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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 169

Although Dongfang Bubai and the others didn’t know much about them. But they knew that Ye Xiu had known their true identities for a long time.

Like Wanwan, trying to seduce Ye Xiu is just a dream.

“I don’t seduce men, let alone treat men as playthings. The people at Cihang brothel are clearly slandering me – oops!” Wanwan said with an aggrieved look, then she seemed to have accidentally tripped and turned towards Ye Xiu. Turn sideways.

Wanwan looked like she wanted to throw herself into her arms.

But before Wanwan fell into Ye Xiu’s arms, Wanwan felt the back of her neck tighten. Yao Yue’s hands had already pinched the back of Wanwan’s neck at some point, lifted her up, and threw her to the side. : “Don’t use such small tricks to embarrass yourself.”

“Oops -” Wanwan was thrown out, but fell to the ground, looking like she was hurt by being thrown, and looked at Ye Xiu with tears in her big eyes.

Even though Ye Xiu knew that Wanwan was acting, looking at her like this, he couldn’t help but feel a little distressed.

But before the feeling of distress arose, the immortality energy that had been running automatically in Ye Xiu’s body made Ye Xiu’s brain cool. Although Wanwan still looked very caring, Ye Xiu… The feeling of distress is gone.

“The magic of Heavenly Demon is really powerful.” Ye Xiu couldn’t help but sigh.

“Miss Huanwan, I have said that your methods are not worthy of publicity.” Shi Feixuan said to Wanwan very rudely. After speaking, Shi Feixuan bowed to Ye Xiu again: “Ci Hangjing Concubine Zhai has met Mr. Ye.”

“Fairy Master, you’re welcome.” Ye Xiu waved his hand and said, “Xianzi Shi said that he is a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai? But it seems that you don’t know Miss Qin?”

Ye Xiu pretended not to know anything and said to Shi Feixuan while looking at Qin Mengyao.

A trace of strangeness flashed in Qin Mengyao’s eyes, and a trace of smile flashed in Dongfang Bubai’s eyes.

They felt that Ye Xiu looked quite similar. If they hadn’t been able to see the diary Ye Xiu wrote every day, they might have been deceived by Ye Xiu.

On the contrary, Shi Feixuan and Wanwan didn’t think so much: “Master Ye, Miss Qin is from Cihang Jingzhai of the Ming Dynasty, and I am from Cihang Jingzhai of the Sui Dynasty. Although at the same time, Disciples of Cihang Jingzhai, but we live in different countries and have never met before, so we don’t know each other.”

Shi Feixuan explained seriously, but Shi Feixuan called her Fairy Master to Ye Xiu, and Miss Qin to Qin Mengyao, which made her feel that Ye Xiu’s attitude towards her was relatively cold.

“Great Sui Kingdom? But I didn’t expect that Fairy Master actually came from the Great Sui Dynasty. This Great Sui Dynasty is quite far away from our Ming Dynasty.” Ye Xiu’er exclaimed in surprise.

“Master nun, she wanted to see how far the Cihang brothel in the Ming Dynasty could be opened, so she came here specially to study.” Wanwan stood up at this time, even though she just seemed to have been hit on the ground. He rolled around, but he didn’t get any dust on his body.

Listening to Wanwan’s words, Ye Xiu felt indescribably weird. Wanwan actually called Shi Feixuan “Master Nun”. Well, this title wouldn’t be surprising, but Cihang Brothel? This kind of title is okay, but it’s a little bit different.

Ye Xiu thought that he was the only one in the world who would call Cihang Jingzhai this way.

Chapter 223 Ning Daoqi

Shi Feixuan frowned and looked at Wanwan, Qin Mengyao showed a bit of displeasure on her face, and even Jin Bingyun couldn’t help but squint at Wanwan.

Wanwan’s words offended all three of them from Cihang Jingzhai.

Of course, with Wanwan’s identity, she would be hostile to them.

“Oh, don’t look at people like this, they will be scared. Besides, they are right. This should be Sister Jin Bingyun who went to the Magician’s Palace and was fascinated by the Magician Pang Ban in the end. Why? How about that? Now that you have completely surrendered to Pang Ban, you might as well join the Magician Palace, so that our two families can have some relationship.” Wanwan changed the topic and directly focused on Jin Bingyun.

Jin Bingyun’s face paled slightly.

Qin Mengyao directly activated the engine and locked Wanwan, as if if she said one more word, Qin Mengyao would attack her directly.

Sensing Qin Mengyao’s energy, Wanwan was still smiling, as if she didn’t feel anything at all, but her heart felt a little heavier.

Because Wanwan didn’t expect that the successor of Cihang Jingzhai of the Ming Dynasty would be even more outstanding than Shi Feixuan. Wanwan could sense the dangerous aura from Qin Mengyao’s body.

This Qin Mengyao, both in terms of realm and strength, is stronger and more outstanding than Shi Feixuan.

As for her Wanwan, her strength is comparable to that of Master Fei Xuan, which means that in terms of overall strength, she is a little worse than Qin Mengyao.

This made Wanwan feel more unwilling. As the best disciple of the Yingui Sect in the Great Sui Dynasty, and even became a saint of the Yingui Sect in the Great Sui Dynasty, she actually lost to Cihang Jingzhai of the Ming Dynasty. successor.

‘I must surpass Qin Mengyao, I must be stronger than Qin Mengyao. ’ Wanwan said to herself harshly in her heart.

At this moment, Wanwan no longer even thought about competing with Shi Feixuan, but wanted to compare with Qin Mengyao.

“Oh! It’s really scary. I am alone, but I have to face three disciples from Cihang Brothel. Especially since the disciples from Cihang Brothel don’t have martial ethics and want to besiege me, it’s really scary!” As Wanwan said this, she moved closer to Ye Xiu, as if she wanted to rely on Ye Xiu.

A normal man would be tempted to help Wanwan when he saw her like this. Unfortunately, Wanwan’s charm power had no effect on Ye Xiu.

Although Wanwan is indeed very beautiful, and her acting appearance is indeed very beautiful and looks very pitiful, but to Ye Xiu, this is like a drama worth appreciating. Ye Xiu even hugged Watching Wanwan’s performance with a theater mentality, he even wanted to take out a few copper coins to reward Wanwan.

Seeing Ye Xiu’s helpless look, Wanwan couldn’t help but frown, and she couldn’t help but have some doubts about the skills she had practiced since childhood.

“Miss Wanwan, you should be from the Sui Dynasty like Shi Xianzi, right? I just don’t know why you traveled thousands of miles from the Sui Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty?” Ye Xiu didn’t want to continue to play such ambiguous dramas with Wanwan.

The main reason is that Ye Xiu has this self-awareness. Ye Xiu feels that with so many women around him, they should be concerned about his being too close to strange women. So Ye Xiu consciously kept a certain distance from Wanwan and the others.

“Miss Wanwan is too unfamiliar to be called. Mr. Ye can just call her Wanwan. Of course the reason why we came to the Ming Dynasty is–” Wanwan almost blurted out and wanted to mention the diary.

But her words were not spoken.

First of all, things like the diary should be kept secret. Even if most people at the scene know about it, it is not easy to say it openly.

Another point is that when Wanwan was almost telling her about the diary, she felt a strange feeling that prevented her from telling her about the diary. Even if she insisted on telling her, she would most likely It will hang up directly.

Wanwan couldn’t tell her what happened in the diary, but she couldn’t help but feel a little suspicious in her heart.

When she and Shi Feixuan talked about the diary before, everything seemed normal and normal. Both she and Shi Feixuan can freely communicate about the diary.

But now, why can’t she mention the diary anymore?

Wanwan’s mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about what she and Shi Feixuan had in common.

They all came from the Sui Dynasty, but she didn’t think the Sui Dynasty was a key factor that would affect whether she could talk about the diary.

So it’s because of gender? Wanwan and Shi Feixuan are both women, so can women communicate with each other?

But now, Ye Xiu in front of her is a man, and even Linghu Chong beside her is also a man. Because it can only be mentioned to women, but not to men?

Wanwan felt that this might be one factor, but she didn’t think it was the reason.

So in the end, Wanwan guessed that the reason why she and Shi Feixuan were able to communicate about the diary was because she and Shi Feixuan were both diary holders——

Thinking of the last point, Wanwan’s eyes suddenly lit up: ‘Could it be that these people on Ye Xiu’s side are not actually the holders of the diary? Are she and Shi Feixuan the only ones holding the diary? If she killed Shi Feixuan, does that mean that she is the only one holding the diary here now? ’

Involuntarily, Wanwan couldn’t help but glance at Shi Feixuan subconsciously.

Ye Xiu looked strangely at Wanwan who suddenly stopped speaking mid-sentence and instead looked at Master Concubine Xuan: “Miss Wanwan?”

“Master Ye, I can’t tell you the reason why I came to the Ming Empire now. If Master Ye wants to know, how about we communicate alone in a while?” Wanwan smiled at Ye Xiu ambiguously.

“…There’s no need for this.” Ye Xiu smiled dryly.

“Huh? Mr. Ye, if you act like this, you will make others think you are very unattractive. Are you ugly?” Wanwan looked pitiful again.

In other words, Ye Xiu’s Immortality Technique has a certain resistance to Wanwan’s Heavenly Demon Technique, so his spirit is relatively stable.

As for Huang Rong and the other girls next to her who relied on diaries to increase their strength, looking at Wanwan’s appearance, they couldn’t help but feel that Wanwan was pitiful and wanted to prevent them from recognizing her caring mentality.

This time, Wanwan used all her firepower to activate the Heavenly Demon Technique to the maximum extent, which is why it had such an impact on little girls like Huang Rong.

“Hmph! She is indeed a witch from the Yingui Sect.” Qin Mengyao snorted coldly, and a strange wave of true energy instantly hit Wanwan’s heavenly magic field, causing a trace of chaos in Wanwan’s heavenly magic field.

Huang Rong and others’ consciousness returned to normal instantly, and the eyes they looked at Wanwan were a little more terrifying.

Looking at Qin Mengyao who spoke out, they unconsciously became a little closer. After all, who asked Qin Mengyao to wake them up.

Wanwan couldn’t help but look at Qin Mengyao and narrowed her eyes slightly. She found that Qin Mengyao was really difficult to deal with. Qin Mengyao seemed to be looking for an opportunity. She kept staring at Wanwan. When Wanwan’s natural magic field was activated, She took action immediately. At least this time she took action and easily won the favor of girls like Huang Rong.

Wanwan turned and smiled at Qin Mengyao. She had completely regarded Qin Mengyao as her target.

But Shi Feixuan, who came from the Sui Dynasty with Wanwan, felt a little weird in her heart after seeing Wanwan’s performance. She felt as if she had been ignored.

This made Shi Fei Xuan a little uncomfortable. After all, she had always regarded Wanwan as her opponent. Although she always acted decisively and ruthlessly every time she faced Wanwan, in fact, in her heart, she felt that Wanwan was her opponent. Wanwan really feels like a friend and foe.

Now Wanwan didn’t look at her very much, and instead started to focus on Qin Mengyao, which made Shi Feixuan feel like she was abandoned. She didn’t like this feeling very much.

Ye Xiu, however, failed to get any useful information from Wanwan, so he looked at Shi Feixuan and asked Shi Feixuan why they came to the Ming Dynasty.

Shi Feixuan seemed to be more honest than Wanwan, but Shi Feixuan didn’t want to tell the story about the diary in public: “Actually, part of the reason why we came to the Ming Empire is because we got According to the news, we learned that Pang Ban, the magician of Meng Yuan Kingdom, had become a celestial being. Then we learned that you seemed to be targeted by Pang Ban. In order to stop Pang Ban, we came to find you.”

It’s not like the concubine was lying when she was talking to her. At best, she only told part of the reason and hid the other part.

When Ye Xiu heard what Shi Feixuan said, he was a little surprised. Ye Xiu thought that Shi Feixuan should have shared the same news channel with Qin Mengyao and the others, so he knew about Pang Ban. By the way, he also knew that he was being targeted by Pang Ban. Condition.

As for Wanwan – Ye Xiu felt that maybe Wanwan was staring at Shi Feixuan and saw Shi Feixuan running this way, so she chased after her.

Ye Xiu’s conjecture seemed very reasonable.

As for Wanwan, she originally planned to wait until there were no outsiders to talk to Ye Xiu about the diary.

What Wanwan didn’t expect was that Ye Xiu would never fail. There always seemed to be someone following Ye Xiu, making it impossible for Wanwan to find a suitable opportunity.

Then, Wanwan discovered that Ye Xiu himself didn’t seem to know about the diary. In other words, Ye Xiu didn’t know that an outsider would become the holder of the diary.

On the contrary, most of the women around Ye Xiu seemed to be very familiar with diaries.

Even Dongfang Bubai and the others didn’t feel surprised at all when faced with the arrival of Wanwan or even Shi Fei Xuan.

Wanwan finally lost her patience and couldn’t help but test Huang Rong and other people who were not as powerful as her and would not make her feel dangerous. Then she got the answer, which was the people around Ye Xiu, except for the male Huashan disciple Linghu Chong. Except for this, everyone else is the holder of the human diary, even Jin Bingyun is no exception.

Although she had already guessed that many people around Ye Xiu would get the diary, after confirming the answer, Wanwan couldn’t help but feel weird, as if she wanted to do something, and… The feeling of having to queue up.

But a normal queue? That’s not what Wanwan would do.

As a witch from the Yingui sect of the Demon Sect, you want her to queue up obediently? That was simply too difficult.

Anyway, Wanwan began to think about how she could get close to Ye Xiu, and then make Ye Xiu indulge in her pair of bright white feet. It would be best to gain Ye Xiu’s favorability and be attracted by Ye Xiu. It was mentioned in the diary that in these two aspects, he far surpassed Shi Feixuan – no, he far surpassed Qin Mengyao.

Wanwan’s big eyes rolled around, thinking of some evil idea.

“Ning Daoqi!!!” Wanwan’s master, Zhu Yuyan, looked at the old Taoist priest in Taoist robes who appeared in front of her with a cold face.

This old Taoist priest looked very ordinary, giving the impression that he was an ordinary person, but Zhu Yuyan was able to create a faint sense of threat in him.

Therefore, Zhu Yuyan can be sure that this old Taoist priest is a great master.

As for the Grand Master who would take the initiative to find her, except Cihang Jingzhai’s lackey Ning Daoqi, Zhu Yuyan didn’t think there would be anyone else.

“It’s the old Taoist. The old Taoist heard that Master Zhu seemed to have been promoted to become a grand master, so he specially sent his blessings.” Ning Daoqi said with a shameless smile.

“Blessing? Haha -” Zhu Yuyan sneered, unabashedly showing sarcasm: “You old Taoist priest, I’m afraid you didn’t follow Cihang Jingzhai’s order and came here to test me. Even if my strength is not good, Just kill me directly?”

“This is also for the common people in the world!” Ning Daoqi spoke calmly and said extremely shameless words.

“For the common people in the world? Haha, you are so old-fashioned, you really make people laugh. If you are really for the common people in the world, then let the group of nuns in Cihang Jingzhai be more honest and stop thinking about choosing the emperor on behalf of heaven. Especially The Sui Dynasty is still there now, and the Sui Dynasty is still doing well. They actually want to choose the emperor for heaven. Don’t they know that their actions will cause civil strife in the Sui Dynasty and eventually lead to war? , will it lead to more people being displaced and wives and children separated?” Zhu Yuyan mocked unceremoniously.

“This is just labor pain. In order to allow more people to have more lasting peace, it is better not to abandon the now abandoned Great Sui Dynasty.” Ning Daoqi shook his head and said very stubbornly.

“You people are really capable of deceiving yourself and others. You tell so many lies that you start to believe them?” Zhu Yuyan sneered, becoming more and more disdainful of Cihang Jingzhai and even Ning Daoqi: “Isn’t it because of Sui that Cihang Jingzhai Emperor Yang Guang did not believe in Buddhism and did not worship Cihang Jingzhai, so was he overthrown by Cihang Jingzhai?”

“Zhu Sect Master has misunderstood. Yang Guang is ignorant and immoral. Letting him continue to rule the Sui Kingdom will be detrimental to both the country and the people.”

“Isn’t it all because of you that Yang Guang is like this? When Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, he was also quite outstanding. He did a lot of things for the country and the people. If there are no accidents, the Sui Dynasty Under the rule of Yang Guang, the imperial court will usher in rapid development. However, because Yang Guang was unwilling to accept the control of Cihang Jingzhai, he aroused the hostility of Cihang Jingzhai. Cihang Jingzhai contacted the major families in the court to work together Targeting Yang Guang, Yang Guang’s northern expedition to Goguryeo failed three times. In the end, Yang Guang found that he had suffered heavy losses and was isolated and helpless, so he broke the pot. Ultimately, it was Cihang Jingzhai’s fault.”

“Master Zhu has a deep misunderstanding of Cihang Jingzhai, and he also misunderstands the old Taoist! In this case, let the old Tao personally learn Master Zhu’s magic method of the devil.” Ning Daoqi seemed to be unable to explain, so he started Just do it.

As soon as Ning Daoqi took action, he directly used his special skill of Sanshou Bapu.

Ning Daoqi’s Sanshou Bapu combines thousands of infinite changes into eight essences. The moves can be done at will, with no rules at all, like a horse flying in the sky without any restrictions. It is like riding on the clouds and controlling the air. The flying dragon is wonderful.

At the same time, the essence of Bapu lies in the word “empty”. “empty” can bring life to life, so the empty is infinite, and purity leads to empty. Then this empty is real. Although there are hundreds of different states between virtual and real, it is nothing but the way of nature. It is mysterious and mysterious, neither big nor small.

Although Zhu Yuyan has been promoted to Grand Master, she still feels very dangerous when faced with Ning Daoqi’s eight attacks.

So she used all her strength to activate the Heavenly Demonic Technique, and the Heavenly Demonic Magical Field surrounded her, trying to entangle Ning Daoqi in it.

However, Ning Daoqi’s Sanshou Bapu seemed to be the nemesis of the Heavenly Magic Field. The Heavenly Magic Field seemed to have no restraint on Ning Daoqi.

In the blink of an eye, Ning Daoqi’s hands had broken through all the obstacles and arrived in front of Zhu Yuyan. His hands moved forward and back towards Zhu Yuyan.

Zhu Yuyan’s expression was solemn. The Heavenly Magic Field was ineffective against Ning Daoqi, so she took back all the Heavenly Magic Field and compressed it between her hands.

Zhu Yuyan’s hands carried the magic field and directly met Ning Daoqi’s hands.

Bang bang bang——

In the blink of an eye, Ning Daoqi and Zhu Yuyan had already fought for several rounds.

Zhu Yuyan took several steps back, her arms numb slightly, but she was able to remove Ning Daoqi’s attack.

However, Ning Daoqi did not take half a step back. Instead, he stood on the spot. After repelling Zhu Yuyan, Ning Daoqi slowly retracted his hands.

“Master Zhu has indeed become the Grand Master. The old Taoist would like to congratulate Master Zhu.” Ning Daoqi congratulated seemingly calmly.

“Thank you. You and I are both great masters. Ning Daoqi, your strength is indeed superior to mine.” Zhu Yuyan’s expression became a little more relaxed.

The two had just fought, and Zhu Yuyan could sense that Ning Daoqi was stronger than her, but his strength was limited.

Although Ning Daoqi can defeat Zhu Yuyan, if Zhu Yuyan wants to leave, Ning Daoqi can’t stop her.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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