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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 8

Chapter 20 Qu Feiyan’s self-rescue plan

“Master brother…” Yue Lingshan looked at the diary and couldn’t help but muttered.

After all, Yue Lingshan is the daughter of Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze. Linghu Chong would feel sorry for them both. What does this make Yue Lingshan think? It was obvious that they had grown up together, and it was obvious that she felt that her parents were very good to Linghu Chong.

“Little junior sister, do you miss senior brother? Hahaha.” When Lauderno heard Yue Lingshan calling the words ‘senior brother’, he couldn’t help laughing: “Elder brother should go to Hengshan with the junior brothers now. We will also head towards Hengshan next, and we will be able to meet up soon.”

“Uh, going to Hengshan? I understand.” Yue Lingshan nodded, but she was thinking in her heart that the person who wrote the diary also went to Hengshan with Linghu Chong, so after she goes to Hengshan this time, she should be able to meet the person who wrote the diary. People just don’t know which senior brother the person who wrote the diary is.

“Yilin is the leader’s sister? Should I try to tell the leader this news? If it is true, then the leader will definitely be able to save grandpa.” Qu Feiyan’s eyes sparkled, and she suddenly found a way to save her grandfather and her husband. Eunuch Liu and their methods.

Of course, the premise is that Yilin written in the diary is really Dongfang Bubai’s sister.

“But, what if Yilin is not the sister of the leader? Ahhhh, it’s so annoying. Why don’t you write this matter clearly? It’s vague and unclear. How can I confirm it? . If Yilin has no relationship with the leader at all, but I say that Yilin is the leader’s sister, will the leader treat me and grandpa? Well, it doesn’t seem to matter. If Yilin is the leader’s sister, then I will tell you this. Give the news to the leader, and the leader will definitely save my grandfather and me. If Yilin was not the leader’s sister, my grandfather and I would have died at the hands of the Songshan sect, and we wouldn’t have to worry about being punished by the leader for lying.”

Qu Feiyan made up his mind to tell Dongfang Bubai that Yilin might be Dongfang Bubai’s sister.

“Grandpa, grandpa.” Qu Feiyan hurriedly went to find Qu Yang.

“Feifei, what’s wrong? What’s the matter?” Qu Yang was a little curious when he saw Qu Feiyan running up to him excitedly. In recent days, Qu Feiyan’s mood has not been high and he kept talking about Songshan Mountain. Pai wanted to attack Liu Zhengfeng and him, etc., but Qu Yang didn’t take Qu Feiyan’s words seriously at all.

“Grandpa, there is good news, there is great news.” Qu Feiyan said excitedly.

“Oh? Good news? Hahaha, it’s not easy to hear good news from you Feifei.” Qu Yang chuckled. After all, Qu Feiyan has been telling bad news during this period. .

“Grandpa, listen to me, I know who the leader’s sister is.”

“Huh? What did you say? The leader’s sister?” Qu Yang was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became serious.

Dongfang Bubai is very scary to the followers of the Sun and Moon God Sect. People like Qu Yang and others do not even dare to mention the name Dongfang Bubai easily outside.

“Yes, the leader’s sister is Yilin from the Hengshan Sect. Grandpa, let’s tell the leader this news quickly.” Qu Feiyan said excitedly.

“Fei Fei, you can’t joke about this kind of thing.” Qu Yang looked at Qu Feiyan very seriously.

“I’m not kidding. Really grandpa, Yilin is really the sister of the leader. Grandpa, don’t you want to quit the world with Eunuch Liu? As long as you tell the leader the news, the leader will definitely give you three solutions. Corpse Brain Divine Pill, when the time comes, you and Eunuch Liu can withdraw from the world and play the piano.” Qu Feiyan said with a serious look on his face.

Qu Yang’s eyes lit up after hearing Qu Feiyan’s words.

Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng, the love between them is real and very deep.

That’s why Liu Zhengfeng chose to wash his hands and withdraw from the world.

As for Qu Yang, as an elder of the Demon Cult, it is not that easy to quit because he has poison like the Three Corpses Brain Pill in his body.

However, if he really finds Dongfang Bubai’s sister, he can definitely tell Dongfang Bubai the news and get the antidote to the Three Corpses Brain Pill from her, and then he can withdraw from the world together with Liu Zhengfeng and never be together again. Ask about any world affairs in the world, play the piano and music together, and be proud of the world.

When he thought of this, Qu Yang was so excited that he couldn’t help himself.

But Qu Yang is the elder of the Demon Cult after all.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: “Feifei, are you sure that Yilin is the sister of the leader?”

“Yes, I’m sure!” Qu Feiyan nodded vigorously. Although she was unsure, she could only give it a try.

“How did you get this news?”

“I can’t say this, but don’t worry, grandpa, this news is absolutely true, absolutely!”

Qu Yang frowned, and then paced back and forth. Qu Feiyan’s news had no source, and Qu Yang really couldn’t confirm whether it was true or false. However, he didn’t want to let go of this news that might be true. After all, if it was false, he would be punished once, but if it was true, his benefits would be too great.

“In fact, after the leader took control of the divine religion, he was indeed looking for someone, but there was no news. Now it seems that the leader is indeed looking for his sister. Feifei, are you sure that Yilin is really Is she the leader’s sister?”

“Well, I’m sure, very sure.” Qu Feiyan took the risk and nodded vigorously.

“Okay, I will report this news to the leader now. If this news is true, then you have really made a great contribution this time.”

“Grandpa, don’t worry, it must be true. Grandpa, when you report this news, you can also ask the leader to protect you and Eunuch Liu. Although you have never believed what I said before that the Songshan Sect will target you and Eunuch Liu. Father-in-law, what if this thing is true.” Qu Feiyan also mentioned that the Songshan sect wanted to kill Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang.

When Qu Yang heard Qu Feiyan’s words, he couldn’t help but shake his head. He felt that Qu Feiyan was a little crazy, and for some reason he always felt that the Songshan sect wanted to kill them. Obviously, Liu Zhengfeng had just made the decision to wash his hands in the golden basin. Before telling anyone, Qu Feiyan said that the Songshan Sect would deal with Liu Zhengfeng while he was washing his hands in the golden basin. Obviously, anyone who heard this would know that it was false, but Qu Feiyan seemed to take it seriously.

Qu Yang couldn’t help but think that Qu Feiyan might have been wandering around the world with him since he was a child. He was too nervous and had hallucinations. Or it could be a disease, a disease where he always felt that others would hurt him.

Although this kind of disease is not common, Qu Yang has seen it before. This thing is called persecutory paranoia.

But no matter what, the news that Yilin may be Dongfang Bubai’s younger sister is still very important. Of course, when Qu Yang reported it, he wouldn’t be so aggressive and would only say that Yilin might be the person Dongfang Bubai was looking for.

If not, Dongfang Bubai probably wouldn’t punish him too harshly.

Chapter 21 Sisters reunited

“Walking around the world is really not a comfortable thing.” Ye Xiu complained in his heart.

After coming down the mountain, Ye Xiu followed Linghu Chong and his group towards the Hengshan Sect.

On the way, Linghu Chong was quite responsible and would talk about some of his experiences traveling in the world, including food, clothing, housing and transportation. For example, what should you pay attention to when eating in the wild? How to obtain food when there is no food? What should you pay attention to? When rushing, how fast should you go, and whether you can get to the town before dark? If not, how should you spend the night in the wilderness, etc.

As for what Linghu Chong said, Ye Xiu had also experienced it with Linghu Chong.

So, it was really hard, especially since the traffic nowadays is extremely inconvenient. Most of the time, the roads they took were all narrow paths, and sometimes there were even no paths at all.

After walking for a day, I was sweating all over, and my clothes and body were covered with a thick layer of dust. I looked as embarrassed as I wanted.

There is absolutely no such thing as riding horses in the arena, enjoying grudges, and being accompanied by BMW beauties.

At the same time, Linghu Chong would take Ye Xiu and the others to specifically target the bandits.

At this time, Ye Xiu also got first blood – killing someone for the first time.

It was his first time to kill someone. Ye Xiu was a little nervous and even a little panicked. However, Ye Xiu was not very averse to killing people because the other party was indeed the kind that deserved to be killed. They were a group of bandits and robbers who burned, killed, and looted, and even kept them in captivity in the village. There are some women for them to vent.

This kind of person, no matter what era he is placed in, is someone who deserves to be killed.

And Ye Xiu, in this situation, has indeed grown.

Of course, Ye Xiu’s diary has not stopped and he writes in it every day. But what he wrote was his experience that day, or he was complaining about the inconvenience of traveling around the world, etc. There is no other substantial information.

This actually disappointed some people who read Ye Xiu’s diary.

When Ye Xiu followed Linghu Chong and others to the Hengshan Sect, Dongfang Bubai, the leader of the Sun Moon Sect, had already caught up with the Hengshan Sect’s group heading to Hengshan.

After Dongfang Bubai knew that Yilin might be his sister, she rushed to the Hengshan Sect as soon as possible. However, when she rushed to the Hengshan Sect, Yilin had already followed Master Dingyi to Hengshan, so she He turned around and chased, and finally caught up with the team led by Master Dingyi halfway.

Then, Dongfang Bubai saw the little bald head among the group of bald heads – Yi Lin.

In Dongfang Bubai’s eyes, the little bald Yilin was very good-looking, very scary, with a cute expression, and her reactions were even a little bit slow, so much so that she seemed a bit clumsy. But it can be seen that she is extremely simple and kind at heart.

At the same time, Master Dingyi of the Hengshan Sect had many disciples, and they also took great care of and even doted on Yilin. It felt like Yilin was their group favorite.

Seeing Yilin being taken care of like this and not suffering, Dongfang Bubai breathed a sigh of relief, and his overall perception of the Hengshan Sect improved by three points.

“But Master Dingyi of the Hengshan Sect?”

While Master Dingyi was taking his disciples to rest in the woods, a voice came.

Master Dingyi was subconsciously vigilant, holding the sword in his hand and looking in the direction of the sound.

I saw a woman in red walking over from a short distance away. When the other party came closer, Master Dingyi discovered that the other party turned out to be a very beautiful woman, and this woman had a faint sense of heroism between her eyebrows, and Master Dingyi could faintly feel it from her body. To some degree of pressure.

At the same time, Master Dingyi vaguely felt that this person’s face seemed a bit familiar, but he couldn’t remember that he had seen him before. After all, if she had seen such a gorgeous woman, she would never forget her.

Master Dingyi felt that this word was not an exaggeration when applied to the other person.

“The poor nun is Dingyi of the Hengshan sect. I wonder who you are, miss?” Seeing that the other party was a woman, Master Dingyi relaxed a little, but she still remained vigilant.

“Dongfang Bai, actually, I came here this time to look for my sister.” Dongfang Bai suppressed the excitement in his heart and explained calmly.

“Your sister?”

“I have lost contact with my sister since I was a child. I have been asking for news about my sister over the years. It was not until recently that I got the news that Yilin, the master’s disciple, may be my sister, so I searched all the way here.”

“Yilin?” Master Dingyi was stunned for a moment.

“Yes, Yilin. Before I lost contact with my sister, my sister used to have a sachet with the word “lin” embroidered on it.” Dongfang Bubai said quickly.

After hearing Dongfang Bai’s words, Master Dingyi was almost certain that the gorgeous woman in front of him might really be Yi Lin’s sister. Because when she rescued Yilin, Yilin did have such a sachet on her body.

At the same time, Master Dingyi also knew why she felt that the woman in front of her looked familiar, because her appearance was somewhat similar to Yilin. It’s just that the temperament of the woman in front of me is completely opposite to Yilin, so when I saw her, I couldn’t think of Yilin for a while.

When Master Dingyi was almost sure that Dongfang Bai was Yilin’s sister, a smile appeared on her face.

Master Dingyi has raised Yilin for so many years and almost treats Yilin as her own daughter. Now that Yilin can meet her sister, this is undoubtedly a good thing for Yilin.

“Yilin, come here quickly.” Master Dingyi shouted to Yilin.

“Ah? Oh, yes, master.” Yilin heard Master Dingyi’s call and responded in a silly manner, then trotted over quickly.

Dongfang Bubai looked at Yilin without blinking, looking at Yilin’s cute face. Gradually, Dongfang Bubai’s face softened, and his eyes gained a hint of joy.

“Master.” Yilin ran over and looked at the beautiful elder sister in front of her master with curiosity. She felt that this beautiful elder sister was so beautiful and good-looking, and she also had a vague sense of intimacy.

“Yilin, this is your sister.” Master Dingyi said to Yilin with a smile.

“Huh?” Yilin was even more confused, staring blankly at Dongfang Bubai.

“Sister.” Dongfang Bubai finally couldn’t bear it anymore and reached out to hold Yilin in his arms.

Yilin was startled, and even subconsciously wanted to hide, but she was hugged by Dongfang Bubai, and she couldn’t hide at all. Her big eyes were filled with confusion, and she looked at Master Dingyi next to her as if asking for help.

Master Dingyi smiled and stepped away, leaving some private space for the two sisters.

Chapter 22 Dongfang Bubai’s Doubt

After meeting Yi Lin, Dongfang Bubai was very happy and finally found his sister.

However, while she was happy, she was somewhat troubled.

That’s how to place Yi Lin.

Confess her identity to Yilin and then take Yilin back to the Sun Moon God Sect? To be honest, this is not a good approach.

Where is the Sun and Moon God Sect? The demon sect that others refer to is full of demon sects and monsters. Of course, the most important thing is that the Sun Moon God Sect is not actually that stable inside. Just like that guy Xiang Wentian, he has been secretly looking for Ren Woxing, and Ren Yingying is also restless.

If they knew that Yilin was their sister, there was no guarantee that they wouldn’t make plans for Yilin.

Even if Dongfang Bubai protects Yilin at all times, it is inevitable that there may be times of negligence. After all, human energy is limited after all.

Unless, after she returns, she will sort out the Sun and Moon Sect again, and get rid of all the people like Xiang Wentian and Ren Yingying, so that there will no longer be any voice other than hers in the Sun and Moon Sect——

But, to be honest, after Dongfang Bubai and Yilin got to know each other, and after these days of getting along, Dongfang Bubai also knew that Yilin’s personality was actually very suitable for staying in a place like the Hengshan Sect.

After all, there is almost no intrigue in the Hengshan sect, and everyone is very kind to Yi Lin.

Moreover, Yilin has been living here all these years and has long been accustomed to this kind of life.

However, the Hengshan Sect is actually not that safe, because it is clearly written in the diary that the Songshan Sect is plotting against the Hengshan Sect. Even the three sects of Hengshan will die in the future, and they may even die in the Songshan Sect. in hand.

And Yilin may also be harmed when the Songshan Sect attacks the Hengshan Sect, which is something Dongfang Invincible will never allow.

Dongfang Bubai was thinking that perhaps, she could start from two aspects. On the one hand, she could start to rectify the Sun and Moon God Sect after returning, and get rid of Xiang Wentian and others who were not concerned about it, so that the Sun and Moon God Sect could be dealt with. Get clean.

On the other hand, Dongfang Bubai even thought about killing the Songshan sect first, so that he could prevent the Songshan sect from harming Yilin.

Yilin happily walked beside Dongfang Bubai, not knowing at all what Dongfang Bubai would do for her.

“Sister, are you hungry? I’ll give you a steamed bun…” Yilin handed a big white steamed bun to Dongfang Bubai.

“Thank you Yilin.” Dongfang Bubai smiled and took the buns handed over by Yilin, and then habitually placed a handful on Yilin’s bald head.

Yilin smiled silly, not angry or even trying to stop Dongfang Bubai’s actions. Her temperament and character are really great.

Seeing his sister like this, Dongfang Bubai wants to eradicate all dangerous people or things in the world, so that Yi Lin can live happily without worrying about any danger.

At this moment, a homing pigeon flew over and landed on Dongfang Bubai’s shoulder.

Dongfang Bubai looked at the message from Fei Ge, but couldn’t help but narrow his eyes slightly.

The news came from Qu Yang, saying that Yilin might be the person he wanted to find.

This surprised Dongfang Bubai. She had just found her sister, but Qu Yang found Yilin by such a coincidence?

Dongfang Bubai felt that things were really coincidental. But for Qu Yang to be able to find Yi Lin, she still felt that Qu Yang was careful enough about her affairs. Qu Yang’s senses are slightly better.

“Huh?” Dongfang Bubai, who was laughing and joking with Yilin, suddenly paused and said to Yilin with a smile: “Yilin, I have something to do and I need to leave first. You follow your master first. I will be there soon.” Come after me.”


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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