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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 80

Just relying on the Huashan Sect and Ning Zhongze, he really didn’t have much hope if he wanted to take revenge.

However, besides staying in Huashan, Lin Pingzhi didn’t know where he could go.

At least when he was in the Huashan Sect, the Huashan Sect could barely protect him, but if he wanted to leave the Huashan Sect, Yu Canghai might jump out and capture him the next day.

Therefore, Lin Pingzhi could only continue to stay in the Huashan Sect, but there was no hope of revenge if he stayed here, so Lin Pingzhi’s character became more and more distorted.

After Ye Xiu and Yue Lingshan came down the mountain, they quickly arrived at the gate of a courtyard in Huayin County.

Before Ye Xiu could knock on the door, the door opened directly, and Ye Xiu saw the smiling girl Qu Feiyan standing at the door.

“Are you, Qu Feiyan?”

“Oh, I didn’t expect Mr. Ye to still recognize me. I thought you had forgotten me.” Qu Feiyan restrained himself when he saw Ye Xiu and couldn’t help but said with a smile.

“For a cute girl like you, most people will probably never forget you.” Ye Xiu said with a smile.

The reason for this tone is that a little girl of 12 or 13 years old like Qu Feiyan is indeed very cute. On the other hand, since Qu Feiyan appeared in the courtyard of Dongfang Bubai, it means that Qu Feiyan is already a member of Dongfang Bubai. Since he is a member of Dongfang Bubai, he is one of his own, and Ye Xiu naturally does not Will show off.

“Brother Xiu!”

Huang Rong’s brisk voice came, and then she plunged into Ye Xiu’s arms.

“Rong’er.” Ye Xiu was in a very good mood when he saw Huang Rong. But the next moment, a sword-like gaze fell on him. When he looked up, Ye Xiu saw Huang Yaoshi with a gloomy face. This made Ye Xiu let go of Huang Rong unnaturally.

Ye Xiu originally thought that the most he could see here was Dongfang Bubai and the others, but what Ye Xiu didn’t expect was that he actually saw Yao Yue here.

Yao Yue actually lived in the same courtyard as Dongfang Bubai. This would inevitably make Ye Xiu feel a little strange.

After all, the two of them would start shouting and killing each other after meeting. From time to time, he would take action, looking like he wanted to kill the other person.

Now they are in the same courtyard, living together peacefully – well, okay, there is still a strong smell of gunpowder between the two of them, but the feeling is much better than before.

Chapter 134 ‘Seeking death’ and seeking death

“Junior sister Yilin? Long time no see.” After Ye Xiu saw Yilin, he was surprised at first, and then felt enlightened.

Even though Yilin was a disciple of the Hengshan Sect before, after meeting Dongfang Bubai, it was normal for Dongfang Bubai to take Yilin with him.

At this time, Yilin’s appearance is slightly different from before. The biggest difference is her hair. At this time, Yilin already has hair about ten centimeters long on her head, but her hair is tied up. in the hat.

But other aspects, such as the soft voice he speaks, the gentle attitude towards others, etc., seem to have not changed at all.

Yilin even held a string of Buddhist beads in her hand.

Yilin still gives people the impression that she is still the soft, kind-hearted little master.

Seeing Yi Lin like this, Ye Xiu couldn’t help but feel a little fond of her.

After all, the women around Ye Xiu now are, well, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, two such powerful people. Comparing Yilin with them, it can be said that they are almost completely two extremes.

“Senior Brother Ye, long time no see, Amitabha.” After Yilin saw Ye Xiu, she shouted in her usual soft and weak voice.

Dongfang Bubai, who was on the side, saw Ye Xiu greeting Yilin in such a gentle tone, and she stood quietly aside with a smile on her lips, and her whole person seemed to soften.

As for Yao Yue, the only one she was hostile to was Dongfang Bubai. She looked down upon a weak woman like Yi Lin, and would not even have the slightest bit of hostility towards such a weak woman, or almost completely. Ignoring Yilin’s existence.

Ye Xiu rode his horse and looked at the group of people and women following him – well, not counting Huang Yaoshi. Huang Yaoshi set off early and didn’t travel with the team at all.

Always, when Ye Xiu looked at the group of girls behind him, all of whom were considered stunning beauties, he couldn’t help but feel strange in his heart.

Originally, Ye Xiu just wanted to go to Nanjing and plan for Rama’s body. It would be best if he could have Dongfang Bubai or Yao Yue as his helpers.

But plans never change quickly.

Junior sister Yue Lingshan wants to follow, and besides Yao Yue and Dongfang Bubai, Huang Rong, Yi Lin, and Qu Feiyan also want to follow. There is also Huang Yaoshi who is hiding somewhere.

This team is really getting bigger and bigger.

But after all, there are two great masters, Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, so the bigger the team is, the bigger it will be, and they can still take care of it.

However, as the saying goes, one monk carries water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink.

Now, there are six more beauties in the team, and the atmosphere in the team is a bit wrong.

At least at night, Ye Xiu found that he could only sleep alone.

Although, every time, I was being tapped and then passively being ridden. But that feeling, although a bit awkward, is not bad at all.

But now, either Dongfang Bubai is blocking Yaoyue, or Yaoyue is blocking Dongfang Bubai, or else it is because of the existence of Yilin and the others that Yaoyue and Dongfang Bubai are unable to enter during this journey. Ye Xiu’s room.

Although it is said that slowing down is good for the waist and kidneys, and it can give you a rest. But after resting for a long time, Ye Xiu also felt a little suffocated and uncomfortable.

So much so that Ye Xiu’s eyes often looked at Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue with a hint of resentment.

“Ye Xiu!” Qu Feiyan was in high spirits all day long and looked very lively.

Especially when he joined Ye Xiu’s team on the way to Nanjing, Qu Feiyan was inevitably mentioned in Ye Xiu’s diary, so Qu Feiyan was in a really good mood.

In other words, Qu Feiyan is simpler and purer than the others in the team.

But it’s no wonder, after all, Qu Feiyan is only twelve or thirteen years old now, a yellow-haired girl whose hair has not yet fully grown, unlike others, who have all the hair that should have grown, so she is more pure.

This also prevented Qu Feiyan from being affected by the atmosphere in the team.

“No, no.” Ye Xiu responded casually. It was probably because of Qu Feiyan’s age, so when Ye Xiu faced Qu Feiyan, he was quite natural and didn’t have any baggage in his heart. In addition, Qu Feiyan, this girl, also has a very fun personality, so the two of them can play together.

“Ye Xiu.” Qu Feiyan looked around with her big eyes. Seeing that Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue were not paying attention, she leaned close to Ye Xiu’s ear.

Seeing Qu Feiyan like this, Ye Xiu was a little curious as to what Qu Feiyan was going to do.

“Ye Xiu, when we get to Nanjing, I’ll treat you to a brothel. I paid a lot of money for it.” Qu Feiyan patted his pocket.

Ye Xiu looked at Qu Feiyan with astonishment and even confusion.

“Hey hey hey, how about it? I think it’s interesting. But you can’t tell the leader about this.” Qu Feiyan specifically warned in a low voice.

“No, why, how could you invite me to a place like that? What on earth do you think? And it’s so nice, but you suddenly want to treat me?” Ye Xiu couldn’t help but ask.

“Well, there is a reason anyway, but I can’t tell you. Don’t worry, I have saved a lot of money, enough for you to order Oiran once.” Qu Feiyan said proudly.


“Yes, Oiran. Oiran is the most beautiful woman in the brothel. I know that many men want to order Oiran.” Qu Fei said with a beaming eyebrow.

“You know so much. However, I think you can become an oiran when you grow up.”

“I don’t want to be an oiran – uh, leader?” Qu Feiyan felt something was wrong and got stuck mid-sentence. Then she subconsciously turned around and saw Dongfang Bubai’s cold eyes staring at her. Qu Feiyan instantly shuddered.

“You seem to have a little too much money on you. At such a young age, it’s better not to have too much money on you.” Dongfang Bubai hooked his finger, and Qu Fei’s silver wallet flew directly into Dongfang Bubai’s hand. inside.

Qu Feiyan’s face suddenly became bitter. She only had a little money with her. She usually relied on this little money to buy candied haws and other snacks, but now her money had been confiscated by Dongfang Bubai.

And that’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Dongfang Bubai and even Yao Yue seem to have some opinions on her. When Qu Feiyan saw their cold eyes, his legs became weak.

Next, Qu Feiyan had a sad face the whole time, and that look made Ye Xiu couldn’t help but want to laugh.

“Ye Xiu, it seems that I can’t treat you this time, but don’t worry, I will continue to save money, and I will treat you when I have enough.” Qu Feiyan finally whispered in Ye Xiu’s ear even more quietly.

Ye Xiu didn’t understand why Qu Feiyan was so insistent on treating him to a brothel.

In fact, Qu Feiyan did this to thank Ye Xiu.

Regardless of Ye Xiu’s intention or not, what he wrote in his diary did save Qu Feiyan and her grandfather Qu Yang, so Qu Feiyan was very grateful to Ye Xiu. Qu Feiyan had already decided to invite Ye Xiu to a brothel, but he had never had the chance before.

It had to be said that Qu Feiyan really kept her word. After all, the decision to invite Ye Xiu was her own decision. She never told anyone about it, but she always kept it in her heart.

It’s just that Qu Feiyan kept her word, but she was punished by Dongfang Bubai for this.

Ye Xiu and his group were riding horses or riding carriages, and then Qu Feiyan had to use his short legs to chase after them desperately.

Ye Xiu looked at Qu Feiyan, who was so tired that he almost stuck out his tongue, and couldn’t help but look at Dongfang Bubai.

“I am doing this for her own good. Her strength is too low. When encountering an enemy, the most suitable way is to escape. However, her Qing Gong is not good enough, so I am training her Qing Gong.” Dongfang Bubai explained to Ye Xiu.

That is Ye Xiu. If it were another person, Dongfang Bubai wouldn’t be able to explain a word.

For three days in a row, Qu Feiyan kept chasing after the horse. Fortunately, Ye Xiu and the others didn’t speed up the horse, otherwise she might have been thrown thousands of miles away.

After running for three days in a row, Qu Feiyan, a girl, looked haggard and exhausted. She even felt that her two short legs no longer belonged to her.

“Feifei, drink some water.” Ye Xiu handed a kettle to Qu Feiyan, who was already sticking out his tongue.

Qu Feiyan took the kettle and drank half the water in one breath: “Finally saved.”

“Fei Fei, I think you need to be more careful when you speak in the future. You can’t say everything, especially the person you talk to.” Ye Xiu advised Qu Feiyan.

The reason for this is because Ye Xiu feels that this little girl Qu Feiyan really likes to seek death.

This time, he was punished by Dongfang Bubai because he insisted on inviting Ye Xiu to the brothel. He had been punished for other reasons before, but the punishments ranged from mild to severe. But most of the time it was Qu Feiyan who sought his own death.

Every punishment can make Qu Feiyan feel ecstasy, but Qu Feiyan is the type who remembers eating but not beating. After being punished, if she calms down a little, she will immediately start the next round. There is no one like her who is seeking death.

“Actually, I’m paying attention.” Qu Feiyan muttered.

“…” Ye Xiu looked at Qu Feiyan speechlessly, was she paying attention?

“Ye Xiu, don’t worry. I will never go back on the treat I promised before. I will find a way to get money.” Qu Feiyan carefully glanced at Dongfang Bubai and then said to Ye Xiu cautiously.

“…You haven’t given up yet.” Ye Xiu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“I, Qu Feiyan, nail everything with my spit. As long as it is something I have promised, I will definitely do it.” Qu Feiyan said impassionedly.

“Really? It seems that you still need to continue to practice your Qinggong.” Dongfang Bubai’s voice reached Qu Feiyan’s ears again, and Qu Feiyan’s small face turned into a bitter face again.

“Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, how are you, Xiaoyun?” Lin Shiyin suddenly felt distressed when she saw that her son Long Xiaoyun’s face was pale, without any blood, and without the energy of the past.

“Mom, I was crippled. My martial arts was crippled.” Long Xiaoyun’s eyes were full of resentment.

Long Xiaoyun’s hateful look made Lin Shiyin’s heart skip a beat: “Who did it?”

“Li Xunhuan, that Li Xunhuan!” Long Xiaoyun gritted his teeth and said the other person’s name.

And Lin Shiyin was stunned after hearing the three words Li Xunhuan.

In fact, the name Li Xunhuan had already appeared in Lin Shiyin’s ears. After all, when Li Xunhuan returned to the Central Plains from beyond the Great Wall, the incident caused quite a stir, and Lin Shiyin paid special attention to it. But she didn’t expect that Li Xunhuan would actually conflict with her son Long Xiaoyun.

“Mom, I will definitely kill Li Xunhuan.” Long Xiaoyun looked at Lin Shiyin very seriously.

Lin Shiyin’s expression changed, and she opened her mouth to say something, but couldn’t.

One is the man he loved the most, and the other is his biological son. Between the two, Lin Shiyin couldn’t compare at all.

“Mom, you will help me, right mom! You will definitely help me, right mom?” Long Xiaoyun looked at Lin Shiyin very seriously.

He was obviously a boy in his early ten years, but the look in his eyes at this moment made Lin Shiyin feel scared.

“Xiaoyun, you——”

“Mother, I was crippled. I was crippled by Li Xunhuan. My whole life is over. Mom, I am a cripple for the rest of my life.” Long Xiaoyun’s eyes were full of resentment and hatred.

“…Xiaoyun, actually, there is still a way to heal your injury.” Lin Shiyin’s mind was confused, but suddenly an idea flashed, and she thought of the two martial arts that Ye Xiu had written in his diary. One was the Shen Zhao Jing. , can almost bring people back to life. The second is Rama’s inner strength, which can allow people to regenerate their severed limbs.

Either of these two martial arts can cure Long Xiaoyun.

And if Long Xiaoyun’s body is cured, Lin Shiyin feels that the hatred between him and Li Xunhuan will be resolved.

“Mom, what did you say? Can my injury be cured?” Long Xiaoyun’s eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. As long as his injury can be cured, nothing else matters.

“Well, Xiaoyun, I wonder if you have heard about Rama’s body?” Lin Shiyin nodded, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Long Xiaoyun’s focus was no longer on Li Xunhuan.

“Rama’s body? I seem to have heard of it, but I don’t know exactly what happened. Mom, can Rama’s body cure my injuries?” Long Xiaoyun’s eyes were full of expectation.

“Yes, it is said that Patriarch Rama was once a high monk. The martial arts he practiced was Rama’s inner strength, and Rama’s inner strength can heal injuries and even regenerate broken limbs. Patriarch Rama once gave lectures to Emperor Wu of Liang, He entered the palace from the palace, but after his death, his body was intact…” Lin Shiyin told some information about Rama’s body.

“It’s really good, it’s really good, mother, let’s go find Rama’s body now. I must get Rama’s body and Rama’s inner strength.” Long Xiaoyun was very excited.

“Xiaoyun, regarding Rama’s body, it is very precious. A lot of people have been eyeing it, and ordinary people can’t get it. If we want to get it, we can only ask for help and invite experts. Just help.” Lin Shiyin said seriously.

“I asked my father to invite some experts together. They should be able to snatch Rama’s body.” Long Xiaoyun said with a frown.

“Not enough, far from enough. In fact, your father’s martial arts are not outstanding in the world, and most of the people who interact with your father have similar martial arts skills to your father, and none of them are masters at the master level. And If you have not reached the master level, you are not qualified to snatch Rama’s body.” Lin Shiyin shook her head.

“My father can’t do it either?” Long Xiaoyun frowned, anxiety flashing in his eyes.

“Actually, there is another person who can help you. If he takes action, the chance of getting Rama’s body back is very high.” Lin Shiyin said pointedly.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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