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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 25

Of course, as Dongxie’s daughter, Huang Rong, even if she had never been exposed to such things, would not feel shy when hearing such topics. Instead, she would be full of curiosity.

“Men who go to brothels still have this hobby? Tell me…”

Chapter 65 Return to Huashan

“Senior brother, you are back. You have worked hard along the way.” Ning Zhongze had a smile on his face after seeing Yue Buqun.

“Junior sister, it’s hard work for you to stay in Huashan.” Yue Buqun said gently.

At this time, the relationship between Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze was still very good. In particular, the two people had a common goal before, which was to work hard to promote the Huashan Sect. So the two of them were like-minded before.

From the beginning, the Huashan Sect was on the verge of collapse and could be exterminated at any time, to working hard to maintain the reputation of Huashan, practicing martial arts, constantly going out to kill enemies in order to improve the reputation of the Huashan Sect, and then to raising disciples, etc., this journey has been hard. extremely. And all this is faced by the couple together.

Therefore, the relationship between Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze is actually better than that of most couples.

Therefore, Ning Zhongze was also very happy to see Yue Buqun come back after being away for nearly two months.

However, when Ning Zhongze saw the disciples behind Yue Buqun, his expression paused slightly, and there were some faint changes in his expression.

Ning Zhongze thought of what Ye Xiu had mentioned in his diary, that she, Ning Zhongze, was Ye Xiu’s type. This couldn’t help but make Ning Zhongze feel a little strange in his heart.

“Junior sister, this is Lin Pingzhi. I have decided to accept him as my disciple. Let’s take a rest today. Tomorrow, I will arrange for him to officially start his apprenticeship.” Yue Buqun saw Ning Zhongze’s expression on his face and thought he was He saw Lin Pingzhi, a newcomer, so he smiled and explained it specially.

“He looks very handsome. He doesn’t look like a martial arts practitioner, but like a top scholar.” Ning Zhong heard Yue Buqun’s words and glanced at Lin Pingzhi, and found that Lin Pingzhi was really beautiful, and She had fair and delicate skin, like a big girl, so she complimented her casually.

When Lin Pingzhi heard Ning Zhongze’s compliments, he felt a little depressed, because what he wanted to do most now was to practice martial arts and become stronger, and then kill the Qingcheng Faction, kill Yu Canghai, and destroy the Qingcheng Faction. Manmen, then killed Mu Gaofeng to avenge his parents.

Ning Zhong said that he did not look like a martial arts practitioner, and Lin Pingzhi thought that Ning Zhong was not optimistic about his martial arts training.

Yue Buqun smiled and did not comment on Ning Zhongze’s statement.

In fact, if Lin Pingzhi might not have the secret of the evil-fighting sword manual, Yue Buqun would not have accepted Lin Pingzhi as his disciple, because he had checked Lin Pingzhi’s qualifications, and he could only say that Lin Pingzhi’s qualifications , is the worst Yue Buqun has ever seen, and is not a martial artist at all.

If Lin Pingzhi practices the Huashan sect’s martial arts for a lifetime, he won’t be able to break through his innate skills.

“Shan’er!” Ning Zhongze looked at Yue Lingshan with a smile.

“Mom!” Yue Lingshan shouted coquettishly, and then like a light butterfly, she fluttered into Ning Zhongze’s arms.

Holding Yue Lingshan in his arms, Ning Zhongze flashed a trace of love in his eyes, then patted Yue Lingshan’s back and said with a smile: “Okay, you are such an adult, and you are still acting like a baby to me, so you are not afraid of your senior brothers laughing at you.”

“No matter how old I am, I am still my mother’s daughter, and I don’t care who dares to laugh at me.” Although Yue Lingshan said this, she also left Ning Zhongze’s arms.

Ning Zhong looked at Ye Xiu subconsciously, but before she could speak, she saw Linghu Chong standing next to her. After all, Linghu Chong had a more important position in her heart, especially since Linghu Chong had been in a low mood recently because of Yue Lingshan. So Ning Zhongze greeted Linghu Chong first: “Chong’er, thank you for your hard work. Let’s go to Hengyang City with our junior brothers and sisters.”

“It’s not hard, it’s not hard at all, Master.” Linghu Chong quickly smiled and waved his hand.

Ning Zhongze then greeted the others one by one, and his attitude towards Ye Xiu didn’t appear to be anything special or different.

“Junior sister, please arrange for peace first.” Yue Buqun said to Ning Zhongze.

“Okay, Pingzhi, come, I will arrange a place for you, and then I will tell you some things about our Huashan Sect…” Ning Zhong then left with Lin Pingzhi with a smile.

And Ye Xiu also smiled and returned to his residence.

Although Ye Xiu and the others had been away from the Huashan sect for nearly two months, when he returned to his room, he found that his room had been cleaned very clean, and there was no dust when he wiped his fingers on the table. The quilt on the bed is also very soft. If I ask, there is a faint smell of sunshine.

Obviously, Ning Zhong knew when Ye Xiu and his disciples would come back, so he cleaned the rooms of Ye Xiu and his disciples in advance, and also dried the quilts.

Although Ning Zhongze treated all disciples equally, seeing the room being cleaned so cleanly, Ye Xiu couldn’t help but feel more favorable towards Ning Zhongze.

The only thing that feels pity is probably that Ning Zhongze treats everyone equally. If Ning Zhongze only took such care of him, Ye Xiu’s affection for Ning Zhongze would increase even more.

Ye Xiu took a shower, put on clean clothes, and lay on the bed, lazily. He felt much more comfortable.

Ning Zhong, while arranging accommodation for Lin Pingzhi, also explained some information about the Huashan Sect to Lin Pingzhi. He also told him what he should pay attention to and what he should do when he becomes a disciple tomorrow. Leave after making these arrangements.

Afterwards, Ning Zhongze found Yue Buqun again.

“Junior sister, I have some good news for you.”

When Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze were alone, Yue Buqun said to Ning Zhongze with a happy face.

“Good news? What good news? Can it make you so happy, senior brother?” Ning Zhong asked looking at the very happy Yue Buqun.

“Junior sister, Xiu’er made a breakthrough to Xiantian not long ago.” Yue Buqun was very happy, and even when he talked about it again, he still couldn’t help but get excited.

Ning Zhongze was stunned for a moment, she already knew this. But then Ning Zhongze still pretended to be surprised: “Senior brother, are you telling the truth? Xiu’er is only eighteen years old, but he has already broken through the innate? Isn’t this incredible?”

“I also find it incredible. After all, I didn’t see that Xiu’er’s qualifications were so outstanding before. An eighteen-year-old innate, even in Shaolin Wudang, is very rare.” Yue Buqun said proudly.

“Yes! At the age of eighteen, I’m afraid only the Demon Sect’s Dongfang Bubai can achieve this.”

“Well, I also think that Xiu’er may become a master that surpasses Dongfang Invincible. However, junior sister still has to keep this matter a secret, and she must not leak the news, otherwise Xiu’er may be in danger. “

“Yes, I will keep it a secret.” Ning Zhong nodded, as if he would keep it a secret.

Chapter 66 Yue Buqun’s change of mentality

“Junior sister, what do you think about letting Shan’er and Xiu’er be together?” Yue Buqun suddenly said to Ning Zhongze.

Ning Zhongze was stunned for a moment. Although Ye Xiu also mentioned some of Yue Buqun’s attitude in his diary, Ning Zhongze was still a little stunned when he heard Yue Buqun’s words.

“But Chong’er -” Ning Zhong felt a little sorry for Linghu Chong.

“Junior sister, I know that Chong’er likes Shan’er, but Shan’er obviously only regards him as a brother and has no other feelings. And on the way back, Shan’er seemed to have noticed this, so Shan’er Shan’er is deliberately avoiding Chong’er, but Shan’er is a little different from Xiu’er.” Yue Buqun explained.

“That’s it. Since Shan’er likes Xiu’er, I don’t mind at all. After all, we know Xiu’er well. Although he is——” Ning Zhongze paused at this time and thought of Ye Xiu’s writing again. diary contents, but quickly blocked those contents: “Let nature take its course. If the two of them get together in the end, we will not object.”

“Well, let it take its course.” Yue Buqun nodded. He didn’t think Ye Xiu wouldn’t like Yue Lingshan.

Especially among Huashan, Yue Lingshan was the best female disciple, and Ye Xiu had no reason not to like her.

“Senior Brother, do you want Xiu’er to succeed him as the next head of the Huashan Sect?” Ning Zhongze asked.

“Yes, I do have this idea. After all, the eighteen-year-old Xiantian is fully qualified for this. And compared to Chong’er’s somewhat flippant character, Xiu’er’s character is more stable. Before, because no one was as good as Chong’er. Xiu’er is excellent, but now, Xiu’er’s character is more suitable to become the next head of the Huashan Sect.” Yue Buqun actually saw it quite clearly.

In other words, Linghu Chong has been with him for more than ten years, and he knows Linghu Chong’s character very well.

Linghu Chong has a frivolous temperament, prefers to be active rather than quiet, and can’t calm down when practicing. As for whether he can bear the responsibility – he casually mocks the disciples of the Qingcheng sect, saying that the four heroic disciples are wild boars and bears, and makes the Qingcheng sect and The relationship between the two Huashan factions broke down.

Although it is said that because of Lin Pingzhi’s relationship, the Huashan Sect and the Qingcheng Sect are destined not to be friends.

But this is what happened later. When Linghu Chong had a conflict with the Qingcheng sect disciples, nothing happened to Lin Pingzhi.

If Linghu Chong is really allowed to become the leader of the Huashan Sect, the Huashan Sect may have a few more enemies who should be considered friends.

Moreover, Linghu Chong also loved to drink, and would often get into trouble because of drinking. No matter how you looked at it, he didn’t look like a qualified candidate for the leadership.

However, before that, none of the next generation of the Huashan Sect could stand up, and Linghu Chong was considered the taller among the dwarfs. Yue Buqun had no choice but to make Linghu Chong the next leader.

After all, Linghu Chong’s talent was extremely good. Even if he didn’t concentrate on practicing martial arts, his final martial arts would not be weaker than that of Yue Buqun.

However, now that Ye Xiu is a disciple who is better than Linghu Chong in all aspects, Yue Buqun will naturally no longer want Linghu Chong to be the next head. Compared to Ning Zhongze’s sensibility, even if he knows Linghu Chong through his diary Despite all the misfortunes, he still treated Linghu Chong as his own son. Yue Buqun, on the other hand, pays more attention to reality and interests. Even though his relationship with Linghu Chong is not shallow, he can give up Linghu Chong without hesitation if he has a better choice.

“Senior brother, could it be that you accepted Lin Pingzhi this time because of Fuwei Escort’s evil sword manual?”

After talking about Ye Xiu and Linghu Chong, Ning Zhong hesitated for a moment and then talked about Lin Pingzhi and the evil sword manual.

Yue Buqun was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and his expression became more solemn: “Indeed, I was really interested in Fuwei Escort’s evil sword manual before. After all, you also know the situation of our Huashan sect. For Chong’er, I’m afraid it will be difficult for him to support——”

“Senior brother, I told you before that if you want to practice the evil sword manual, you need to go to the palace first. You-” Ning Zhongze was a little anxious.

“Junior sister, don’t worry, I have no intention of practicing the evil-fighting sword manual. Moreover, it may not be true that the evil-proof sword manual requires sword practice in the palace. I just want to get the evil-proof sword manual first. After all, junior sister, you are You know, the situation in our Huashan Sect is really dangerous. That’s why I started thinking about the Evil-Repelling Sword Manual. But if you really need to practice the Evil-Repelling Sword Manual in your own palace, junior sister, you don’t have to worry, I won’t be so impulsive. Practice that kind of evil martial arts. After all, our Huashan already has Xiu’er. As long as we give Xiu’er some time, he will be enough to support our Huashan.”

Hearing what Yue Buqun said, Ning Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. Especially when she heard that Yue Buqun’s words were sincere, not forced, and not fake, she felt even more relieved.

In fact, Yue Buqun does not have the urge to practice swordsmanship in his own palace now. Even for the evil sword manual, Yue Buqun now just has the idea of ​​​​getting it if he can get it, and forgetting if he can’t get it. Not to mention, the evil sword manual may also be an evil martial art that can only be practiced in the palace.

The reason why Yue Buqun’s thoughts changed like this was entirely because of Ye Xiu. In Ye Xiu, Yue Buqun saw the hope that the Huashan Sect could flourish. Naturally, his pressure was no longer so great. Naturally it is not that extreme.

Even if Ye Xiu could break through the innateness before Yue Buqun met Lin Pingzhi, he might not accept Lin Pingzhi as his disciple.

After all, by accepting Lin Pingzhi as his disciple, anyone with a discerning eye would know that he was interested in Fuwei Escort’s evil sword manual. There are probably many people secretly watching Yue Buqun and the Huashan Sect. This actually increased the crisis of the Huashan Sect.

It’s just that Ye Xiu exposed it too late. He only broke through after Yue Buqun announced that he would accept Lin Pingzhi. Naturally, Yue Buqun could only continue to accept Lin Pingzhi as his disciple.

After all, if Yue Buqun suddenly repented at this time, people outside might suspect that Yue Buqun had obtained the anti-evil sword manual from Lin Pingzhi, which would attract more people to target the Huashan Sect.

“Junior sister, actually even if there is no Xiu’er, the evil-repelling sword manual really needs to be practiced in the palace, and I will never do it in the palace. After all, I am a gentleman’s sword.” Yue Buqun smiled and said with a firm tone.

“Well, I believe senior brother!” Ning Zhong nodded lightly, but in his heart he didn’t quite believe in Yue Buqun’s title of Gentleman’s Sword.

After all, according to what Ye Xiu wrote in his diary, the plot was called Swordsman. Not only did Yue Buqun, a gentleman’s sword master, practice the evil-proofing sword technique, he even went so far as to kill two masters of the Hengshan sect.

However, like Yue Buqun, Ning Zhong feels that with an outstanding disciple like Ye Xiu in Huashan, Huashan will not decline and may even be promoted more and more. Yue Buqun does not have so much pressure. Think about it. It will always be a ‘gentleman’s sword’.

Chapter 67 Lin Pingzhi’s little plan

“I didn’t expect that there is such a secret hidden in Huashan.”

Yue Buqun followed Ning Zhongze to Siguo Cliff and sighed after arriving at the cave within the cave where the ten elders of the Demon Sect lost their lives.

“Yes, if Xiu’er hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have known that such a secret was hidden in the heart of the mountain.” Ning Zhongze sighed.

Yue Buqun glanced around, looking at the stone wall that had been scratched and no traces could be seen, and his good impression of Ye Xiu rose again.

After all, Ye Xiu discovered such a secret and was able to report it in time, which shows that Ye Xiu’s heart is towards the Huashan Sect.

And Ye Xiu’s heart is towards the Huashan Sect, so making Ye Xiu the next leader of the Huashan Sect is indeed a good choice.

“Junior sister, please seal this cave within a cave.” Yue Buqun said to Ning Zhongze.

“Seal it?”

“Well, the existence of this cave within a cave will give rise to some ideas from the outside world. If the cave within a cave is sealed, it will be completely ignored and the outside world will naturally not doubt whether our Huashan has any secrets.” Yue Buqun explained.

“Okay, I will listen to senior brother in everything.” Ning Zhong nodded.

So, that day, Ning Zhongze and Yue Buqun worked together to cut stones and seal the cave within the cave.

After they finished doing this, Ning Zhongze specially informed Ye Xiu of the news to prevent Ye Xiu from accidentally leaking the news.

“…You must remember the Seven Precepts of Huashan and you must not violate them…”

Yue Buqun shouted at Lin Pingzhi with a serious face and a tone that was almost scolding.

“Yes, disciples must remember the Seven Precepts of Mount Huashan and will never violate them in the slightest.” Lin Pingzhi replied loudly.

“Very good. From now on, you are a disciple of my Huashan Sect and my disciple of Yue Buqun.” Yue Buqun stroked his beard, his voice no longer as stern as before.

“Yes, master! Please use tea!” Lin Pingzhi knelt on the ground, raised the tea and handed it to Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun took the teacup, took a sip, and placed the teacup on the coffee table next to him. At this point, Lin Pingzhi officially became a disciple of the Huashan Sect.

After Lin Pingzhi’s apprenticeship ceremony was over, Yue Buqun turned his attention to Linghu Chong and his eyes became stern: “Linghu Chong! Tell me, what rules did you break after you came down the mountain?”

“Master, this disciple is wrong.” Linghu Chong knelt down directly on the ground. This movement was called silky, and that was smooth. Obviously, Linghu Chong had done this kind of movement frequently, and he was almost accustomed to it.

“Hmph, you had another conflict with a disciple of the Qingcheng Sect, and you also got drunk and got into trouble, so much so that you couldn’t even participate in your uncle Liu’s golden basin wash. Linghu Chong, you have to know that you are a disciple of the Huashan Sect, and everything you say and do is… On behalf of the entire Huashan Sect, how do outsiders view our Huashan Sect with your behavior?” Yue Buqun asked Linghu Chong with a stern expression and even a hint of anger.

“Master, disciple, disciple – you know your mistake, master, please punish me!” Linghu Chong saw that Yue Buqun was so angry, so he could only apply for punishment.

It’s just that Linghu Chong doesn’t feel that he has gone too far with his actions. In his opinion, everything he has done is just a small problem and should not rise to such a high level at all.

Looking at Linghu Chong’s appearance, Yue Buqun wondered how he didn’t know what Linghu Chong was thinking: “I’ll punish you by thinking about walking over a cliff for three months!”

“Yes, disciple, accept the punishment!” Linghu Chong kowtowed and admitted his mistake, seemingly obediently.

Yue Buqun looked at Linghu Chong who admitted his mistake and couldn’t help but close his eyes. He even felt depressed in his heart. Although Ye Xiu had come into Yue Buqun’s eyes now, he even wanted to send Huashan the next one. The position of leader was handed over to Ye Xiu. But after all, Linghu Chong was his eldest disciple whom he had trained for more than ten years, and Yue Buqun’s feelings for Linghu Chong were also very deep.

Before that, in Yue Buqun’s eyes, positions such as the next head of the Huashan Sect and even Yue Lingshan’s husband should belong to Linghu Chong.

But Linghu Chong’s performance was not very good, and it could even be said to be getting worse and worse. How could Yue Buqun not be angry about this? How not to be disappointed with Linghu Chong.

Waving his hand, he signaled Linghu Chong to go down and he no longer wanted to say anything to Linghu Chong.

After everyone retreated, Linghu Chong started to pack up his bedding and luggage with a depressed expression, preparing to move up to Siguo Cliff to shut up and reflect on his mistakes.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi also tried hard to integrate into the Huashan Sect.

The breakthrough point for Lin Pingzhi to integrate into Huashan was placed on Yue Lingshan.

He probably felt that compared to other male disciples of the Huashan Sect, he felt that the female disciple Yue Lingshan should be easier to get along with, not to mention that Yue Lingshan was the daughter of Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan Sect.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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