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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 167

According to what the beggar Zhang San said, Linghu Chong found the coachman, horseman, waiter and others who were said to have had a relationship with the fairy, and got the answers one by one from their mouths. After that, Linghu Chong felt even more disgusted.

Co-authored by Lin Xianer, she almost slept with all the coachmen, groomsmen, waiters, beggars and the like in the small town where they lived.

Return to the place where he dug Lin Xianer’s grave and set up a monument.

Looking at the tombstone, the words “The Tomb of Linghu Chong’s Wife Lin Xian’er – Linghu Chong Weeps and Stands” are written. Linghu Chong suddenly felt ashamed and annoyed.

Then, Linghu Chong kicked the tombstone directly.

He felt disgusted that he even wrote the words “Linghu Chong’s wife” on the tombstone.

Linghu Chong took his sword and erased all the words on the tombstone. Only after he could no longer see any words of Linghu Chong did he stop.

When I think about it, he almost got married to Lin Xianer.

When I think about how he was almost reluctant to touch Lin Xianer’s finger before he got married.

Thinking back to the time when he thought Lin Xianer was a pure girl.

Linghu Chong couldn’t help but feel sick when he thought of him back then – always, it was so disgusting, so disgusting!

“Bah!” Linghu Chong couldn’t spit out the evil spirit in his heart. In the end, he just spat at the grave without a tombstone, then turned around and left angrily.

After leaving in a daze and wandering around the world for a while, Linghu Chong’s situation finally improved.

On this day, Linghu Chong was walking on the road when he suddenly noticed a group of people in front of him, and all of them were beautiful women.

Linghu Chong couldn’t help but take a second look, and then he saw three familiar people among this group of people.

“Junior sister? Senior wife?” Linghu Chong ignored Ye Xiu, his junior brother, and exclaimed with surprise on his face.

“Huh? Senior Brother? Senior Brother is really you, Senior Brother!” Yue Lingshan turned her head subconsciously when she heard Linghu Chong’s voice, saw Linghu Chong, and shouted with a look of surprise. Yue Lingshan even wanted to run over, but she still couldn’t. Before she could run away, she subconsciously glanced at Ye Xiu next to her, but in the end she couldn’t lift her feet.

Linghu Chong, who was originally looking surprised, saw Yue Lingshan’s actions, the smile on his face froze, and he suddenly looked embarrassed.

“Chong’er, it’s really you. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been during this time? I don’t know if you came back to Huashan. Huashan now is very different from before.” Ning Zhongze noticed Linghu Chong was embarrassed, so he spoke to Linghu Chong.

“Master’s wife, haven’t I been staying in Huashan all this time and yearning for life outside, so after leaving Huashan, I went crazy outside.” Linghu Chong scratched his head and made an embarrassed expression.

“You – Chong’er, we happened to meet each other this time. Come back to Huashan with us. After all, you have been away from Huashan for a while, and your master misses you too.” Ning Zhongze knew the reason why Linghu Chong said this. I felt a little sorry for Linghu Chong.

After all, Linghu Chong was the cub she had raised since childhood. Even though many of Linghu Chong’s actions made Ning Zhongze very disappointed, he still had feelings after all.

“Okay, Master Wife, I’ll go back with you.” Linghu Chong also missed Huashan.

In fact, after he understood Lin Xian’er’s true face and was emotionally frustrated, he wanted to return to Huashan, but when he thought of the scene when he left Huashan, he couldn’t help but hesitate.

Now that Ning Zhongze said this, he no longer hesitated.

“Great, Senior Brother, it’s time for you to return to Huashan. You don’t even know how much the Huashan sect has changed during the time you left.” Yue Lingshan said excitedly. After all, Yue Lingshan regarded Linghu Chong as her own. This kind of relationship has been going on for a long time. Even if Yue Lingshan subconsciously wanted to keep a distance from Linghu Chong after she fell in love with Ye Xiu, the family affection here cannot be nothing.

Dongfang Bubai and the other women glanced at Linghu Chong without giving him a second glance.

They also knew something about Linghu Chong through his diary. This prodigal son had no sense of responsibility or sense of responsibility. Huashan was really unlucky for eight lifetimes to have a disciple like him.

Fortunately, we have Ye Xiu, otherwise Huashan Mountain might be gone now.

Dongfang Bubai and the others naturally look down on this kind of person.

“Brother Senior, let’s compete. Let me tell you, mine is super powerful now and will definitely surprise you, Senior Brother.” Yue Lingshan wanted to have a fight with Linghu Chong.

After all, Yue Lingshan is already a sixth-level innate master, so she wants to show off, and Linghu Chong is undoubtedly the best person to show off to.

“Okay, since you want to spar with me, little junior sister, then come.” Linghu Chong smiled, pulled out his sword, and looked at Yue Lingshan with a smile.

Linghu Chong looked at Yue Lingshan, who was standing opposite him and also drew his sword. For a moment, he seemed to have returned to the past, to the time before he went to Hengyang City to attend Liu Zhengfeng’s Golden Basin Washing Ceremony.

“Brother, be careful.” After Yue Lingshan warned, with the support of the diary, she casually took out the Huashan Sword Technique, which was already extremely proficient, and was in front of Linghu Chong in an instant.

Linghu Chong didn’t take Yue Lingshan to heart at first. After all, Linghu Chong was already a second-level innate master. Although his cultivation and even his moves were somewhat neglected because of Lin Xian’er, in his opinion, It’s easy to deal with Yue Lingshan.

But he didn’t expect that Yue Lingshan’s strength had reached the sixth level of innateness, and her cultivation level was completely beyond Linghu Chong’s imagination.

Before Linghu Chong could react at all, Yue Lingshan’s sword had already landed in front of him.

Linghu Chong barely had time to react, so he could only roll on the ground in embarrassment, and then dodged Yue Lingshan’s sword.

“Ah, master brother, are you okay?” Yue Lingshan asked with concern.

“No, it’s okay. It’s just your martial arts skills, little junior sister -” Linghu Chong looked at Yue Lingshan in shock and confusion. He even wondered if he was dreaming.

“Hehehehe, Master Brother, you would never have thought that I am now an innate master, and a master of the sixth level of innateness. How awesome!” Yue Lingshan showed off.

“Ah? Little Junior Sister, what’s wrong with you, how do you have the sixth level of Xiantian cultivation? Even though you were here before, you haven’t even reached the Xiantian level yet.” Linghu Chong was dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it at all.

“Hehehe, who knows that I am also a genius? I didn’t know the situation of our Huashan sect before. You and your master brother were running around and having fun, and you didn’t have the time to practice. In the past six months, I have focused on training, and my strength has improved. It’s very simple.” Yue Lingshan couldn’t talk about the diary, so she naturally said that she was a genius.

But after Linghu Chong heard what Yue Lingshan said, he was shocked again, and then he even wondered if Yue Lingshan’s words had any meaning.

After all, Linghu Chong took Yue Lingshan everywhere to play, so that Yue Lingshan didn’t focus on training at all. He felt that Yue Lingshan was pointing at him, the senior brother, for delaying her.

Therefore, Linghu Chong’s expression was stern, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit of regret and annoyance in his heart. Perhaps, he shouldn’t have been such a fool in the first place, but should have focused on his cultivation. Now even his junior sister is beginning to blame him.

It can only be said that Linghu Chong thought too much.

Chapter 221 Frustrated Linghu Chong

Linghu Chong’s Dugu Nine Swords is still very powerful.

In particular, Linghu Chong himself was very familiar with many sword techniques of the Huashan Sect. Almost every time Yue Lingshan made a starting move, Linghu Chong knew what sword technique Yue Lingshan was going to use.

In addition, Linghu Chong was hunted down by people from the Songshan Sect before, and he also experienced many battles, large and small, including life and death battles.

All his swords are far stronger than the little masters spawned by diaries like Yue Lingshan.

Even though Yue Lingshan’s cultivation level is four levels higher than Linghu Chong’s, in terms of combat effectiveness, Yue Lingshan is actually slightly weaker than Linghu Chong.

Yue Lingshan felt that every sword strike by Linghu Chong seemed to be aimed at her vital points.

Therefore, the battle between Yue Lingshan and Linghu Chong made Yue Lingshan feel extremely frustrated.

Yue Lingshan wanted to rely on her cultivation that was far superior to Linghu Chong’s and use her cultivation to crush Linghu Chong.

However, Linghu Chong’s sword seemed to have a soul, light and agile. Not to mention Yue Lingshan’s intention to crush Linghu Chong with her cultivation. Even from the beginning of the battle to now, Yue Lingshan’s sword could not touch Linghu Chong’s sword.

‘Big Brother must be too familiar with the Huashan Sect’s swordsmanship. ’ Yue Lingshan thought so in her mind, she suddenly gave up her sword and turned to her leg skills.

Driven by Yue Lingshan, Fengshen’s legs rushed towards Linghu quickly.

Yue Lingshan’s proficiency in this Fengshen Leg is naturally inferior to the Huashan Sect’s swordsmanship.

However, the Fengshen Kick is ultimately a master-level kung fu. It is a martial art that integrates light kung fu, kicking techniques and even internal kung fu. The upper limit is much higher than the sword technique of the Huashan School. Even if it is added up as a whole, its value is not at all. Lost to Dugu Nine Swords.

It can be said that the Wind God Kick is the same level of martial arts as the Dugu Nine Swords. If you practice the Fengshen Kick and the Dugu Nine Swords, you can break through the realm and become a grand master.

Of course, whether it was Linghu Chong or Yue Lingshan, they were only small innate masters and had no way of bringing their martial arts to the fullest.

Yue Lingshan suddenly switched to using the Fengshen Kick. Sure enough, Linghu Chong’s Dugu Nine Swords was no longer as relaxed and comfortable as it was when facing the Huashan School’s swordsmanship.

Although Linghu Chong’s Dugu Nine Swords emphasizes one break, breaking all the martial arts in the world.

But the Fengshen Leg, which was on the same level as Dugu Nine Swords, still made Linghu Chong feel troublesome.

In particular, Yue Lingshan’s cultivation level is higher than him, but the speed of Fengshen’s legs is very fast. Whether it is light skill or attack, it is far beyond ordinary martial arts.

Facing the offensive of Fengshen’s legs for the first time, Linghu Chong couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

His previous life with Lin Xian’er had affected Linghu Chong’s state after all.

Faced with the attack of Fengshen’s legs, which was like a gust of wind and rain, Linghu Chong could only keep drawing out his sword, trying to attack Yue Lingshan’s key points, causing Yue Lingshan to change her moves from time to time.

However, even though Linghu Chong could not be defeated, Linghu Chong’s Dugu Nine Swords did not seem to pose any threat to Yue Lingshan.

Even as she continued to fight with Linghu Chong, Yue Lingshan felt that she had gained a lot more practical experience.

Because this Dugu Nine Swords is really suitable for sparring.

Because the Dugu Nine Swords are all aimed at the weaknesses and flaws in Yue Lingshan’s martial arts.

No matter it is the weakness of martial arts itself, or it is a flaw caused by my insufficient training in martial arts.

These weaknesses and flaws are constantly being attacked, and Yue Lingshan can’t help but make changes and repairs to her own weaknesses and flaws. After making up for certain flaws and weaknesses, Yue Lingshan’s Fengshen legs will naturally become more proficient. More powerful and powerful.

As the main attacker, and using the Fengshen Kick, which was not very proficient, Yue Lingshan’s energy was consumed very quickly, and the consumption rate was much higher than that of Linghu Chong.

Soon, Linghu Chong’s muscles and bones were completely relaxed, but the energy in his body was also depleted.

So Yue Lingshan stopped. Seeing Yue Lingshan stop, Linghu Chong also retracted his sword.

“Little junior sister, what kind of martial arts are you using behind? This is too powerful. It’s so fast. My sword can’t catch up.” Linghu Chong praised Yue Lingshan generously. This is also Linghu Chong’s habit. It is a habit to praise Yue Lingshan.

“This is the martial arts wind god leg that Senior Brother Ye called me. As long as I can practice this wind god leg well, it will be enough for me to become a great master.” Yue Lingshan said in a show off.

“The martial arts that Junior Brother Ye gave you?” Linghu Chong was stunned for a moment.

“Yes, in addition to the Fengshen Kick, there are also the Thirteen Life-Destroying Swords, Tiangang Boy Kung Fu, Shen Zhao Sutra and other martial arts. Senior Brother Ye has handed them over to Huashan. These martial arts are strong or weak. As long as the strength reaches a certain level, and If you have enough knowledge for the sect, you can redeem these martial arts. That’s why I said that our Huashan Sect has really changed a lot now.” Yue Lingshan said in a show off.

“Junior Brother Ye handed over all these martial arts to the Huashan Sect?” Linghu Chong looked stunned. Such powerful martial arts were handed over to the Huashan Sect so easily?

This is incredible.

At least he, Linghu Chong, simply couldn’t do this.

Although speaking of it, his Dugu Nine Swords was passed down from Feng Qingyang, and Feng Qingyang did not allow Linghu Chong to leak the news about Feng Qingyang.

Linghu Chong used this reason to convince himself not to hand over the Dugu Nine Swords to his master.

After Linghu Chong understood the situation of the Huashan Sect, he still did not hand over the Dugu Nine Swords. However, Linghu Chong once again dragged Feng Qingyang out, and once again convinced himself that the Dugu Nine Swords was not his swordsmanship, but his own swordsmanship. It is the martial arts of Taishi Feng’s uncle, and he cannot teach it to outsiders.

Linghu Chong still had a trace of selfishness in his heart.

This was also the reason why Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze and even Yue Lingshan were disappointed with Linghu Chong.

Linghu Chong looked at Ye Xiu aside, with a trace of hesitation and admiration flashing in his eyes. At least he did not hand over the Dugu Nine Swords to Yue Buqun, and Ye Xiu was no less powerful than the Dugu Nine Swords’ Fengshen Leg, the Thirteen Life-Destroying Swords, etc. The martial arts skills were actually handed over to the masters as well.

Linghu Chong simply couldn’t look like this with a big belly.

“Perhaps it’s time for me to hand in the Dugu Nine Swords. After all, the Huashan Sect already has so many other unique skills.” Linghu Chong thought silently in his heart.

Linghu Chong’s thoughts were not important to Ye Xiu at all.

Even the Dugu Nine Swords mastered by Linghu Chong was just that to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu possesses so many martial arts, whose level and power are no less than those of Dugu Nine Swords.

Instead of wasting his brains on worries, it would be better to focus on Pang Ban dispatching Jin Bingyun and causing those around him to seize the time.

For now, the most threatening person to Ye Xiu is Pang Ban.

But speaking of it, Ye Xiu had acquired the martial art of Immortality Technique before. With the help of the diary, he quickly mastered the Immortality Technique.

Moreover, Ye Xiu’s introduction to the Immortality Art is different from the Double Dragons in the Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty. By chance, the two of them separately practiced one piece of the Immortality Art. However, Ye Xiu’s introduction to the Immortality Art was to directly use all seven sects. Getting started.

Whether it was metal, wood, water, fire, earth, or the yin and yang parts, Ye Xiu got started with their cultivation.

After practicing the Eternal Life Art, Ye Xiu discovered that the level of the Eternal Life Art was really quite high.

If there is a single secret to longevity, whether it is metal, wood, water, fire, earth, or yin and yang, any part of it can become a heavenly being as long as it is practiced to a high level.

Once you have mastered the Secret of Immortality to a high level and integrated all the seven martial arts into one, you will naturally become a heavenly being. Even if you continue to practice, the Secret of Immortality is enough to push you to the realm of heavenly beings. degree of perfection.

As for whether he can finally break through and become a land god, that is difficult.

It seems that Guangchengzi, the creator of the Secret of Immortality, failed to achieve this step, and in the end he could only sit in the Temple of Hua and War.

Generally speaking, this longevity technique is a Taoist martial arts that is comparable to the Tao Heart Demon Planting Technique.

Ye Xiu subconsciously glanced at Wang Jin Bingyun in the opposite direction. After learning the longevity technique, he faintly sensed some kind of special fluctuation from Jin Bingyun’s body.

“Could it be a demon?” Ye Xiu thought in his mind, and at the same time, he had a little more expectation for the Immortality Secret.

After all, he had only mastered the Immortality Art to an entry-level level, and he could already faintly sense a strong sense of danger from Jin Bingyun’s body. Ye Xiu even felt that as long as his Immortality Technique became more powerful, he might be able to restrain Pang Ban’s demon species.

So Ye Xiu was really full of expectations and hopes for the Secret of Immortality.

With the addition of Linghu Chong, the speed of Ye Xiu and his group was not affected at all, and everyone was still heading towards the direction of the Huashan Sect.

During this process, Linghu Chong discovered that among the many women around Ye Xiu, they all seemed to maintain a certain degree of intimacy with Ye Xiu.

What even made Linghu Chong want to vomit blood the most was that he found that his junior sister Yue Lingshan and his junior wife Ning Zhongze were very kind and even ambiguous towards Ye Xiu.

“No, I have to stop the little junior sister. I can’t just watch the little junior sister jump into the fire pit.” Linghu Chong shouted firmly in his heart.

So, Linghu Chong found an opportunity, grabbed Yue Lingshan and walked to a hidden place.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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