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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 191

Zhu Yuyan was really angry with Ye Xiu now.

The last time she was so angry with someone was the Evil King Shi Zhixuan. Now there is another person keeping a diary.

But even though they were both so angry, there was still a big difference between their treatment of Shi Zhixuan and the person who wrote the diary.

“He’s Bi is so magical that it can increase a person’s qualifications tenfold? It’s really amazing.” Shi Qingxuan looked at the diary and couldn’t help but sigh.

Even for Shi Qingxuan, she would be a little envious of Ye Xiu’s adventure, but that was only to this extent.

Compared to people like Zhu Yuyan, Shi Qingxuan’s character is simply not that good.

There is no greed, no jealousy, and no nostalgia for most things in the world.

With Shi Qingxuan’s character, she is actually more suitable for practicing Buddhism or practicing Taoism, because she can really sit still.

Sometimes, Shi Qingxuan could sit on a rock and be in a daze all day long.

But even with such a personality, she would still feel some envy after seeing the effects of Heshibi.

However, Shi Qingxuan knew very well the efforts Ye Xiu put in to obtain He’s Bi, and she also understood the dangers Ye Xiu encountered in order to obtain He’s Bi. Especially when there is even a great master of the Celestial Realm taking action.

Therefore, Shi Qingxuan was just envious, but she also believed that what Ye Xiu got was what he deserved.

At the same time, in the realm of the Great Sui Dynasty, the girl who was stuffing a piece of pastry into her mouth had a look of enjoyment on her face. She even narrowed her big eyes with a strong sense of happiness on her face.

For her, being able to eat such good food at any time is already a very happy thing.

“He’s Bi is really powerful. It can actually improve a person’s qualifications so much. But I think it’s fake. If He’s Bi is really that powerful, how could it still be here today?” Shang Xiuxun said. Eating snacks, muttering to myself.

“However, in this world, there are even diaries that generate text by themselves. It seems normal that He’s Bi has such an effect.” Shang Xiuxun thought in his heart.

Shang Xiuxun has had the diary for some time.

But after getting the diary, Shang Xiuxun didn’t even think about looking for the person who wrote the diary other than reading it.

At most, she could learn something about the things she cared about through her diary.

For example, her father, Lu Miaozi, who was hiding in her comfort zone, was in a very bad situation, and her Pegasus Ranch was targeted by the four major bandits.

In the diary, these two things were the only ones that Shang Xiuxun cared about very much.

However, Shang Xiuxun was a little powerless in these two matters.

Lu Miaozi, her cheap father. But because of her mother’s death, Shang Xiuxun has always been worried about Lu Miaozi.

But now, knowing that Lu Miaozi was in danger, Shang Xiuxun felt very uncomfortable.

However, if what is mentioned in the diary is true, then the person who wrote the diary will come to Lu Miaozi sooner or later for the evil emperor’s relics or for the treasure house of Duke Yang. Lu Miaozi will naturally be cured by then. Won’t die.

As long as Lu Miaozi survives, there won’t seem to be much of a threat to the four major bandits spying on Pegasus Ranch.

Thinking of this, Shang Xiuxun’s anxious heart stabilized again.

However, Shang Xiuxun felt a little uncomfortable when she thought that her Pegasus Ranch needed to rely on Lu Miaozi for protection.

Finally, Shang Xiuxun decided to give Lu Miaozi a chance to show off. If Lu Miaozi could protect Pegasus Ranch, Shang Xiuxun would reluctantly recognize Lu Miaozi as her father.

After some struggle in his mind, Shang Xiuxun finally made the decision.

Therefore, Shang Xiuxun was still looking forward to the arrival of the person who wrote the diary.

This is also the motivation for Shang Xiuxun to read Ye Xiu’s diary every day.

Of course, Shang Xiuxun would also worry about whether the other party would come to see Lu Miaozi. After all, if the other party didn’t come, Lu Miaozi might really die. Something might happen to her Pegasus Ranch, too.

But what made Shang Xiuxun feel at ease was that the person who wrote the diary did not write that he could not come to Lu Miaozi.

Especially the person who wrote the diary, he also met the great master of celestial phenomena. Thinking about it, the other party will be very eager to improve their strength. Since the other party has the idea of ​​​​improvement urgently, then the Evil Emperor’s relics in Yang Gong’s treasure house are an obstacle that cannot be bypassed. The other party will definitely come to Lu Miaozi.

After thinking about this, this is why Shang Xiuxun can eat snacks with peace of mind.

As for the other diary holders, most of them were happy that Ye Xiu was able to obtain so many qualifications improved by Heshi Bi.

Even if they are envious or even a little bit jealous of the improvement effect of Heshibi.

But most of them were happy for Ye Xiu.

Of course, they are truly envious, jealous, and eager to replace people like Azi.

However, these are not important to Ye Xiu. The most important thing now is that with the improvement of his qualifications, the speed of his strength growth has increased significantly. Ye Xiu’s pressure due to Pang Ban has been reduced a lot. .

“He’s got the Jade, and his qualifications have been improved. Next, it’s the Evil Emperor’s relics.” Ye Xiu couldn’t help but covet the Evil Emperor’s relics.

The main thing is the desire for strength.

If there was no threat from Pang Ban, Ye Xiu wouldn’t have much to think about. As long as he writes a diary step by step every day, his strength will improve sooner or later. Sooner or later, he will become a land god and be free in the world.

But there happened to be a celestial being called Pang Ban who coveted his body and everything about him.

Ye Xiu had no choice but to find ways to improve his strength.

Even if Ye Xiu’s qualifications have improved a lot because of He’s Bi, the speed of his strength growth will also increase significantly.

But Ye Xiu still hopes to improve his strength at a faster speed.

In the Sui Dynasty, the thing that could quickly improve a person’s strength was naturally the Evil Emperor’s relic.

“It’s just that when I went to steal the He clan’s jade, I attracted a great master of celestial phenomena. What about the Evil Emperor’s relics? Will it also attract a great master of celestial phenomena?” Ye Xiu couldn’t help but frown, feeling a little more worried. .

“Probably not. Although the Evil Emperor’s relic can store vitality and cultivation, it is just a tool. At most, it can only be used for the master level, like Shi Zhixuan. And the He’s Bi is related to the entire world, so it is Will be chased by countless forces.”

“In the final analysis, the Evil Emperor’s relics are for individuals. And the He’s Bi is for the power and even the world. Therefore, when chasing the He’s Bi, it is normal for a great master of celestial phenomena to appear. The Evil Emperor’s relics may not be able to attract The great master of celestial phenomena.” Ye Xiu thought in his heart.

“It’s just that there may still be danger in getting the Evil Emperor’s relic -” Ye Xiu couldn’t help but frown.

If it wasn’t impossible, he really didn’t want to take the risk, not at all.

“Forget it, let’s go find Lu Miaozi first. Find out the situation in Yang Gong’s treasure house first, and then ask Lu Miaozi what he thinks and see if he thinks there is any danger. If Lu Miaozi thinks there is no danger, then I will think about it again If Lu Miaozi feels it is dangerous, I will simply give up.” Ye Xiu made this decision in his heart, so he started to rush to Pegasus Ranch.

When Ye Xiu went to Pegasus Ranch, the situation at the Jing Nian Zen Monastery was coming to an end.

After all, He’s Bi is gone, so naturally there won’t be so many people looking at Jing Nian Monastery.

Especially when everyone discovered that the four great protectors of Jing Nian Zen Monastery were killed, and even the abbot, Monk Kong, was killed, they understood that He’s Bi was really taken away.

However, under the noses of so many forces, they not only killed Monk Kong and the others, but also took away the He’s Bi. They really didn’t know where to find the He’s Bi.

“Tell me, do the deaths of Abbot Liao Kong and the others have anything to do with you? Is He Shibi in your hands?” The monk from Jingnian Zen Temple was interrogating the two people with a ferocious face.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling’s faces were pale, without any blood, and their whole bodies showed a sense of weakness.

After hearing the words of the monk Jing Nian Chanyuan, the two of them looked bitter.

Speaking of which, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong were quite unlucky.

Before, they peeked at the Heshi Bi on Ye Xiu’s body and tried to snatch it from Ye Xiu. But they didn’t expect that Ye Xiu’s strength was far beyond their expectations, and he beat the two of them seriously to death with just one move.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Immortality Art they practice is particularly good at healing injuries, especially the Immortality Art they practice, which has two attributes: Yin and Yang, when two people are together, whether they are practicing or healing, their abilities will be greatly improved. . It can be said that the two of them are perfect natural partners for dual cultivation.

After the two of them were injured by Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu was in a hurry to leave and did not do any follow-up attacks, allowing the two to escape.

It was just that after the two of them escaped, they were recovering from their injuries together, but they were found by the monks of Jing Nian Zen Temple who were looking for the murderer of Monk Kong.

Then, the monks discovered that the immortality energy on the bodies of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling was almost exactly the same as the energy remaining on the corpses of Liao Kong and others.

So the two men were arrested.

Then, the deaths of Monk Lokong and the four great Dharma Protectors of Jing Nian Zen Monastery were attributed to these two people.

As for why they don’t have He’s Bi on their bodies?

Maybe he was hidden by them, or maybe his beard was cut off by someone behind him.

But this is not important to the monks in Jing Nian Temple. The most important thing is to take revenge for Monk Kong and the others.

“Monk, let me tell you, how could we kill your abbot if we are so weak?” Kou Zhong said with a grimace.

“Yes, look at the two of us, we are not even grand masters, and we are so seriously injured, how could we possibly kill your abbot, let alone the four great protectors.” Xu Ziling also agreed.

“Who knows if you used some cruel methods.” The monk from Jing Nian Zen Temple said stubbornly.

“No matter how ruthless we are, we are not strong enough to deal with five of them at once, right? And they are all stronger than us?” Kou Zhong quickly quibbled.

“Yes, yes, even a grandmaster can chase us up to the sky and into the earth. There is no way we can defeat five people.” Xu Ziling also nodded quickly.

“Okay, you said it’s not you, so what is the technique you practice? Besides you, who else practices this kind of technique?” the monk from Jingnian Zen Temple asked.

“This – the martial arts we practice -“

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling almost cried. According to their understanding, no one has successfully practiced the longevity secret for hundreds of years, except for the two of them.

So, besides them, who could kill Monk Kong and the others?

The two of them wanted to blame the person who injured them.

However, the monks from Jing Nian Zen Sect don’t believe it at all! They can’t produce evidence.

Chapter 247 The strange Lu Miaozi

“Lu Miaozi?”

When Zhu Yuyan read this name, she looked at it with a bit of disdain.

After all, Lu Miaozi was Zhu Yuyan’s licking dog, and his end was quite miserable. He was almost beaten to death by Zhu Yuyan. Even if he didn’t die, he faked his death and stayed at Pegasus Ranch. Over the years, he has I have never walked on the rivers and lakes.

However, as for Lu Miaozi actually knowing the whereabouts of Yang Gong’s treasure house, no, it should be said that Yang Gong’s treasure house itself was built by Lu Miaozi.

If she had known the news, perhaps the Evil Emperor’s relics in Mr. Yang’s treasury would have fallen into her hands long ago.

She might even have become a grandmaster long ago with the relics of the Shoe Evil Emperor.

But it’s useless to think about it now. Moreover, Ye Xiu needed to use Lu Miaozi now. If Zhu Yuyan went to beat Lu Miaozi to death now, it might arouse Ye Xiu’s disgust even more.

Therefore, Lu Miaozi was mentioned very early in Ye Xiu’s diary, but Zhu Yuyan never thought of going to Pegasus Ranch and beating Lu Miaozi to death.

Of course, another very important reason is that when Zhu Yuyan was not a grand master, she could easily beat Lu Miaozi half to death. Now that she has become a grand master, Lu Miaozi, to her, There was no threat at all, so Zhu Yuyan was so indulgent and didn’t take Lu Miaozi to heart at all.

“But the person who wrote the diary is going to Pegasus Ranch. This is a good opportunity. I hope the misunderstanding can be resolved this time.” A trace of expectation flashed in Zhu Yuyan’s eyes. She really wanted to resolve the misunderstanding.

Because Zhu Yuyan knew that as long as this misunderstanding was not resolved, Ye Xiu’s favor with her would never improve, and she would not be able to get many rewards at all.

With the previous 20 points of favorability, she had received very few rewards. She was also at the bottleneck between Grand Master and Grand Master, so even if she received only a small amount of rewards, it was just right. , like the last straw that broke the camel’s back, he successfully broke through and became a grand master.

But that was only at that point, so she was able to break through. If the next reward was still so small, or even less than the previous game, her strength would not increase at all.

Especially with the next month’s reward time coming soon, Zhu Yuyan was really stressed.

With the idea in mind, Zhu Yuyan no longer hesitated and left directly for Pegasus Ranch.

Zhu Yuyan probably left after Ye Xiu left.

It’s just that Zhu Yuyan is more familiar with the boundaries and routes of the Sui Dynasty than Ye Xiu, so in the end, Zhu Yuyan arrived at Pegasus Ranch before Ye Xiu.

After Zhu Yuyan arrived at Pegasus Ranch, she immediately looked for any strangers who had come to Pegasus Ranch. After confirming that no one had seen Lu Miaozi so far, Zhu Yuyan felt even more relieved.

So, Zhu Yuyan began to make the layout. After the layout was completed, Zhu Yuyan waited for Ye Xiu’s arrival.

At the same time, Zhu Yuyan had no intention of meeting her old friend Lu Miaozi.

On the one hand, Zhu Yuyan looked down on Lu Miaozi, a licking dog. On the other hand, Zhu Yuyan did not want to alert the enemy.

What if she went to see Lu Miaozi, and then Lu Miaozi said something he shouldn’t have said when meeting Ye Xiu, causing Ye Xiu to misunderstand her even more, that would be terrible.

Therefore, when Zhu Yuyan came to Pegasus Ranch, she did not let anyone know about her arrival, whether it was Lu Miaozi or the owner of the beauty farm, Shang Xiuxun.

After Zhu Yuyan made the layout, Ye Xiu almost finally arrived at the Pegasus Ranch.

Looking at the huge Pegasus Ranch, Ye Xiu didn’t feel too much about it.

How to put it, first of all, Ye Xiu has no special hobby for mounts like horses. Secondly, Ye Xiu has never thought about building an army or anything, so naturally he doesn’t need so many war horses.

At most, when the people at Pegasus Ranch were herding their war horses, Ye Xiu would sigh at the scene of thousands of horses galloping, and his blood would boil a little bit. But that’s about it.

After another change of appearance, Ye Xiu was completely different from his previous appearance in terms of face, height and body circumference. He was so cautious that people didn’t know what to say.

It was because of Ye Xiu’s caution that Zhu Yuyan could not find Ye Xiu’s whereabouts at all.

Zhu Yuyan’s plan to gain Ye Xiu’s favorability was never put into action.

After Ye Xiu arrived at Pegasus Ranch, he also sneaked directly into Pegasus Ranch without alerting anyone. The process was extremely smooth and did not alert anyone.

Even the great master Zhu Yuyan failed to sense Ye Xiu’s arrival.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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