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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 209

“At first, I was puzzled as to why she was so cooperative. After I knew her identity, I no longer felt puzzled. Instead, I felt that it was normal. After all, Ruyan is a true egoist. She will never hesitate to do anything that is beneficial to her, but she will never do anything that she feels is not good for her.”

“That’s why Ruyan was so cooperative after I arrested her. Probably because she wanted to cooperate with me so much that I would be too embarrassed to kill her.”

“But she was right, and I was indeed a little embarrassed to kill her. Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that she looks good and has a great figure. If she is an ugly woman, even if she cooperates – —”

“Let’s just keep her alive. It happened that after I learned the Tianshan Six Yang Palm from Child Elder, I also made a life and death talisman. I have never used it before, so I can put it on Ru Yan to try the effect. .”

“Then the effect is really good. After Ruyan was hit by the Talisman of Life and Death, she simply didn’t want to be too honest. Well, she behaved quite honestly at the beginning, but now she is even more honest.”

“Judging from what Ruyan told him, it was Zhuge Xiaohua from the Shenhou Mansion. He suddenly and inexplicably wanted to find someone riding a thousand-mile horse, and then he was found out by An Shigeng, so An Shigeng sent people to summon everyone. People from the Song Dynasty went to arrest people and kill them. So I was implicated for no reason.”

“Tsk, I’m really unlucky.”

“But An Shigeng is even more unlucky, he actually provoked me.”

“According to Ruyan’s explanation, An Shigeng’s cultivation level is probably between the seventh and ninth levels of the Grandmaster Realm. He can be considered a master. Especially since he seems to be practicing some strange martial arts from the Western Regions. But no matter what kind of martial arts he is practicing, With this kind of strength, it would be easy for me to beat him to death.”

“The only person in the An family that I have some taboos about is An Shigeng’s father, An Yunshan.”

“That old guy from An Yunshan is a great master, but I don’t know whether he is a great master of the Vajra Realm, a great master of the Zixuan Realm, or a great master of the Celestial Elephant Realm.”

“If it’s a great master of celestial phenomena, it’s still a bit of a threat to me. But An Yunshan is not in the capital now. Instead, he went to the Western Regions. Under normal circumstances, it would take him a few months or a year and a half to get there. Will be back.”

“And if you give me so much time, I will definitely become a grand master of Zhixuan realm, and maybe even a grand master of celestial phenomena.”

“If I become the Grand Master of Celestial Phenomenon, I will truly be invincible. So leave me some time, and don’t worry about An Yunshan or anything like that.”

“Moreover, even if I wait for An Yunshan to come back, I have not yet become a Grand Master of Celestial Phantasms. Even if I am a Grand Master of the Xuan Realm, I will have enough ability to protect myself. Coupled with Zhuge Xiaohua, it will be difficult for the two Grand Masters to deal with An Yunshan. It shouldn’t be too big.”

“Tsk. It was obviously Zhuge Xiaohua who did this. I was implicated, and in the end I had to help Zhuge Xiaohua deal with Anyunshan. Thinking about it this way, Zhuge Xiaohua shouldn’t be taken too easy.”

“No, I have to ask Zhuge Xiaohua to give me an explanation or some kind of compensation.”

“Mom, I can’t let Zhuge Xiaohua take advantage of her in vain. He is not a great beauty.”

“If he doesn’t give me a reasonable compensation, I will directly overthrow the Shenhou Mansion and then rob Qing Wu, well, if Qing Qing is a woman.”

After Ye Xiu finished writing in the diary, he closed the diary and began to accept today’s reward. A month’s worth of true energy cultivation entered the body again. The true energy began to rotate rapidly in the body, and then the bottleneck of Ye Xiu’s third-level cultivation level, the great master, appeared. Broken, Ye Xiu’s cultivation level directly entered the fourth level of the Grand Master. In other words, at this moment, Ye Xiu has become a Grand Master of the Zhixuan Realm.

Feeling the growth of his own strength, Ye Xiu felt a little more confident about this trip to the capital of Song Dynasty.

Next door, Ruyan was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Suddenly, a black book hit her face directly. She didn’t even have time to react. Even the black book almost hit her. Only then did she discover the existence of the black book.

Ruyan looked carefully to find out why the diary appeared in front of her. Unfortunately, she made a lot of noise and found nothing.

Ye Xiu, who was next door, had already started to go to sleep. Ye Xiu could hear the noise Ru Yan made clearly, but Ye Xiu ignored Ru Yan. He didn’t even need to worry about Ru Yan secretly sneaking into the room. Run away.

If Ruyan could endure the torture of the life and death talisman, Ruyan would just run away.

So with this thought, Ye Xiu went directly to sleep.

When Ruyan struggled and found nothing, she finally opened the black diary and looked stunned. She did not expect that this would be a diary.

However, because of the life and death talisman in his body, he couldn’t sleep at all when he was depressed. This diary could help Ruyan pass the time.

So Ruyan started to look through the diary.

Some of the contents in the diary surprised Ruyan, and she even couldn’t help but feel a bit greedy and coveted.

Not to mention other martial arts, such as the Wedding Dress Magic Technique, the Absorbing Kung Fu Technique, or the Beiming Magic Technique, which can absorb the cultivation of others and make it one’s own, Ruyan wanted to get it very much.


Although a lot of the contents in the diary surprised Ruyan, she didn’t pay too much attention to it. The main thing was that the contents in the diary were far away from her, and she could hardly get any real benefits from the diary. .

However, gradually, Ruyan realized that something was wrong with this diary.

It started from the time when the owner of the diary got a thousand-mile horse from Pegasus Ranch, to when the owner of the diary came to the Song Dynasty, and then started to be hunted down – especially the Ruyan mentioned in the last diary, wasn’t it? Herself?

“So the owner of this diary is -” Ruyan couldn’t help but look at the wall. In the room on the other side of the wall, Ye Xiu was staying inside.

Ruyan looked weird. She didn’t expect that she actually got Ye Xiu’s diary, which made her regretful. If she had known that it was Ye Xiu’s diary, she would never have read it. If Ye Xiu had treated her because of this, If she has an opinion and activates the life and death talisman, she will once again experience a wave of torture that is worse than death.

Although there were many intriguing things in Ye Xiu’s diary, which made Ruyan very curious, she did not dare to ask any questions when facing Ye Xiu.

There also seemed to be a lot of irrational things in the diary. For example, Ye Xiu’s strength increased abnormally in the diary, and many of Ye Xiu’s martial arts skills seemed to appear out of thin air.

It can be said that there is absolutely no reason. In addition, Ye Xiu wrote a lot of information in the diary in a tone that seemed to know everything. But why did Ye Xiu know it? Even a lot of what Ye Xiu seemed to write would be in the future. Things that happened.

Predict future? This is just a joke.

“No matter what, I must not let him notice what happened in this diary. But, how should I return this diary? He is very strong, and I am no match at all. Even Penglai After he knows some tricks about invisibility, it is almost impossible for me to deceive him.” Ruyan frowned, thinking anxiously.

In the end, Ruyan decided to throw the diary somewhere. At least when Ye Xiu was looking for the diary, she could know nothing about it, know nothing about it, and be able to fool him more or less.

With this thought in mind, Ruyan hid the diary in a relatively secret place outside, and ordinary people would never find it easily.

After doing this, Ruyan turned around and returned to the room, but she couldn’t fall asleep. She was really worried that Ye Xiu would find out that she had read Ye Xiu’s diary.

She didn’t want to experience the torture of the life and death talisman again.

At the same time, Ruyan’s junior sister, Ji Yaohua, had fallen asleep, and then suddenly, the black diary hit her face, directly waking Ji Yaohua from her sleep.

After being knocked awake, Ji Yaohua immediately pulled out the weapon placed on her pillow, and then quickly searched for who dared to attack her in her sleep.

Then, Ji Yaohua found nothing but a diary.

Ji Yaohua frowned and looked at the diary, and finally opened it.

“…” Ji Yaohua found that there were a lot of things here that she couldn’t understand, and there were even many things that had no effect on her at all, so Ji Yaohua was mostly very casual in front of her. Turn over.

But when she read the end, she found that her senior sister, her, and even Zhuge Xiaohua were mentioned in the diary.

To be honest, when Ji Yaohua saw the name Zhuge Xiaohua, her expression was very strange, especially when she thought that Zhuge Shenhou of the Shenhou Mansion was actually called Xiaohua, she had the urge to laugh. Obviously He’s just a bad old man, and he’s still a pretty boy.

However, the diary mentioned that her senior sister Ruyan was arrested and even wanted to come to the capital to seek revenge from the An family. Ji Yaohua’s expression became solemn.

Ji Yaohua certainly knew the character of her senior sister Ruyan very well. After Ruyan was arrested, she confessed everything without any interrogation. She thought it was normal.

So, did her senior sister Ruyan also explain that she was the person An Shigeng placed in Liumen? Did the other party think that Ji Yaohua was not loyal to An Shigeng, so he sent this diary to her? Do you want to form an alliance with her and deal with An Shigeng together? Or is this actually a way for An Shigeng to play with her?

After all, Ji Yaohua also knew that An Shigeng was a madman, but he also valued her very much – no, he had a strong possessive desire for her. An Shigeng wanted to possess her from the heart first and possess her. After possessing the heart, he then takes possession of the body.

So Ji Yaohua is still innocent now. But she knew that An Shigeng would never let her go. So, is this diary a trick played by An Shigeng? She felt that the possibility was very high. After all, An Shigeng was a madman, and it was difficult for ordinary people to think of what he wanted to do.

The possibility of teasing her with such a diary is really high.

Instead, the person who caught Ru Yan threw the diary over – Ji Yaohua didn’t think normal people would give their diaries to others and let others peek into their secrets. Unless that person is a lunatic or a pervert.

But Ji Yaohua really wanted to think that everything mentioned in the diary was true. She really hoped that the person who wrote the diary was very powerful and could kill An Shigeng or even An Yunshan.

Because An Shigeng and An Yunshan were killed, she could regain her freedom, and her sisters could survive.

Ji Yaohua couldn’t help but want to plan an antidote to the poison on herself and her sisters at this time.

When Ji Yaohua was disturbed and couldn’t sleep.

In the Shenhou Mansion, Qingqing looked at the diary updated today, his eyes shining with something extraordinary.

Because she knew that the owner of this diary was finally coming to the capital, and it seemed that he would even come to the Shenhou Mansion. Then she could make a deal with him.

However, looking at the other person who mistakenly thought he was implicated, Wu Wuqing wanted to laugh a little. He was obviously the target from the beginning, and the other people who owned the thousand-mile horse were the ones implicated by him.

In addition to these, it was written in the diary that he and Zhuge Xiaohua, Zhuge Shenhou, would deal with Anyunshan together.

Moreover, the tone seemed to give Zhuge Xiaohua an advantage. This made Wu Qing somewhat concerned.

“Could it be that An Shigeng and An Yunshan have done a lot of shameful things, so they are enemies of the Shenhou Mansion, and the Shenhou Mansion must deal with them?” Qingqing is one of the four famous arrests, and some things can still be analyzed. of.

“It seems that there is indeed something wrong with An Mansion.” Qing Qing murmured in his heart.

As for the words ‘capture Qingqing alive’ written in the diary, this made Qingqing’s cheeks a little hot. Since the other party seemed to have a certain affection for her, it was more likely that she would make a deal with him, so Qingqing was particularly looking forward to his arrival in the capital.

In addition to them, there are also some people who have different expressions and different thoughts after seeing the updated diary.

“The capital of the Song Dynasty? Very good, I will definitely catch you this time.” Rakshasa female Lian Nishang looked at the diary with burning eyes.

Women such as Dongfang Bubai and others who have long been in the eyes of various forces have no way to leave Huashan at will to prevent Pang Ban from discovering that Ye Xiu is not in Huashan. But Lian Nishang was different.

Although she had tried to capture Ye Xiu and make her the village’s father-in-law before, but after the failure, she never came close to Huashan again. During this time, I have been wandering around outside.

Therefore, if she left the Ming Dynasty and went to other places, she would not arouse Pang Ban’s suspicion at all.

She originally wanted to go to the Great Sui Dynasty with Ye Xiu, but she failed to meet Ye Xiu. In addition, Ye Xiu later learned the art of disguise, which made it even more difficult for her to keep track of Ye Xiu’s whereabouts.

At the same time, because of Tianshan Child Elder, she was not too anxious, but who knew that Tianshan Child Elder, who seemed to be allied with her, secretly protected Ye Xiu, but had no contact with her at all, so that Lian Nishang almost Ye Xiu’s whereabouts could not be determined.

When Lian Nishang wanted to find Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu had already gone somewhere.

At this time, Lian Nishang even hated Tianshan Child Elder.

Now that Ye Xiu wants to go to the capital of the Song Dynasty and face An Shigeng, she won’t miss it.

Especially during this period, she only received a symbolic reward from the diary every month, which made Lian Nishang unbearable.

This time, Lian Nishang wanted to put Ye Xiu to sleep directly.

After all, Lian Nishang liked Ye Xiu’s face very much. From the beginning, she wanted to sleep with Ye Xiu and let Ye Xiu be her husband.

Not to mention, after sleeping with Ye Xiu, she could get additional benefits. How could she not take advantage of this kind of advantage?

As for the companions from the alliance recruited by Lian Nishang, she disliked their slow speed and had left them alone long ago. Now she was rushing towards the capital of the Song Dynasty alone.

Ye Xiu had no idea about this, so he and Ruyan rushed towards the capital of the Song Dynasty.

Of course, because of Ruyan, Ye Xiu did not continue to leave Qianlima in the escort agency for foster care, but instead gave it to Ruyan.

Ruyan used the excuse of killing the owner of the horse to take the horse as his own. This reason is completely reasonable.

Because Ruyan was riding a thousand-mile horse, she was traveling relatively fast, but Ye Xiu was a little slower, so the two of them separated and rushed towards the capital one after the other.

Ye Xiu didn’t care about this at all. It would be better if Ruyan went to the capital as soon as possible. According to Ruyan, she could make some arrangements in advance so that Ye Xiu’s actions would be smoother after arriving in the capital.

Anyway, Ye Xiu wasn’t worried that Ruyan would betray him. Unless Ruyan could unlock the life and death talisman, she would have to obey him obediently and not dare to betray him, so she left for the capital early.

Chapter 267 Ruthless

“Senior sister, you are back.” Ji Yaohua looked at her senior sister Ruyan riding a horse back, her eyes flickered, and she began to believe the contents of the diary.

In fact, Ji Yaohua initially suspected that An Shigeng had created the diary specifically to amuse her.

So Ji Yaohua wanted to take the diary to find An Shigeng in order not to make An Shigeng suspicious.

What Ji Yaohua didn’t expect was that she had no way to tell anything about the diary. Whether it was her sisters or An Shigeng, she had no way to tell anything about the diary. matter.

This made Ji Yaohua realize that something was wrong, especially the next day, when she kept the diary close to her body, a new diary entry appeared out of thin air.

Now Ji Yaohua can be sure that this diary has nothing to do with An Shigeng, and this diary is very magical.

In order to verify the authenticity of the news recorded in the diary, Ji Yaohua kept paying attention to the direction of the city gate in the next few days.

Sure enough, her senior sister Ruyan came back, even riding a horse.

“Junior sister, why are you here?” Ruyan did not expect to meet Ji Yaohua at the city gate.

“Six Gates has a mission, so I happened to be passing by here. Senior sister, your horse seems to be very good, right?” Ji Yaohua asked.

“Do you think it’s good too? This is a thousand-mile horse.” Ruyan said with a smile. At the same time, Ruyan was thinking in his heart whether he should try to win over Ji Yaohua and let Ji Yaohua help him deal with it. An Shigeng.

Ruyan knew something about her junior sister. Although Ji Yaohua obeyed An Shigeng’s orders, but Ji Yaohua was loyal to An Shigeng and even An Yunshan? Ruyan would never believe it.

In Ruyan’s view, the reason why Ji Yaohua took orders from An Shigeng was, on the one hand, the strength and background of An Shigeng’s father, An Yunshan, and on the other hand, because Ji Yaohua was poisoned and needed to An Shigeng gave her the antidote.

If the antidote is obtained for Ji Yaohua, or if Ji Yaohua can see the hope of destroying An Mansion, Ji Yaohua will most likely betray An Mansion and An Shigeng.

As for whether Ji Yaohua has feelings for An Shigeng? This is even more of a joke in Ruyan’s opinion. Ruyan can tell from Ji Yaohua’s attitude towards An Shigeng that she has no feelings for that An Shigeng.

In Ruyan’s view, An Shigeng is a fool. He obviously has such a great master as An Yunshan, and his family still has so much money and resources, but he still wants to play emotional games with Ji Yaohua. A complete idiot.

As for why Ruyan wanted to recruit Ji Yaohua to join her team, she wanted to see if she could make some achievements before Ye Xiu arrived, such as letting Ji Yaohua learn more about the secrets of the An family, or master all the secrets of the An family. As for the whereabouts of people, when Ye Xiu comes, he can catch them all in one go. Try to gain some favor or appreciation from Ye Xiu. It is best to make Ye Xiu happy and unlock her life and death talisman.

Under the threat of the life and death talisman, Ruyan’s only thought now was how to please Ye Xiu and how to get Ye Xiu to remove the life and death talisman from her body.

“A thousand-mile horse? Senior sister actually got a thousand-mile horse. I really want to congratulate senior sister.” Hearing Ruyan talking about a thousand-mile horse, Ji Yaohua’s eyes flickered. She now believes more and more about the content in the diary. More and more are coming.

At the same time, Ji Yaohua’s eyes moved around Ruyan’s body without leaving a trace. The diary mentioned that Ruyan was caught by the other party and even got a life and death charm.

According to Ji Yaohua’s investigation, the life and death talisman seems to be a unique secret technique of Tianshan Lingjiu Palace. It is used to control people in the thirty-six holes and seventy-two islands. It is said that it can make life worse than death.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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