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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 142

“I will help you eradicate the threat of the Songshan Sect. I will also support the future development of the Huashan Sect. In the end, it will definitely be no worse than the Wudang Sect.”

“If it weren’t for me, you would have to practice swordsmanship in the palace – well, okay, this is my mistake. You have already practiced swordsmanship in the palace now. When I think of this, I want to cover my face. It’s a bit embarrassing. This Nothing has changed at all.”

“But at least you don’t have to worry that the Huashan sect will almost die out like in Swordsman. In the end, there will only be a few unworthy disciples left to support Huashan. To be honest, I still find it strange that Huashan is not extinct like that. “

After writing the diary, collecting the rewards, and feeling that the cultivation level in his body had increased to a certain extent, Ye Xiu had a satisfied smile on his face.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to gain a month’s worth of internal strength every day without practicing.

Afterwards, Ye Xiu began to look forward to Dongfang Bubai’s arrival, and at the same time wondered in his heart whether Dongfang Bubai would directly attack him like usual.


The door opened, and Dongfang Bai, dressed in red, floated into the room.

What surprised Ye Xiu was that Dongfang Bubai, like Yao Yue, did not touch Ye Xiu’s acupuncture points this time.

“Dongfang, you, you-” Ye Xiu looked at Dongfang Bubai with surprise.

Facing Ye Xiu’s scorching eyes, Dongfang Bubai’s cheeks turned red and a little hot. He couldn’t help but reach out and touch Ye Xiu’s dumb point directly.

But it was just a dumb point. She didn’t want Ye Xiu to say something that would make her feel shy.

Ye Xiu was stunned for a moment and realized that he had just been tapped on his mute point, and he couldn’t help but feel happy. He was finally no longer just a passive party, and he could also unlock the mute acupuncture point himself.

When Ye Xiu was finally able to be with Dongfang Bubai, he was on top.

Ye Xiu knew in his heart that the reason why Dongfang Bubai changed was most likely because of Yao Yue’s changes.

Therefore, Ye Xiu’s favorable impression of Yao Yue not only increased by two points.

Yao Yue on the other side also found that Ye Xiu’s favorability towards her had actually increased by two points, directly reaching 95 points. She was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that Ye Xiu had feelings for her because of Dongfang Bubai. Thank you for this.

At this moment of invitation, she wanted to know how much Ye Xiu liked Dongfang Bubai? Not as high as hers.

In fact, Ye Xiu’s favorable impression of Dongfang Bubai has indeed improved. Because Ye Xiu was not given acupuncture, his favorable impression of Dongfang Bubai also increased a little. It’s just that the favorability level is 94, which is a little less than the current invitation.

Lian Nishang was currently inquiring about Qi Fang’s whereabouts.

Lian Nishang has already been in contact with Lin Shiyin and even Shui Sheng.

The main reason is that whether it is Lin Shiyin or Shui Sheng, their whereabouts are easy to find.

On the contrary, it was Qi Fang. Her home address was not in Ye Xiu’s diary.

So if Lian Nishang wanted to find Qi Fang, he could only inquire a little bit.

First they went to Jingzhou City, and then to the surrounding countryside to look for Qi Fang.

However, if you have money, it is not difficult to find someone, especially Qi Fang and Di Yun. Although they lived in seclusion in the countryside, they did not deliberately hide it. They just returned to the place where they lived before.

So in the end Lian Nishang still found Qi Fang.

What Lian Nishang didn’t expect was that when she met Qi Fang, Qi Fang was already married to Di Yun.

Even looking at the slight bulge in Qi Fang’s belly, she clearly looked like she was two or three months pregnant.

Qi Fang and Di Yun live a very simple life, but there is happiness in the simplicity. Men farm and women weave every day. They seem to be full of satisfaction with their current lives——

Although Lian Nishang has a domineering personality, he cannot be said to be a crazy person.

Looking at Qi Fang and Di Yun like this. Lian Nishang felt that this Qi Fang was unlikely to be someone who could win over as an ally.

“Could it be that Qi Fang didn’t get the diary?” Lian Nishang thought in her mind.

Because of Lian Nishang, she also found out when she went to find Lin Shiyin before.

Lin Shiyin got the diary, but Lin Xianer did not get the diary.

Ye Xiu obviously mentioned Lin Xianer in his diary.

So, is this Qi Fang just like Lin Xian’er, who never got a diary even though she was mentioned in the diary?

Thinking about this, after seeing Qi Fang’s pregnancy, I didn’t want to see Qi Fang’s Lian Nishang. I decided to go to Qi Fang and ask Qi Fang if she knew about the diary.

“Excuse me, who are you?” Qi Fang looked at Lian Nishang curiously. After looking at Lian Nishang’s appearance, Qi Fang, a woman, couldn’t help but feel her eyes light up. She felt that Lian Nishang was really beautiful.

It’s just that Qi Fang feels that although Lian Nishang is very beautiful, she is a bit overbearing and doesn’t seem to be that easy to get along with.

Lian Nishang did not talk nonsense to Qi Fang. She directly grabbed the diary in her hand and asked Qi Fang: “Do you also have——”

Lian Nishang was stuck before he could ask what he wanted to say.

Asking Qi Fang about the diary was the same as asking other people, but she couldn’t tell anything about the diary.

Therefore, Lian Nishang could conclude that Qi Fang was not the holder of the diary.

“Ah?” Qi Fang looked at Lian Nishang in confusion.

After Lian Nishang knew that Qi Fang was not the holder of the diary, she turned around and left without even bothering to say nonsense to Qi Fang.

Qi Fang watched Lian Nishang disappear in front of her in the blink of an eye, blinking in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

“Junior sister, I’m back.” A simple but happy voice sounded from outside.

“Senior brother, you’re back. Come quickly, I’ve already prepared dinner.” Qi Fang heard Di Yun’s voice, a happy smile appeared on her face, and she quickly responded.

“Junior sister, you are pregnant now. Just leave the cooking to me. Don’t tire yourself.”

“It’s just cooking, it’s not a tiring thing, how can you be tired? Besides, senior brother, you have been busy in the fields all day, and I have to ask you to go home to cook, so you are tired.”

“Why are you tired? I will cook for my junior sister for the rest of my life and I won’t feel tired…”

“Qi Fang doesn’t have a diary. So, where is the former Hei who was the killer Xiao Yu, and now Zeng Jing?” Lian Nishang frowned, thinking in her mind.

Lian Nishang is a little unsure whether Zeng Jing also has a diary.

But since she was desperate to find help, she had to meet Zeng Jing regardless of whether he was one of the holders of the diary.

Therefore, Lian Nishang rushed straight towards Nanjing without stopping.

Based on the information mentioned in the diary, she felt that Zeng Jing should still be in Nanjing. After all, the Blackstone Organization had been destroyed, and Zeng Jing was no longer a threat. Naturally, there was no need to leave Nanjing and go to some strange place.

While practicing the Nishang operation, Tianshan Tonglao also left the Ming Dynasty and returned to the Song Dynasty.

Chapter 197 Sword God

“Besides me, the people from the Song Dynasty mentioned in the diary are Duan Zhengchun’s daughters, so I need to find them now. In addition to them, there is also Li Qiushui mentioned in the diary. Bitch, but if that bitch Li Qiushui is also the holder of the diary, she must have gone to the Ming Dynasty long ago. There has been no movement now, maybe she is not the holder of the diary.” Tianshan Child Elder After re-entering the territory of the Song Dynasty, I thought in my heart.

Tianshan Tonglao and Lian Nishang agreed that Lian Nishang would contact those who could form alliances in the Ming Dynasty, except Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai.

As for the Song Dynasty, it was left to Tianshan Tonglao to contact her.

As for Tianshan Child Elder, she didn’t know how to get along with Ye Xiu.

After all, besides liking Wu Yazi when she was young, after Wu Yazi decided to be with Li Qiu Shui, she ran to Tianshan alone and established Lingjiu Palace. Over the years, in addition to giving thirty-six holes and seventy-two Apart from the life and death talisman planted by the people on the island, she had never even seen any other men.

So Tianshan Child Elder really didn’t know how to face Ye Xiu, how to get along with Ye Xiu, how to get closer to Ye Xiu, and how to improve Ye Xiu’s favorability towards her.

Not knowing what to do, Tianshan Child Elder decided to listen to Lian Nishang and try to recruit some people.

Of course, this time Tianshan Child Elder returned to the Song Dynasty, she actually had some selfish motives of her own.

First of all, in addition to looking for Duan Zhengchun’s daughters, the Tianshan Child Elder also wanted to find Li Qiu Shui and beat Li Qiu Shui severely to let her know that her period of weakness and rejuvenation had passed. Let Li Qiushui be more honest and stable.

Then he went to find Ding Chunqiu.

In any case, Ding Chunqiu was also a traitor to the Xiaoyao Sect. Dealing with him would be regarded as revenge for Wu Yazi, and it would fulfill the friendship between her and Wu Yazi as fellow disciples.

Back in the Song Dynasty, the Tianshan Child Elder rushed directly to the Tianshan Lingjiu Palace. Based on her understanding of Li Qiu Shui, Li Qiu Shui was probably already in the Tianshan Lingjiu Palace.

Of course, the Tianshan Child Elder was not worried that Li Qiushui would attack the Tianshan Lingjiu Palace.

Because Li Qiushui did not dare to kill Lingjiu Palace before she killed Tianshan Child Elder.

If she were to rejuvenate this time and she failed to kill the Tianshan Child Elder and destroyed the Lingjiu Palace, she was worried that the Tianshan Child Elder would take revenge on her.

After all, Tianshan Child Elder, who maintains her peak combat power, is not something Li Qiu Shui can deal with.

As for why she went after Tianshan Child Elder while she was rejuvenating, she was not afraid of revenge when Tianshan Child Elder was still alive – it was also Li Qiu Shui who knew that Tianshan Child Elder was thinking of fellow students in her heart, so even if she wanted to take revenge afterwards, He won’t kill anyone either.

Just like before, Tianshan Child Elder only scratched her face and did not kill Li Qiushui.

In fact, this can also be said in a disguised form that Li Qiu Shui relied on Tianshan’s concubine to care about his fellow students, so he dared to act recklessly.

At this time, Ye Xiu had already started to return from Songshan Mountain and started on his way back to Huashan Mountain.

Because of the presence of Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, Ye Xiu didn’t suffer at all along the way. Everywhere he went, there were specialized personnel to provide services to Ye Xiu and the others.

Moreover, Ye Xiu was not too anxious about returning to Huashan. It’s not like I was in a hurry like when I went to Songshan Sect before.

Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue were happy to watch Ye Xiu’s unhurried schedule.

After all, there are only three of them on the road now, and there is no fourth person to intervene——

Although Dongfang Bubai and Yaoyue both found each other a bit annoying, they were used to this kind of life.

Murong Qiudi looked at the swordsman in front of him who was filled with deathly silence, with a hint of admiration flashing in his eyes.

“As expected of Yan Shisan.”

“I wonder what you want to see me for?” Yan Shisan looked at Murong Qiudi with an indifferent expression.

“Are you going to compete with Xie Xiaofeng?”


“Are you sure of winning?”

“I have never met him, and I have never seen him take action. I don’t know what his strength is, so I don’t know who will win in the end when I compete with him.”

“So -” Murong Qiudi said, directly drew his sword, and stabbed Yan Shisan with one sword. This sword was full of mystery, and the sword moves were unusually subtle.

Murong Qiudi’s sword can definitely be said to be second to none even among the swordsmen in the entire Ming Dynasty.

However, facing Murong Qiudi’s dazzling sword, Yan Shisan’s face showed no emotion at all. It was only when Murong Qiudi’s sword was about to touch him that Yan Shisan suddenly took action.

A sword light flashed past, and Murong Qiudi’s sword was blocked by Yan Shisan’s sword.

Murong Qiudi saw that her sword was blocked, but she was not surprised at all.

If Yan Shisan couldn’t even block her sword, there was no need for him to compete with Xie Xiaofeng.

But before Murong Qiudi could continue to draw his sword, Yan Shisan quickly took action and blocked all of Murong Qiudi’s back moves. A long sword decorated with thirteen big bean pearls was already at Murong Qiudi’s side. of the throat.

Murong Qiudi looked at Yan Shisan coldly.

“What I just used was the Xie family swordsmanship!” Murong Qiudi said coldly.

“I know, but it’s not necessary!” Yan Shisan said with an indifferent expression: “I have never seen Xie Xiaofeng’s sword, and Xie Xiaofeng has never seen my sword. Our fight is fair. I don’t need to know him in advance. Swordsmanship.”

Murong Qiudi looked at Yan Shisan with an increasingly cold expression.

Murong Qiudi wanted Yan Shisan to kill Xie Xiaofeng, so she wanted to leak the Xie family’s sword skills to Yan Shisan in advance. She even wanted to show Xie Xiaofeng’s sword-wielding habits between sword moves.

It’s a pity that Yan Shisan only wants a fair fight. He is not afraid of losing to Xie Xiaofeng, even if there is only one consequence for losing to Xie Xiaofeng, that is to die by Xie Xiaofeng’s sword.

Similarly, Yan Shisan is also a confident person. He is confident that even if he has never seen Xie Xiaofeng’s sword, he will not lose to Xie Xiaofeng.

With a cry, Yan Shisan’s sword was already sheathed. He turned and left without even looking at Murong Qiudi.

Looking at Yan Shisan’s back, Murong Qiudi narrowed her eyes slightly. She was not angry. Even if Yan Shisan’s sword was pressed against her neck just now, the sword would have pierced her throat if it was even the slightest difference. .

But Murong Qiudi was still not angry at all, she even admired Yan Shisan more and more.

Because Murong Qiudi knew that only those who were confident enough could defeat Xie Xiaofeng.

If Yan Shisan didn’t have confidence in himself and watched Xie Xiaofeng’s sword skills from her in advance, then Yan Shisan would never be able to defeat Xie Xiaofeng.

Because Xie Xiaofeng is a swordsman, he will not lose the sword duel because his swordsmanship is leaked or someone takes advantage of him.

Because he is Xie Xiaofeng, a man known as the Sword God.

It was also because of this that Murong Qiudi fell in love with Xie Xiaofeng in the first place, but now, she was full of hatred for Xie Xiaofeng, and even wanted to kill Xie Xiaofeng.

If Murong Qiudi originally still had feelings for Xie Xiaofeng, but after getting Ye Xiu’s diary, her mentality gradually began to change, and she began to care about the favorability of the owner of the diary, Ye Xiu, towards her. Perhaps she was more interested in taking advantage of Ye Xiu, but this feeling of taking advantage added an important weight between her and Xie Xiaofeng’s relationship.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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