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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 185

Ye Xiu was running the Immortality Secret to control his Qi.

With the Immortality Secret in operation and Qi gathering, if you don’t look at him with your eyes, you won’t notice Ye Xiu’s presence at all. Even the Grand Master wouldn’t be able to detect Ye Xiu’s presence if he didn’t deliberately observe with his eyes. In the Grand Master’s perception, Ye Xiu is like a stone or a tree.

This is the Secret of Longevity, and this is the unity of nature and man in the Secret of Longevity.

After Ye Xiu calmed down his energy, he quietly arrived outside the wall of Jing Nian Zen Monastery.

The Immortality Art was operating to its extreme, and Ye Xiu’s hearing power was greatly improved, allowing him to hear the movement in the courtyard even outside the wall.

I don’t know if it was because He Shibi was in Jing Nian Temple, but Ye Xiu found that the defense of Jing Nian Temple was still very strong.

At least Ye Xiu could hear that, in addition to the patrols that would appear in the open in almost two minutes, he could also hear a few slight breathing sounds in the dark. Obviously, these should be the sound of breathing in the dark. Pack.

Under such tight defense, it is really difficult to sneak into the Jing Nian Temple.

“Still not strong enough!”

Ye Xiu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: “If I were a great master now, I wouldn’t need to be like this at all. I could just rush in and get rid of all the people who stood in front of me, and finally remove the Heshi Bi.” Get it. Instead of being like now, with so many worries, I don’t dare to do it directly. “

It is obviously impossible to sneak in and successfully obtain He’s Bi by relying on the current method, at least it is not that easy to achieve this goal.

After all, the He’s Bi is not an ordinary thing. It contains radiation itself. Once it is close to the He’s Bi, the true energy in the body will run wild. Even the higher the martial arts, the deeper the influence of the He’s Bi will be.

Even people who are good at sneaking in will reveal their secrets and be discovered once they meet He Shibi.

At that time, Ye Xiu will face an encirclement and suppression by all the masters in the entire Jing Nian Temple.

“Sure enough, there is really no way to get He’s Bi by just one person sneaking in. We must create some noise and divert the attraction of some masters in Jing Nian Chanyuan by making noises in the east and west. In this way, after getting He’s Bi , the resistance will be reduced.”

“It seems that my previous idea was indeed right.”

Ye Xiu finally gave up the idea of ​​sneaking in and stealing He’s Bi by himself.

Ye Xiu used the Immortality Technique to the extreme, and then maximized his senses, especially his hearing, and concentrated his hearing in the direction of the Jing Nian Zen Monastery to ensure that his hearing could exert its maximum effect. Naturally, Ye Xiu, on the other hand, would more or less ignore the movements outside the Jing Nian Zen Monastery.

Ye Xiu relied on his powerful hearing and directional reception to continuously collect all the information about the Jing Nian Temple.

The route taken by the patrol, the length of the patrol, when the patrol will change shifts, and the concealed equipment lurking in the dark. Will they hide in the dark all night, or will they change shifts to ensure they have enough energy? mode?

These are the information that Ye Xiu wants to collect, because these may be the key to whether Ye Xiu can obtain the Heshi Bi.

Ye Xiu spent almost the whole night in Jing Nian Chan Monastery before he collected some information about Jing Nian Chan Monastery.

However, to be on the safe side, Ye Xiu came for three consecutive nights to compare the intelligence collected during the three nights. After confirming the correct information, Ye Xiu stopped.

“I have been secretly collecting information about Jing Nian Chan Monastery for three full days. During these three days, during the day, I would disguise myself, go to Jing Nian Chan Monastery with different faces, and observe everything about Jing Nian Chan Monastery, whether it was the building , the path is still the monk in the meditation monastery.”

“At night, I will quietly lurk outside the Jing Nian Monastery and collect intelligence at different locations. I will collect and compare the intelligence on patrols, concealed equipment, etc., and I can get this information.”

“This preparation work is probably completed. Next, it is time to start taking action.”

“First, I need to leak the news about He Shibi.”

“Leaking the news that He Shibi is in Jingnian Chanyuan will attract the attention of many people, and even the eyes of many forces, on Jingnian Chanyuan.”

“But as one of the leaders of the righteous path and an ally of Cihang Jingzhai, Jing Nian Chanyuan naturally has a very strong deterrent power.”

“A single warrior, or even a single force, would not dare to offend Jing Nian Chanyuan easily, so naturally there is no need to talk about robbing He’s Bi.”

“So, in the end, the forces that have received the news about He Shibi will definitely join forces, and then on a certain day, probably a certain night, they will join forces to target Jing Nian Chanyuan.”

“And I, at that time, can be the oriole behind. After those forces attract the attention of the monks in the Jing Nian Zen Monastery, and even the four Vajras, I can sneak into that place. In the brass-cast hall where the He’s Bi was placed, he snatched the He’s Bi from the hands of Monk Kong.”

“The speed must be fast. After grabbing the He’s Bi before others have time to react, turn around and leave without making any stop.”

“Um – why do you suddenly feel that this plan seems a bit, a bit familiar?”

“Speaking of which, it seems that in the original work, the actions of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are similar to my plan, right?”

“It was other forces that attracted most of the attention of Jing Nian Chan Monastery. Finally, they broke into the Brass Hall and stole the Heshi Bi——”

“Oh, I didn’t remember how the two of them stole He’s Bi before. Now that I have formulated the plan, I remember that they also used this kind of plan.”

“If I had known that my plan was so similar to their method of action, why would I bother with that? I could just copy it.”

“My brain is still a bit weak. I can’t think of many things and details. I racked my brains and made a plan before I realized it looked familiar.”

“But, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, will they also be attracted by this news?”

“After all, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are not stable masters. They will definitely be tempted by He’s Bi.”

“After all, there was a rumor in the Sui Dynasty: If you get one of He’s Bi and Yang Gong’s treasury, you can change the dynasty and become the emperor.”

“Let’s take a look at the situation first. Anyway, I am practicing the complete version of the Immortality Art, while they are only practicing one of the seven chapters of the Immortality Art. I am considered their superior. As long as they appear here, I can easily find them. them, but they cannot sense me.”

“At worst, I will be a yellow bird after Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.”

After Ye Xiu finished writing his diary, he felt that the energy in his body became stronger again, and a smile appeared on his face.

Waiting until tomorrow, he will find a way to publicize the news that He Shibi is in Jingnian Temple, and then wait for many other forces to take action.

After Ye Xiu finished writing his diary, Zhu Yuyan, who was also in Luoyang City, couldn’t help but frown.

Because of Ye Xiu’s diary, Zhu Yuyan knew Ye Xiu’s whereabouts.

Just knowing is one thing, being able to find Ye Xiu is another.

In fact, Zhu Yuyan already knew it from the first day when Ye Xiu visited Jing Nian Chan Monastery.

But knowing it doesn’t mean that Zhu Yuyan can find Ye Xiu.

As I said before, when Ye Xiu went to visit the Jing Nian Zen Monastery at night, he always went there when the moonlight was dim and the moonlight could hardly be seen.

In addition, the Immortality Technique that Ye Xiu practiced was very suitable for condensing his own Qi.

Especially with the help of the diary, Ye Xiu’s Immortality Secret has been cultivated to an extremely high level. Ye Xiu is determined to hide his whereabouts. Even Zhu Yuyan, a great master, cannot find Ye Xiu. .

After all, when the night was dark and the environment could hardly be seen clearly with the naked eye, as a great master, Zhu Yuyan habitually used Qi machines to lock targets.

However, the Immortality Art is particularly good at condensing Qi, so using this method, Zhu Yuyan has no way of finding Ye Xiu’s Qi.

Fortunately, Zhu Yuyan is a great master.

And this time, in order to prevent unexpected situations from happening, Zhu Yuyan did not even let anyone else from the Yingui sect appear. She acted alone this time.

With her great master’s cultivation, she wanted to hide herself from others, but she could still do it.

Even for someone like Ye Xiu, who has practiced the Secret of Immortality and has a keen sense of energy, Ye Xiu has no way of detecting Zhu Yuyan’s existence when Zhu Yuyan wants to hide herself and has no ill intentions towards Ye Xiu. .

Zhu Yuyan just didn’t want Ye Xiu to discover her, so she couldn’t make too much noise. It was really difficult for her to find Ye Xiu without making too much noise.

So during these three days, Zhu Yuyan hid her whereabouts while looking for Ye Xiu, but could not find Ye Xiu at all.

At the same time, because Zhu Yuyan hid her whereabouts, Ye Xiu focused most of his energy on the meditation monastery. In addition, Zhu Yuyan had no ill intentions towards Ye Xiu, so Ye Xiu was not able to have any whims. Telepathy, but failed to detect the existence of Zhu Yuyan.

Because of this, neither of the two people could find the other person.

The next day, Ye Xiu began to change his appearance again. After the disguise, Ye Xiu used his new but still ordinary-looking and unremarkable face to start walking out to spread the news that He Shibi was in Jing Nian Monastery. go out.

Even every time Ye Xiu spreads news to different people and different forces, he will use a different face.

In just one day, almost all the forces in Luoyang City with a little bit of strength naturally knew that He Shibi was in Jing Nian Temple.

As the local leader and the most powerful person in Luoyang City, Wang Shichong was ecstatic in his heart.

“You said that Cihang Jingzhai wanted to use the Heshi Bi to choose the emperor on behalf of heaven, and give the Heshi Bi to the person they liked to be the emperor. And this Heshi Bi happened to be Jingzhai who appeared outside Luoyang City. In Nianchanyuan, does this mean that I am the emperor chosen by Cihang Jingzhai?” Wang Shichong’s eyes were full of joy.

“This -” Wang Shichong’s men looked at each other, and then all congratulated: “Congratulations to the lord, congratulations to the lord, the lord is favored by Cihang Jingzhai, I am afraid that the world of the Sui Dynasty will become the lord’s possession. .”

“Hahaha! The monks and nuns at Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Chanyuan are really discerning and know that this world will eventually belong to me, Wang Shichong.” Wang Shichong laughed.

But at this moment, I don’t know who said in a low voice: “But there are rumors that Cihang Jingzhai intends to give the Heshi Bi to the Li family of the Tang Dynasty——”

Wang Shichong’s smile stopped suddenly, and then his face darkened: “The Li family of the Tang Dynasty? Humph! It’s just a rumor. If He’s Bi is not given to me, why is He’s Bi in Luoyang?”

“Tomorrow I will go directly to Jing Nian Temple and ask them to hand over the Heshi Bi to me.” Wang Shichong said domineeringly.

“But, lord, what if-“

“No matter what happens, the He’s Bi is mine. No matter what happens, the He’s Bi is mine. No one can change this result. If the monks of the Jing Nian Zen Sect don’t know what is good and what is good, humph!” Wang Shichong snorted coldly, murderous. diffuse.

“My lord, the monks in Jing Nian Monastery are not simple, especially the Four Great Vajra and Master Kong. They are all great masters. They cannot be provoked easily, let alone the close relationship between Jing Nian Monastery and Cihang Jingzhai, and Cihang Jingzhai is the leader of the righteous path. Once we go too far with Jingnian Chanyuan, we may be hostile to the righteous path of martial arts in the Sui Dynasty.” Wang Shichong’s subordinates frowned and persuaded Wang Shichong, not wanting Wang Shichong to go too far.

“The Jing Nian Zen Sect cannot be provoked? Then I am easy to provoke? Is my army of hundreds of thousands in Luoyang easy to provoke?” Wang Shichong sneered.

“My lord, these monks from the Jing Nian Zen Sect are very powerful in martial arts. Although my lord is not afraid, if they use some despicable means, they will still have an impact on us. My lord, we must focus on the great cause now, and we should try our best to Avoid provoking too many forces.”

“So you don’t want He’s Bi? Okay, don’t say it. As long as Jing Nian Chanyuan and they hand over He’s Bi, I will naturally not embarrass them. If they don’t know what’s good and what’s good, then my hundreds of thousands The army is not easy to offend. If Jing Nian Chan Monastery does not want to be besieged by hundreds of thousands of troops, I think they will obediently send He Shibi up.” Wang Shichong’s tone was mixed with domineering and self-centered.

Ye Xiu, who was lurking in Wang Shichong’s mansion, listened to Wang Shichong’s words with a smile on his face.

The previous sentence, “It is rumored that Cihang Jingzhai intended to give the Heshi Bi to the people of the Li family of the Tang Dynasty——” was said by Ye Xiu through sound transmission, which almost summed up the relationship between Wang Shichong and Jingnian Chanyuan. Make it clear.

Once Wang Shichong goes to Jing Nian Chan Monastery, other forces will follow suit.

At that time, Jing Nian Chanyuan will become the focus of many forces, and chaos will naturally follow.

Ye Xiu can then grab the chestnuts from the chaos and get the He’s Bi.

Just when Ye Xiu was thinking that the plan was going very smoothly.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling actually came to Luoyang City at this time.

In other words, these two people actually came here for He Shibi.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, how should I put it, are ambitious and somewhat capable.

It’s just that Kou Zhong just thought about being a general and asking Xu Ziling to be the prime minister.

As for the specific approach, or what preparations need to be made? They don’t have a clear idea.

In fact, the development of the two of them in the original work was more like being passively pushed, so in the end, during the decisive battle with the Li clan, these two people simply walked away, leaving the Song clan and those who followed them behind. The people have been deceived.

But this time, they didn’t originally want to come to Luoyang, at least not for the time being. But after suddenly hearing the rumors that He Shibi appeared in Luoyang, the two people directly changed their route and headed towards Luoyang. It’s coming.

As soon as these two people came to fight Luoyang, Ye Xiu sensed them.

After all, Ye Xiu and the two of them were practicing the Secret of Immortality.

The longevity formula that Ye Xiu practiced was a complete longevity formula. As for Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, they only practiced one of the seven chapters of the Secret of Immortality.

In a sense, Ye Xiu can be said to be their superior being.

In addition, Ye Xiu had met the two of them during Wang Tong’s birthday banquet, so he already had an impression of their qi.

So as soon as the two of them arrived in Luoyang, Ye Xiu was very keen on locking the Qi of the two of them.

As for Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, they were completely unaware of Ye Xiu’s presence.

On the one hand, Ye Xiu practiced the complete Immortality Secret, and his various abilities were stronger than them. On the other hand, with the help of the diary, Ye Xiu’s cultivation of the Immortality Technique was extremely profound. Except for Guang Chengzi, who created the Immortality Technique, I’m afraid no one knows longevity better than Ye Xiu. Farewell.

In this situation, Ye Xiu and Kou Zhong Xu Ziling were almost like father and son. They were almost all a generation apart.

Naturally, without Ye Xiu’s permission, Gao Zhong and Xu Ziling would never be able to discover Ye Xiu’s existence.

Chapter 241 Sneak Attack

Wang Shichong was already ready to force Jingnian Chanyuan to hand over the Heshi Bi to him.

If Jing Nian Chan Yuan does not hand over the Heshi Bi, Wang Shichong would not mind leading hundreds of thousands of troops to surround Jing Nian Chan Yuan.

After all, although Jingnian Chanyuan is said to be one of the leaders of the righteous path, there is no great master in Jingnian Chanyuan, so the army cannot be regarded as nothing.

Even if Jing Nian Chanyuan didn’t want to hand over the Heshi Bi to Wang Shichong, facing an army of hundreds of thousands, they would have to hesitate again and again, and in the end they would have to compromise first.

As for Wang Shichong’s decision to use hundreds of thousands of troops to intimidate the Jing Nian Monastery, word had already spread before Wang Shichong could mobilize the troops.

Many forces already know Wang Shichong’s plan.

Therefore, in order to prevent the He’s Bi from falling into the hands of Wang Shichong, and to seize the He’s Bi so that they could conquer the Sui Dynasty, these people prepared to rush into the Jing Nian Temple before Wang Shichong’s army arrived. He snatched the He’s Bi and flew away with the He’s Bi.

Many people have this idea.

However, because the incident happened suddenly, many forces were unprepared. Therefore, before Wang Shichong’s army arrived at Jingnian Chanyuan, the number of experts who were able to reach Jingnian Chanyuan was not that many.

However, there are not many masters of a single force, and even for some forces, no master can arrive in time.

But this is not important. What is important is that there are too many forces in Peeping and Shibi. When these forces are added together, the total number of masters is very large.

However, most of these masters come from different forces, and most of them are even hostile to each other. Therefore, this scene became more and more lively.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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