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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 33

Chapter 86 Feng Qingyang


The long sword in Cong Buqi’s hand fell, and Linghu Chong’s long sword drove straight in again, stopping at Cong Buqi’s throat.

Linghu Chong, who had a little sweat on his forehead because of the battle, couldn’t help but smile on his face.

“I won again. This time, you can’t tell me what tricks I used, right?” Linghu Chong said to Cong Buqi with a smile.

Cong Buqi’s face was pale and his eyes were confused. He couldn’t accept the fact that he had lost to a junior from the Huashan Sect. He was so shocked that he couldn’t recover for a long time.

Linghu Chong didn’t care what Cong Buqi thought. He sheathed his sword and turned around with a proud look on his face. He walked towards Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze with a bit of pride and showoff on his face. He had to show off and return the favor. I want to show my junior sister Yue Lingshan who is the most worthy person to marry.

However, Cong Buqi roared angrily, raised his toes, and Cong Buqi grabbed the long sword on the ground. Then he flew up and sprinted towards Linghu Chong. This sword was intended to kill Linghu Chong directly.

Yue Buqun was distracted because he was wondering what kind of swordsmanship Linghu Chong was practicing, and whether it was a sword manual to ward off evil spirits.

Ning Zhongze, on the other hand, reacted the fastest. When she saw Cong Buqi sneaking up on Linghu Chong from behind, her long sword was instantly unsheathed and he was ejected. The long sword was caught in her hand, and she was filled with a powerful infuriating energy and exploded. Deliver a powerful blow.


When Cong Buqi’s sword was about to hit Linghu Chong, before almost anyone else could react, Ning Zhongze’s sword had already collided with Cong Buqi’s sword, and there was a snap.

Cong Buqi’s sword had broken.

“Senior Brother Cong, after losing the competition, you unexpectedly attacked the junior from behind. Is this the spirit of your sword sect?” Ning Zhongze asked sternly.

Listening to Ning Zhongze’s questioning, Feng Buyou and Cheng Buyou’s expressions darkened. Especially when Feng couldn’t afford it, he felt that Cong Buqi was too weak to hold on to the wall, and he would do such a thing. It can even be said that Cong Buqi’s behavior is simply throwing people away from the Sword Sect.

At this time, on a hilltop somewhere in Huashan, an old man with white hair and beard and a golden face was quietly watching the battle below.

During the battle, Linghu Chong’s performance made the old man nod, and Linghu Chong had become a master of the Dugu Nine Swords.

But when he saw that Cong Buqi couldn’t afford to lose and unexpectedly attacked Linghu Chong from behind, the old man’s face darkened: “A disciple of the dignified Sword Sect can be so unbearable——”

“Huh?” The old man’s expression changed slightly, his figure quickly disappeared, and soon reappeared next to a woman in red.

“Who are you?” the old man asked the woman in red.

“I am Dongfang Bubai! I didn’t expect that there is a master hidden in this Huashan Mountain. You are Feng Qingyang, right?” Dongfang Bubai turned around and looked at Feng Qingyang.

“Dongfang Bubai? I wonder why the leader of the Sun Moon Sect came to Huashan?” Feng Qingyang’s pupils shrank violently, and he looked at Dongfang Bubai with great vigilance.

There is an enmity between the Huashan Sect and the Sun Moon Sect. The leader of the Sun Moon Sect suddenly appears in the Huashan Sect. This is definitely not a joke.

The most important thing is that Feng Qingyang sensed the slightest danger from Dongfang Bubai. In other words, Dongfang Bubai’s strength was not inferior to Feng Qingyang.

Looking at Dongfang Bubai’s face, Feng Qingyang’s expression became even more alert.

Although Feng Qingyang and Dongfang Bubai are both ninth-level masters, Dongfang Bubai is much younger than Feng Qingyang.

As for Feng Qingyang, because of the dispute over the sword energy, he has been unable to cope with it and has a defective state of mind. In the end, he was stuck on the ninth level of the Grandmaster for so many years. It is inevitable that he will become old and physically weak. In addition, there is a lingering depression in his heart. Mentally weak. If he really wants to fight Dongfang Bubai, Feng Qingyang is not sure of victory.

So what Feng Qingyang is most worried about right now is whether Dongfang Bubai has any bad thoughts towards Huashan.

‘That’s all, Dugu Nine Swords has been passed down anyway, so it won’t be broken here. Now, let me do my last work for Huashan. ’ Feng Qingyang thought so in his heart, and there was a faint murderous intention in his heart. He had already had the idea of ​​dying together with Dongfang Bubai.

“Don’t worry, I have no interest in the Huashan Sect.” Dongfang Bubai glanced at Feng Qingyang coldly, his voice also extremely cold.

“Huh?” Feng Qingyang was stunned for a moment. Dongfang Bubai didn’t seem to be lying, and then the trace of murderous intention in Feng Qingyang’s heart also quickly subsided.

Although it is said that Feng Qingyang is not afraid of death, if he can avoid death, he will not take the initiative to die.

Although Feng Qingyang wanted to know what Dongfang Bubai wanted to do when he came to Huashan, Feng Qingyang did not ask again. Because if you ask Dongfang Bubai, you may not be able to answer, and there may be some conflicts, which Feng Qingyang does not want to see.

Feng Qingyang and Dongfang Bubai were several meters apart. Neither of them spoke. They just watched Ning Zhongze stand up for Linghu Chong and then start fighting with Cheng Buyou.

Watching Ning Zhongze take action, Feng Qingyang’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Because Ning Zhongze’s performance was a bit beyond his expectations.

At this time, Ning Zhongze’s cultivation was already in the late Xiantian stage, and he was also very skilled in the nineteen styles of the Jade Girl Sword.

Although Cheng Buyou’s martial arts was slightly better than Cong Buqi’s, his excellence was limited. Under Ning Zhongze’s offensive, he could only barely defend and couldn’t find any chance to counterattack.

What surprised Feng Qingyang the most was that Ning Zhongze’s Nineteenth Style of the Jade Girl Sword was slightly different from the Nineteenth Style of the Jade Girl Sword he created. This will inevitably make Feng Qingyang curious.

As for Dongfang Bubai, when she looked at Ning Zhongze who was suppressed by force and was not worried, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes. Dongfang Bubai has been determined at this time, and Ning Zhongze, like herself and even Yue Lingshan, is also the holder of the diary.

Because the strength shown by Ning Zhongze was obviously different from the strength in the data.

Ning Zhongze’s performance was too good, and Dongfang Bubai couldn’t think of any other way to improve his strength so much in a short period of time other than the diary.

Dongfang Bubai looked at Ning Zhongze with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

She is Dongfang Bubai, and Ye Xiu’s favorability is only 49 points, and she is not mentioned often in the diary. But Ning Zhongze is often mentioned by Ye Xiu, and if he has a good impression, think about what Ye Xiu wrote about Ning Zhongze in his diary. I’m afraid Ye Xiu’s favorable opinion of Ning Zhongze is not low.

Ning Zhongze was older than her and had worse martial arts than her, but in the diary, she, Dongfang Bubai, lost to Ning Zhongze, which made Dongfang Bubai a little unhappy. Finally, Dongfang Bubai’s eyes fell on On the handsome and handsome Ye Xiu——

Chapter 87 Sword Sect and Air Sect

Because in the recent period, Dongfang Bubai has been thinking about how to contact Ye Xiu and how to make Ye Xiu increase his favorability. Dongfang Bubai will inevitably have some thoughts about Ye Xiu, but Dongfang Bubai may not be aware of it yet.

Feng Qingyang, who was standing not far away from Dongfang Bubai, had been secretly paying attention to Dongfang Bubai because he had always been wary of Dongfang Bubai. The change in Dongfang Bubai’s eyes when he looked at Ye Xiu was noticed by Feng Qingyang. In the eyes.

Feng Qingyang couldn’t help but look at Ye Xiu, a disciple of the Huashan Sect whom he had almost never paid attention to before.

After all, before Ye Xiu opened the plug-in, his aptitude and understanding were not good, and he would just immerse himself in training. This type of disciple was also the type of disciples that Feng Qingyang disliked the most. Naturally, Feng Qingyang would not He would pay too much attention to Ye Xiu.

But now, because of Dongfang Bubai, Feng Qingyang couldn’t help but look at Ye Xiu a few more times.

‘Yue Buqun’s disciple has poor talent and understanding. Apart from a good-looking face, there is nothing special about him at all. Why does Dongfang Bubai seem to be so concerned about him – huh? ’ Feng Qingyang was puzzled at first, but she quickly came to her senses.

Although Dongfang Bubai is similar to him in strength at a young age, she is still a woman after all, and women generally like good-looking people.

It’s just that Feng Qingyang didn’t expect that Dongfang Bubai, the leader of the Sun and Moon God Sect, would be so superficially fond of good-looking skins.

Inevitably, Feng Qingyang looked at Dongfang Bubai with a strange expression.

“Huh?” Dongfang Bubai noticed that Feng Qingyang looked at him strangely and couldn’t help but frown, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

“Ahem, I still have something to do, so let’s just say goodbye.” Feng Qingyang coughed dryly. He was also a little embarrassed. At such an old age, he was still interested in the feelings of a young person, and he was caught red-handed.

Of course, another point is that if Dongfang Bubai likes a disciple of the Huashan Sect, then she has no ill intentions towards the Huashan Sect, and he does not need to worry about the safety of the Huashan Sect. Naturally, there is no need to keep an eye on Dongfang Bubai. .

While Feng Qingyang and Dongfang Bubai were talking. Ning Zhongze’s sword was already placed across Cheng Buyou’s chest.

Cheng Buyou looked particularly ugly. He never expected that after his junior brother Cong Buqi was defeated at the hands of Linghu Chong, he would also lose to Ning Zhongze.

However, Cheng Buyou is still somewhat lucky that he lost to Ning Zhongze, who was still of the same generation. Cong Buqi, on the other hand, lost to their junior disciples, which would be even more ugly in comparison.

However, both Cong Buqi and Cheng Buyou lost, and now only Feng Buping was left, which made the Sword Sect trio feel a little depressed.

“I didn’t expect that Junior Sister Ning’s martial arts has improved so rapidly in these years. I’m afraid she has already surpassed Yue Buqun in martial arts.” Feng Buping praised Ning Zhongze without hesitation.

The reason why Feng Buping was like this was that he had confidence in his own strength. After he created a set of violent wind swords, his whole body became more and more powerful, and he felt like he was invincible under the master.

Even though Ning Zhongze performed very well when fighting Cheng Buyou, he still felt that Ning Zhongze could not be his opponent at all.

Although he had already lost two games in the previous game, Feng Buping believed that as long as he could defeat Yue Buqun, Yue Buqun would naturally have no shame in continuing to serve as the head of the Huashan Sect.

The so-called three-on-three contest, in fact, the first two contests would not play a big role at all. The final contest between him and Yue Buqun was the focus of this time.

“Senior Brother Feng has received the award. Senior Brother is naturally better and better than me.” Ning Zhongze said, having returned to the position half a step behind Yue Buqun.

But Yue Buqun had a faint smile on his face, but he was surprised in his heart by Ning Zhongze’s improvement in strength. When did Ning Zhongze become so powerful, he, the husband, had no idea at all.

“Is it possible that Yue Buqun has broken through and become a grandmaster?” Feng Buping sneered and looked at Yue Buqun.

“Yue’s qualifications are dull, but he has never made a breakthrough.” Yue Buqun shook his head.

Yue Buqun’s answer was not at all beyond Feng Buping’s expectation. After all, he created a swordsmanship all by himself, so that his cultivation level increased greatly, but he had only just broken through from the seventh innate level to the innate ninth level, and he had not even touched the threshold of the grand master level.

In his opinion, Yue Buqun’s qualifications were above average and his understanding was average. How could he possibly break through to the master level?

The competition between Yue Buqun and Feng Buping soon began. There are two people, one sword sect and one air sect. Although their martial arts come from Huashan, their fighting styles are completely different.

Feng Buping’s sword moves are agile, his sword is quick and extremely lethal. Yue Buqun’s moves are precise and precise. Although he is very skilled, he has a bit more craftsmanship. However, his internal strength is stronger than Feng Buping. Even though his moves are relatively mediocre, with the blessing of his internal strength, , but the combat effectiveness is not inferior to Feng Buping at all.

This is a typical battle between swordsman and airbender.

While they were fighting, two little girls, Huang Rong and Qu Feiyan, also quietly walked up Huashan Mountain and hid themselves in a big tree not far away, eating melon seeds and looking at Yue Buqun. They commented on whether they were fighting with Feng Buping or not, and discussed how Yue Buqun and Feng Buping were doing.

But just when the two of them were eating happily, watching happily, and chatting happily, a red figure appeared behind them at some point, but neither of them noticed it at all.

“Yue Buqun’s strength is not bad, but I don’t know if he can win against Feng Buping.”

“Obviously it is impossible for Feng Buping to win over Yue Buqun. As a disciple of the Sword Sect, Feng Buping is better at swordsmanship. It would be fine if he could suppress Yue Buqun with his swordsmanship at the beginning. But he suppressed Yue Buqun from the beginning. If Yue Buqun can’t stay, later on, when their energy and physical strength are exhausted to a certain level, Yue Buqun will be able to defeat Feng Buping.”

“That’s it.” Qu Feiyan responded casually. She didn’t care who would win and who would lose in the competition between the two: “Tell me, where is the leader now? Is she hiding in a certain tree like us? Cat secretly sleeping in the tree?”

“Who knows. But I think she will meet Feng Qingyang.”

“Feng Qingyang. Who do you think is more powerful, the leader or Feng Qingyang? Will they fight if they meet? Ye Xiu often mentioned Dugu Nine Swords in his diary. Dugu Nine Swords must be very powerful. Do you think if the leader If you lose——”

“How could Sister Dongfang lose? Although Dugu Nine Swords is very powerful, it may not be more powerful than the Sunflower Book. Not to mention that Feng Qingyang is an old man, how could he be Sister Dongfang’s opponent?” Huang Rong looked over inadvertently. When she saw a trace of red silk, she didn’t remind Qu Feiyan. Instead, she acted as if she hadn’t noticed anything.

Chapter 88 Yue Buqun’s disappointment and partiality

“That’s not necessarily true. The Sunflower Book is indeed powerful, but I still think the Dugu Nine Swords are more powerful. After all, the Dugu Nine Swords are said to be able to defeat all martial arts in the world. Maybe the Sunflower Book will be broken by the Dugu Nine Swords.” Qu Feiyan habitually quarreled with Huang Rong.

“I still think Sister Dongfang is more powerful.” A smile flashed in the corner of Huang Rong’s eyes.

“I think Feng Qingyang is more powerful.” Qu Feiyan once again habitually held the opposite opinion to Huang Rong.

At this moment, Qu Feiyan saw a piece of red silk fluttering in the wind from her field of vision. An extremely bad premonition came over her heart, making her scalp go cold. She turned around subconsciously, and Qu Feiyan saw it. A face that is heroic and domineering.

Qu Feiyan shuddered, with a sad face, and couldn’t help but look at Huang Rong next to him.

Huang Rong looked at Qu Feiyan with a smile on her face, a look of joy on her face.

Qu Feiyan couldn’t help but glare at Huang Rong.

Yue Buqun and Feng Buping fought for dozens of rounds, but Feng Buping became more and more impatient, and the speed of Guangfeng Kuaishou became faster and faster. However, after the sword speed became faster, the stability of his sword moves appeared. A slight deviation.

Seeing this, Yue Buqun activated his Zixia Gong and his face was immediately covered with a layer of purple energy.

When Feng Buping saw this, he was shocked. He noticed that he was impatient due to the long battle, but before he could adjust his state, a long sword covered with purple energy had already driven straight in and rushed towards him.

Feng Buqi hurriedly raised his sword to intercept, but he didn’t expect a strong force to come from Yue Buqun’s sword, and a crisp sound reached Feng Buping’s ears. Then he noticed that his hand was light, and the long sword in his hand had been struck by Yue Buping. The group was shattered by the Zixia Gong.

Looking at the broken sword in his hand, Feng Buping couldn’t accept it for a moment.

After all, ever since Feng Buping created the Kuangfeng Kuaijian and his cultivation directly broke through from the original seventh innate level to the innate ninth level, he felt that he was super awesome and a genius.

After all, there are many people practicing martial arts in the world, but people who can create a martial art are not common. Not to mention that after he created the sword technique, it also led to a leap in his cultivation. He even thought that he was the son of destiny. With.

But he didn’t expect that he couldn’t even defeat Yue Buqun. This kind of blow was really too much for him.

“Junior Brother Feng, I accept the concession.” The purple energy on Yue Buqun’s face dissipated, and he held his hand with a gentle smile on his face.

“Yue Buqun——” Feng Buping gritted his teeth and called out Yue Buqun’s name.

However, Feng Buping didn’t have the confidence to continue making trouble, mainly because he couldn’t beat Yue Buqun. Although they have Zuo Lengchan’s support. But no matter how supportive Zuo Lengchan was, it was impossible for him to lead people to help them defeat the Huashan Sect. Even if Zuo Lengchan really did it, Feng Buping would still not want Zuo Lengchan to do it.

After all, if Zuo Lengchan can lead people to capture Huashan today, then Zuo Lengchan can lead people to kill the three of them tomorrow.

Feng Buping and the other three looked gloomy. Lu Bai, on the other hand, squinted his eyes. He glanced at Yue Buqun, then at Ning Zhongze, then at Linghu Chong, and finally his eyes swept over the many Huashan Sect disciples, especially Ye Xiu, and paused for a moment.

Lu Bai had no intention of continuing to tangle with Feng Buping and the others and Yue Buqun. He already had a new plan in mind. To be precise, after he learned that the Huashan Sect had a genius disciple yesterday, he had a new idea.

So, Lu Bai left Huashan with Lu Lianrong and the trio of sword sects who looked like defeated roosters.

Yue Buqun became a little worried when he saw that Lu Bai and the others left so easily and didn’t even try to make things more difficult.

Ning Zhongze, Yue Lingshan and Linghu Chong, on the other hand, saw Lu Bai and the others leaving without thinking too much at all, with joy on their faces.

“Little junior sister, how are you? Your senior brother, am I good?” Linghu Chong came to Yue Lingshan with a bit of showoff.

Yue Lingshan looked at Linghu Chong who was approaching her again, and subconsciously wanted to distance herself from Linghu Chong and get closer to Ye Xiu. But then she thought of the martial arts Linghu Chong used when he defeated Cong Buqi.

That swordsmanship seems to have no rules, but it can defeat powerful enemies. Yue Lingshan suspected that it might be Dugu Nine Swords.

“Well, Master Brother, you are so powerful. You were able to defeat that person. But Master Brother, what kind of kung fu did you use when you competed with that person just now?” Yue Lingshan asked innocently and curiously.

After hearing Yue Lingshan’s question, Yue Buqun also pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what Linghu Chong’s answer was.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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