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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 49

As for Yan Daping’s Tang poetry swordsmanship, it is half-baked.

But it was because their master Mei Niansheng knew that his three disciples were not good in character and moral character, so when he taught them martial arts, he did not teach them all the unique skills. Instead, he taught them many fancy and impractical moves. .

Although it was said that the three of them later plotted against Mei Niansheng and stole the Liancheng sword manual.

However, the three brothers did not trust each other. In the end, the Liancheng Sword Manual was divided into three, and each one got a copy.

Therefore, even though the three of them practice Liancheng Sword Technique, they are not perfect.

What was originally a master-level swordsmanship, fell into the hands of the three of them, but turned into a second-rate swordsmanship.

Even if Liancheng Swordsmanship is only the lowest swordsmanship in the level of secret arts, it is still a secret skill. If it falls into the hands of three of their senior brothers and ends up being turned into a second-rate swordsmanship, it is enough to show how unbearable these three people are. .

Ye Xiu saw Yan Daping stabbing him directly with his sword, and then he took off with a flying kick.


Ye Xiu kicked the crutch, and the crutch was instantly broken by Ye Xiu. However, after the crutch was broken, a cold light continued to fly towards Ye Xiu after the crutch.

It turned out that Yan Daping usually hid his sword in his crutch. Just like Ye Xiu, after breaking the crutch, he would be unprepared to face the hidden sword. It can be said to be very insidious.

However, in the face of this sword, Ye Xiu remained calm and unhurried, his expression remained unchanged, and he used the ‘Strengthening Grass in the Wind’ move. The leg that had been kicked out instantly changed its move. hands.

Chapter 105 What a miserable man

When Yan Daping heard Ye Xiu mention his name, he realized that something was wrong. He was so vicious that he almost didn’t even think about it and immediately went into a rage and wanted to kill Ye Xiu and Huang Rong.

But Yan Daping didn’t expect that Ye Xiu’s kung fu was so good that he broke the crutch in his hand with one kick, but he also took the opportunity to continue attacking with the sword hidden in the crutch. I think back then, many martial arts masters lost their lives to this insidious move of his.

But what Yan Daping didn’t expect was that Ye Xiu’s martial arts was beyond his expectation. Ye Xiu’s previous kick was clearly out of date. But he didn’t expect to be able to retract his legs faster and kick him on the wrist, so that the sword in his hand flew away before it was thrust out.

Then, before Yan Daping could react, Ye Xiu’s other foot kicked him in the chest, followed by two, three, four…

Ye Xiu’s legs kicked out countless shadows, and all of them landed on Yan Daping’s body.

When Ye Xiu’s move of ‘Strengthening Grass in the Wind’ ended, Yan Daping fell to the ground with a slap and lost his breath.

“Huh? Brother Xiu, you are so powerful!” Huang Rong’s eyes lit up after seeing Ye Xiu’s Fengshen legs.

“Fortunately, this guy didn’t expect that my strength was no worse than him, so he didn’t have any precautions.” Ye Xiu said modestly.

“Brother Xiu, with your strength, it’s useless even if he is on guard. But brother Xiu, do you know this person?”

“Well, Yan Daping, nicknamed the Land Dragon in Jianghu. He is a fellow disciple with Wuyunshou Wan Zhenshan and Iron Lock Hengjiang Qi Changfa. They are all disciples of Mei Niansheng. But it’s a pity that Mei Niansheng is known as Iron Bone Mocalyx. He is a hero praised by everyone, but his three disciples are not good people. Moreover, because his martial arts and city-wide swordsmanship are related to the treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan, after he defeated the ancestor of the Blood Sword, he was killed by three The disciple took the opportunity to attack and died.” Ye Xiu said simply.

“So that’s it. I didn’t expect them to bully their master and destroy their ancestors.” Huang Rong’s feelings towards Wan Zhenshan and the three of them fell to the bottom.

Although Huang Rong is the daughter of Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, like Huang Yaoshi, she doesn’t attach much importance to secular etiquette, and she can’t be said to be a good person. But she will still abide by the most basic etiquette, justice and shame of respecting teachers, just like Huang Yaoshi’s disciples, even if Huang Yaoshi broke their legs and expelled them from Peach Blossom Island, they still want to To return to Peach Blossom Island.

Therefore, Huang Rong was very contemptuous of people like Yan Daping who deceived their teachers and destroyed their ancestors.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about them anymore, Ronger, don’t you want to know the purpose of my coming here?” Ye Xiu said to Huang Rong with a smile.

“Yes, I really want to know Brother Xiu’s purpose of coming here. Now that the outsiders have been dealt with, it’s time for you to speak up, Brother Xiu.” Huang Rong couldn’t help but say.

“Rong’er, wait and see.” Ye Xiu said, with a clang, the long sword was unsheathed and passed over the huge Buddha statue in front. Then, a piece of mud fell down, revealing the golden body of the Buddha statue.

“Huh? Is this made of pure gold? This Buddha statue?” Huang Rong opened her eyes wide and looked at the Buddha statue in surprise.

This Buddha statue is three feet high. When converted into meters, it is almost ten meters high. If such a large Buddha statue were made entirely of pure gold, it would be very valuable.

“This Buddha statue is entirely made of pure gold, just covered with a layer of mud. Moreover, under the Buddha statue, there is also a huge treasure house with countless gold and silver jewels. This is the treasure of Emperor Liang Yuan.” Ye Xiu said with a smile.

“This is Emperor Liang Yuan, it’s true. His father, Emperor Liang Wu, destroyed the Buddha, but his son cast the treasure into the shape of a Buddha statue. No wonder countless people have tried to find Emperor Liang Yuan’s treasure for so many years but have never been able to find it.” Huang Rong sighed.

Except for being a little surprised at first, Huang Rong’s expression soon returned to normal, her eyes were clear, and there was no trace of greed at all.

This ten-meter-high Buddha statue made of pure gold, as well as countless gold and silver jewelry, could not shake Huang Rong’s heart at all. She did not take such a huge treasure to her heart at all.

“Rong’er, Emperor Liang Yuan has covered his treasures with poison, so be careful.”

“Hey, Emperor Liang Yuan still poisoned it? So it’s a good thing that no one discovered this treasure!”

“That’s right. Anyone who discovers the treasure and has certain contact with the treasure will be poisoned.”

Next, Ye Xiu and Huang Rong took out a small part of the treasure, which was two not too big packages, and each carried one on their backs. At the same time, the Buddha statue was covered with gold again by Ye Xiu and the clay.

Emperor Liang Yuan’s treasure has not been discovered here for so many years, so Ye Xiu doesn’t have to worry about Emperor Liang Yuan’s treasure being taken away.

When he came to the river, he carefully cleaned the gold in the two packages to remove the toxins contained in them, then carried them behind his back again and headed towards Jingzhou City.

“Wow, junior sister, look, this is Jingzhou City! It’s really big. The city wall is much higher than our house. Look, junior sister…”

“Cabbage, please be quiet and don’t yell. Others are looking at us.”

Just when Ye Xiu and Huang Rong arrived at the gate of Jingzhou City, they suddenly heard the voices of a young man and woman.

Ye Xiu looked over subconsciously and saw a young man and woman, dressed in tatters, which cannot be said to be tatters, but very simple, just like two boys and girls from the countryside.

The man among them had an ordinary appearance, with a somewhat honest look on his face, and his eyes were full of curiosity and yearning as he looked around.

As for the other girl, even though she was dressed extremely plainly, she still couldn’t hide her appearance.

With a round face, a pair of big black eyes, a slightly upturned nose, long thin eyebrows, and curved corners of the mouth, she is charming and beautiful, white and tender, pretty and delightful, charming and charming, like a flower.

Although she is slightly inferior to Huang Rong, she is no worse than Yue Lingshan.

In front of them was an old farmer who looked like an old farmer with his hands behind his back and his waist hunched over.

The three countrymen should have been very inconspicuous, but because of the girls, they attracted a lot of attention.

“Brother Xiu!” Huang Rong noticed that Ye Xiu stayed on the girl’s body for a few seconds longer, and couldn’t help but tug at the hem of Ye Xiu’s clothes: “Is that sister good-looking?”

“Not as good-looking as Ronger.”

When Huang Rong heard Ye Xiu’s words, the corners of her mouth rose uncontrollably, and her mood became better and better.

Ye Xiu glanced at Di Yun and the others again, and then entered the city with Huang Rong.

Di Yun and the three of them also looked at Ye Xiu and Huang Rong a few more times. After all, whether it was Ye Xiu or Huang Rong, they stood out in the crowd.

“She is so beautiful.” Qi Fang stared blankly at Huang Rong’s voice, with a trace of envy flashing in her eyes.

Huang Rong herself is very attractive, and the clothes she wears are also very exquisite, as well as her hairstyle, accessories, etc., which make Huang Rong look particularly delicate.

Although Qi Fang is good-looking, she has been living in the countryside after all. The clothes she wears are all made of linen, which is very rough, and she has no pretty accessories.

So looking at Huang Rong’s outfit, even Qi Fang couldn’t help but feel a little bit envious.

“I think junior sister is the prettiest.” Di Yun smiled innocently.

When Qi Fang heard Di Yun’s words, a slight blush appeared on her cheeks and a slight smile appeared on her lips.

At this time, Qi Fang and Di Yun were really childhood sweethearts.

Ye Xiu and Huang Rong came to Jingzhou City that day. They were looking for a house. They asked about the address of Tianning Temple, and then went to Tianning Temple to kill Yan Daping. They then took the gold in the treasure to clean it. When things happened We have almost reached a point of busyness and it is getting very late.

Even martial arts practitioners like Ye Xiu and Huang Rong couldn’t help but feel a little bit tired.

Originally, Ye Xiu was still thinking about whether to go to the prefect’s Yamen. Now I can only rest and wait until tomorrow to start taking action again.

Back in the room, Ye Xiu took out his diary and started writing today’s diary.

“Finally arrived at Jingzhou City, and happened to meet Yan Daping at Tianning Temple. I remember that among the three disciples of Mei Niansheng, Yan Daping’s martial arts was the highest. But his strength was just like that, he could easily That’s it.”

“Yan Daping has been dealt with, and Di Yun has one less golden-fingered old man – okay, just kidding, Yan Daping’s own martial arts is not very good, and teaching Di Yun three moves of swordsmanship is not considered a good one. What kind of serious swordsmanship, what kind of slap style, etc., all messed up.”

“But speaking of Di Yun, I met him at the gate of the city today. A silly ordinary boy, a beautiful girl and a hunched old farmer. These three people should be Di Yun, Qi Fang and Qi Changfa Alright.”

“Probably, after all, Wan Zhenshan’s fiftieth birthday is only within these two days.”

“Di Yun and Qi Fang should follow Qi Changfa to Wan Zhenshan’s house today or tomorrow at the latest. This is also the beginning of Di Yun’s tragic fate.”

“This guy Di Yun is probably the most miserable protagonist in gold novels. He used to live happily in the countryside with his junior sister. He also deleted the Liancheng Sword Technique and made another abridged version of the Lying Corpse Sword Technique.”

“On Wan Zhenshan’s fiftieth birthday, Qi Changfa brought Qi Fang and Di Yun to Jingzhou City. Then Qi Changfa was plotted and faked his death to escape. Qi Fang and Di Yun were left behind, and Qi Fang was attracted by Wan Gui, so he began to frame him Di Yun.”

“Di Yun was first tortured, then his fingers were cut off, and then the lute bone was pierced. In prison, Ding Dian mistakenly thought it was a torture arrangement arranged by Ling Tuisi, so he was often beaten violently by Ding Dian.”

“And Wan Gui was outside, taking the opportunity to capture Qi Fang’s heart, and then went to the Yamen to deliver money. He said he wanted to help Di Yun, but in fact he wanted to kill Di Yun.”

“In the end, Di Yun heard the news in prison that his junior sister was going to marry Wan Gui, and he hanged himself in despair.”

“Thankfully, Ding Dian practiced the Shen Zhao Jing so well. When Di Yun hung for half an hour and his body was cold, he used the Shen Zhao Jing to forcefully bring Di Yun back to life.”

“Finally, Ding Dian was made the eldest brother, but Ding Dian was poisoned to death again.”

“Although he was taught the Divine Light Sutra by Ding Dian, he was later misunderstood as a lewd thief and was hunted down all the way. He finally learned the Blood Knife Sutra and solved the Blood Knife Patriarch, but was framed by Hua Tiegan.”

“After Hua Tiegan was solved, his junior sister Qi Fang was killed by Wan Gui. Then his master Qi Changfa, who he thought was dead, jumped out to kill him. In the end, he could only watch his master die in the treasure house of Emperor Liang Yuan. contained in the poison.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, luckily Di Yun still had Shui Sheng accompanying him in the end. Otherwise, Di Yun would have been better off dead.”

“But I happen to be in Jingzhou City now, and I just see that these villains are not pleasing to my eye. When I have time, I will deal with all the hypocrites like Wan Zhenshan and Qi Changfa. This can also change Di Yun’s tragic fate.”

“Although Di Yun originally experienced all kinds of hardships, acquired peerless martial arts, and finally retired with Shui Sheng and her junior sister’s daughter Cabbage. But if Di Yun was given a choice, he would prefer never to I left the country and have been living with my junior sister until the end of my life.”

“So this time, I can help Di Yun realize his wish.”

“Let him and his junior sister return to the countryside and live a good life.”

Ye Xiu finished writing his diary and fell asleep.

Huang Rong, who was next door to Ye Xiu, kept her spirits up and waited until Ye Xiu finished writing her diary, then she couldn’t wait to open it.

“Hmph, today’s diary didn’t even mention my name.” Huang Rong was a little unhappy.

Later, when Huang Rong saw Ye Xiu writing about Di Yun’s tragic fate, she couldn’t help but sigh, this Di Yun was really miserable.

Ye Xiu mentioned in his diary that he wanted to help Di Yun, but Huang Rong had no objection to this. She even wanted to help the unfortunate Di Yun.

Moreover, another thing about Ye Xiu’s diary that made Huang Rong happy was that Ye Xiu finally wrote that Di Yun and his junior sister Qi Fang should go to live in the countryside together.

This shows that Ye Xiu has no thoughts about Qi Fang.

After all, Qi Fang herself was quite good-looking. When entering the city, Ye Xiu even glanced at Qi Fang several times. Huang Rong could not help but feel a little jealous. Now the jealousy problem is solved.

After reading the diary, Huang Rong began to sleep with satisfaction.

On the other side of Jingzhou City, in almost the cheapest inn, Qi Fang was lying in a small and shabby room, with her eyes open, a little unable to sleep.

After all, she had been living in the countryside before. When she came to a place like Jingzhou City for the first time, she would inevitably be a little excited and unable to sleep.

Qi Fang is even looking forward to tomorrow, so that she can have a good tour of Jingzhou City.

It’s just a pity that her father will take her and Di Yun to attend Uncle Wan Zhenshan’s fiftieth birthday tomorrow, so there shouldn’t be much time for fun.

At this moment, suddenly, a black diary fell from the sky and hit Qi Fang directly on the face. Well, it’s a bit similar to the feeling of playing with a mobile phone before going to bed, and getting sleepy while playing, and then accidentally drops the mobile phone and hits it on the face.

Qi Fang looked at the diary that was thrown at her face in confusion. She didn’t even understand where the diary came from.

Qi Fang stood up and looked around, but couldn’t figure out the reason. Finally, with curiosity in her heart, she opened the diary.

“Oh, this is someone else’s diary? It’s not good for me to read someone else’s diary like this.”

“Otherwise, wait until tomorrow and ask the store directly -“

“But I can’t help but want to read it. I want to see what it’s like for people in the city to write diaries.”

Qi Fang was conflicted for a while, but finally decided not to read it. After all, this is other people’s privacy. No matter how curious Qi Fang is, she doesn’t want to pry into other people’s privacy and secrets.

Qi Fang placed the diary next to the bed and did not read it.

The other person, Shui Sheng, who was also hit in the face by a diary falling from the sky, had a curious look on her face and couldn’t help but light a candle and look through the diary that suddenly appeared.

“Huashan Sword Sect?”

“Huh? The anti-evil sword manual actually requires people to practice sword practice in the palace? This is too, too strange.”

“Evil Sword Manual, Star Absorbing Technique, Dugu Nine Swords? They all seem very powerful.”

“Sunflower Book, Dongfang Invincible. The leader of the Sun Moon God Sect. I don’t know who is more powerful than Dongfang Invincible or my father. Well, my father should be more powerful.” Shui Sheng muttered, having been taught since childhood. The doting Shui Sheng didn’t have a very broad horizon. Although she didn’t think that her father was invincible, she still felt that her father should be a rare master in the world.

“This Songshan sect is too bad -“

“This Linghu Chong can’t do it. Doesn’t he care about his own sect when doing things?”

“An innate master? Is the owner of this diary an innate master? He’s just a little better than me. If I practice hard, I can definitely become an innate master.”

“Dongfang Bubai is actually a woman? A woman seems to be very powerful as the leader of a demon sect.” Shui Sheng was a little surprised, and even couldn’t help but feel a little bit of admiration. It’s not that he worships others, he just worships Dongfang Bubai for being able to become the leader of the Demon Cult as a woman.

“Rewards for the Blood Sword Sutra? It always feels weird, as if writing a diary can reward cultivation and martial arts. Isn’t this diary something written randomly?” Shui Sheng looked at the diary and felt more and more The content written is somewhat unreliable.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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