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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 227

In addition, the true energy in Ye Xiu’s body is also unpredictable.

Sometimes it is in the middle and peaceful, sometimes it is strong and yang, sometimes it is yin and cold, sometimes it is full of sharpness like a knife, sometimes it is full of life and vitality, and sometimes it is as if The wind is unpredictable, and sometimes it is like a raging fire, burning the heart and lungs.

But this time, Ye Xiu no longer restrained his true energy. When fighting An Yunshan, he released some true energy for An Yunshan to inhale into his body.

However, the attributes of Ye Xiu’s zhenqi changed so much that An Yunshan, who was forced to do so, had to constantly adjust the zhenqi in his body and then suppress it again, which greatly consumed An Yunshan’s energy.

Although they had only fought for hundreds of rounds, An Yunshan’s face was pale, his face was already covered with sweat, and there was even a hint of exhaustion in his eyes.

However, Ye Xiu’s energy changes were so slippery, so slippery.

One moment it was extremely yin and extremely cold, the next moment it became extremely strong and extremely yang, and then suddenly it became as sharp as a knife.

Later, An Yunshan no longer thought about absorbing Ye Xiu’s true energy. Instead, Ye Xiu began to forcefully inject his own true energy into An Yunshan’s body.

Time after time, An Yunshan finally consumed too much energy and he could no longer suppress the various attributes of Qi in his body.

There was fear in An Yunshan’s eyes. Apart from fear, he also looked at Ye Xiu with a bit of resentment.

After all, if Ye Xiu hadn’t appeared, An Yunshan’s plan would have been implemented smoothly, and he might have finally become the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

When the time comes, he will control the power of the entire Song Dynasty and no longer need to fear any bad people or Xuanming Sect and his ilk.

An Yunshan’s body began to get bigger and fatter, and his whole body swelled up in just one breath.

A trace of resentment flashed in An Yunshan’s eyes, and then he quickly rushed towards Ye Xiu, arms spread out, as if he wanted to hug Ye Xiu.

Looking at An Yunshan rushing towards him, the muscles and bones in Ye Xiu’s body rang together and the muscles bulged. A powerful force burst out from his body, and then powerful infuriating energy covered it. Then a punch——

An Yunshan, who had just rushed over, was directly knocked away.


An Yunshan exploded.

A layer of blood mist filled the air, and An Yunshan had completely disappeared. Even his clothes were blown to pieces in the explosion, and not even a piece of cloth could be seen.

With an explosion of this magnitude, if An Yunshan really caught Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu would definitely not feel comfortable.

Zhuge Zheng was relieved when he saw An Yunshan was blown up. But when he looked at Ye Xiu, he was a little more worried. He was worried whether Ye Xiu would become the second An Yunshan. .

Zhuge Zheng and I have become a useless person, but I am still thinking about this and that.

Wu Qing was simply happy for Ye Xiu.

But after Ye Xiu killed An Yunshan, he only felt that his troubles were solved and he no longer needed to think about whether someone would seek revenge from him or something.

Ye Xiu was going to find a place to stay, and then use the diary to improve his strength. After he broke through in cultivation and became a heavenly being, he could return to Huashan and settle accounts with Pang Ban.

Chapter 285 Crazy growth in cultivation

After Ye Xiu beat An Yunshan to death, he didn’t interfere much with the series of events that followed.

However, although Ye Xiu didn’t interfere much, the subsequent situation still reached Ye Xiu’s ears, mainly because Ruyan and Ji Yaohua had been helping to pass on the news.

An Yunshan’s original plan was for Ruyan to pretend to be the emperor of the Song Dynasty and then abdicate to An Yunshan.

In order to be able to play the role of the emperor of the Song Dynasty, Ruyan also worked hard. Every move of the emperor, the emperor’s words and deeds, the emperor’s various hobbies, details and some small actions, the emperor’s various relationships, etc., she All need to be written down and made vivid.

It can be said that Ruyan’s understanding of the emperor is even deeper than the emperor himself.

It’s just that Ruyan has paid so much and no one can see through the emperor he plays. However, An Yunshan died, and the plan to abdicate was terminated.

Then, Ruyan kept insisting on being the emperor, not knowing what to do next.

For this reason, Ruyan even came to Ye Xiu to ask if Ye Xiu wanted to be the emperor and replace An Yunshan’s position.

However, Ye Xiu was not interested at all and refused directly.

“If the master doesn’t want to be the emperor, senior sister has some ideas.” Ji Yaohua, as the messenger, said to Ye Xiu.

“Ruyan has an idea? What idea?” Ye Xiu asked curiously.

“Senior sister, she thinks being an emperor seems very interesting, so she wants to try to be an emperor.” Ji Yaohua said to Ye Xiu with a strange expression.

The idea of ​​a woman becoming emperor has never happened before in this mixed martial arts world. At least Wu Zetian has not entered the palace yet, so there is no precedent for a woman becoming emperor. So even if Ruyan disguised himself as the emperor and became the emperor, Ji Yaohua was still shocked.

“Ruyan wants to be the emperor? Sure, since she is willing, but isn’t she worried about exposing her secret? Many people know that she is pretending to be the emperor, right?” Although Ye Xiu was a little surprised, he would not stop it. Anyway, I think it would be quite interesting for Ruyan to be the emperor. But Ye Xiu was also a little worried about Ruyan’s plan.

“Actually, An Yunshan is the only one who knows that senior sister is pretending to be the emperor. After all, the more people who know about this kind of thing, the easier it is to do bad things. So An Yunshan didn’t tell anyone about the fact that he asked senior sister to pretend to be the emperor. People.” Ji Yaohua explained.

Ye Xiu nodded upon hearing this. This arrangement made sense. Since no one knows that Ruyan is pretending to be the emperor, and no one can expose her, if she is willing to pretend, then just pretend.

As a result, Ruyan began to stay in the palace of the Song Dynasty as the emperor.

Speaking of which, Ruyan can stay in the palace and pretend to be the emperor. In addition to her own disguise skills that are so powerful that outsiders can hardly find any flaws, there is also An Yunshan who has already transformed the Song Dynasty It was because the great master of celestial phenomena who was in charge of the imperial palace was killed.

In the imperial palace of the Song Dynasty, there was a great master of celestial phenomena sitting in charge. Precisely because there was a great master of celestial phenomena sitting in charge, it was very safe. The emperor did not need to worry about any martial arts masters entering the palace to assassinate him.

In fact, this is the case for royal palaces in other countries, with experts in charge.

It’s just that the great master of astronomical phenomena in the Song Dynasty was bribed by An Yunshan, who had long been planning evil, to bribe eunuchs, guards and maids, and carried out a series of poisoning, plotting and other methods, and finally died tragically in the hands of An Yunshan.

It can be said that An Yunshan tried his best to become the emperor, but in the end it was as cheap as smoke.

And Ruyan stayed in the palace pretending to be the emperor, and even invited Ye Xiu in by the way.

According to Ruyan, she didn’t have the ability anyway, so instead of letting the harem sit idle, she might as well give it to Ye Xiu.

Regarding Ruyan’s request, Ye Xiu felt that as a gentleman, since someone needed help, he naturally couldn’t refuse it stingily. At most, he could only give a little physical strength to help Ruyan guard the palace and not be noticed by the outside world. If there is any flaw, and then stabilize the Song Dynasty, and prevent the Song Dynasty from being invaded by the Meng Yuan, he can be regarded as saving tens of millions of people in the Song Dynasty, and his merits are definitely immeasurable.

So just for this merit, Ye Xiu could only settle in the palace.

As for how Ruyan will deal with these officials in the court and how to appease the army, these are all left to Ruyan to handle.

And Zhuge Shenhou Zhuge Zhengwo——

Ruyan seemed to have completely ignored him. He did not say that he would restore Zhuge Zhengyi’s position as a divine prince, nor did he say that Zhuge Zhengyi would be captured after escaping from the prison. There is no such person as Zhuge Zhengwo.

“Uncle Shi, An Yunshan has been dealt with, and the court affairs seem to have been sorted out. Why doesn’t the emperor reinstate Uncle Shi to his official position?” Tie Shou frowned and muttered a little unhappily.

“Okay Tie Shou, now that my martial arts has been abolished, I have become a useless person. The emperor is protecting me by not letting me continue to be a divine prince. You don’t need to say anything.” Zhuge Zhengyi smiled and waved his hand. , but even though he said so, his eyes still showed a trace of disappointment.

“You can’t say that. Uncle Shi has done so many things for the emperor. Now that you are like this, Uncle Shi, he can’t just ignore you and ignore you?” Tie Shou said still unhappy.

“Maybe the emperor has his own considerations…”

Sitting in a wheelchair beside him, Qingqing lowered his head and looked a little red while listening to the conversation between Tie Shou and Zhuge Zhengwo.

Others didn’t know the inside story, but she knew that the current emperor was not the original emperor at all. The original emperor had been beaten to death by An Yunshan long ago, and the current emperor was pretended to be Ruyan.

Even if it was to prevent his identity from being discovered, Ruyan would not reinstate Zhuge Zhengwa’s official position. After all, if he restored his official position, Zhuge Zhengga would have the opportunity to meet the emperor. Although Ruyan’s disguise skills are very powerful, But what if Zhuge Zheng and I see any flaws?

Not to mention, Zhuge Zhengwo had offended Ye Xiu, Ruyan’s master. Ruyan did not issue an imperial edict to take Zhuge Zhengwo back to the prison, just for the sake of ruthlessness.

But Qingqing knew this, but he would not tell Zhuge Zhengyi and the others.

Because Qingqing feels that the current situation is actually quite good.

First of all, the original emperor died, and her great revenge was avenged, and she was worthy of the ancestors of the Sheng family.

Secondly, if Ruyan pretends to be the emperor and stands there, the court will not be in chaos, the court will not be in chaos, and the rivers and lakes will not be in chaos. The Meng Yuan will not have a good chance to invade the Song Dynasty, so Ruyan pretends to be the emperor, and from then on In a sense, it can be regarded as saving countless people in the Song Dynasty.

The last point is that if Ruyan’s identity is seen through by Zhuge Zhengwo, Zhuge Zhengwo’s character will probably object to Ruyan pretending to be the emperor, which means Zhuge Zhengwo will conflict with Ye Xiu again.

Zhuge Zhengwo’s martial arts skills were still there at the time, so even if he used his trump card, he couldn’t keep Ye Xiu.

Now Zhuge Zhengwo has lost all his martial arts skills, and Ye Xiu has made a further breakthrough and became a great master of celestial phenomena.

If Zhuge Zhengwo really had a conflict with Ye Xiu, there would be no other situation except being slapped to death by Ye Xiu. So by not letting Zhuge Zhengwo know too much, it actually saved Zhuge Zhengwo’s life in disguise.

In addition, Ruyan pretends to be an emperor. She has never been an emperor, can she handle national affairs?

How should I put it, the emperors of the Song Dynasty were all incompetent. Although it is not as absurd as some carpenter emperors, Taoist emperors, general emperors and the like in the Ming Dynasty. But in essence, he might be a little worse than those emperors.

Even for the throne of the Song Dynasty, rather than letting these emperors blindly command, it would be more beneficial to the country and the people to put a dog on it.

So even if Ru Yan doesn’t understand many important things about her family and country, as long as she doesn’t speak randomly, she is already considered to be quite good.

Therefore, the situation in the court seems to be getting better little by little as time goes by.

Time passed like this little by little. The affairs of the court were almost settled, and the situation of the army was almost settled. Everything seems to have returned to the previous state of playing music and dancing.

But at this time, the imperial edict came to Shenhou Mansion again—no, it was Zhuge Mansion.

After Zhuge Zhengyi saw the imperial edict, his eyes lit up. He thought that he had been reinstated as an important official this time. Although he had become an ordinary person without martial arts, he felt that he had paid so much for the court after all. The imperial court will never forget him. Look, now that the imperial court’s business has been taken care of, won’t they start giving him imperial edicts to make him a divine prince again?

It’s just that when Zhuge Zheng and I heard the content of the imperial edict, I almost vomited blood.

Because in the imperial edict, Zhuge Zhengwo was not allowed to become a Divine Marquis again at all. Instead, the position of Divine Marquis was given to Wu Qing——

That’s right, it was given to Qing Wu. From the moment the imperial edict appeared, Qing Qing was no longer simply Qing Qing, but a god named Qing Qing.

Then, there is nothing.

“Uncle Shi——” Wuqing couldn’t help but look at Zhuge Zhengwo.

“Congratulations, Wu Qing.” Zhuge Zhengwo suppressed the discomfort in his heart and said to Qing Qing with a smile.

“I, Uncle Shi, I didn’t expect that I would actually become -“

“I know, I know Qing Wu. In fact, it’s not bad for the emperor to do this. After all, I have become a useless person without martial arts, and I am indeed not suitable to continue to hold the position of Divine Lord. On the contrary, this position fell into your hands, Qing Qing Go on, it can be considered that the wealth does not flow to outsiders.” Zhuge Zhengga analyzed seriously.

“Okay.” Wu Qing nodded gently.

“But it’s ruthless-” Zhuge Zhengwo spoke to Ye Xiu again.

Qingqing looked at Zhuge Zhengwo, wanting to see what Zhuge Zhengwo wanted to say.

“Qingwu, regarding the Sheng family and the emperor – Wuqing, for the sake of the country and the people, I think it might be better for you to give up some ideas.” Zhuge Zhengwo said implicitly: “Even if it is for the sake of the people, I think it is best for you Wuqing ——”

“I understand, Uncle Shi.” Qing Qing’s tone was a bit low.

Afterwards, as the new successor, Qing Wu began to go to the palace relatively frequently.

Ye Xiu closed the diary full of anticipation.

This time, Ye Xiu was really excited as never before, because this time the reward for the diary had arrived.

Moreover, the reward given this time, because this time, the sign-in time given by the diary has directly become an annual award.

In the previous monthly summary, Ye Xiu only received one month’s worth of internal strength cultivation each time, but this time, Ye Xiu directly gained four years’ worth of inner strength cultivation.

And Ye Xiu’s current internal strength cultivation in one year is comparable to the original ten years of cultivation. Four years, which is directly equivalent to the previous forty years of cultivation.

As his cultivation level was integrated into his body, Ye Xiu’s cultivation level began to grow rapidly. In the blink of an eye, Ye Xiu changed from the cultivation level of a first-time Celestial Elephant Grand Master to an intermediate Celestial Elephant Realm cultivation base, and then continued to rise.

The seventh level of the grand master, the eighth level of the grand master, the ninth level of the grand master, then the elementary level of the ninth level of the grand master, the intermediate level of the ninth level of the grand master, the advanced level of the ninth level of the grand master, and finally he has reached the peak state of the ninth level of the grand master.

However, Ye Xiu has not yet exhausted this inner energy, and the energy in his body is still circulating rapidly.


Ye Xiu actually took advantage of the situation and became a warrior in the Heavenly Realm.

After becoming a celestial being, Ye Xiu stopped. Then Ye Xiu had a look of shock on his face. He didn’t expect that he would become a celestial being so quickly.

According to original expectations, Ye Xiu had to continue writing a diary seriously for a period of time, so that he could break through and become a heavenly being. But I didn’t expect that this time, the rewards from the monthly summary would suddenly become annual awards, and the rewards would suddenly become extremely generous.

As a result, Ye Xiu’s cultivation began to grow rapidly, and he successfully became a celestial being.

Feeling his own cultivation and looking at the world in front of him that was completely different from before, Ye Xiu could hardly describe in words what people would become after the Heavenly Realm.

The gap between a great master and a heavenly being can probably only be understood but not expressed in words.

“He’s a heavenly being! He’s already a heavenly being.” Ye Xiu couldn’t help but look in Meng Yuan’s direction.

At the same time, Pang Ban, who was sitting in the Magician’s Palace in the Meng Yuan Kingdom, seemed to have telepathy and couldn’t help but look in the direction of Ye Xiu. The two of them seemed to be looking at each other through the air.

Ye Xiu’s smile became brighter. In the Heavenly Realm, Ye Xiu could now challenge Meng Yuan’s magician Pang Ban.

How long has it been?

The last time Ye Xiu sent Jin Bingyun to Ye Xiu because of Pang Ban, the shadow of Pang Ban began to appear in Ye Xiu’s heart, making him suspicious.

In the end, in order to avoid Pang Ban, Ye Xiu traveled thousands of miles to the Sui Dynasty.

Now, Ye Xiu finally no longer needs to avoid Pang Ban like this.

Even this time, Ye Xiu wanted to return to Huashan and sleep with the blond woman Jin Bingyun.

Ye Xiu just wanted to see what Pang Ban would look like at that time.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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