a pity that my junior sister’s skills are not enough. If my junior sister can box, it will be even more exciting.”

“Well, it’s a good thing that you don’t know how to box. If all the women in this martial arts world start boxing – this world will be destroyed.”

“Speaking of which, the younger junior sister is quite cute. It’s no wonder that Linghu Chong likes her so much, not to mention that Linghu Chong and the younger junior sister are still childhood sweethearts. Unfortunately, childhood sweethearts are no match for the Heavenly Falling Element. Even if Linghu Chong licks her, he can’t compare to Lin Pingzhi’s pretty face – but speaking of it, I’m quite handsome, but I don’t know who is better looking between me and Lin Pingzhi. After all, Lin Pingzhi should be the best-looking man in Jin Yong’s works, right? . Well, he still is now, but he probably won’t be in the future, at least he’s not the most handsome man.”

“Lin Pingzhi, he has almost arrived in Hengyang City now. The good young master of Fuwei Escort Agency has now turned into a bear. But a large group of people are staring at him. A good and good man was suddenly killed. Forced to be black.”

“I just don’t know what would happen if I told Lin Pingzhi that the evil sword technique is in the old house in Xiangyang Township – well, it doesn’t seem to be that bad. After all, there are even others in the Qingcheng Sect who are eyeing the Lin family. .”

Chapter 34 Lao Yue arrives

Yue Lingshan looked at this newly written diary and felt very good.

Although Ye Xiu complained about Linghu Chong as a licker in the diary, she was mentioned more than ten times in this diary. In other words, this diary alone could improve her cultivation for one month. How could this make Yue Lingshan unhappy?

“Sure enough, as long as I often appear next to Senior Brother Ye, Senior Brother Ye will keep mentioning me when writing his diary.” Yue Lingshan thought happily.

Unlike Yue Lingshan’s happiness, Dongfang Bubai, Qu Feiyan and others were obviously depressed. Because Ye Xiu’s diary only mentioned Yue Lingshan, but there was almost no useful information.

“No, I have to go find someone from the Huashan Sect tomorrow and ask him to write me in the diary.” Qu Feiyan thought to himself.

Dongfang Bubai was also thinking about whether he should find his sister tomorrow and take Yilin to visit the Huashan sect. Although Dongfang Bubai also hoped to get more rewards, she didn’t want to let him go. Yilin missed it.

Ren Yingying, who was imprisoned, and Huang Rong and others who had not yet arrived in Hengyang City were not very satisfied with this diary.

Ning Zhongze, who was still in Huashan, felt somewhat happy about this diary.

It wasn’t that Ning Zhong knew that his daughter would be rewarded for having a diary, but that Ning Zhong felt that Yue Lingshan was mentioned too many times in Ye Xiu’s diary. The two of them had been together for a long time, so maybe Ye Xiu liked Yue Lingshan. When the time comes, she can bring Yue Lingshan and Ye Xiu together, thus tying Ye Xiu more firmly to Huashan.

“Senior Brother Ye, let’s continue to go shopping outside today.”

Early the next morning, Yue Lingshan went directly to Ye Xiu and pulled Ye Xiu to continue playing.

“Well, little junior sister, master is going to Hengyang City today, let’s stop running around.” Linghu Chong said directly before Ye Xiu could speak.

If Yue Lingshan asked Linghu Chong to hang out with him, Linghu Chong would be very happy. But Yue Lingshan had to take Ye Xiu out to play early in the morning, which made Linghu Chong unhappy.

“Oh, I forgot, my father will come to Hengyang City today. In that case, forget it, let’s wait here.” Yue Lingshan was a little disappointed, but she still respected her father.

“Little junior sister, master is coming. We can’t go out to play, but we can play here.” Linghu Chong said to Yue Lingshan.

“Hey? Master brother, do you have any ideas?” Yue Lingshan asked quickly.

“Little Junior Sister, have you forgotten, didn’t the two of us jointly create a sword technique? Since we can’t go out, let’s wait here for the master while we continue to create our sword technique.” Linghu Chong said and glanced at Ye Xiu glanced at him with a hint of showing off and pride.

Obviously, because Yue Lingshan came to see Ye Xiu from time to time, Linghu Chong felt a sense of crisis in his heart and became more vigilant towards Ye Xiu.

“Uh, forget it, Senior Brother, our martial arts are so poor, creating any swordsmanship is not a thankless task at all.” Yue Lingshan shook her head and refused.

“Junior sister?” Linghu Chong looked at Yue Lingshan in astonishment. He obviously didn’t expect that Yue Lingshan had no idea of ​​creating the Chongling Sword Technique. This made Linghu Chong feel a little panicked.

“Big Brother, it’s not easy for my father to support the Huashan Sect. In the entire Huashan Sect, my father and my mother are the only two people supporting the Huashan Sect. Instead of practicing properly, we are thinking about the sword of the three-legged cat. Fa, it’s a bit too unprofessional. Senior brother, I think we should focus more on practicing martial arts to improve ourselves, and forget about the rest.” Yue Lingshan said seriously.

Not to mention Linghu Chong who looked shocked and unable to accept it, even Ye Xiu looked stunned. He even wondered if the junior sister Yue Lingshan in front of him had been replaced by someone?


A good voice came from outside, and the voice was filled with relief. The next moment, Yue Buqun appeared in front of everyone.

“Master!” When everyone saw Yue Buqun, they quickly stood up and saluted.

“Okay, let’s all get up.” Yue Buqun asked everyone to get up, and then looked at his daughter, his eyes full of joy: “Shan’er has grown up too.”

Yue Buqun was very happy, from the bottom of his heart.

It was his wife Ning Zhongze who discovered the crisis in Huashan before, and then the two of them had a heart-to-heart exchange. The pressure on Yue Buqun was greatly reduced. But now, his daughter, who was not sensible at all, turned out to be unreasonable today. How could Yue Buqun not be happy and touched when he suddenly understood something and still said those words.

“Dad.” Yue Lingshan looked at Yue Buqun with a hint of surprise in her eyes. Although in her diary, she also wrote that Yue Buqun had changed from a gentleman’s sword to a hypocrite. He also killed Master Dingyi and others.

However, Yue Buqun was Yue Lingshan’s father, and those things had not happened yet, so Yue Lingshan was infinitely tolerant of Yue Buqun, which was a treatment that Linghu Chong was not able to enjoy.

“Okay, everyone, come here, Chong’er, your junior wife asked you to bring your junior brothers to Hengyang City. You can tell us what happened to you along the way and how the many junior brothers performed.” Yue Buqun Sitting on the main seat, his expression became more serious, and he seemed to be more serious.

“Yes, master, disciple…” Linghu Chong began to describe his performance after leading many disciples down the mountain.

Yue Buqun listened and nodded from time to time, even though Linghu Chong was very carefree a lot of the time, and he especially liked drinking and causing trouble. But this time Linghu Chong led many disciples on their way, but nothing went wrong, which made Yue Buqun satisfied.

Then Lao Yue began to tell many disciples about his experiences in traveling in the world. It is similar to what Linghu Chong said at the beginning, but what Yue Buqun said here is more rigorous and the requirements are higher.

After speaking these words, Yue Buqun asked his disciples in a serious manner to restrain themselves, not to indulge themselves, etc.

When everything was over, it was already more than an hour later.

“Chong’er, follow my master to the Liu Mansion.” Yue Buqun finally said to Linghu Chong.

After all, when Yue Buqun came to Hengyang City, which was Liu Zhengfeng’s territory, he naturally needed to pay a visit to Liu Zhengfeng. This was the most basic courtesy.

“Yes, master!”

When Yue Buqun took Linghu Chong to Liu Zhengfeng’s residence, Yue Lingshan approached Ye Xiu with a smile: “Senior Brother Ye, my father has gone to the Liu Mansion now and has no way to control us anymore. Let’s go out and play… “

Chapter 35 Meeting

“Sister, I think it would be better to go back and recite sutras with the master…” Yilin looked around with a cute expression, subconsciously relying on Dongfang Bubai.

Dongfang Bubai noticed Yilin’s little move, but felt very happy in his heart.

“Yilin, don’t be bored and chant sutras all the time. You should also go out for a walk more often. Here, here.” Dongfang Bubai bought two bunches of candied haws and handed one to Yilin.

Yilin looked at the candied haws, her throat moving slightly. Most little girls like to eat sweet and sour food, even if Yilin is a little nun: “Thank you, sister.”

Dongfang Bubai smiled as he watched Yilin eating candied haws. The time when she reunited with Yilin was the happiest time for Dongfang Bubai. She even felt that she had almost become a lot younger.

At least she wasn’t in the mood to eat candied haws until she reunited with Yilin.

Biting the candied haws in her mouth, the sweet and sour taste exploded in her mouth, and she felt a sense of happiness. Especially when she saw Yi Lin next to her, who also had a smile on her face because of eating candied haws, she was even happier. .

At this moment, Dongfang Bubai noticed two people in front of him. Just as they were walking over here chatting and laughing, Dongfang Bubai flicked his finger, and a weak force came out from his fingertips, which happened to fall on Yi Lin. Numbness in elbow.

Yilin’s hand went numb, and the three candied haws left in her hand flew out.


Ye Xiu and Yue Lingshan were walking on the streets of Hengyang City together. Suddenly a black shadow flew over from the side. Ye Xiu glanced at it subconsciously, but found that it was a candied haws, and subconsciously reached out to catch it.

At this time, Ye Xiu heard an exclamation: “Oh——”

Ye Xiu turned around and saw a little nun. This little nun was very beautiful, delicate and graceful, with a radiant appearance, especially her big eyes, which were faintly frightened and gave people a timid feeling. She has such a feeling that people can’t help but want to bully her. She’s simply not too cute.

Next to the little nun, stood a woman who looked very similar to the little nun, but had a completely different temperament. This woman had a faint sense of heroism, giving people a very strong look. It feels like the person is just standing there quietly, making it impossible to ignore. Even if the two people are not standing together, even if the two people look so similar, it is probably impossible for people to associate the two with each other.

Ye Xiu didn’t expect that just because he was dragged out by Yue Lingshan to go shopping, he would meet two such beautiful women, one of whom was a little nun. Just for such a good-looking little nun, coupled with the fact that she was in Hengyang City, and the little nun’s clothes, Ye Xiu had a rough guess about her identity.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Yilin immediately apologized to Ye Xiu after she came to her senses.

“It doesn’t matter, this is the junior sister of the Hengshan sect. I am Ye Xiu, a disciple of the Huashan sect. This is my junior sister Yue Lingshan. This is your candied haws.” Ye Xiu introduced with a smile.

“Ah, I, thank you, um -” Yi Lin was a little confused, not knowing whether she should say hello first or take the candied haws first, her clumsy look made her even more cute.

“Junior sister of the Hengshan School, you’d better take the candied haws on a stick first.” Ye Xiu smiled and helped Yilin make her choice first.

“Thank you, thank you Senior Brother Ye. I, I am Yi Lin, a disciple of the Hengshan Sect. I have met Senior Brother Ye and Senior Sister Yue.” Yi Lin quickly clasped her hands together, but because she still held candied haws in her hand, she couldn’t clasp her hands together. It was a little inconvenient at the time, and I was in a hurry again.

Seeing Yilin like this, Yue Lingshan couldn’t help but couldn’t help it, and she quickly covered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from laughing.

Dongfang Bubai glanced at Yue Lingshan. Although Yue Lingshan wanted to laugh, she was not rude or overly behaved. Only then did Dongfang Bubai look away from Yue Lingshan.

“It turns out to be Junior Sister Yilin. I didn’t know this was-” Ye Xiu looked at Dongfang Bubai behind Yilin.

Looking at Dongfang Bubai, Ye Xiu vaguely guessed that someone who looked so similar to Yilin should naturally be Yilin’s relative. However, Yilin is a little nun, who are her relatives? Mute mother-in-law? No, this one is too young, so is Dongfang Invincible? So the current version of Dongfang Invincible is a woman?

“Ah, this is my sister Dongfang Bai. She just found me not long ago…” Yilin really didn’t have any bad intentions. Ye Xiu just asked who this woman was, and Yilin was already very candid. He told Ye Xiu Dongfang Bubai’s identity and even told him that she was found by Dongfang Bubai not long ago.

“Yilin——” Dongfang Bubai looked at Yilin and wanted to continue, but had no choice but to interrupt Yilin directly.

“Master Ye, hello, Miss Yue, I am Dongfang Bai, Yilin’s sister.” Dongfang Bubai introduced himself as kindly as possible.

“Hello, Miss Dongfang.” Ye Xiu responded, but he was already sure in his heart that this woman was Dongfang Invincible. Ye Xiu didn’t expect that Dongfang Bubai would recognize Yi Lin.

Originally, Ye Xiu was thinking that this news might bring him some benefits in the future, but he didn’t expect that the other sisters would recognize each other.

Ye Xiu and Yue Lingshan just had a simple exchange with Yilin and Dongfang Bai, and then the two parties separated.

After all, although Ye Xiu is quite interested in Yi Lin and Dongfang Bubai, this is the first time they have met. If they meet too much for the first time, or if they start to have a close friendship for the first time, people will think that he is frivolous. , will give people a bad impression.

Similarly, although Dongfang Bubai also wants to have more contact with Ye Xiu, after all, with Dongfang Bubai’s ability, it is very simple to investigate some information, so Dongfang Bubai has been certain that Ye Xiu is writing Diary person.

But just like Ye Xiu’s concerns, Dongfang Bubai also felt that if she showed too much enthusiasm during their first meeting, it would inevitably make Ye Xiu have some thoughts or doubts.

This time, Dongfang Bubai and Yilin appeared in front of Ye Xiu. At best, they were just new faces, leaving an impression on Ye Xiu so that they would have time and opportunity to get along slowly in the future.

As for Yue Lingshan, she also has a good sense of the soft-spoken Yilin. After all, Yilin looks too inoffensive, making people think she is the kind of person who is easy to bully.

That is to say, Yue Lingshan wanted to be alone with Ye Xiuduo so that Ye Xiu could write more of her name in the diary. Otherwise, she might have to drag Yilin to get acquainted with her.

Chapter 36 Qu Feiyan asks for help

“That Dongfang Bai is Dongfang Bubai, right? That Dongfang Bai must be Dongfang Bubai, right! Dongfang Bubai in this world is actually a woman. And she is also a royal sister. , is the type I like——”

“I just didn’t expect that Dongfang Bubai would recognize Yilin so quickly. I originally thought that if Dongfang Bubai in this world was Yilin’s sister, I would use this news to exchange favors. It can’t be replaced now.”

“But one thing to say, Yilin is so beautiful, she speaks softly and waxy, and her whole person feels soft and waxy. She is like a timid cat who can’t help but let people bully her. one time.”

“The looks of Dongfang Bubai and Yilin are at least 60% similar, but the temperaments of the two are very different. If the two sisters were not standing together, seeing them in other places would never make people think of each other. They are sisters.”

“Dongfang Bubai has arrived, and Lao Yue has arrived today. The next step is for Liu Zhengfeng to wash his hands in the golden basin. At this time, Songshan faction Ding Mian and Fei Bin should have quietly lurked in Hengyang City. As long as they wait until the golden basin begins to wash their hands, they They will first kidnap Liu Zhengfeng’s family and then force Liu Zhengfeng.”

“Liu Zhengfeng! There is something wrong with his brain. For the sake of music, he even gave up his wife and children – by the way, Liu Zhengfeng can’t be gay. Is his relationship with Qu Yang serious or not? What is the relationship between the two of them? , couldn’t it be love? After all, life is precious, and love is even more valuable. Eh, it’s really disgusting.”

“Forget it, I won’t write about the two of them Nantong.”

“Today Linghu Chong and Lao Yue came back. After knowing that my junior sister was hanging out with me again, he looked at me as if he wanted to eat me, and then he started to do dog licking around my junior sister.”

“There seems to be something wrong with the way Lao Yue looks at me. Maybe it’s because the junior sister didn’t play with Linghu Chong, and instead started dragging me around.”

“After all, Lao Yue also knows that the relationship between the younger junior sister and Linghu Chong was the best before. They were childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts. Not to mention that Linghu Chong is the best and most powerful among the next generation of disciples in Huashan, no matter in terms of talent or martial arts. He is qualified to be the next head of the Huashan Sect. So before, Linghu Chong was the most suitable person to be his son-in-law in his eyes.”


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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