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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 136

In Zuo Lengchan’s view, Linghu Chong was expelled from the Huashan Sect. This should be the Wudang Sect’s method, because if Linghu Chong was still in the Huashan Sect, then the next leader of the Huashan Sect might be Linghu Chong.

But now that Linghu Chong is gone, the next leader of the Huashan Sect can only be Wudang Sect’s undercover Ye Xiu.

It has to be said that Zuo Lengchan is a scheming hero. When he thinks about problems, his perspective is different from ordinary people’s. He is always full of conspiracies and calculations.

Ye Xiu inexplicably became an undercover agent of the Wudang Clan, and the Wudang Clan inexplicably became a cunning man who tried to devour other sects.


After Ye Xiu heard Zuo Lengchan’s words, he felt that Zuo Lengchan’s words were inexplicable and had no idea what he was going to say.

“Hmph. Wudang, it is indeed Wudang. No wonder it is tied with the Shaolin Sect. Shaolin Temple is full of calculations, and so is the Wudang Sect.” Zuo Lengchan sneered, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

Zuo Lengchan felt that since he already knew the Wudang Sect’s plan, the Wudang Sect would never let him go. He was the key to the faction, but he was still full of murderous intent. He would never show mercy because of Ye Xiu’s identity.

He even felt that killing Ye Xiu might be a glimmer of hope for the Songshan Sect.

With a violent roar, Zuo Lengchan circulated the zhenqi in his body to the extreme. Even the ice zhenqi began to corrode his meridians under the extreme movement, and even faintly appeared on Zuo Lengchan’s body surface. The color of frost.

Zuo Lengchan ignored the meridians that had been damaged by the ice energy and directly launched an overloaded attack.

Looking at Zuo Lengchan, who was trying his best like a madman, Ye Xiu concentrated on it, and his hands were already in the Tai Chi starting position again.

In the absence of rich combat experience, Tai Chi, a boxing method that is better at defense, is more suitable for the current situation.

Zuo Lengchan’s crazy attacks, the ice energy constantly invaded, even every step Zuo Lengchan took, left a frosty white footprint, exuding a deep chill.

Ye Xiu, on the other hand, was waving his hands at an uncertain speed, using Tai Chi techniques one by one. Compared to the crazy Zuo Lengchan, Ye Xiu seemed a little calm and calm.

The invisible force field formed by Tai Chi blocked Zuo Lengchan’s ice energy.

There is a circle with Ye Xiu as the center and a radius of one meter. Within the circle, Ye Xiu is as stable as Mount Tai. Outside the circle, the ground was covered with a layer of frost.

These are two extremes.

As for the other Thirteen Songshan Taibao, they were still trying to launch an attack on Ye Xiu like before.

But facing the steady Tai Chi, they were at a loss. Even as Zuo Lengchan’s ice energy circulated more and more rapidly, their body movements were affected and became somewhat stiff. and Zhengzhi, and then Ye Xiu found the flaw.

In just a few minutes, two of the Thirteen Taibao were hit by Ye Xiu’s moves and punches, and lost their lives.

“You go! Leave Songshan quickly and preserve the inheritance of our Songshan sect!” After seeing another person die in Ye Xiu’s hands, Zuo Lengchan, who was getting worse and worse, rushed towards those who were still trying to attack. The Thirteen Taibao of Songshan shouted in a low voice.

After hearing Zuo Lengchan’s words, the remaining people looked at each other, and some of them continued to turn around and run away. However, the remaining people still kept in line with Zuo Lengchan and continued to besiege Ye Xiu, but they wanted to hold him back. Ye Xiu’s pace did not allow Ye Xiu to stop the Thirteen Songshan Taibao who were leaving, so as to ensure that the inheritance of the Songshan Sect would not be destroyed.

In fact, they think too much.

Even if Zuo Lengchan is left alone, Ye Xiu has little chance to intercept others.

The main reason is that Ye Xiu’s combat experience is not rich enough, and the Tai Chi he currently uses is still more defensive in the end. Although he has the Fengshen Kung Fu, which is suitable for chasing, Tai Chi switches to the Fengshen Kung Fu, and Ye Xiu’s Based on experience, he might not be able to find a suitable opportunity in the face of Zuo Lengchan’s crazy entanglement.

Not to mention, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue were hiding nearby. With them there, there was no possibility for those Songshan Thirteen Taibao to escape.

Even if Ye Xiu hadn’t taken matters into his own hands, even Zuo Lengchan wouldn’t have been able to solve it in one round in the hands of Dongfang Bubai or Yao Yue.

Sure enough, when the Thirteen Songshan Taibao turned around and fled, those people suddenly and silently fell to the ground, and then never got up again. They themselves didn’t realize what happened, and they were already dead. .

Before doing it again, Dongfang Invincible just flicked his fingers.

As a master of the Grand Master Realm, it is not easy for her to kill a few trash in the Xiantian Realm. She only needs to mobilize a trace of Qi, which will turn into a needle light, and she can kill them with a snap of her fingers.

But Zuo Lengchan didn’t notice this situation at all at this time, because in order to entangle Ye Xiu, he put all his energy on Ye Xiu, and could not detect any situation except Ye Xiu.

Therefore, he did not see the deaths of the Thirteen Songshan Taibao at all.

Facing Zuo Lengchan, who was like a mad dog, Ye Xiu fought steadily, but became more and more proficient in Tai Chi.

It can’t be said that he is proficient. It should be said that he seems to have regained his feeling.

Under the indoctrination of the diary, Ye Xiu’s control of Tai Chi has reached a great level, but after all, he has never really used Tai Chi to fight against anyone, so that when Ye Xiu first started to use Tai Chi, he seemed to be A person who already has a level 10 piano level has not touched the piano for more than half a year, and then starts playing the piano again. The skill level is there, but he will be a little shaky at the beginning. After playing two pieces of music, you can get back to your original level.

Therefore, Tai Chi became more and more powerful in Ye Xiu’s hands.

Both defense and offense are getting stronger and stronger.

Originally, Ye Xiu’s defensive circle only had a radius of one meter. At this time, it began to slowly expand to 1.5 meters, then 2 meters. Even later, Ye Xiu’s Tai Chi force field had already enveloped Zuo Lengchan.

Zuo Lengchan felt more and more uncomfortable, as if there were invisible ropes constantly wrapping around his body, getting tighter and tighter, making it increasingly difficult for him to move.

Originally, the extreme movement of the ice energy would harm his body, but now it was shrouded in the invisible force field of Tai Chi. Under attack from both inside and outside, Zuo Lengchan was soon in a state of difficulty.

Ye Xiu turned around and hit Zuo Lengchan on the chest.

Bang! There was a crunching sound in his chest, and Zuo Lengchan was knocked away. He couldn’t help opening his mouth to vomit blood, but what he didn’t want to spit out turned out to be some blood-colored ice beads without a trace of liquid. They seemed to have become completely solid. look.


The crisp cracking sound continued, and Zuo Lengchan’s body shattered like an ice cube.

Centered on the place where Ye Xiu turned around and hit him, it was directly broken into two pieces.



The remaining Thirteen Taibos of the Songshan Sect who were like flies and had been trying to harass Ye Xiu screamed in pain. Some rushed towards Ye Xiu, while others turned around with fear in their eyes as if to run away.

Those who rushed forward were punched one by one by Ye Xiu, and were killed directly. Those who turned around and ran away were caught up by Ye Xiu using the Wind God Kick, and kicked to death one by one.

At this point, Songshan sent Zuo Lengchan and the remaining Thirteen Taibao. Except for a few who were killed by Dongfang Bubai with a snap of his fingers, the rest all died in Ye Xiu’s hands.

Ye Xiu exhaled, with a touch of excitement in his eyes.

“How are you? You’re not injured, are you?” Even though he had been watching from the beginning to the end and knew that Ye Xiu was not injured, Dongfang Bubai couldn’t help but ask with concern.

“No. Tai Chi’s defense is quite strong. They couldn’t do any harm to me.” Ye Xiu shook his head with a smile.

“Hmph!” Yaoyue on the side couldn’t help but snorted.

The main reason was that Dongfang Bubai was concerned and asked if Ye Xiu was injured, but Yaoyue was cold-tempered and could not ask, which made her feel like she was lagging behind Dongfang Bubai, and she felt a little unhappy.

Ye Xiu was stunned, but Dongfang Bubai pursed his lips slightly.

“Let’s go. The senior leaders of the Songshan Sect have been dealt with. The remaining disciples have also escaped at this time and are being surrounded by my people. The monks of the Shaolin Temple should be aware of it soon. You continue to stay.” This will inevitably be discovered by the monks in the Shaolin Temple. Just let me stay here and take charge.” Dongfang Bubai said in a relaxed tone.

“Well, I’ll leave the rest to you.”

Ye Xiu and Yao Yue said and left quickly. Dongfang Bubai was left standing in place, quietly waiting for the arrival of the followers of the Sun Moon God Sect, and also waiting for the arrival of the monks from the Shaolin Temple.

This time the Songshan Sect was wiped out, and the Sun Moon God Sect had to take the blame, but they couldn’t let this matter have anything to do with the Huashan Sect, mainly Ye Xiu.

Anyway, the Sun Moon God Sect has long been a notorious demon sect, so it doesn’t matter if it has the reputation of destroying the Songshan Sect. What’s more, Dongfang Bubai has become a great master and needs to re-establish its prestige. The Songshan Sect is quite powerful. A good chicken can still play a very good role in killing chickens to scare monkeys.

Ye Xiu and Yao Yue quickly went down the mountain without letting anyone else discover their whereabouts.

After going down the mountain, Ye Xiu’s face showed a bit of relief.

This Songshan sect.

From the very beginning when Ye Xiu traveled to this world, the Songshan Sect has always been a threat, or to Ye Xiu, it has always been a threat, stuck in his chest.

After all, Ye Xiu is a disciple of the Huashan Sect, and the Songshan Sect is inherently threatening to him.

Now, the Songshan Sect has been eliminated by Ye Xiu. Even though Ye Xiu’s strength has long made him no longer afraid of the Songshan Sect, he still feels like a stone has been removed from his chest.

“It’s just a little troublesome for Dongfang. I don’t know if the elimination of Songshan Sect this time will have any impact on Dongfang.” Ye Xiu turned around and looked in the direction of Songshan Sect and muttered softly.

Yao Yue, who was following Ye Xiu, didn’t look so pretty.

Because Ye Xiu’s actions this time, from beginning to end, used Dongfang Bubai and the Sun and Moon God Sect, but they had nothing to do with her invitation to the moon, and they did not use the Yihua Palace.

This made Yao Yue feel like she was being outmatched by Dongfang Bubai.

Originally, her previous loss to Dongfang Bubai made Yao Yue particularly concerned.

In other words, since losing to Dongfang Bubai, Yao Yue has kept this matter in her heart, feeling uncomfortable and unwilling no matter what.

Now Ye Xiu takes revenge to destroy the Songshan Sect, using Dongfang Bubai again.

This made Yao Yue feel as if she had been completely crushed by Dongfang Bubai.

Especially in terms of Ye Xiu’s favorability.

Yao Yue knew that Ye Xiu’s favorability towards her was 87 points, but Ye Xiu’s favorability towards Dongfang Bubai was 89 points.

If we talk about monthly rewards, they are at the same level, but the two points difference in favorability makes Yao Yue even more concerned.

Now that Yao Yue heard Ye Xiu’s concern about Dongfang Bubai, she felt even more depressed.

So, Yao Yue didn’t care about Ye Xiu’s current mood, she took action directly, grabbed Ye Xiu in her hand, and then floated away.

“Ah? Yao Yue? What are you doing?” Ye Xiu felt baffled when Yao Yue suddenly held it in his hand.

Although Dongfang Bubai’s character is domineering and strong, she can still figure it out clearly, but Yao Yue’s character is even more unpredictable because her moods and anger are still a bit too capricious.

It was like now, everything was fine before, but now he suddenly attacked Ye Xiu, grabbed Ye Xiu and ran away. This made Ye Xiu very baffled.

Fortunately, Ye Xiu knew that although Yao Yue’s personality was unpredictable, it was ultimately good for him, so Ye Xiu didn’t have any thoughts of fear, he was just full of question marks and confusion.

Yao Yue did not explain anything to Ye Xiu at all.

Instead, he led Ye Xiu directly into an uninhabited cave in the wild.

“Uh, Yao Yue, what are you—”

Just when Ye Xiu was confused, he felt his body go cold, and the clothes on his body had already been stripped off by Yue Yue.

Then Ye Xiu was shocked to find that this time, Yao Yue didn’t touch his acupuncture point——

At this time, Ye Xiu couldn’t care less about his confusion and confusion. Instead, he was filled with surprise. He finally no longer had to be passive and couldn’t move. He could finally be a man for once.

Chapter 191 Inviting the Moon to Steal the Chicken

Afterwards, Ye Xiu lay weakly on the ground and looked at Yao Yue with surprise and confusion. He didn’t quite understand why Yao Yue didn’t tap his acupuncture points this time.

Of course, this is also a good thing for Ye Xiu.

Especially this time, Yao Yue was somewhat cooperative with Ye Xiu, allowing Ye Xiu to develop a lot of knowledge.

“Yao Yue, you-” Ye Xiu wanted to ask Yao Yue at this moment.

With just one move, Yao Yue put her clothes back on her body in the blink of an eye. She ignored Ye Xiu at all and flew out with a whoosh.

Ye Xiu could see clearly that when Yao Yue left, there was a bit of blush on her cheeks, obviously she was a bit shy.

Ye Xiu didn’t care that Yao Yue left like this. After all, Yao Yue should be quite shy now, and she also needed some time to calm down.

“Yao Yue has already begun to cooperate. It won’t be long before Dongfang starts to cooperate.” Ye Xiu thought happily.

To be honest, Ye Xiu thought that this kind of cooperation would at least wait until Ye Xiu’s strength surpassed that of Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai.

And Yaoyue, after leaving, ran a long distance in one breath. Seeing that Ye Xiu didn’t chase him, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of the knowledge that she had cooperated with Ye Xiu before, Yao Yue couldn’t help but feel a little shy. She didn’t expect that there would be so much knowledge between men and women, which she had never seen or even heard of before. Thought of it.

After pausing for a while, Yao Yue took out the diary. The information in it was what Yao Yue wanted to see most right now.

Sure enough, after Yao Yue opened the diary, she found that Ye Xiu’s favorability towards her had changed and increased, and it wasn’t just one point or two.

Originally, Ye Xiu’s favorability towards Yao Yue was 87 points, but now, Ye Xiu’s favorability towards her suddenly increased to 93 points. Suddenly, the favorability level increased by six points.

“Sure enough, I knew that men are lustful.” Yao Yue said this with a faint smile on her face.

It’s no wonder that Yao Yue would think so. You must know that Ye Xiu didn’t have a high impression of Yao Yue at the beginning, mainly because of Yao Yue’s strength and unreasonable way of taking Ye Xiu away from Huashan and bringing her to Imprisoned in Yihua Palace. Later, in order to catch up with Dongfang Bubai, Dang Yaoyue slept with Ye Xiu, which made Ye Xiu’s favorability towards her suddenly increase to eighty points.

But now, Yao Yue only touches Ye Xiu’s acupuncture points when having sex with her, and then cooperates with Ye Xiu by the way. Ye Xiu’s favorability towards her suddenly increases.

These two times are considered to be relatively large increases in favorability, and they are all because of the things between men and women. It is no wonder that Yao Yue would say that men are lustful.

“Dongfang Bubai, this time, I will definitely surpass you.” After Yao Yue saw Ye Xiu’s increasing favorability towards her, she instinctively thought of Dongfang Bubai almost immediately.

After all, compared to the previous 87 points of favorability which only had five times the extra reward bonus, with 93 points of favorability, now she can get an extra ten times the reward bonus.

It has doubled faster than the previous rewards. If she can get an extra ten times the reward next month, while Dongfang Bubai can only get five times the extra reward, then Yao Yue is confident that she will definitely overtake Dongfang Bubai next month.

Of course, Yao Yue actually knew it herself. With Ye Xiu’s personality, he would most likely write about this in his diary.

But Yao Yue doesn’t care, or in other words, Yao Yue has settled her life this time.

In fact, today is the last day of this month.

In other words, after Ye Xiu finishes writing his diary today, this month’s rewards will be sent to Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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