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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 162

Then Ning Zhongze experienced the fun brought by the skyrocketing cultivation level.

Originally, Ning Zhongze was only at the second level of the Grandmaster Realm. After receiving so much infusion of true energy, Ning Zhongze’s cultivation grew like an inflated balloon. In the blink of an eye, all the true energy was poured into his body, and so on. When everything stopped, Ning Zhongze’s cultivation had been promoted to the sixth level of the Grandmaster Realm.

Ning Zhongze couldn’t help but reveal uncontrollable joy on his face, and even Ning Zhongze had the urge to rush into Ye Xiu’s room at this moment.

But after all, Ning Zhongze was a little thin-skinned and still couldn’t make such a move.

After her cultivation skyrocketed, Ning Zhong discovered that she had learned the Fengshen Kicks from Ye Xiu. With her improved proficiency, she had even raised the level of the Fengshen Kicks to Dacheng.

Except for his lack of combat experience, Ning Zhongze’s internal strength cultivation and martial arts proficiency were not bad at all.

“Xiu’er——” Ning Zhongze’s eyes were filled with peach blossoms, and he couldn’t help but mutter softly.

[Month summary, the number of times you were mentioned in the diary this month is 148 times, and you will gain one year and three months of internal strength. The owner of the diary has a favorability of you of 88, and you can get an additional five times. bonus bonus. In the end, you gained seven years and six months of internal strength cultivation. And additionally obtained the martial arts “Dou Zhuan Xing Yuan”. 】

After Murong Qiudi received the reward, his cultivation level was promoted to the sixth level of the Grandmaster Realm. This kind of improvement is naturally very large for ordinary people.

But Murong Qiudi herself was not very satisfied.

“The favorability value has been raised to 88. After all, it has not been raised to 90. Otherwise, my cultivation level may have to be raised to the eighth or ninth level of the Grandmaster.” Murong Qiudi shook his head.

“It’s just this “Dou Zhuan Xing Shift”, I didn’t expect that I would get the “Dou Zhuan Xing Shift”.” Murong Qiudi’s voice was filled with sighs.

In fact, the Murong family of Qixingtang, the Murong family of Murong Villa, and the Murong family of Yanziwu in the Song Dynasty were originally the same family.

It’s just that when the Murong family in Qixingtang and the Murong family ancestors in Murong Villa, they really couldn’t see the Murong family’s obsession with the great cause of restoring the country, and felt that it was impossible and hopeless, so the two families The ancestors left with the Murong family of Yanziwu in the Song Dynasty.

It’s just that when they left, they were asked by the Murong family of Yanziwu not to pass on the Murong family’s martial arts Douzhuanxingshi, Longcheng swordsmanship, and Shenhezhi.

Therefore, whether it is the Murong family of Murong Villa or the Murong family of Qixingtang, most of their martial arts were acquired through other methods later. There is no such martial arts in the family.

Now that the star has fallen into the hands of Murong Qiudi, it is not rumored.

Murong Qiudi felt ridiculous when she thought of the Murong family in Yanziwu who were still stupid and wanted to restore the country to Yan.

Obviously this world respects martial arts. As long as you are strong enough, you can have everything.

Murong Bo and Murong Fu didn’t want to work hard to improve their strength. Instead, they ran around and caused trouble everywhere. Especially the father and son Murong Bo and Murong Fu, who could not even reach the level of Grand Master, actually wanted to restore the country. , it’s simply ridiculous, extremely ridiculous.

If Murong Bo and his son could become heavenly beings like Pang Ban – well, that would be a bit overestimating them. After all, it is too difficult to become a heavenly being.

Even if their father and son can become Grand Masters, they can form a strong deterrent. If they stand on a map on the border of the Song Dynasty and establish the Great Yan Pass, the Song Dynasty will definitely not have too many opinions. .

It’s a pity that the father and son seemed to be obsessed with their eyes and couldn’t see through this fact at all.

“I can’t say that this Dou Zhuan Xing Shift will be passed down from my side. After all, with Murong Fu’s kind of character, he might be beaten to death someday for reviving his country. By then, those who practice Dou Zhuan Xing Shift will just have to do it. I’m the only one left.” Murong Qiudi thought about the saying that Murong Beiqiao Fengnan was spread in the Song Dynasty, and a hint of ridicule flashed in his eyes.

“Forget it, let’s not think about Murong Fu. At present, we still need to increase our favorability!”

“Favorability, favorability! If Ye Xiu doesn’t have Dongfang Bubai, Yaoyue and the others around him, it won’t be very difficult to increase Ye Xiu’s favorability towards me.”

“It’s a pity that Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue almost want to stay by Ye Xiu’s side all day long. I can’t find many opportunities at all.”

“Two points, two points of favorability. In two more days, my additional reward will be increased from five times to ten times.”

“Oh, two points of favorability is like a chasm!” Murong Qiudi murmured, but he couldn’t help but feel a little irritable in his heart.

Murong Qiudi really felt that she had suffered a great loss. Two points of favorability can make the difference so big.

Chapter 216 Pie in the sky

Almost all of the women who followed Ye Xiu also received their own monthly rewards. Each of them had a certain improvement in strength, but the degree of improvement varied.

Qu Feiyan, a little girl, has been with Ye Xiu for so long, and her favorability has improved a lot, and she often rubs her face in front of Ye Xiu – anyway, she often wants to be in front of Ye Xiu.

So at this time, Qu Feiyan and Ye Xiu’s favorability level for this quirky little girl has reached 69. After all, there is that young man who hates a cute and beautiful girl and often wants to save money to treat himself to a brothel. The little girl.

After this reward, Qu Feiyan’s strength was successfully promoted to the third level of innateness.

As for Yue Lingshan, because of the relationship between Ye Xiu and Ning Zhongze, Ye Xiu’s favorable impression of Yue Lingshan has increased a lot, reaching 76 points.

So this time Yue summarized that her cultivation was promoted to the sixth level of innateness.

Yilin, a little nun who reads Buddhist scriptures all day long, either praying to Bodhisattvas or making atonement to the Buddha, has become a little master of the second level of innateness. At least if she is still a disciple of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, this Such strength will definitely attract praise from countless people.

It’s just that Yilin doesn’t have much concept of martial arts in her mind. She is more focused on the practice of Buddhist scriptures and Dharma.

As for Zhong Ling, because she had been with Ye Xiu for a long time, Ye Xiu gradually became less wary of Zhong Ling, and his favorability level also increased a bit, reaching 50 points. However, her cultivation level was still the same. At the first level of Grand Master, his internal strength has improved a little, but not much.

As for Yao Yue’s younger sister Lian Xing, Ye Xiu’s favorability level for her increased to 72 points because of Yao Yue’s sister. After all, her sister-in-law was her brother-in-law’s half-ass. Of course, part of the reason was because Lian Xing came to Huashan and had more contact time with Ye Xiu.

So this time, Lianxing’s cultivation level was promoted to the second level of Grand Master.

As for Jiang Yuyan, this woman who only wanted to be Ye Xiu’s maid and take care of Ye Xiu’s daily life, she simply wanted to turn Ye Xiu into a useless person. However, Ye Xiu’s favorability level for her has reached as high as 79 points, and her cultivation level has also reached 79 points. She was promoted to the third level of Xiantian, and she also obtained a martial art called Baihua Chaotic Fist. However, Jiang Yuyan didn’t care much about this martial art, because Ye Xiu had already passed on some powerful martial arts to Jiang Yuyan. This martial art, Baihua Chaotic Fist, she On the contrary, I didn’t take it to heart very much.

In fact, with Jiang Yuyan’s wisdom, she didn’t even want to practice the martial arts given by the diary, unless the martial arts had miraculous effects, such as the mind-pulling technique she had obtained before.

Otherwise, if Ye Xiu sees her practicing other martial arts, will Ye Xiu become suspicious or have other ideas?

All in all, Jiang Yuyan would never do anything to make Ye Xiu doubt or mind her at all. This is one of the reasons why Ye Xiu’s favorability level for her was raised to 79 points before she had a closer relationship with Ye Xiu.

As for Liu Sheng Piaoxu, this woman who has not told Ye Xiu her true identity until now, still thinks of herself as Liuxu. After receiving several monthly rewards, her cultivation level has also been successfully promoted from the seventh level of the Grandmaster Realm to The eighth level of the Grandmaster Realm.

[Monthly summary, you have been mentioned less than ten times in the diary this month, and you will receive a one-month guarantee of internal strength. The owner of the diary has a favorable opinion of you of 47, and you can get an additional 10% reward bonus. In the end, you gained the internal strength of three days a month. 】

Lian Nishang’s expression turned gloomy when he saw that he had once again received a pitiful reward.

“Lin Shiyin, Shui Sheng. You have also seen that if we don’t find a way to go to Ye Xiu’s side, there is no way to increase our favorability, and we won’t even be mentioned in Ye Xiu’s diary. The rewards we get every month are only It’s just a few months of internal strength cultivation.” Lian Nishang said to Lin Shiyin and Shui Sheng.

During this period of time when she was practicing Nishang, she tried to find more helpers. She found Qi Fang and the woman who used to be Xiao Yu but now went by the pseudonym Zeng Jing. Unfortunately, these two people lived at home with their men and did not get a diary at all.

Later, Lian Nishang even went to see Lin Xianer to see if Lin Xianer had obtained the diary. After all, Lin Xianer was also mentioned in Ye Xiu’s diary.

Of course, if Lin Xian’er was the dissolute and dissolute woman mentioned in Ye Xiu’s diary, Lian Nishang would not form an alliance with her.

When Lian Nishang found Lin Xianer and found that Lin Xianer was in love with a coachman, Lian Nishang didn’t even ask Lin Xianer if he was the holder of the diary, and just killed Lin Xianer with one sword. Slaughtered.

That’s right, Lian Nishang killed Lin Xian’er!

Lin Xian’er herself didn’t even figure out what was going on before she died.

It was clear that Lin Xian’er, with the cooperation of Long Xiaoyun, had framed Li Xun Huan for stealing plum blossoms, and Lin Xian’er had already begun to wait for the fruits of the harvest. But she didn’t want to be killed for no reason. Even before she died, she didn’t see who killed her.

It’s just that Lin Xian’er’s death hasn’t spread yet, otherwise the world may be in chaos.

After all, Lin Xianer had slept with too many men.

Although many of Lin Xianer’s sleepers were ordinary shop waiters, coachmen and horsemen, and even beggars on the roadside. But there are also some evil people and underworld people with vicious methods and strong martial arts skills. There are also some well-known and upright elders, heads, and even young heads.

However, most of these people still maintain a very good relationship with Lin Xianer.

Let them know that Lin Xian’er was killed. Although they can’t overthrow the martial arts world, they will definitely make a lot of noise.

However, Lian Nishang didn’t care at all about this. She even felt that killing Lin Xian’er easily with one sword was a kindness to Lin Xian’er.

The most important thing for Lian Nishang was that he only found two women, Lin Shiyin and Shui Sheng, as allies.

“Actually, the one-month reward is quite good. Coupled with my daily practice, my practice speed has been doubled.” Shui Sheng said softly.

Hearing Shui Sheng’s words, Lian Nishang rolled his eyes.

“Dongfang Bubai was only a master at the seventh or eighth level of the Grandmaster Realm at first, and her martial arts skills were not even as good as mine. But now, she is already a Grandmaster. She is not even an ordinary Grandmaster. She may be referring to the Mysterious Realm. The great master.”

“Yao Yue was stuck at the ninth level of the Grandmaster Realm. No accident, and she could only stay like this for the rest of her life. Now she has become a Grand Master whose strength is no less than that of Dongfang Invincible.”

“And that Zhong Ling, she was originally an acquired master, but now she has become a grand master.”

“And Huang Rong, who was in the acquired realm at first, has now become a grandmaster, and she may transform into a great master at some point.”

“This situation is all because they stayed by Ye Xiu’s side and gained Ye Xiu’s favor.”

“Think about it, you are secretly happy that your internal strength increases by one month every month, while others can increase their internal strength by one year, ten years, or even decades in one month.”

“It took you ten years or more to finally become a master. At that time, you might become a heavenly being or even a land god. Are you willing?” Lian Nishang couldn’t help but said to Shui Sheng.

Shui Sheng was originally very satisfied with the fact that she could get a month of internal strength cultivation for free, but after hearing what Lian Nishang said, she suddenly couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of the women around Ye Xiu. There was also a bit of unwillingness in my heart.

In fact, Shui Sheng originally envied those women in Dongfang Bubai.

But out of the shyness of a girl and the reserve of a woman, she subconsciously ignored some things. After all, Ye Xiu rarely mentioned in his diary how fast women like Dongfang Bubai had improved in strength. Of course, on the other hand, Huang Rong and the others did not easily show off their martial arts skills in front of Ye Xiu, so Ye Xiu didn’t know much about their specific strength.

But now, Lian Nishang has pointed out the fact that the women around Ye Xiu have made rapid progress, and Shui Sheng will naturally have corresponding changes in her heart.

Lin Shiyin on the side was the same.

No matter how you say it, Shui Sheng can be regarded as a young genius with good qualifications. At a young age, he has become an innate master through his own cultivation.

But Lin Shiyin was different. Her cultivation aptitude was not very good, and she only started practicing at such an old age.

Cultivation usually feels very difficult. If it weren’t for the reward of the diary, she wouldn’t know when she would be able to reach the third level of acquired cultivation.

In addition, Lin Shiyin now also realizes the importance of martial arts. So she really wants to become stronger quickly.

It’s just that as a woman, and a woman who already has a ten-year-old son, her reserve as a woman and as a mother prevents her from doing anything out of the ordinary, so before Lian Nishang found her, she He is still just staying in the back house of Xingyun Village, practicing hard by himself.

“Then, you can’t let us, let us go, go, go -” Shui Sheng couldn’t say what he said later, but the meaning was very obvious, that is, to sleep with Ye Xiu.

“Do you think sleeping with Ye Xiu is a simple matter?” Lian Nishang sneered.

Shui Sheng’s face suddenly turned red.

“Ye Xiu is surrounded by two women, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue. Other women who want to sleep with Ye Xiu don’t have much chance. Just like Murong Qiudi, she only found Ye Xiu when he went out alone. opportunity. As for the others, with Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue guarding them, they have no chance at all.” Lian Nishang seemed to be laughing at Shui Sheng for thinking of things like Sleeping Ye Xiu so easily.

“Ye Xiu and his wife—” Shui Sheng couldn’t help but mention Ning Zhongze, but she was still shy and couldn’t say it out loud.

“Ye Xiu’s master wife, Ning Zhongze’s situation is obviously an exception.” Lin Shiyin said this, but while speaking, she couldn’t help but wonder whether Ye Xiu had a special preference for being a wife or mother. ? Lin Shiyin thought of her identity, and a blush appeared on her face.

“In short, you two just want to find a way to let me sleep with Ye Xiu. This is your current task -” Although Lian Nishang is a woman, she has a decisiveness that no man has, even in matters involving men and women. On the show, he is stronger than ordinary men.

After hearing what Lian Nishang said, Lin Shiyin and Shui Sheng couldn’t help but look at Lian Nishang with a little more admiration.

At least this kind of thing is absolutely impossible for them to say.

In fact, Lian Nishang had already lowered her demands. After all, she originally wanted Ye Xiu to be her husband.

“I didn’t expect that Wu Yazi’s skills would be passed on to you.” The Tianshan child’s elder looked at the girl who looked exactly like Li Qiushui and Li Canghai and couldn’t help but sigh.

“You——” Looking at the Tianshan Child Elder, Wang Yuyan couldn’t help but feel a bit of fear in her heart after knowing her true identity.

“Call me uncle.” Tianshan Child Elder said in a non-stern tone.

Although Tianshan Child Elder has a somewhat eccentric personality, she cannot be harsh when faced with Wang Yuyan, the descendant and granddaughter of Wu Yazi, even though Wang Yuyan is still the granddaughter of Li Qiushui.

“Master uncle.” Wang Yuyan shouted very obediently.

“Have you ever gone to look for other people mentioned in the diary in the Song Dynasty?” Tianshan Child Elder asked.

“No, uncle.” Wang Yuyan shook her head.

“Okay, then I’ll keep looking for them.”

The two girls, Shi Fei Xuan and Wan Wan, were heading towards the Meng Yuan Kingdom and were constantly fighting with each other verbally and with kung fu skills.

At this time, they looked surprised or even horrified.

First, the two women discovered that the diaries in their hands could automatically update with new content.

This alone was enough to shock them. What shocked them even more was that they actually got rewards from the diary.

[Monthly summary, you have been mentioned less than ten times in the diary this month, and you will get a minimum of one month’s internal strength. The diary owner’s favorability towards you is 46, and you can get an additional 10% reward bonus. In the end, you gained the internal strength of three days a month. 】

After discovering this piece of information, Shi Feixuan discovered that the true energy in her body had actually increased, and the amount of increase was exactly what she could achieve by practicing hard for one month and three days.

And the sheer depth of this month’s rewarded Qi was exactly the same as what she had cultivated herself.

This shocked Shi Feixuan, and she even doubted whether this was true or false?

A month’s worth of internal cultivation is like pie in the sky.

As for the pie-dropping thing in Tianshan, Shi Feixuan didn’t believe it. She even couldn’t help but wonder if this was some trick used by the Demon Sect.

So Shi Feixuan stayed up almost all night, checking her own condition, body, and Qi in her body, but she couldn’t find any abnormalities at all.

Wanwan and Shi Feixuan are in the same situation.

[Month summary, you have been mentioned less than ten times in the diary this month, and you will get a minimum of one month’s internal strength. The diary owner’s favorability towards you is 47, and you can get an additional 10% reward bonus. In the end, you gained the internal strength of three days a month. 】


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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