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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 45

“I will leave Huashan tomorrow and start walking around the world.”

“It’s just the current situation, how should I put it? If it weren’t for the master’s situation, something was wrong. The master’s wife wouldn’t have let me go down the mountain so quickly.”

“After all, my situation is still a bit dangerous. The news that I am a genius may be known to Zuo Lengchan. If Zuo Lengchan knows that I left Huashan, he may send people to hunt me down. .”

“But with Fengshen Legs here, as long as Zuo Lengchan doesn’t come to catch me personally, I can run away from any danger.”

“It’s probably because of this reason that Master Madam let me go down the mountain.”

“Of course, the most important thing is the Divine Illuminating Scripture.”

“Although Master’s Wife just said to let me take care of it, I know that Master’s Wife wanted me to get the Divine Illumination Sutra, so she asked me to leave Huashan.”

“Well, besides me, there is also Senior Brother Linghu Chong.”

“Tomorrow we will both set off to go down the mountain. Then we will go separately and search for the Divine Illumination Sutra in the rivers and lakes.”

“Looking at what Master Wife is thinking, she wants Linghu Chong to be a public target to attract the Songshan Sect’s attention, and then let me act secretly. This is safer for me.”

“But Linghu Chong’s side is a bit dangerous.”

“I didn’t expect that Master’s wife would treat Linghu Chong like this. It’s a bit beyond my expectations. After all, Linghu Chong was raised by Master’s wife since he was a child, almost as a biological son. Now he wants to put him on the bright side to attract attention.”

“I always feel that my wife is a little special to me, as if she thinks I will definitely be able to find the Divine Illumination Sutra.”

“Is it because I handed in the Wind God’s Leg? So you think it’s easier for me to find martial arts secrets than others?”

“I don’t understand it a bit. I don’t understand it a bit but I don’t quite understand it.”

“Of course, it is also possible that now Master’s wife no longer just sees me as a disciple, but as a pillar of the Huashan sect. In addition, Master suddenly changed from Master’s wife’s senior brother to Senior sister, it makes my wife feel a little uneasy about the master.”

“So, when the Huashan Sect encounters a crisis, Master Niang will come to me to discuss it.”

“When encountering an insurmountable problem, the first thing I think of is me.”

“Even when they encounter some other life problems, they will come to me for discussion and ask for my opinion as soon as possible.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems like my status in Master’s heart has really changed. Maybe my position in Master’s heart has replaced Master -“

“Amitabha, sin, sin, sin, seems to be a bit too much.”

“After we come down from the mountain tomorrow, we will rush to Jingzhou City. Ding Dian should still be in Jingzhou City.”

“I just don’t know if the plot of Lianchengjue has started. To what extent has it developed.”

“The information is still not well-informed. I still don’t know the situation clearly. I have to go and see for myself.”

“Go to Jingzhou City, first go see the treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan, the big golden Buddha made of gold. Then go to the Yamen prison to find Ding Dian – maybe I should find Ling Shuanghua first. If Ling Shuanghua was not buried alive by Ling Tuisi, If you go to Ding Dian this way, Ding Dian won’t be so repulsive.”

“As long as you rescue Ling Shuanghua and tell Ding Dian that you know the location of the Liancheng Jue treasure, you can dispel Ding Dian’s wariness, and then you can get the Divine Illumination Sutra from Ding Dian.”

“If the process goes well, it won’t take long to get the Shen Zhao Jing.”

“Master, wait and see if this Divine Illumination Sutra can turn you into a man again.”

Chapter 101 Huang Rong

“Junior Brother Ye, the world is dangerous, so be careful.” Linghu Chong said to Ye Xiu at the foot of Huashan Mountain.

“Don’t worry, senior brother, I will definitely be careful.” Ye Xiu nodded.

“It’s a long road, let’s just say goodbye.” Linghu Chong cupped his fists at Ye Xiu, turned around and left with a smile.

Ye Xiu looked at Linghu Chong’s figure, then turned around and left in the opposite direction to Linghu Chong.

After Ye Xiu turned around, Linghu Chong, who had walked some distance away, stopped and looked back at Ye Xiu’s back, his expression becoming extremely complicated.

To be honest, Linghu Chong was actually quite envious of Ye Xiu, even to the point of jealousy.

The junior sister who always liked to follow him started to like to hang around Ye Xiu since Hengyang City. Instead, she became less close to his senior brother.

There was also a big change in the attitude of the master and his wife towards Ye Xiu.

Originally, the only one the master and his wife treated like his own son was Linghu Chong, but now he became Ye Xiu – no, master Yue Buqun’s attitude towards Ye Xiu was even better than his previous treatment of Linghu Chong.

Faced with this situation, it was impossible for Linghu Chong not to be envious or jealous.

However, that night not long ago, Ye Xiu showed his fourth-level innate cultivation, and Linghu Chong immediately understood why his master and mistress treated Ye Xiu so favorably.

It’s right to think about it, Ye Xiu is only eighteen years old and has such a level of cultivation. With Ye Xiu’s talent, as long as he doesn’t die in the process, he can definitely become a grandmaster or even a grand master and carry forward the Huashan Sect.

And he, Linghu Chong, was in his twenties, and he relied on the Dugu Nine Swords to achieve his innate breakthrough. Far worse than Ye Xiu.

“Junior Brother Ye, then let me, your senior brother, escort you and attract your attention.” Linghu Chong murmured.

In fact, the night before Linghu Chong went down the mountain, Ning Zhongze also found Linghu Chong and talked a lot with Linghu Chong.

After all, Ning Zhongze had really raised Linghu Chong as his son. Although Linghu Chong’s various actions made Ning Zhongze feel uncomfortable, if he wanted Ning Zhongze to directly withdraw his feelings for Linghu Chong, Ning Zhongze would also do the same. less than.

In Ning Zhongze’s heart, Linghu Chong still loved his son, but now his son became less filial and less obedient.

Ning Zhong chose to tell Linghu Chong the truth about Ye Xiu’s significance to the Huashan Sect. Why did Yue Buqun think so highly of Ye Xiu as he still had himself.

At the same time, Ning Zhongze also unabashedly explained why Yue Buqun and herself had changed their feelings towards Linghu Chong. Of course, Ning Zhongze didn’t say anything about Yue Buqun practicing swordplay in his own palace.

And such heartfelt words also opened up the grudge in Linghu Chong’s heart.

At the same time, Linghu Chong also understood why he became so embarrassed in Huashan.

Finally, Ning Zhongze explained to Linghu Chong the purpose of going down the mountain with Ye Xiu this time. Of course, this purpose has been somewhat disguised and modified.

Ning Zhongze’s original words were this: ‘Your master forced a breakthrough in order to improve his strength and protect Huashan. Although he has broken through the realm now, he is also injured, and the injury is not serious. So this time, you, Junior Brother Ye, went down the mountain to find a martial art called Shen Zhao Jing, which could be used to heal your master’s injuries. ’

Afterwards, Ning Zhongze even took the initiative to tell him about building the plank road secretly to Chencang, but when he gave the final instructions, Ning Zhongze couldn’t help but change his words.

‘After coming down the mountain, Xiu’er needs to hide his identity. As for Chong’er—Chong’er, you should also hide your identity well. Safety is most important. ’

So at this time, Linghu Chong already knew almost everything else except that he didn’t know that Yue Buqun had already practiced swordplay in his palace.

So Linghu Chong made his choice now.

Don’t try to cover up your whereabouts, just let everything take its course. After he was discovered by people from the Songshan Sect, he attracted a wave of attention, which helped Ye Xiu relieve the pressure.

But Linghu Chong didn’t know that Ye Xiu’s situation was even more special, and he actually didn’t need his help to relieve the pressure at all.

Of course, Ye Xiu himself didn’t know.

Ye Xiu put on makeup, his handsome face was obscured, and the sword in his hand turned into a sword given by Dongfang Bubai. From this look, he had no connection with the Huashan Sect.

In fact, Ye Xiu didn’t travel much in the world before, so not many people knew Ye Xiu’s true face. After some more cover-ups, even fewer people could recognize Ye Xiu.

Watching Ye Xiu ride away from a distance, Dongfang Bubai, Huang Rong and Qu Feiyan stood there and watched quietly.

“Leader, Ye Xiu has come down the mountain, should we take action?” Qu Feiyan said excitedly.

Because Ye Xiu had been staying in Huashan before, Qu Feiyan and even Huang Rong had no reason to approach Ye Xiu. As a result, Ye Xiu’s favorability towards them never rose or fell, and he almost never even mentioned them in his diary.

Huang Rong and Qu Feiyan had been a little impatient for a long time. Now that Ye Xiu finally came down the mountain, they finally had a chance to get close to Ye Xiu.

“Next, I need to return to Blackwood Cliff.” Dongfang Bubai said to the two of them.

“Ah?” Qu Feiyan looked stunned, while Huang Rong raised her eyebrows slightly.

“I have been away from Blackwood Cliff for a long time. Although there are people here who have been reporting information about the sect to me, some things must be dealt with after I return.” Dongfang Bubai explained casually.

“Huh? The leader wants to return to Heimuya? That’s really great – too bad. I can’t continue to be with the leader, and I can’t even lift my spirits.” Qu Feiyan said this, but You can see how excited she is from her dancing eyebrows.

After all, she had always been by Dongfang Bubai’s side. With Dongfang Bubai watching, nothing she could do would be possible. So much so that after leaving Hengyang City for so long, she hadn’t even been able to show her face in front of Ye Xiu.

Dongfang Bubai looked at Qu Feiyan quietly.

“Well, um, I, I haven’t been to Heimu Cliff for a long time, and I miss it a little bit. How about I go back with the leader?” Qu Feiyan smiled dryly.

“Okay, Qu Feiyan, you come with me to Heimu Cliff. As for Huang Rong, you can move freely.” Dongfang Bubai gave the order directly.

“Ah?” Qu Feiyan’s eyes widened, with a face that was hard to accept.

“Thank you, Sister Dongfang.” Huang Rong smiled and looked happy. Especially when she looked at Qu Feiyan, she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows, which made Qu Feiyan yell as if he had been stepped on. He said: “But leader, why can Huang Rong move freely, but I have to go to Heimu Cliff?”

“Go to Heimu Cliff, that’s what you said yourself.” Huang Rong said with a smile.

Qu Fei’s puffy cheeks looked like a puffer fish.

In the end, Qu Feiyan followed Dongfang Bubai to Heimu Cliff in despair.

As for Yilin, she continues to stay alone at home in Huayin County.

Dongfang Bubai discovered that Yilin’s character was too simple, and her love for things was also quite simple.

Yilin doesn’t like the complicated world outside. She prefers to stay quietly in the small Buddhist hall alone, whether she is chanting sutras or praying. Most of the day passed like this.

Although her life was simple and peaceful, Yilin felt very happy.

In fact, Yilin felt that it would be better if her family did not settle in Huayin County, but at the foot of Mount Hengshan.

In this way, she can live with her sister while also visiting her master and her senior sisters from time to time.

As for why Yilin was allowed to stay in Huayin County instead of going to Heimuya——

After all, Heimuya is the main altar of the Sun and Moon God Sect. Yilin was a little nun of the Hengshan sect before. If Yilin was asked to go to Heimu Cliff, I was afraid that she would feel extremely uncomfortable and might even be worried. It is better to stay in Huayin County. At least Huayin County is under the foot of the Huashan Sect and there will not be any big problems.

As for safety, a large number of Blackwood Cliff masters are lurking here to protect Yilin. How could Yilin be in danger?

Ye Xiu rode his horse and headed towards Jingzhou City.

When he came to a small town, it was getting dark. Ye Xiu decided to rest in the town for one night and leave tomorrow.

Just when Ye Xiu rode his horse to the ‘Yelai Inn’, he got off his horse.

Just when Ye Xiu was about to eat something to fill his stomach, there was a quarrel at a small shop selling steamed buns next to Yuelai Inn.

Ye Xiu turned around and looked over, only to find that the shop selling steamed buns was having a hard time with a little beggar.

The little beggar wanted to eat the steamed buns without paying, but the steamed bun seller refused to let him.

“Okay, if you don’t want to eat it, I won’t eat it and I’ll give it back to you.” The little beggar said and put the steamed bun back in his hand.

“You, you, look at how dirty you have made this steamed bun, how can you still sell it?” The shop selling steamed buns couldn’t help shouting loudly.

It wasn’t that the bun seller was unreasonable. The main reason was that the bun that the little beggar put back had five dark fingerprints on it.

The steamed bun itself is quite white, white and tender, looks good, and is quite appetizing. But at this time, there were five dark fingerprints on the fat white steamed bun, so it was really impossible to sell it.

But the little beggar stretched out his little hand and grabbed all the steamed buns, leaving five dark fingerprints on them. Now, things are getting serious.

The bun seller became reluctant.

Ye Xiu’s expression was strange. He always felt that the scene in front of him had a strong sense of déjà vu, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Ye Xiu couldn’t help but look at the little beggar – oh, he’s still an acquaintance! ! !

“Brother Mu? It’s you!” Ye Xiu shouted in surprise.

This little brother Mu is also a very smart person. When he was in Hengyang City, he used his wisdom to help Ye Xiu and Yue Lingshan.

“Brother Ye? What a coincidence, I didn’t expect to meet you here!” After seeing Ye Xiu, the little beggar Huang Rong seemed not to have expected to meet an old friend here, and said to Ye Xiu happily. .

“Well, you have to pay for my steamed buns -” the steamed bun seller couldn’t help but say something next to him.

“Here.” Ye Xiu touched ten coins and threw them directly.

One copper plate can buy two steamed buns, and there are less than twenty steamed buns in the basket, so if Ye Xiu loses ten copper coins, it is enough.

After taking the copper plate, the steamed bun seller gave Huang Rong the steamed buns that Huang Rong had just grabbed.

“Bah, I don’t care about these dirty steamed buns.” Huang Rong curled her lips.

“Okay, okay, since little brother Mu doesn’t want to eat steamed buns, forget it. I just want to eat too, so little brother Mu, please come with me.” Ye Xiu casually invited Huang Rong.

Huang Rong suddenly beamed: “That’s what you said, but I’m a very picky person and I can’t get used to eating ordinary food.”

“…Then let the store serve some good signature dishes.” Ye Xiu shook his head. For friends, he didn’t mind treating them to a good meal, especially after Ye Xiu arrived in Jingzhou City, he would first go to Tian Ning Si, take out some treasures, so the amount of money means nothing to him.

“That’s what you said.” Huang Rong said, walking into the nearby Yuelai Inn one step faster than Ye Xiu.

“The waiter, please bring four dried fruits, four fresh fruits, two salty and sour fruits, and four candied fruits first.”

“I don’t know, what kind of dried fruit do you want? What kind of fresh fruit do you want? What kind of salty and sour fruit do you want? What kind of candied fruit do you want?”


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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