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Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed — Chapter 82

Because there were really too many beauties around Ye Xiu.

The most beautiful and charming ones are undoubtedly Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue. Regardless of their appearance or temperament, these two people are enough to be regarded as the leading beauties in the world. Then there is Huang Rong. Although she is still young, her beauty has already been revealed. At most, she is only slightly greener than Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue, but she also has youth and vitality that Dongfang Bubai and Yao Yue cannot match. .

And Yi Lin and Yue Lingshan, both of them can be regarded as extremely beautiful girls. The last one, Qu Feiyan, is too young and young, so her charm is somewhat compromised, but even so, anyone with a discerning eye can see that as long as Qu Feiyan is a few years older, he will definitely be the most beautiful in the world. That level.

Lu Xiaofeng has three major hobbies in his life, one is fine wine, the second is beautiful women, and the third is making friends.

But now, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly saw so many stunning beauties here, and it was really overwhelming.

However, Dongfang Bubai and Yaoyue didn’t seem to be easy to provoke, so Lu Xiaofeng never took any action.

But now, after seeing Ye Xiu, Lu Xiaofeng’s eyes lit up and she raised her glass to Ye Xiu with a smile.

Lu Xiaofeng now wanted to make friends.

After all, Ye Xiu is handsome and has so many beauties accompanying him. You can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary character. Lu Xiaofeng likes to make friends with this kind of people the most.

Not to mention, after making friends with Ye Xiu, he could also get to know Dongfang Bubai and their six beauties.

Of course, Lu Xiaofeng likes beautiful women, but he is not a pervert or a lecher. Even from the beginning to the end, he only looked at Dongfang Bubai and the others with admiration, and never even thought about having a relationship beyond friendship with them. Relationship.

Lu Xiaofeng just admired the beauty.

“Brother, do you want to come over for a drink?” Lu Xiaofeng smiled and invited Ye Xiu.

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng’s invitation to him, Ye Xiu thought for a moment and then walked over with a smile.

On the one hand, Ye Xiu didn’t have any bad feelings towards Lu Xiaofeng, even though Lu Xiaofeng itself represented trouble.

The second aspect was that Ye Xiu wanted to see if Lu Xiaofeng had any information about Rama’s body.

Although Ye Xiu himself knows a lot of information, this is the world of mixed martial arts after all. Many people or things have undergone certain changes. The little information Ye Xiu knows may be revealed at this time. Become a pit.

Ye Xiu’s actions made Dongfang Bubai and the others couldn’t help but glance at Lu Xiaofeng and the others. Then, Dongfang Bubai and the others could almost guess Lu Xiaofeng’s identity.

After all, Lu Xiaofeng’s four eyebrows are really famous. As long as he didn’t shave off his beard, people in the world would most likely recognize Lu Xiaofeng.

Moreover, Dongfang Bubai and the others didn’t care much about Ye Xiu’s friendship with a man, as long as he wasn’t a woman.

“Lu Xiaofeng, this is my friend Hua Manlou, what do you call me little brother?” Lu Xiaofeng looked at Ye Xiu who was sitting over and introduced with a smile.

“Ye Xiu from the Huashan sect has met Brother Lu and Brother Hua.” Ye Xiu smiled and held his hands.

“Huashan Sect?” Lu Xiaofeng was a little surprised.

Lu Xiaofeng had a certain understanding of the Huashan Sect.

Although the Huashan Sect is one of the Five Mountain Sword Sects, due to the early years of the Huashan Sword Qi dispute, the Huashan Sect has long since declined. In the end, only two people, Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze, were left to barely support it. To say that the Huashan Sect has As for young talents, only Linghu Chong, the senior brother of the Huashan Sect, is somewhat famous, but his fame is not big enough. As for Ye Xiu, Lu Xiaofeng had never heard of him.

However, Ye Xiu, whom I have never heard of, is surrounded by so many beautiful women, and they seem to have a lot of connections. So, what is the situation of Ye Xiu, a disciple of the Huashan Sect?

In addition, Lu Xiaofeng boasts that his eyesight is pretty good. He can feel that Ye Xiu’s strength is definitely not bad. Lu Xiaofeng can faintly detect the slightest danger from Ye Xiu’s body, so Ye Xiu’s cultivation Because, at least he has entered the master realm.

A young master who looked like he was about twenty years old and at the master level.

Lu Xiaofeng suddenly felt that the Huashan Sect might not be in danger of collapse at any time as rumored in the world.

Lu Xiaofeng is a bit like a cat. He is very curious, just like Ye Xiu. At this time, he is also full of curiosity about Ye Xiu and wants to know what secrets are hidden in Ye Xiu.

However, although Lu Xiaofeng was curious, she also knew that the first time they met, the friendship was superficial but not profound.

So Lu Xiaofeng didn’t try to find out anything. He just drank and chatted, mostly about Fengyue or some rumors in the world.

While chatting, they talked about Rama’s body.

“This big whale paid a huge bounty to reward the upper half of Rama’s body. In all likelihood, he already owns the lower half of Rama’s body.” Lu Xiaofeng said with a smile.

“What Zhang Dajing did was not clever.” Hua Manlou shook his head.

“Indeed, there are too many people who want to get Rama’s body, good and evil, good and bad, and too many people who want to get Rama’s inner strength. Although Zhang Dajing is the richest man in Nanjing, he is only the richest man in Nanjing. , how can he protect Rama’s body without much powerful power around him. The reason why he is still alive and well now is entirely because the upper half of Rama’s body has not appeared yet. Once the upper half of Rama’s body appears, It’s time for Zhang Dajing to die.” Ye Xiu also echoed.

“Brother Ye, you can see clearly. Come, have a drink.” Lu Xiaofeng raised his glass with a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Xiu also raised his glass and had a drink with Lu Xiaofeng.

On the side, Hua Manlou just smiled and listened quietly most of the time. He rarely spoke, and even when he did, it was only to make a simple summary.

“Brother Ye came to Nanjing this time for Rama’s body, right?” Lu Xiaofeng suddenly said to Ye Xiu.

“Indeed, for some reasons, I do need Rama’s body. Brother Lu and Brother Hua, they came to Nanjing this time, probably also for Rama’s body.” Ye Xiu nodded.

“You also know that Hua Manlou is a blind man. The inner power of Rama hidden in Rama’s body can regenerate his limbs, and maybe even his eyes, so Hua Manlou and I are here.” Lu Xiaofeng didn’t add anything. cover up.

“I’d rather trouble Brother Lu to come to Nanjing with me. Actually, I don’t care that much about Rama’s body. It’s good to get it, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t get it.” Hua Manlou shook his head with a smile.

Just like Ye Xiu thought before, Huamanlou didn’t particularly care about whether he could see the light again.

“Old flower, you are good at everything, but you are too uninterested. The opportunity that can make you see the light again is right in front of you, but you are still like this.” Lu Xiaofeng shook her head.

It was obviously about whether Hua Manlou could see the light again, but Lu Xiaofeng was more nervous than Hua Manlou.

“Although I can’t see, I can hear and smell the world. Even without eyes, I can still know the beauty of the world. So whether I can see it or not is not that important.” Manlou said with a smile.

Hearing Hua Manlou’s words, Lu Xiaofeng shook his head again.

“Brother Hua’s realm is far beyond my reach. But if I can get Rama’s inner strength, I can make a copy and give it to Brother Hua.” Ye Xiu said with a smile.

Although Rama’s inner strength is very miraculous and can be regarded as a kind of magical skill, Ye Xiu doesn’t care that much about magical skills and other things, or in other words, he is not stingy.

After all, in the same martial arts, some people can practice it to an extremely high level and become countless masters in the world, while some people cannot succeed in practicing it at all after obtaining the peerless magical skill, or they may not become any master at all.

And with the diary as a plug-in, Ye Xiu felt that even if he printed millions of copies of the magical power and spread it out, no one would be able to threaten him in the end.

“Then I really have to thank Brother Ye.” Hua Manlou smiled as if he was very happy.

Hua Manlou was not happy because his chances of obtaining Rama’s inner strength had increased. The reason why he was so happy was because he had another friend with whom he could make friends.

Although Hua Manlou couldn’t see, his perception was very sharp. He could completely sense that Ye Xiu’s statement that he would make a copy of Rama’s internal energy and give it to him was true. He meant it sincerely and was not false in the slightest.

As for being able to hand over magical skills such as Rama’s internal skills directly to another person instead of possessing them all by himself, Huamanlou now recognizes Ye Xiu as his friend.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Hua Manlou and immediately understood what Ye Xiu was thinking. She couldn’t help but start to look at Ye Xiu differently, and at the same time, she also began to regard Ye Xiu as a good friend.

Well, Lu Xiaofeng is actually a bit promiscuous when it comes to making friends. After all, he is neither a good person nor a bad person. No matter whether he is a high-level person or a low-level person, he can make friends. It seems that there is no threshold at all.

Compared with Lu Xiaofeng, who has no threshold for making friends, it is better to make friends with Hua Man Lou, who is more sincere.

“Since Ye Xiu is so generous, I can’t hide it. Huamanlou and I have been in Nanjing for a while, and we have collected some information. We can just communicate with you, so that we can have a bigger relationship. There is a chance of obtaining Rama’s inner strength.” Lu Xiaofeng’s expression became serious.

“Brother Lu, please tell me.”

“Actually, in addition to Zhang Dajing, there is another force in Nanjing city that had closer contact with Rama’s body, and that is the killer organization Black Stone…”

“I didn’t expect that we would encounter something like this after we came to Nanjing City.” Jiang Yufeng couldn’t help but sigh.

“Indeed, before again, we could not have imagined that Rama’s body would appear in Nanjing City. Nanjing City, which was originally relatively peaceful, has now entered the center of the whirlpool.” Jiang Yuyan also sighed.

But compared to Jiang Yufeng, Jiang Yuyan was still a little excited.

Because Jiang Yuyan knew that the owner of the diary had already arrived in Nanjing.

It’s just that Jiang Yuyan still doesn’t know who the owner of the diary is.

For now, Jiang Yuyan only knew that the owner of the diary was a disciple of the Huashan Sect, and that Yue Lingshan of the Huashan Sect, Dongfang Bubai of the Sun Moon God Sect, Yao Yue of Yihua Palace and others had arrived in Nanjing.

A handsome guy with a group of six beauties. This is very conspicuous in itself, and as long as you inquire a little, you will definitely be able to see it clearly in the hall.

Therefore, Jiang Yuyan’s biggest concern now is to find out the owner of the diary, and then thank the owner of the diary properly. If possible, Jiang Yuyan even wants to become friends with the owner of the diary, and even get closer. Some.

After all, if it weren’t for the owner of the diary, Jiang Yuyan would still be staying in the flower house now. Maybe she would have been deflowered.

Although there are many changes later, the situation is unexpected. But Jiang Yuyan, the owner of her diary, is still grateful.

“Sister, I have to go out for something.” Jiang Yuyan said to Jiang Yufeng.

“Okay, but be careful when you go out. After all, Nanjing is not peaceful right now, so you must be careful and careful.” Jiang Yufeng warned.

“I know sister, don’t worry, I’m just going next door, I won’t go too far.” Jiang Yuyan said with a smile.

“Would you like to go next door? That’s fine, you can go.” Jiang Yufeng thought of the honest-looking couple next door and nodded.

After Jiang Yuyan came out of the house, she went directly to the next door.

The place where Jiang Yufeng and Jiang Yuyan live is a relatively ordinary-looking courtyard, and the location is not particularly good. It is located between the rich area and the civilian area.

Bang bang bang——

Jiang Yuyan gently knocked on the door next door.


The door opened, and a somewhat ordinary-looking face appeared in front of Jiang Yuyan.

This face seems to be very ordinary and honest, but there is something slightly special about him.

“It’s Yuyan, what’s the matter with you?” The ordinary-looking woman immediately put a smile on her face when she saw Jiang Yuyan, and asked with a faint smile.

“Sister Zeng, is your Jiang Asheng here?” Jiang Yuyan asked with a smile.

“Jiang Asheng, he took over an errand job and hasn’t come back yet. What’s wrong? Yuyan, do you have any work for him to do?” The woman named Zeng Jing asked with a smile.

“Well, there is indeed something I want to entrust to your family, Jiang Asheng.” Jiang Yuyan nodded.

“Is the matter urgent? If it’s not urgent, you can wait for him to come back.” Zeng Jing asked.

“It’s not too urgent. Jiang Asheng has been running errands in Nanjing and is very familiar with Nanjing. As for me, I want to find a friend, but I don’t know where he lives now, so I want to ask your Jiang Asheng for help. Ask around, and if you find out the whereabouts of the other party, I can give you one tael of silver as reward.”

“Looking for someone, there shouldn’t be any problem with this. After all, Jiang Asheng is indeed very familiar with Nanjing City.” Zeng Jing nodded, with a seemingly happy smile on his face.

After all, Jiang Yuyan actually paid one tael of silver for her job of finding people. One tael of silver is not a small amount for an ordinary family. For families like Zeng Jing and Jiang Asheng, they can receive enough remuneration. It’s a job worth a tael of silver, so it’s not surprising that you’re not happy.

“That’s great. Sister Zeng, when Jiang Asheng comes back, tell him that the person I want came to Nanjing yesterday. He should be very handsome, and there are six other beautiful-looking people beside him. Girls, the youngest of them should be only twelve or thirteen years old.” Jiang Yuyan told the information she knew.

“The man who came to Nanjing just yesterday is accompanied by six beautiful girls?” Zeng Jing repeated.


“Then, what’s his name?”

“I don’t know about this yet. But a handsome boy bringing six beautiful girls into the city should be very conspicuous. It shouldn’t be difficult to find him.”

“That’s it, okay, when Jiang Asheng comes back, I will tell him about finding someone.” Zeng Jing nodded.

“Then I’ll trouble Sister Zeng.” Jiang Yuyan smiled. After explaining the matter, she was going to wait for the news.

“Nanjing City.” Li Xunhuan and Tie Chuanjia, who were driving the carriage, looked at the city gate in front of them and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Uncle Li, have you arrived in Nanjing City?” Long Xiaoyun’s voice came from the carriage compartment.

“Well, Xiaoyun and Shiyin have arrived in Nanjing City.” Li Xunhuan nodded.

When he thought of Lin Shiyin sitting in the compartment of his carriage, Li Xunhuan’s mood was very complicated, and he even felt a little secretly happy. It would be even worse if there was no iron armor and no Long Xiaoyun on this carriage. alright.

“Then let’s go to the city. After entering the city, we will directly inquire about the whereabouts of Rama’s body.” Long Xiaoyun said impatiently.

“Xiaoyun, don’t be so anxious. There are probably some hiding masters in Nanjing. After all, Rama’s body itself is very attractive to people in the world. We still have to be careful, in case we collide with something. Master, I’m just afraid of——” Lin Shiyin’s soft voice sounded in the carriage, but Lin Shiyin warned Long Xiaoyun again.

“I know, I know, I know.” Long Xiaoyun said impatiently.

“Oh, Xiaoyun, you—” Lin Shiyin’s voice was filled with helplessness.

“Don’t worry, Shiyin, I will protect Xiaoyun well.” Li Xunhuan promised at this time.

“…Thank you.” Lin Shiyin replied after being silent for a while.

As for Long Xiaoyun in the carriage, listening to Li Xunhuan always wanting to talk to his mother, his eyes couldn’t help but sparkle with viciousness and cruelty.

If it weren’t for the fact that he now needed Li Xunhuan to help him snatch Rama’s body, he would definitely find a way to cut Li Xunhuan into pieces.

Not to mention that Li Xun Huan took action to destroy him, just after Li Xun Huan appeared, there was a rift in his family, and there was a conflict between his father and mother. For this reason alone, Long Xiaoyun would not let Li Xunhuan live.

“Drive!” Li Xunhuan’s spirit was slightly lifted, and he directly set up the carriage and walked into the city of Nanjing.

Tie Chuanjia, who was sitting next to Li Xunhuan, looked a little helpless. After his young master saw Lin Shiyin, no, to be precise, he had been acting a little strange since he returned to the Ming Dynasty. Now. It just gets weirder.

“Master, this is information about Rama’s body. The lower half of Rama’s body is in the hands of Zhang Dajing, and the upper half of Rama’s body is said to be related to the black stone killer Xiaoyu, but Xiaoyu later disappeared. Until now, no one can find where she is hiding. However, Kongtong Double Sword seems to have obtained the upper half of Rama’s body, but I don’t know whether this news is true or false.” Yu Lianzhou, a disciple of Wudang Sect, said to a man with white hair and beard. Said the old Taoist priest who was wearing a clean Taoist robe but gave off a sloppy look.

“The two swords of Kongtong, I’m afraid the body of Rama in their hands may not be real.” The sloppy old Taoist priest is none other than Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of the Wudang Sect.

And Zhang Sanfeng did come here for Rama’s inner strength, and for the injury of his third disciple Yu Daiyan.

As early as ten years ago, Yu Daiyan was assassinated. At that time, Zhang Sanfeng was not in the same state as he is now. Even if he tried his best, he could only maintain Yu Daiyan’s life.


Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Zongwu: Taking a peek at my diary, my wife collapsed

Status: Completed Author:


People in mixed martial arts can become stronger by writing a diary every day.
Set a small goal and work hard until you become the best in the world.
Only gradually did he realize that something was wrong.
Girls kept appearing in front of him one after another, and even the girls' personalities gradually collapsed...


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