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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 184

“Are you really okay, Miss Huanhua?”

“Master nun, you bastard, go to hell!”

Wanwan was really angry this time. She didn’t even open the door, but slapped it directly.

Bang, the door exploded, and Shi Feixuan, who was outside the door, stepped back to avoid the shattered fragments of the door.

Wanwan, on the other hand, rushed towards Shi Feixuan after the fragments. The Demonic Double Slash was held in her two small hands at some point, and turned into a cold light, slashing down towards Shi Feixuan.

Shi Feixuan skillfully responded with the Se Kong Sword. Before the Se Kong Sword was pulled out of its scabbard, she directly made a blocking movement to block Wanwan’s double blades of the demon. Then with a hasty clang, the sword was unsheathed. He swung a sword energy towards Wanwan without any courtesy.

Ping Ping Pong, color empty swords constantly hit with the demon double chopping.

Dongfang Bubai Yaoyue and others heard the sound of Wanwan and Shi Feixuan fighting outside, but they didn’t take it seriously.

After all, they are also diary holders, so they understand why Wanwan and Shi Feixuan got into trouble.

Yesterday it was Wanwan’s trouble with Shi Feixuan, and today it became Shi Feixuan’s trouble with Wanwan.

If there is any conflict between the two of them, they will definitely get into trouble and fight.

Far away in the Sui Dynasty, Shi Qingxuan was shocked when she saw today’s diary. She didn’t expect that this diary would automatically produce a diary in her hands.

“This diary is obviously next to me, and except for Zhu Yuyan who stopped me once before, there was no physical contact. So this diary should not be written by her.”

“It’s just that it wasn’t written by Zhu Yuyan, so where did this diary come from?”

“The diary appeared very subtly before, but now there is an extra diary in the diary out of thin air. This is too, too unbelievable.”

“Besides, is the content of this diary true?” Shi Qingxuan thought, and couldn’t help but frown, with a little more worry in her expression.

She didn’t expect that Zhu Yuyan had already taken refuge in Pang Ban and became a great master with Pang Ban’s help.

However, although Shi Qingxuan was surprised, she did not find it unbelievable.

Shi Qingxuan has a certain understanding of the Demon Sect, although not much. But she also knew that most of the people in the Demon Sect were selfish masters. In order to be able to break through in his own cultivation, let alone Pang Ban who took refuge in the Demon Sect, even if he went too far, it seemed to be normal.

At most, Shi Qingxuan was a little surprised that Pang Ban, a magician from the Meng Yuan Kingdom, had intervened in the world of the Sui Dynasty.

At the same time, there is still a little bit of worry. After all, the Sui Dynasty is already in chaos. If Meng Yuan Kingdom gets involved again, the Sui Dynasty will be even more chaotic.

It’s just that the borders between the Meng Yuan Kingdom and the Sui Dynasty did not intersect. I think Pang Ban’s approach was just to prepare for a rainy day.

Shi Qingxuan, who still didn’t know the true efficacy of the diary, felt that Ye Xiu believed in the diary that Zhu Yuyan broke through and became a grand master with the help of Pang Ban.

But she thought of her father again and couldn’t help but shake her head slightly.

After all, Shi Zhixuan is Shi Qingxuan’s father. How should I put it, she is still a little worried about her father.

“Forget it, if he is killed for this, he deserves it.” Shi Qingxuan shook his head and decided not to worry about this matter anymore.

As a result, Shi Qingxuan began to focus more on the diary. Compared with the contents of the diary, the diary itself was also quite magical, making her full of curiosity.

“Hahaha!” Tianshan Child Elder was very happy at this time. She did not expect that Ye Xiu could have such strange thoughts.

Zhu Yuyan was doing well, but Ye Xiu thought she had taken refuge with Pang Ban, and only after receiving Pang Ban’s help did she break through and become a grand master.

“Now, Zhu Yuyan is probably going to cry.” Tianshan Child Elder looked gloating.

This was the first time Tianshan Child Elder had encountered this kind of wonderful operation, and she thought it was really fun.

And Tianshan Child Elder had no intention of helping Zhu Yuyan explain. After all, this was a great pleasure in itself. Not to mention, she was protecting Ye Xiu in the dark. Now that she jumped out, she might make Ye Xiu think wildly.

In the Jing Nian Zen Monastery, Ye Xiu had turned into an ordinary face. On that ordinary face, there was a bit of piety, and he looked as if he was really a devout Buddhist.

In fact, Ye Xiu was silently looking at the Jing Nian Zen Temple at this time.

Jing Nian Zen Temple covers an extremely large area, with huge and majestic buildings erected on it. The ground is paved with large bluestones. The ground is flat and clean, which is nothing.

What Ye Xiu couldn’t help but marvel at the most was that in this Buddhist hall, there were huge Buddha statues made entirely of brass, which were really breathtaking.

Each Buddha statue weighs several tons or dozens of tons.

Not to mention anything else, just casting these brass into copper coins can support an army.

This was only what Ye Xiu saw on the surface. Before Ye Xiu came back, he had never seen such a magnificent temple.

In fact, even in the Shaolin Temple of the Ming Empire, there was no luxury like the Jing Nian Zen Temple. Moreover, this Jing Nian Zen Monastery also places these brass Buddha statues here openly and without any taboos.

From this we can see how arrogant this Buddhism, or Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Chanyuan, was in the Sui Dynasty.

At this point, Ye Xiu’s impression of Jing Nian Chanyuan, Ci Hang Jing Zhai, and even Shi Fei Xuan, who was born in Ci Hang Jing Zhai, was quite different. It even affected Qin Mengyao, a person from Ci Hang Jing Zhai in the Ming Empire. , and its senses are also reduced.

Of course, these psychological activities of Ye Xiu are not known to outsiders, and Ye Xiu still looks pious on the surface.

But Ye Xiu silently remembered the architectural layout of the Jing Nian Temple in his heart.

In addition to these, there is a hall made entirely of brass, but it is not accessible to a seemingly ordinary Buddhist believer like Ye Xiu.

At the entrance of the hall, which was made entirely of brass, there were four old monks sitting cross-legged outside.

Ye Xiu could sense the huge amount of Qi in the bodies of these four old monks. They were four masters at the master level, and each of them was almost in the late master level.

Ye Xiu could sense that they were leaning against the brass hall, and the energy in their bodies was moving, as if they were fighting against something, and seemed to be adapting to something.

With their appearance like this, Ye Xiu understood that they were probably fighting against the magical radiation released by Heshibi, and during the confrontation, they were slowly adapting to the radiation from Heshibi.

If they are given enough time to adapt to the radiation of He’s Bi, then they can exert even greater power under the radiation of He’s Bi.

Seeing this, Ye Xiu was sure that Heshi Bi was really in the Jing Nian Temple.

“Finally, I can see the luxury of Jing Nian Zen Monastery!”

“That’s right, it’s luxury!”

“I have never seen a luxurious monk temple.”

“Look at the Buddha statues. The whole body is filled with the smell of copper. Buddha statues made of pure brass, how luxurious are they? These monks simply have money and no place to spend it.”

“That’s right, there really is no place to spend it.”

“So many people donated money and materials to the monk temple, making the monks’ pockets full and their mouths full of food.”

“And for miles around Jing Nian Monastery, there are fields owned by monks. Everyone who works in the fields is a tenant of the monks!”

“A monk doesn’t farm but he has a lot of land and he doesn’t have to pay taxes.”

“Apart from the fact that these monks cannot marry and have children, their lives are not very prosperous.”

“No, monks are not allowed to marry and have children on the surface, but in fact, who knows if they are married and have children secretly?”

“All in all, I am really disgusted with these monks.”

“There should be some good monks among the monks, but most of them are not good ones.”

“Especially the monks from the Sui Dynasty.”

“Look at these monks. They are all eating so much. Look at the victims outside. They are all sallow and thin, and some of them even exchange their children for food. But these monks have never thought about it at all. They want to help the victims, but they are still trying to make money.”

“The demons are evil in the open, but the monks are evil secretly – that’s not right. In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see it at a glance. After all, there are Buddha statues in the Jing Nian Monastery. But no one dares to say what.”

“After all, who makes people think that Jing Nian Chanyuan is the right way? Who makes Cihang Jingzhai, the real leader, be Buddhist.”

“Oh, a group of monks eat with their mouths full of oil, and a group of nuns elect emperors on behalf of heaven. This is still the right way, and this is still the leader of the right way.”

“Well, that means my strength is not enough. If I were a great master – no, if I were a heavenly being – well, if I were to go up a little higher, if I were a land god, hehe, after all, Buddhism is powerful, who knows Does Buddhism have any heaven-level bosses? After all, this mixed martial arts world is so big, there might be that monk hiding somewhere. So to be on the safe side, if I become a land god, then I will definitely give all these monks to Dealt with it.”

“Forget it, let’s not talk about this anymore.”

“In the Jing Nian Zen Monastery, there is a main hall made of brass. Outside the main hall, there are four old monks guarding the door. Each of these four old monks has almost reached the late stage of the master realm. It should be the Jing Nian Zen Monastery. The Four Great Vajras.”

“They are guarding outside the main hall. I think He Shibi should be in this main hall.”

“In addition, with the keen perception I have gained from practicing the Secret of Immortality, I did not detect any danger in Jing Nian Chan Monastery. I guess there is no great master in Jing Nian Chan Monastery, so I feel relieved.”

“I’ll be doing some research tomorrow. If there’s nothing else going on, I’ll take action the day after tomorrow. Get He’s Bi.”

“After grabbing He’s Bi, leave the Sui Dynasty immediately.”

“Damn, even though I didn’t encounter any danger, all the chaos along the way is still tiring!”

“Damn it, Pang Ban’s tentacles are so long. Pang Ban, just wait for me.”

After Ye Xiu finished writing the diary, his cultivation level increased again for a month. Feeling the growing cultivation level every day, Ye Xiu was full of expectations for the future, especially under the pressure of Pang Ban. During this period of time, Ye Xiu had a rare daily Everyone will practice.

It’s just that the results of daily practice, compared to the rewards given after writing a diary, are so small that Ye Xiu doesn’t have much interest in practice.

“Forget it, mosquito legs are still meat after all. Let’s just practice. Think of it as tempering your will.” Ye Xiu muttered, then sat cross-legged and continued to practice.

“Master nun, what do you think? Look, Ye Xiu really hates you Buddhists! He even thinks about getting rid of all of you monks and nunneries after he becomes a land god.” Tell me what you think, Master Nun!”

Yesterday, Shi Feixuan came to see Wanwan, which made Wanwan very angry. Today, Wanwan came to see Shi Feixuan, looking like she was having fun.

“This is Ye Xiu’s misunderstanding of my Buddhism. As long as he truly understands my Buddhism, the misunderstanding will naturally be resolved.” Shi Feixuan clasped her hands together and said as if she had been misunderstood.

“Giggle… Master nun, do you really don’t understand or are you pretending not to understand? Ye Xiu wrote very clearly. The Great Sui Dynasty is currently in chaos, but you monks and nuns are living so well, with mouths full of food. Not only are you fat and have a huge waist, but there are still so many brass Buddha statues enshrined in the monk temple of Jingnian Chanyuan. You monks have no regard for the life and death of the people. This is what Ye Xiu hates about you. The key is. Unless you can change this problem, it will only make Ye Xiu feel disgusted. Even when he becomes stronger, he will attack monks and nuns for it. Unless you can change this situation, otherwise you and There can never be reconciliation between Ye Xiu and Ye Xiu.” Wanwan saw it very clearly.

Shi Feixuan lowered her head and remained silent.

Before Shi Feixuan went down the mountain, or even before meeting Ye Xiu, she felt proud of her identity as the successor of Cihang Jingzhai.

And before Master Feixuan met again, she had never felt that Cihang Jingzhai and their Buddhists had done anything wrong.

But now, she felt that there might be something wrong with her thinking.

She had also been to Jing Nian Chan Monastery. At first, she only felt that Jing Nian Chan Monastery was worthy of being a holy place for Buddhism. It could create so many magnificent Buddha statues and attract so many people to worship.

She didn’t think there was anything wrong with their Cihang Jingzhai acting as the chosen emperor. After all, she had received this kind of education since she was a child.

But now, when she looked at the diary written by Ye Xiu, she felt like she was awakened.

Not to mention what was written in the diary, the reason why the Sui Dynasty became what it is now was because of the deliberate guidance of Cihang Jingzhai. The brass Buddha statues in Jingnian Temple alone could feed many victims, but Jing Nian Chanyuan only knew how to cast golden bodies for Buddha statues, but never thought of helping the victims.

Is this really the right thing to do? It’s obviously wrong, and it’s obviously against the wishes of Buddhism. So, Buddhist leaders like Jing Nian Chanyuan and Cihang Jingzhai are actually completely wrong?

Shi Feixuan thought about the diary again, and then thought that with Ye Xiu’s potential, it was only a matter of time before he became a land god.

Instead of waiting for Ye Xiu to become a land god and get rid of all the monks and nuns, it would be simpler for her to do it herself.

At least if she took matters into her own hands, she could avoid going too far and damaging Buddhism’s reputation. Another point is that by doing this kind of thing, she can gain Ye Xiu’s favor.

Favorability is really important to diary holders like them, especially today because of Ye Xiu’s bad feeling towards Jing Nian Chan Monastery, which led to him having a bad feeling towards all Buddhists, and even her master, Concubine Xuan, was implicated, so The gain also dropped from 45 to 36.

As for getting rid of Ye Xiu now before he grows up, to prevent Ye Xiu from attacking Buddhism when he becomes stronger?

Not to mention that their Buddhist sect already has big problems now. Just saying that there are several great masters around Ye Xiu, Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Chanyuan are not able to deal with them.

Of course, if possible, she could inform Pang Ban and let him take action against Ye Xiu.

But working with Momen? Shi Feixuan, who had just left Cihang Jingzhai, was absolutely unwilling to do such a thing.

What’s more, if Ye Xiu lives safely and improves his favorability towards her, she might become a grand master, a celestial being, or even a land god.

The selfishness in Shi Feixuan’s heart made her not want to give up this adventure.

After all, with Shi Feixuan’s talent and the potential of Cihang Jingzhai she cultivated, it would be very difficult for Shi Feixuan to become a great master under normal circumstances, let alone a heavenly being or even a land deity. .

Anyone faced with this kind of temptation would find it difficult to resist.

Shi Feixuan is no exception. Even if Shi Feixuan is not far enough away from her own thoughts, her subconscious mind is not willing to give up this kind of adventure.

Chapter 240 I and my son

At night, Ye Xiu came to Jing Nian Zen Monastery again.

This time, Ye Xiu didn’t think about taking away the Heshi Bi directly, because Ye Xiu knew that this was simply unrealistic.

So this time, Ye Xiu came here just to find out how the defense of Jing Nian Temple was.

He needs to first understand the defense system of Jing Nian Temple, so that he can make corresponding plans for the defense system of Jing Nian Temple, and then he can get the Heshi Bi.

The sky is dark, but it is rare to see the moon today, and naturally there is no moonlight. The night is so dark that ordinary people can hardly see anything at all.

With the help of the Immortality Art, Ye Xiu could see relatively clearly with his eyes. Although his vision was still not clear enough, it did not affect his actions.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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